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July 16, 1965 - Image 1

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Si i& au


Chance of scattered thunder
showers Saturday

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXV, No. 48-S










Suggests Rusk for UN

First Close-up

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - Rep. Gerald
Ford (R-Grand Rapids), the
House minority leader, said yes-
terday he believed that Secretary
of State Dean Rusk was "the
man who could best carry on" the
policies of the Johnson adminis-
tration "with the total confidence
of the President" as the next
United States ambassador to the
United Nations.
Ford, speaking in the Capital to
a group of University students
working as summer interns here,
said he had "no way of knowing

whom President Lyndon B. John- There was also speculation that
son would appoint to the post to Stevenson was dissatisfied with
succeed Adlai E. Stevenson, who working in a position that involved
died in London Wednesday. defending policy rather than mak-

Picture of Mars



There has been speculation here
that Stevenson was dissatisfied, or
at least restless, with his job. He
is reported to have indicated mis-
givings recently to friends and re-
porters about the U.S. interven-
tion in the Dominican Republic
and his shock at not being con-
sulted on or informed about the
U.S.-supported invasion of Cuba in
1961 until after he had begun de-
fending the U.S. in the UN Se-
curity Council.

Republican Leaders Want
To Be Asked about Asia
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-At the same time as U.S. authorities announced tighter
security measures on correspondents covering the war here, Republi-
can congressional leaders in Washington said yesterday that they
want to be consulted-or at least told-in advance of important
decisions about Viet Nam.
Security also marked the political side of the war:
U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and newly-ap-

Ford seemed to refer to this
view - and the one that Rusk
might be the next UN ambassador
-when he said: "Having observed
both of them, I suspect that, as
opposed to former President John
F. Kennedy, Johnson makes many
more decisions on his own."
Secondary Role
Ford's reference to Rusk was
believed to reflect a feeling by
some observers here that the sec-
retary of state has tended to ac-
commodate himself to the views
of the President and has taken a
role markedly secondary to him in
Ford also discussed his activi-
ties as leader of the House Re-
publicans, saying that the fre-
quent pro-administration votes of
liberal Republicans has "not been
frustrating to thedleadership at
all" in its avowed attempt to
evolve constructive alternatives to
administration proposals.
He said the leadership had
made a study of major House votes
which showed that 95 per cent of
all House Republicans usually vot-

pointed Ambassador Henry Cabot
more troops should be sent here,
Predict Rise
In _Number
Of Call-ups
By The Associated Press
Chiefs of Staff are understood to
have recommended that United
States troop strength be boosted
from the present 75,000 to 179,000
by the year's end, a Selective
Service spokesman said yesterday.
However, if a decision is made
to expand draft calls, Selective
Service can "deliver all the men
the armed services could accept"
in the first months of any buildup,
he said.
"We can handle, without any
difficulty, a situation calling for
even larger draft calls than the
buildup in 1961-62 during the
Berlin crisis, when the monthly
calls reached 25,000 and were at
the. 20,000 level a couple of
months," the Selective Service
spokesman said.
Further Commitments
Both President Lyndon B. John-
son and Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara have indi-
cated that any further substantial
troop commitments to South Viet
Nam might result in expansion of
the draft and the call-up of some
McNamara is now on a mission
to Saigon to study manpower
needs there. He has said deci-
sions will be made on his return.
The August draft call is for
16,500 men, as compared with a
July quota of 17,100. Other recent
monthly calls have been 17,000 in
June, 15,000 in May, 13,700 in
April and 7,900 in March.
No Indication
The Selective Service spokes-
man said there has been no indi-
cation of how many men the de-
fense department will seek in
He gave this summary of the
draft manpower situation as of
the end of May.

Lodge, arriving to decide whether ed together while only 75 per cent
were met by hundreds of security of House Democrats did.
-troops at the Saigon airport More Democrats
uarding against reported bomb . "Of course, the problem for us
isthat there are always so many
plots; more Democrats than Republicans
Secrecy j that it doesn't make any differ-

And in Moscow, Diplomat Ave-
rill W. Harriman, after a secret
three-hour meeting with Soviet
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin, said
he. had some "significant infor-
mation" for President Lyndon B.
Johnson, but refused to disclose it.
The Republican congressional
leaders talked at length again yes-
terday about Johnson's course in
Viet Nam and said, in effect, they
support him but want to be con-
sulted in advance of events.
In particular, Sen. Everett M:
Dirksen of Illinois and Rep. Ger-
ald R. Ford of Michigan made
clear they want to be asked, or at
least told, about a call-up of re-
serves or any large-scale commit-
ment of troops beyond limits al-
ready indicated by the adminis-
Both Dirksen and Ford were
emphatic in their assertions that
the Republican leadership should
be consulted if there is any policy
change which would commit great
additional members of troops to a
ground war, or a decision to call
up the reserves.
"It is possible there might be
an announcement of a policy
change," Dirksen said. "Let's have
a meeting with the joint Demo-
cratic - Republican leadership in
that event. If there is to be a
large-scale involvement, Republi-
cans should be consulted. We
should be advised."
Dirksen said reports of an im-
minent call-up of reserves has
"not been discussed with us."
The new restrictions on casual-
ty reports in the Vietnamese war
were announced yesterday by U.S.
authorities, who said the regula-
tions were in the interest of mil-
itary security.
The announcement said casual-
ties will be announced as weekly
totals, but there will be no identi-
fication by units.
In addition to clamping down
on casualty reports, the announce-
ment said troop movements will
not be announced or confirmed
"until such time as military eval-
uation determines such informa-
tion is clearly in the possession of
the Viet Cong."

ence," Ford admitted. But he de-
nied that liberal Republicans, in-
cluding Rep. John V. Lindsay (R-
NY) had hurt his attempt to pre-
sent legislativehand philosophical
alternatives to the administra-
tion's great society program.
Referring to the 208-202 vote-
the closest yet for the President's
program - against recommitting
the administration controversial
rent supplement plan, in which
four liberal New York Republicans,
IncludingLindsay, voted with the
Democratic majority, Ford said
that "there was not really only a
six vote margin" on the tally.
Votes Waiting
The administration, Ford de-
clared, had a sizable number of
southern Democrats waiting off
the floor -of the House to see if
their votes would be needed to
save the supplement plan. When
it became evident that they were
not, Ford said, the administration
released the group to vote against
the section to satisfy their con-
servative constituents.
He added that nearly 40 House
Democrats had changed their
minds only after intense White
House persuasian to reverse their
position and vote not to cut off
the last of an agricultural air
shipment to Egypt.
Contrasted with this, Ford said,
"we got a 100 per sent 'no' vote
from House Republicans."
Ask UN Action
In Latin Feud
Dominican rebels asked yesterday
for a meeting of the United Na-
tions Security Council to act
against joint patrolling by inter-
American troops and junta police
in Santo Domingo.
Ruben Brache, the rebel spokes-
man here, told a reporter he made
the request orally to the council
president, Platon D. Morozov of
the Soviet Union and his foreign
minister, Jottin Cury, had cabled
Secretary-General U Thant. I

-Associated Press
THIS IS A COPY OF THE FIRST PHOTOGRAPH FROM MARS which was sent back from the Mariner 4 yesterday. The white area is
believed to be scattered light in the camera. The photo did not show anything of the "canals." The picture does, however, show dark
areas which could be due to depressions or protrusions from the surface of Mars. Because of the sharp edge of the photograph,
scientists believe there are no high mountain ranges on Mars.
Union To Ask Pay Hike In Labor Drive

In response to a drastic shortage for Plum
of construction workers, at least Local 24
one local trade union is planning Michigan
to ask the Washtenaw County Council,
Contractors Association to re- he will a:
open an existing work contract associatio
and insert a 50 cent-an-hour pay "try to ft
raise, the Ann Arbor News re- power she
ported yesterday. Wheat]
Yesterday, the News revealed will send
that the University, having plan- tion ask
ned on about $119 million in board 50
buildings, was running into a crease th
shortage of skilled trades workers about ev
that was forcing it to offer worker and woul
housing and to advertise for more manpowe
workers. The Ui
One local contractor said that nesday t
his company is "short in every to help su
trade." ed to con
Needs widesprea
"We need three times as many cilities.'
trade workers in Ann Arbor as worker h
we have." programs
The contractor said he was Universit
afraid that "a lot of projects will have mor
be cancelled" because of high
costs caused by the labor shortage, Some j
and by increased overtime and few bidd
overhead caused by job delays. shortagei
"I can see that some jobs con- uation is
tracted for six months ago and the opini
normally taking two years to com- and contr
plete might take three years to The co
finish," the contractor said. remain a
Last week, James F. Brinker- overtime
hoff, director of the University workers
plant department, revealed that the manj
already the University is short that long
over 150 workers on projects now reduce t
being constructed. workers a
Solutions getting p
Jack Wheatley, business agent schedule.

nbers and Steam Fitters
7 and president of the
State Building Trades
was reported as saying
sk the county contractors
on to meet with him to
Ind solutions to the man-
ley said that Local 247
a letter to the associa-
ing for an across-the-
0-cents-an-hour pay in-
hat would "bring us just
en with the Detroit scale
d be an incentive to lure
r into the area."
niversity appealed Wed-
o the local trade unions
pply the manpower need-
mplete the ambitious and
ad program of new fa-
The announcement of
housing and advertising
indicate the need which
y planners foresee to
e workers.
Dim Prospects
obs, the News said, have
ders because the labor
is so serious; and the sit-
likely to get worse, .in
ion of both the unions
ntractor-who wished to
anonymous - said that
pay for construction
"is not the answer" to
power shortage. He said
g hours and hard work
;he effectiveness of the
and do little in terms of
articular jobs done on

The contractor called on area
unions to study and identify those
areas where there were more con-
struction workers than were need-
ed and then offer them induce-
ments such as travel pay and
housing to get them here and help
relieve the shortage.
The contractor also favored a
40-hour week and union programs
to get their present manpower to
"work more efficiently and not
kill the goose (new construction)
that lays the golden eggs."
Wheatley blamed contractors'
"tight pocketbook policies" for
helping to create the labor short-
age, declaring:
"Their policies have come back
to haunt them."
Wheatley said there is not a
single trade union in Washtenaw

County which has as high a pay'
scale as similar unions in the
Detroit area.
Wheatley argued that, since
Ann Arbor is the second highest-
cost city in the United States and
since it is one of two of the fast-
est growing cities in the country,
wages should be higher.
"On this basis, if the contrac-
tors paid the building trades what'
they should be paid, we'd have as
high a scale as anyone in the
country," Wheatley said.
He recalled planning involved
between himself and Brinkerhoff
and said:
"We know that without con-
sidering any other construction,
the University has enough work to
keep all the local trade unions
busy for at least two years.

Photo Shows
Desert Area
Later Results Will
Improve as Probe
Draws Nearer Mars
PASADENA, Calif. (IP)-Mariner
4's first close-up photo of Mars
shows a bright desert north of
the planet's equator.
"We have no way of knowing
exactly what area is shown," Dr.
R. B. Leighton, who is connected
with the project said. But he add-
ed that data indicates the north-
south photo tract will probably
show portions of Desert Dephyria,
the dark areas of Atlantis and
Mare Serenum and the Desert
Phaethontis-all names given to
the areas of Martian terrain.
Leighton said new trajectory
figures indicated the camera track
was slightly to the right of the
originally planned trace.
He said this would place the
camera's field of view somewhat
to the right.
The picture was taken from an
altitude of 10,500 miles and show-
ed an area about 200 miles square.
No Evidence
The picture showed no evidence
of the famed "canals" which some
astronomers say they have seen.
However, the picture did show
some smudges apparent in the
bright desert area. There was one
long, dark smudge that ran from
30 to 50 miles long. It was hy-
pothesized that the smudge could
be either a prominence or a de-
An enlargement of the first
frame showed the Desert Elysium
as a vast area surrounded by
small hills and wide, dark
Dr. R. B. Leighton, describing
the first photo at a news confer-
ence last riight at the Jet Pro-
pulsion Laboratory, said scientists
expect to have difficulties with
the Mariner pictures for several
-"Mars has a flat, low-con-
trast surface, which is difficult to
-"The side of Mars we are
observing is considered to be one
of the most difficult for seeing
-"The camera has a certain
amount of fog in it-reducing the
contrast. This will render pictures
somewhat more difficult in the
processing stage;" and
-Several of the camera's scan
lines have failed somehow, caus-
ing streaks across the frame.
Last One Taken
The picture was taken Wednes-
day night as Mariner 4 whizzed by
Mars in the climax of its historic
photo mission. It was recorded
on tape, then sent to Earth in an
8-hour transmission yesterday.
Experts hope a total of 20 pic-
tures will be received over a 10-
day period, with the shots getting
progressively better due to closer
proximity to the planet and an
improving camera angle.
Mariner's best shots should be
100 times better than those taken
through Earth telescopes, and
should show objects as small as
12 miles across.
Non-Photographic Finding
Earlier, a panel of scientists re-
ported on some of Mariner 4's
non-photographic findings. They
said that instruments indicated
that it has almost no magnetic

Due to this weak field, it has
not trapped a ring of intense rad-
iation from the Sun, as Earth's
strong field has.
Due to Mars' thin atmosphere-
which doesn't screen out solar and
outer space radiation. as Earth's
thick blanket of air does-radio-
active particles bombard t h e
Earth and create a high level of
background radioactivity.
Not Severe
Even so, there is no indication
that radiation is severe enough to
be a hazard to man.
Radiation, or lack of it, is a
vital factor in space exploration.
It can harm both electronic in-
struments and humans. Its pres-
ence caea r,, .a .vc alia



Outline Future Uses of
Jones School Building
Besides assuring that some of the students at Jones School would
be transferred to Bach School, by a vote of 7-1 at a meeting recently,
the Ann Arbor Board of Education also outlined future plans for
the use of the Jones School building.
The decision on Bach school was in response to charges made
by Mrs. Emma Wheeler, president of the local chapter of the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People, that transferring

Negroes from Jones School would


African Apartheid-Separation or Suppression?

Two South Africans squared off yesterday on the controversial
problem of South African racial policy, in a debate-discussion
sponsored by the University Activity Center.
One, Richard Moll, a South African presently attending George
Washington University in Washington, D.C., advocated a modified
policy of racial separation, similar to the status quo.
The other, Prof. Eric Krystal of the University's Center for
Research on Conflict Resolution, asked for an international boycott
to force South Africa to remove its present apartheid policy.
Many Things Wrong
"I realize that many things are wrong in South Africa," Moll'
told an outdoor audience of about sixty. "But there is still a
situation at home which must be dealt with realistically."
He said that doing away with separation between the separate
Sraco in South Afriea-the whites and the Bantu-would hurt both

Disagreement between the two centered on the nature of apart-
heid as a South African racial policy.
Flexible Policy
Moll explained that he was advocating a flexible policy of+
separate development for two culturally separate races. "I am talking
about an honest separate development policy, not a policy of keeping
the Negroes under submission as it has sometimes been." He said
that since 1948, apartheid policy has become more and more flexible.
Krystal disagreed, saying that apartheid was not flexible, that
opposition has continually been "stilled" in political quarrels and
tha the Bantu still continue to have an average income one-
twe itieth of the whites' average income in the system of "mad
"The white people in South Africa," Krystal said, "have reached
the point where they feel they can ignore world opinion."
Workable and Fair

create a racial imbalance in Bach
The Citizens' Advisory Commit-
tee on Special Projects, however,
told the board June 30 that
it saw no evidence that such a
situation would occur.
Result of Recommendation
The decisidn to use the Jones
School building was the result of
recommendations by school Supt.
Jack Elzay.
1Recommendations of these ac-
tivities include the transfer of the
preschool program to a larger
room; preservation of the total
auditorium and one classroom for
a library-study, tutorial center;
reservation of the gymnasium and
shower-locker area for day-
evening recreation programs; ren-
tal of 6000 square feet of floor
space to accommodate storeroom
supply requirements; housing of
the district's coordinator of special
projects and his staff and offices
for federal programs at Jones.

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