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July 13, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-13

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See Editorial Page

:Yl r e

gilt A6


Humid with chance
of scattered showers

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Balionid eie y
Criticized D *



WASHINGTON (P - Republi- I)
cans accused President Lyndon B.
Johnson' yesterday of shelving a
proposal for sharing of federal
revenues with the states because
of "personal peevishness.' I
The Republican Governors As~- R 1:


ing. Tuition Rate

The Surprise Nominee

SOLDIERS OF THE First Infantry Division land at Cam Ranh Bay in South Vi
the vanguard of 3,900 men who will comprise the first large force of combat infant
miles northeast of Saigon.
Washington-, Moscow
Plant~ More Viet N,-am

sociation and the Ripon society, a
GOP policy research group, called
in a joint statement fot revival of
the plan for the federal govern-
ment to give states a share of its
revenue without strings.
This idea, the Republicans said,
was endorsed by both Johnson aid
Barry Goldwater, the GOP piesi-
: <.dential nominee, in the 19b6 presi-
-Associated Press dential campaign.
About Face
et Nam yesterday, "For a while it seemed as though
ryman ashore 180 everyone was for it," the GOP re-
port said. "But . . . in mid-Decem-
ber the President did a bristling
about face. He was irritated, he
o tl reporters at a background
conference, because the fayorable
recommendations of the (Joseph)
Pechman Task Force had been
leaked to certain newspapers.
PI"He was annoyed because the
Hlleak had generated criticism.
Angrily, and without any refer-
ence to its merits, he shelved the
al battles are anti- proposal-its widespread support
r than the hit-and- notwithstanding."
and the sometimes The report noted that GOP
h and destroy' pa- Gov. Robert E. Smylie of Idaho
ent days." announced in March that the gov-
cow, the Soviet Un- ernors had asked the President to
d it has pledged ad- permit a new study of the plan.
ry and economic aid Federal Monies'

NEW YORK W) - When the
late John F. Kennedy offered
Lyndon B. Johnson the place of
vice president on the 1960 Demo-
cratic ticket, Kennedy didn't
think Johnson w o u1 d accept,
didn't think Johnson wanted it
and was nearly correct, historian
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. report-
ed yesterday.
Schlesinger was Kennedy's spe-
cial assistant while the late Pres-
ident was in the White House.
His account in. "Life" magazine
was part of his forthcoming book,
"A Thousand Days: John F. Ken-
nedy in the White House."
To Restore Relations
Kennedy, Schlesinger wrote, of-
fered the second spot to Johnson
"because he thought it imperative
to restore relations with the Sen-
ate leader (Johnson)."
"News of this offer, Kennedy
hoped, would reunite the Demo-
crats, please the older generation
of professionals, improve t h e
ticket's chances in the South and
lay the basis for future collabora-
tion with Johnson," the historiani
added. "He was certain there was
practically no chance that John-
son would accept."
Johnson had, in fact, been ad-
vised by close friends and aides
including his wife and the late
House speaker, Sam Rayburn, not
to take the offer if it came, Sch-
lesinger said.
And the historian added that

V !

By The Associated Press


WASHINGTON - There were
indications yesterday by both the
Soviet Union and the United
States that each would raise its
commitment to the two countries
of South and North Viet Nam.
The New York Times quoted re-
ports that reserve forces may be
called up soon and that present
American forces in or on the way
to South Viet Nam number be-
tween 1 00,000 and 50,000 far
On Asia War
SStill Unsure
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-Negotiations by two
diplomats-an Amercan in Mos-
cow and a Briton in Hanoi-left
question marks on the future of
the Viet Nam conflict as fight-
ing continued yesterday.
In London, Prime Minister Har-
old Wilson announced that his
peace envoy in Hanoi - Deputy
Pensions Minister Harold Davies-
has had seven hours of talks with
leaders of North Viet Nam's
Fatherland Front.
The Fatherland Front includes
the North Vietnamese Communist
Party (Lao Dong), representatives
of economic and religious groups
and of the country's tame Demo-
cratic and Socialist Parties, which
claim to speak for the business
an d intellectual communities.
Formed in 1955, the Front serves
the purpose of giving the Hanoi I
regime a broader base than the
Commnunist Party alone.
British Stand
"To judge from the first re-
port I have had," the prime mm-
ister told the House of Commons,
"the Hanoi authorities are in no
doubt whatsoever about the posi-
tion of the British government
(regarding the Viet Nam war) ."
Wilson was answering opposi-
tion Conservative party criticism
that the North Vietnamese might
exploit Davies' leftwing.views and
background to distort the posi-
tion of the British government.
W. Averell Harriman, the lead-
ing U.S. expert on negotiating
with the Russians, arrived in Mos-
cow last night and informed Asian
sources said they believed some-
thing was afoot on Viet Nam.
Secret Activity
These sources, who were in
touch with the top Soviet leader-
ship late last week, said secret
diplomatic activity seems to be un-
der way.
Over the weekend Soviet lead-
ers omitted from speeches the kind
of condemnation of U.S. policies,
in Viet Nam and support for Ha-
noi's demands that they repeated-
ly voiced before.
Then Harriman arrived on what
was officially labeled a vacation,
Harriman said he would not
raise the subject of Viet Nam in
meetings with Kremlin leaders.
But, he added, he is prepared to
discuss Viet Nam if the Russians
raise it.
U.S. embassy sources said Har-
riman probably will meet, "at least
for courtesy calls," Communist

jver the announced goal of 75 000.
And the Kremlin yesterday an-
nounced that Soviet military and
economic aid to North Viet Nam
would also be raised to help in
"the Vietnamese people's struggle
against the aggression of Ameri-
can imperialists."
The Times said that many high-
ranking military officers and con-
gressmen feel a limited call-up of
reserves will soon be necessary to
carry on the war in Viet Nam.
A story by the Times' military
expert, Hanson W. Baldwin, said
a sizeable increase in the 1966 de-
fense budget also will be needed.
He described the anticipated
increase in financial and man-
power requirements as a part of
"preparations for a larger war
role" by the United States.
The story cited indications by
President Lyndon B. Johnson that
the U.S. commitment in Viet Nam
"would have to go well beyond the
present publicly announced goal
of 75,000," and added:
"In fact, officers say, forces
already in Viet Nam, plus those
on the way or programmed, would
bring the total of United States
ground troops in South Viet Nam
to somewhere between 100,000
and 150,000."
listing the various military un-1
its already there or due to go
there, the report says:

cipated rathe
run ambushes
aimless 'searc
trolling of rec
And in Mos
ion announce
ditional milita


to North Viet Nam. "They were told that the idea
The announcement did not give was under review in the Bureau
details but indicated the military of the Budget," the GOP report
aid might include additional hard- said. "The Republican Governors'
ware to resist the continuing U.S. Association and Ripon society
air tries aaint Noth ietsupport the revenue sharing pro-
strikes against North Viet posal.
Nam. "We believe that the idea
The Soviet announcement came should be judged on its merits
in a communique released by the and not removed from the realm
official news agency Tass on talks of public discussions oecause of
last week between Soviet officials personal peevishness on the part
and a North Vietnamese delega- of the President. . ." the report
tion led by Deputy Premier Le said.
Thanh Nghi. It said the aid The Republican report said the
agreement was concluded Satur- states face a financing crisis be-
day. cause "almost every imaginable
The agreement was simultan- tax resource has already be n sub-
eously announced by radio Hanoi. jected to increasing and often ur-
The Soviet Union has repeated- desirable pressures." The cone-
ly said it would provide "the nec- quences, it said, have been a fi-
essary aid" to North Viet Nam for nancial squeeze and "an enormous
its defense. Beginning last month, increase in state and local debt."
Soviet leaders spoke of increasing To meet this, it said the states
their military aid to Hanoi. must be returned some of the
The volume of aid has never revenues the federal government
been disclosed. The United States collects.
has reported sighting five anti- GOP leaders have always claim-
aircraft missile sites near Hanoi ed that Johnson has allowed his
and ships recently have been personal emotions to play a large
arriving at Haipong that could part in the "image" of his admin-
have carried weapons. istration.

Democratic Liberals threatened;
a floor fight at the convention if
Johnson formally accepted the
nomination, Schlesinger reported,
and Kennedy was told that Lib-
eral and Labor leaders feared they
could not keep their people in
Kennedy's Decision
But a Kennedy aide told the
presidential nominee that South-


Kennedy, after deciding on the ern gains would more than off-
night of his own nomination to set Liberal losses and added that
make the offer, found the decision it was too late for any change of
unpopular with many other Demo- mind, Schlesinger reported.
ra'ts h These included his brother.

CIC To Study AID Program

GdZ. la 1GU G ,1 lum ,
Robert, who was heard to com-
ment when the episode was over,
"My God, this wouldn't have hap-'
pen;d except that we were all tooj
tired last night."
Tn writing of Johnson's think-
ing about the vice presidential
offer Schlesinger said: 4 '
"Whoever won the election, the
post of Senate leader would be
very different under Kennedy or
Nixoni from what it had been un-
der Eisenhower.
Probable Power Loss
"Johnson could hardly expect
to retain the power he had ex-
erted with such relish and skill
in the late 1950s. Beyond this,
Johnson had long wanted to be a
national and not a sectional po-
litical figure. Now he saw what
might be a last chance to break
out of the Texas trap and become
a national leader.
"He doubtless saw, too, a chance
to save the South from growing
bitterness and isolation by lead-
ing it back into the Democratic
Party and the national. consen-
This line of thought made it
clear to Kennedy on his first
meeting with Johnson that he had
found a vice president whether he
liked it or not, Schlesinger said.
'He Wants It!'
"Kennedy returned to his own
suite in a state of considerable
! bafflement," Schlesinger said.
S"'You just won't believe it,' lie
said, '. . . he wants it!' "
Soon after that, the repercus-
sions began:

Schlesinger also indicated that$
much of the indecision that pre-
ceded Johnson's acceptance of the
vice presidential position stemmed
from Johnson's disappointment at
not being named to the top spot
by the convention, and by what
could be construed as dislike for
the more youthful Kennedy.
Before the convention, Schles-
inger wrote, there had been al
meeting between Johnson and
Adlai E. Stevenson during which
Johnson was reported as telling
Stevenson that he could not stand
"to be pushed around by a 42-
year-old kid."
Such a statement, Schlesinger
indicated, could have bothered
Kennedy at the time; he was
sensitive to remarks about his
The turning point came in Ken-
nedy's feelings about himself,

Schlesinger said, in mid-Septem-
ber of 1960, after the first televi-
sion debate with Nixon.
He said he was told later that
Kennedy, "calling Jacqueline after
the broadcast, could not supress
his delight. The issue of his im-
maturity had been eliminated
from the campaign in one stroke."
From that point on, Schlesinger
indicated, personality attacks on
Kennedy never bothered him ser-
iously again.
On Nov. 3, 1964, 11 months and
12 days after he was hastily sworn
in as 36th.President of the United
States to succeed the slain Ken-
nedy, he was elected to a four
year term of his own. He won the
greatest vote majority ever accord-
ed a presidential candidate and he
carried into office with him the
biggest party majorities in Con-
gress since the election of 1936.
In his crushing defeat of his
Republican opponent, U.S. Senator
Barry Goldwater of Arizona, John-
son won some 61 per cent of the
vote. His electoral vote of 482 to
56 for Goldwater was second to
that of Franklin D. Roosevelt's
record of 523-8 over Alf M. Lan-
don, the Republican presidential
nominee, in 1936.
Roosevelt lost only the states of
Maine and Vermont, whereas
Johnson lost Alabama, Georgia,
Louisiana, Mississippi, South Car-
olina and Arizona.

Asks 'U'Aid
For Fiscal
Romney Defends
Regental Option;
Orlebeke Concurs
State Democratic Chairman Zol-
;on Ferency yesterday blasted the
Jniversity Regents for approving
"shocking and appalling" tuition
ike last Friday and urged Uni-
ersity administrators to support
iscal reform as a better way to
ight the financial problems fac-
ing higher education.
Reacting to Ferency's state-
nent, Gov. George Romney at a
press conference yesterday de-
fended the right of the University
administration to approve the fee
Romney's assistant, Charles Or-
lebeke, added that the Republi-
cans found the fee increase
"neither shocking nor appalling
and completely within the juris-
diction of the University Regents."
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher declined to comment on
Ferency's charges. State Board of
Education Chairman T h o m a s
Brennan indicated that there was
a strong possibility that the Uni-
versity's tuition hike and Feren-
cy's statement would be discussed
this Wednesday at a board meet-
Ferency Statement
Ferency claimed that the "near-
ly 25 per cent increase in tuition
rates adopted by the University
Regents just 60 days before the
beginning of the fall semester is
both shocking and appalling."
"What makes this completely
unexpected and unacceptable ac-
tion even more incredible," he said,
"is the fact that it follows close-
ly upon the heels of the largest
appropriation granted to the Uni-
versity by the state and federal
government in recent years."
Ferency asserted "this new $3.5
million burden will have the ef-
fect of closing college doors to
an even greater number of young-
sters seeking a better education."
Added Funds
According to University Execu
tive Vice-President Marvin Nie-
huss, the increase yielded an ad-
ditional gross revenue of $1.75 mil-
lion of which $250,000 was to be
used by the Office of Financial
Aids to help needy students meet
the added expenses.
Ferency said "the . fact that
higher education in Michigan is
facing a growing financial crisis
is undisputed, but dipping once
more into the threadbare pockets
of needy students is not the an-
swer to the problem."
According to Ferency "What is
needed is greater revenue for all
of our institutions of higher learn-
ing through tax reform based on
the ability to pay,"
He then scored the Regents and
Hatcher for not publicly speak-
ing out supporting fiscal reform
The state party chairman said
he believes that as a well known
public servant Hatcher should
have been advocating a restructur-
ing of the state's financial system
instead of "meeting in closed ses-
sion planning a tuition hike."
No Information
Ferency claimed that Universi-
ty officials had not informed
Democratic party leaders that
there would be a tuition hike if
the Legislature's $51.2 million ap-
propriation went into effect.
"I did not even know it was
under consideration," Ferency said.
He added' "Rather than going to

the well one more time and in-
creasing tuition, the better ap-
proach would have been for re-
sponsible officials to have sought
the more basic solution to higher
education's financial problems."
On the other hand, Orlebeke
said that although Romney be-
lieves "the long term support of
higher education depends on fiscal
reform, we (Republicans) have no
strong feeling pro or con on the
tuition hike."
Have Rights

The Agency for International
Development yesterday announced,
a $1.8 million contract to the
Committee on Institutional Co-
operation to study agricultural
education and research programs
in foreign countries.
The University is a CIC mem-
ber, but whether it will partici-
pate in the program is somewhat
doubtful, Prof. Lee R. Martin of
the natural resources school, a
project adviser, said.
AID has encouraged the devel-
opment of institutions for agri-
cultural education and research in
the lesser-developed countries as
a major element in its foreign
assistance program.
Over the past 15 years, approxi-
mately 35 U.S. universities have
assisted more than 50 foreign in-
stitutions in more than 30 coun-
tries. These projects have involved
U.S. foreign assistance fund
obligations of more than $85
million and substantial invest-
ments by the aid-receiving coun-
AID is now interested in in-
vestigating its own program.
According to Martin, research
will attempt to answer such ques-
tions as what effect do these
programs have on the nation in-
He pointed out that in some
nations these programs created
negligible results. The research
would be aimed at finding out
whether the problem lay in the
country being developed, the uni-
versity conducting the program or

of AID's agricultural program.I Research on this project will
Martin pointed out that the ul- be carried out by faculty members
timate goal of AID's program is to of member universities in the CIC.
allow nations to double or tripler

their agricultural output.

Researchers, however, would not
be able to measure this since the
programs, in most cases, started
only a few. years ago, as for ex-
ample, the oldest which started in
Ethiopia in 1948. The researchers,
however, will be able to assess
what had happened to agriculture
in countries since they received
U.S. aid.

Cooperative Effort
The CIC is designed to promote
cooperative efforts among the Big
Ten Universities and the Univer-
sity of Chicago and enable them
to share their resources.
This study is co-sponsored by
AID and the International Rural
Development Subcommittee of the
National Association of State
Universities and Land Grant Col-

Civil Rights Leaders To Ask'
End to Bogalusa Violence
BOGALUSA U)-Two civil rights leaders agreed late yesterday to
recommend their followers abide by a request from the governor for
a 30-day cooling off period in this racially troubled town.
The Negro leaders met with Gov. John McKeithen for 90 minutes
at Baton Rouge after city and state police here turned back an
attempted civil rights march on city hall during the afternoon. Police
said they feared the march might touch off further violence.
McKeithen sent his private plane to Bogalusa to take A. Z.
Young and Robert Hicks, president and vice president, respectively,
<of the Bogalusa Civic and Voters
SLeague, to the capitol.
t Hurting State


Violinist Harth Performs Tonight

Tonight the University Musical Society presents Sidney Harth,
violinist, in the second concert of the summer series.-
Harth will perform the "Sonata in D major" by Nardini, the
"Sonate, Op. 27, No. 3" by Ysaye, Bloch's "Sonata for Violin and
Piano," and the "Sonata, Op. 13" by Faure. In addition, the "Reci-
tative and Arioso" of Luteslawski and "Zegeinerweisen" by Sarasate
will be performed.
Harth began the study of the violin at four years of age, and con-
tinued with advanced study at the Cleveland Institute of Music. He
studied there with Joseph Knitzer, presently of the University's music
Although he has participated in various musical activities rang-
ing from chamber music to conducting, the high point of his career;
as a soloist came in 1957 at the Wieniawski Competition in Warsaw,
There, Harth was acclaimed by audiences and judges alike at the
famed competition for violinists. However, he was nosed out for first
place by a student of Oistrakh, although he still received a bronze

"Governor McKeithen invited
us to meet with him and we have
done this," Young said in a state-
ment on emerging from the gov-
ernor's office. "We are in agree-
ment that the Bogalusa demon-
strations are hurting this state
and are increasing bitterness be-
tween the races. .
"We have agreed to return to
Bogalusa and recommend to our
See Earlier Story, Page 3
people that we will abide by the
governor's request."
Young said he agreed to the
30-day suspension of demonstra-
tions to permit 'an attempt to
settle racial differences "by in-
telligent discussion across the
conference table."
Uses Pickets
Since last spring, the Voters
League has used picketing, march-
es and rallies to demand equal job
opportunities for Negroes and to
protect alleged police brutality. A
Negro deputy sheriff has been

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