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July 08, 1965 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-08

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AY JULY 8, 1965



eY J L Y 8-1 6_T EIC IND A L_ ..E T h E


Santo Domingo Rebels)

Clergy See New Prospects in Pope's U.S. Trip



OAS Patrols'
_ Skirmishes'

AN INTER-AMERICAN military police patrol is inspected by an.
American lieutenant. The patrol is made up of Americans, Costa
Ricans and Hondurans under the Organization of American
States. Blame for a skirmish yesterday between Dominican rebels
and an inter-American force was shunted around by both sides.
Meanwhile, the rebels called for observers from both the OAS and
the United Nations to be posted in the city to stop possible vio-
lations of the cease-fire.
DeGaulle Still Stalls on
common Market Plan
PARIS (P)-President Charles DeGaulle's government yesterday
maintained its empty chair tactics in the Common Market as trouble
S loomed at home and elsewhere in Europe.
DeGaulle called his regular weekly cabinet meeting and govern-
ment officials from the five other Common Market nations awaited
some indication that might point a way out of the week-old impasse.
But after a relatively short cabinet session, the cabinet spokes-
man, Information Minister Alain Peyrefitte, fended off a barrage of"
questions from newsmen by referring them to a cabinet statement


U. of M.
Fellas and Girls
to wea r

'made last week which had said
France would boycott Common
Market meetings for the present.
France contends that its Comr
mon Market partners-West Ger-
many, Italy, Belgium, Holland
and Luxembourg-failed to keep
a promise to establish agricultural
financing provisions for the Cus-
toms Union by June 30. Without
such provisions, the agricultura
chapters of the Rome treaty set-
ting up the Common Market can-
not be realized.
Great strides have been made
on the industrial side of the
Common Market, but farm pro-
gress has been slow. France-the
biggest farming nation among the
six, insists that the agricultura
provisions of the treaty must be
quickly realized.
French officials have tried to
give the impression that France
might go so far as to cancel al
of its relationships with the Comi
mon Market. Most observers fee
that France, with her industry al-
ready committed to the Common
Market, could not completely
abandon the Customs Union.
The French National Farmers
Syndicate was showing increasing
alarm about the freeze on the
Brussels talks.
Syndicate officials were press-
ing for a reopening. French farm-
ers have been looking forward t
expanded markets when farm pro-
ducts can flow freely across bor-
ders of the Common Market na-
To pacify the farmers, Peyre-
fitte said the cabinet had adopted
a number of measures to benefi
them. He did not spell out the
The Union of Industrialists o:
the Common Market also express
ed concern that the Commor
Market would be compromised. I
published a resolution saying there
would be grave consequences i
the Customs Union fell apart.
In Brussels, ministerial depui ie
from West Germany, Italy, Hol
land, Belgium and Luxembouri
met to study a new draft proposa
for financing the market's farrr
program. The proposal is expectec
to reach Common Market capital
by the end of the week. If a
agreement can be reached by th
five countries, France might finc
itself in an uncomfortable spo
if it rejected the proposition.
In Vatican City, the weekl:
Osservatore Della Domenica sai4
DeGaulle had placed France inr
position of intransigeance tha
jeopardized the Common Market.

Start Again
By The Associated Press
outbreak of shooting, with both
rebels and inter-American troops
charging the other side caused it,
the rebel government in this city
asked the United Nations and the
Organization of American States
yesterday to station observers in
thencity to prevent further inci-
Neither the UN mission nor the
OAS committee commented imme-
diately on the proposal. But the
rebels said the OAS had turned
them down.
The plan was disclosed at a
news conference by Col. Juan Lora
Hernandez, the rebel chief of staff.
Lora charged that a series of in-
cidents in the past two days have
endangered the cease-fire and ne-
gotiations for a political settle-
"We have asked for either UN
or OAS observers to be stationed
on our side," he said. "The answer
we received from the OAS was
that it is not necessary. But it is
difficult to localize the origin of
shooting incidents and this would
The most violent flareup since
mid-June broke out along the
western edge of the international
security zone in a sector guarded
by Honduran troops.
Lora charged the Honduram
opened fire on a home owned by
an engineer. He said the Hondur-
ans shouted that they saw twc
men moving in the house.
Lt. Eleuterio Cardona, 26, 01
Honduras, said the rebels openec
fire first from two homes facing
his positions. A spokesman fo
the inter-American force sai
three rebels walking toward the
Honduran positions shot first afte
they were ordered to halt.
The shooting quickly sprea
along a six-block sector of th
front line. For 30 minutes, the
rebels exchanged fire with Bra
zilian, Honduran and Nicaragua
soldiers across a pleasant resi
dential street marking the western
edge of the rebel's downtow
stronghold. It is a street of larg
homes, shade trees and spaciou
lawns. Sandbag emplacement
have been set up on the sidewalks
The shooting ended only afte
the Nicaraguans silenced two rebe
50-caliber machine guns with re
coiless rifle fire. A bullet nicked
Nicaraguan on the cheek. Ther
were no other injuries reported o
either side.
While the Latin soldiers guar
the western front, U.S. paratroop
ers man positions along the edg
of the rest of the rebel zone.
Col. Manuel Augusto Nunez, a:
- aide to Lora, said there had bee
more than one incident in th
last two days involving Lati:
Pravda Blasts
e U.S. Asia Stand
MOSCOW (P)-Pravda calle
0 on the United States again yester
- day to accept North Vietnames
- terms for ending the war i
- Southeast Asia.
The newspaper's "Commenta
- tor" said this meant "discontinu
d ation of the piratic raids o
t American air craft on the terri
e tory of the Democratic Republi
of (North) Viet Nam, discontinu
f ation of American aggression i
- South Viet Nam and the with
n drawal of American troops and !
t those of American allies from th
e country."
f The newspaper said continue
American air raids "reveal one

s again the real worth of the state.
- ments of the leaders of thi
g American government about the:
l willingness to negotiate a 'peac
n settlement' in Viet Nam. . . . I
d the light of continuing American
s aggression the declarations 'abou
n talks' can be interpreted only a
e an effort to camouflage plans fo
d the escalation of war in Viet Nam
t to decieve peoples who are wratl
fully condemning the Americas
y policy of imperialist highway rob
d bery."
a All Soviet newspapers stresses
t that Moscow would continue to in
crease its aid to North Viet Nar

NEW YORK 0P) - American
church leaders hailed the prospect
of a visit this fall by Pope Paul VI
to the United States-and pos-
sibly to the United Nations-as
an opportunity for strengthening
the trend toward closer ties among
It would be the first trip by the
head of Roman Catholicism to
this continent.
The Pope would be "received'
very warmly in America by all
men of good will," said the Rev.
James I. McCord, president of
Princeton Seminary and head of
a United Presbyterian Church-
Unity Commission.
Such a visit, he said, would be
"a dramatic indication not only of
the Vatican's interest in peace,
but also of the new ecumenical
spirit which prevails throughout
all Christendom. today."
Likelihood of the trip, rumored
for nearly a month, has been in-
creasingly indicated by statements
both at the Vatican and the Unit-
ed Nations. Vatican sources have
said the Pope has been invited to
address the UN General Assembly
and may accept.
The Rev. Franklin Clark Fry,
president of the Lutheran Church
in America and chairman of the
Central Committee of the World
Council of Churches, said:
Mutual Acquaintance
"I am confident that Protestant
leaders would gladly respond in
Christian friendship in all ways

open to them during such a visit.
"Anything that furthers mutual
Christian acquaintance a n d
friendship is definitely an asset in
the ecumenical movement."
The Vatican broke weeks of of-
ficial silence recently on published
speculation about such an un-
precedented papal visit to Amer-
ica in a press office communique
which said Pope Paul had express-
ed his appreciation to UN Secre-
tary-General U Thant for the in-
The communique said it is pre-
mature to say when, or whether,
the Pope might go to New York-
but the very fact that the an-
nouncement was made by the Vat-
ican at all was taken as an indi-
cation that the Pope has the trip
under serious consideration. Gen-
eral belief is that he has not defi-
nitely made up his mind, but is
inclined to accept Thant's invita-
There was no indication wheth-
er he would travel in the United
States beyond the UN. One report
here was that he would strictly
limit his invitation to the UN, fly-
ing by helicopter between the UN
building and New York's Kennedy
The Rev. Edwin Espy, a Baptist,
and general secretary of the Na-
tional Council of Churches, which
includes most of the nation's
major Protestant and Orthodox
denominations, said:

POPE PAUL VI (third from left) poses with prelates and Indian officials in Bombay, India, last
December. Present plans call for another trip for the Pope, in which he would visit the United States
-and possibly-the United Nations General Assembly.

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Spokesmen for Britain's Labor government said yes-
terday that Prime Minister Harold Wilson would not resign despite
three staggering defeats in the House of Commons. The spokesmen
said the issue at stake was not considered vital to the government's
Most observers agreed the government had suffered great em-
barrassment and its floor managers in Commons had been outwitted.
The Conservatives apparently had , :.:.,. "::.. .::


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tricked a number of Labor mem-
bers into going home too early.
BALTIMORE - Catholic and
Lutheran theologians yesterday
affirmed together-for the first
times in this country-a commor
definition of the Holy, Trinity
found in the Nicene Creed.
The theologians released this
joint statement after an historic
two-day formal discussion on the
Nicene Creed in a move toward
Christian unity.
home of a civil rights worker for
the Rev. Martin Luther King was
set afire Tuesday night soon after
a white student moved in for the
The fire department said it sus-
pected arson. Witnesses said three
white men drove off in a green
pickup truck shortly before the
blaze started.
Administration announced yester-
day a study of public welfare pro-
grams in six big cities to begin
July 12.
The study, expected to be com-
pleted in October, will be on the
question of how big city depart-
ments of public welfare are deal-
ing with the poor and their prob-
It will be conducted in Phila-
delphia, Atlanta, Cleveland, Min-
neapolis, New Orleans and Los
SELMA, Ala.-Civil rights lead-
ers have rallied to the support of
one of their number, the Rev.
Frederick D. Reese of Selma, who
is charged with embezzling $1,850
from the organization which he
Selma Mayor Joe Smitherman
said that the investigation was
begun only after Negro civil rights
workers complained.
"At this time," Martin Luther
King said, "we have no reason
to doubt either the interest or
the integrity of Mr. Reese."
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Gov.
Edmund G. Brown signed a bill
yesterday requiring textbooks used
in California schools to correctly
portray the role of Negroes and
other minority groups in the his-
tory of the state and nation.
Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally
(D-Los Angeles) authored the
measure, which will become law
in 60 days.
* * *
BERGEN, Norway -The Nor-
wegian Ocean Research Director-
ate has started redioactivity test-
ing of fish from the North Sea.
It announced so much nuclear
material is being dumped there
that the tests are necessary.

clothes in


"An appeal before the United
Nations General Assembly by Pope
Paul VI would be a strong public
testimony to the aspirations of all
Christian peoples for peace on
"At a time when Christians are
drawing closer to one another,
they ought to encourage the people
and nations in every way possible
to discuss their differences."
Reports have indicated that the
trip, of five or six days duration,
would be made when the UN As-
sembly is in progress, and that the
Pope would make a major appeal
for negotiations and disarmament.
"It would certainly represent
the growing Christian dialogue
with the world, and the concern
not merely of Roman Catholics
but of all Christians with the
great issues lying before mankind
of world peace and world hunger,"

said Peter Day, ecumenical officer
of the Episcopal Church.
He added that it also "is to be
hoped" that the trip would re-
inforce steps by the U.S. Catholic
Bishops Ecumenical Affairs Office
for direct conversations between
Roman Catholicism and other
The Rev. John B. Sheerin, edi-
tor of the Catholic World, said
the visit would be an important
manifestation of the Church's
new efforts for "dialogue with
the modern world."
"It means getting to the heart
of peace-keeping," he said. He
said it also was in line with
Schema 13, pending before the
Vatican Council, that called for
greater "opening to the world"
and closer unity with it in service.
Dr. Paul Empie, executive sec-
retary of the National Lutheran

Council, voiced hope that Pope
Paul's agenda would allow for
meeting a "cross-section of church
leaders in America. It would give
further impetus to the fresh un-
derstandings and developing rela-
tionships between Roman Catho-
lics and other Christian churches."
It would be the Pope's third trip
out of Italy. He has visited the
Holy Land and India.
Sometimes called the "apostle
on the move," Pope Paul voiced
the breadth of his outlook in an
address to the Vatican Council
"Let the world know this: the
Church looks at the world with
profound. understanding, with sin-
cere admiration, and with the
sincere intention not of conquer-
ing it, but of serving it, not of
despising it, but of appreciating it,
not of condemning it, but of
strengthening and savilg it."

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F il



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