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July 03, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-03

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Seventy-Fifth Year

: ..

ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AtBo, MicH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Actors Audience
Deserve New Theatre

artistic ability of the organizers of the
Professional Theatre Program, a land-
mark in the American theatre has been
set at the University.
A unique relationship between the As-
sociation of Producing Artists (APA), per-
haps this country's best repertory theatre
group, and the University has brought the
Flts Crime?
AMERICA'S NEWEST choice in Viet
Nam-General Ky--is reported by this
nation's press to have begun to bolster
his image. First, he stopped wearing gay-
ly-colored scarves. Now we learn, he is
not satisfied with a "dignified" look; but
wants to give an "honest" image. He has
threatened to personally shoot any mem-
ber of hais governmnt found engaging in
corrupt practices.
What ill does this latest decree bode
toward us?
Suppose for one minute, that that old
image-maker, Lyndon B. Johnson, tried
to go him one better: shoot anyone who
was accused of corruption?
of wholesale slaughter as official
after official trooped into the newly-
created "Red Room" of the White House,
bravely refused a copy of the New York.
Times as blindfold, and shouted "Viva
Billie Sol Estes, Bobby Baker, Sargent
Shriver. . ." before silenced by the thun-
der of LBJ's old coon gun.,
JUDITH WARREN .... ..... ........... Co-Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER ........................ Co-Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN ....... ........ Sports Editor
JUDITH FIELDS ................... Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS .............. Supplement Manager
NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Badamo, John Meredith,
Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein.
The Daily IS a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use of ali news dispatches dfedited to it or atbermise
credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication
of all other matters here are also reserved.
Subscription rates: $4 for lIlA and B ($4.50 by mail);
$2 for IIIA or B ($2,50 by mail).
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Pu6lished daily Tuesday thraugh Saturday morning..

APA to this campus every year since 1962,
and with it some of the most dazzling
theatre to be seen anywhere:
In the agreement with the APA, the
University agreed to subsidize the cost
of production and to supply a theatre,
while the repertory group through fel-
lowship grants gives studentactorsa
chance to appear in professional produc-
THE SEASONS since 1962 have provided
such variety of classic and modern
drama that even the most sophisticated
theatre-goer could wish for. The com-
pany's Shakespearean productions have
included the delicately beautiful "Mid-
summer Night's Dream" and the contro-
versial "Much Ado About Nothing," which
provoked one of the best artistic argu-
ments on this campus in many years.
The APA, a young enthusiastic group
of actors, has also presented American
and world premieres of plays such as
"We, Comrades Three," "Judith," and
"War and Peace." The play that many
agree is their best achievement was last
season's production of "Man and Super-
man," done with all the precision and
sophistication necessary for a brilliant
production of Shaw.
However, one drawback has unfortu-
nately overshadowed the APA's residence
at the University. That is the striking
need, not only for the APA, but for all
campus productions, ?for a suitable thea-
tre. The two facilities for drama, True-
blood Auditorium and Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, lack the size and equipment
necessary to do justice to the quality of
the work presented.
the University appropriate, or try to
raise, the $3 or $4 million needed to build
such a theatre. The capacity envisioned
would seat approximately 1000 people,
and would include provisions for a stage
with or without the procenium arch.
Constructed this way; with the proper
equipment, the new theatre could be used
for many musicals as well as dramatic
events, and could be the location of the
touring productions that come to Ann
Arbor each year.
rFO ALLEVIATE the inadequacy of the
present theatres, and to honor the
excellence of the dramatic groups and
their sponsors on this campus, the finest
gesture that the University could make
would be to have a new theatre for the

LAST SUNDAY President Su-
karno of Indonesia, President
Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt and
Premier Cou En-lai of Communist
China met in Cairo for talks "of
the highest importance;" the
three met again on Tuesday, this
time with their foreign ministers
in attendance. That these three
met for talks may indicate the
creation of an important new axis
of power in the Afro-Asian world,
regardless of the immediate re-
sults of the meetings themselves.
All three have important cur-
rent problems involved somehow
with loss of international pres-
tige and influence. Nasser's prob-
lems are concerned with the al-
most complete disintegration of
inter-Arab relations.
The Arab bloc's fragmentation
began in 1961 with Syria's seces-
sion from the United Arab Re-
public. More recently, Israeli re-
lations have been the cause of a
further breakdown.
AS OF TWO months ago, Mo-
rocco, Libyaand Tunisia split
themselves from the bloc, defend-
ing Tunisian President Habib
Bourguiba's suggestion of nego-
tiation with Israel; Na ser has
piqued Syria by his refusal to
supply jets to attack Israel and
has also hurt Lebanon and Syria
by refusing to back their diversion
projects aimed at Israel's Negev
desert pipeline. All this to say
nothing of Nasser's feud with
Saudi Arabia in Yemen and South
Now, after his loss of what may
have been his closest ally, Algeria's
Ahmed Ben Bella, Nasser finds
himself with only Iraq and the
Yemen republicans backing him.
N'asser himself best summed up
his current situation in a speech,
to a Palestinian congress at the
end of May when he said, "The
atmosphere today seems gloomy.
Everyone of us feels these days
that the strength of Arab action
has relented."

Axis Formed

This is precisely what has hap-
pened. Nasser's foreign policy has
"slowed down;" the catch-words,
the dramtic proclamations of unity
and purpose aren't working any
more. Something must be found to
take their place lest Nasser's in-
ternational reputation come to be
based on his domestic perform-
ance, certainly a condition he
would avoid if possible.
SUKARNO TOO has his big
problems. His first is embodied
in the widely-accepted rumor
that, had the Algiers conference
not been postponed, Malaysia
would have been invited to attend.
Such a situation would have been
an international calamity for
Sukarno who has threatened to
crush Malaysia and who has gone
to a great deal of trouble trying
to line up enough votes to keep
Malaysia out of Algiers.
His second problem is one of
maintaining power. For Sukarno
is not a dictator, he does not have
a despotic machine of his own to
use as he wishes. He rules Indo-
nesia by virtue of his popular ap-
peal and his ability to play off his
supporters against one another. He
must retain the favor of these
supporters, such as the army and
the Communist party, or eventu-
ally lose his influence.
Thus far it has been possible
for him to maintain his support
by a gradual break with the West
and by nationalization of Western
industry in Indonesia. But Su-
karno can't break relations off
any farther than they are now
and there is very little foreign in-
dustry in Indonesia left to na-
tionalize. In effect, he has run
out of things to do.
SO SUKARNO'S problem boils
down to finding another area of
wide popular interest, then using
that area to maintain his power
and advance what altruistic mo-
tives he may have. To fail hi this
search is, for him, to fall from

from Failures




China, of course, suffered the
greatest defeats at Algiers. The
defeats came in two series, the
first fought over the postpone-
ment of the conference, which the
Chinese opposed. Chinese opposi-
tion ran head-on into unexpected-
ly strong resistence from a power-
ful moderate group including
Ceylon, the Philippines, India,
Japan and Thailand.
Chinese delegates were expecting
opposition from these nations, but
when the opposition was coupled
with completely unexpected Afri-
can resistence, evidently stemming
from many African governments'
resentment of recent Chinese
name-calling, it became impossible
to overcome.
THE SECOND Chinese defeat
came in their failure to accom-
plish blaming the postponement
of the conference on "imperialist
intrigues." This wording was re-
moved from the postponement

announcement by efforts of the
moderate group.
These failures would be striking
and important enough by them-
selves. But' in addition, as in Ma-
laysia's case, it was becoming in-
creasingly obvious that the Chi-
nese were failing in their drive to
keep the Russians out of the con-
The Chinese have thus suffered
a triple defeat at the hands of the
people that they came to organ-
ize and impress; a greater setback
to Chinese nationalism is difficult
to imagine. If this setback is to
be offset, rapid Chinese action 'is
to be expected.
ALL THREE nations have thus
suffered recent glaring defeats
internationally. Their problems
are to a degree held in common,
a similarity that helps to explain
the somewhat strange bedfel-
lows that met in Cairo on Sunday.
What degree the results of the
conferences will reach is difficult
to say, but the kind of results is
quite plain. The West may now
very likely expect a strengthening
of the ties between China, Indo-
nesia and the remains of the
United Arab Republic.sAs men-
tioned before, the degree of
strengthening -- w h e r e in the
range from friendship to treaty
it will fall-is difficult to fore-
tell. But common problems have
been recognized and a community
of interest has been established.
Fulfillment of this interest, to
one degree or another, is thl par-
tial answer to many of the prob-
lems. It would provide Nasser with
Chinese backing, thus ensuring
his foreign policy of the militancy
and vitality it has recently lacked.

Sukarno, with greater Chinese
backing, would be all but guar-
anteed that he holds his position
for life; it would ensure him the
support of his nation's Communist
party and weaken the threat his
army poses.
BUT THE Chinese would be the
big winners from such a develop-
ment. For China, establishment
of "spheres of influence" in Egypt
and Indonesia would be a break-
out from the containment in
which she has been held for so
long. It would be the direct control
of a base from which both Africa
and the Near East could be reach-
ed. And it would be the neutrali-
zation of a great obstacle to
China's eventual proposed control
of Southeast Asia-Indonesia.
How the West might react to
the development of a "detente"
between these three powers, an
alliance linking two of the world's
greatest trouble spots, Southeast
Asia and the Near East, depends
entirely on the degree to which
this alliance is made formal and
is given effective military and po-
litical powers. Even on the sur-
face, grave threats to thehWest's
position in Israel and Viet Nam-
Laos-Thailand are obvious.
The potential linking of these
areas in a grand axis of ast
West strain,,from Egypt, thrd gh
the Indian sib-continent to Indo-
nesia, is difficult to envision po-
litically in the near future, but
as a pattern for development it
is turning out to be a more valid
SUCH A linkage is not 'some-
thing for the West to worry about;
but neither is it something that
should be forgotten.


Roots of Tuition in State

First of a series
THE TUITION HIKE of $100 for
out-of-state students and $50
for Michigan residents which will
be announced next week by the
Regents is a reflection of the
fatal flaws of our public educa-
tional system.
Assuming that the means for
collecting revenue in the state are
progressive, the best way to in-
sure "equal opportunity" in the
educational system is to support
education as' much as possible
through state funds rather than
gathering money through tuition.
The basic problem in Michigan
is that the state's method of ac-
cumulating money is not through
such progressive measures as in-
come taxes, but rather through
regressive means-sales and ex-
cise taxes. Thus, not only does
the flat rate tuition payment in
university systems violate the un-
derlying principles of public edu-
cation, but the state appropria-
tions allocated to colleges are
also regressive and self defeating
in origin.
Although public institutions in
other states charge tuition, the
money appropriated by the state
governments is, at least generally
progressive in origin.
Thus, rather than being an in-
tegral part of the concept of
"equal opportunity for all," Mich-
igan universities preserve the
status quo and limit the social
mobility of the economically un-
Of course, the transformation
of public education from a door
to equal opportunities for people
of equal capabilities to a vehicle
of perpetuating the plutocratic
hierarchy does not start at the

university level. Yet the trend
established as early as pre-
elementary school continues until
students reach college age.
However, the discrimination in-
volved at the college level is more
subtle than at the elementary
school level where certain cities
carefully separate the Negro dis-
tricts from the white. Higher,
public education's filter is the
ability to pay; race, creed and
color allegedly do not enter the
Financial discrimination in the
state universities in Michigan is
actually a result of the utter fail-
ure of both major political parties
in the state Legislature, to ac-
complish much of anything-ex-
cept occupying seats.
Historically both parties rep-
resent interest groups-the Demo-
crats are controlled by the unions
and the Republicans by the auto-
mobile manufacturers. Both con-
tinually complain about each
other's incompetence but neither
has demonstrated any ability to
For' example, the periodic fi-
nancial crisis experienced in the
state which result in lower aid to
the public universities and higher
tuition, are caused by Michigan's
weak and regressive fiscal struc-
ture. Both Democrats and Re-
publicans admit this but are un-
willing to do anything about it.
Rather they delight in embarras-
sing each other by refusing to
pass each other's measures. This
game of "hanky panky" has been
going on since the 1930's and
education, the state as a fiscal
entity, and the people have suf-
During his term of office, Gov-
erner George Romney has claimed

that he wants to overhaul the
fiscal structure of the state, and
the Democrats as usual are
screaming "reform, reform." But
when Romney asked- the Demo-
crats to make a concrete propos-
al this session, they merely ask-
ed him to make a concrete pro-
posal. Nothing got accomplished.
Michigan's Legislature is living
in the world of Adam Smith, and
the cause of education is suffering.

and vitality it has recently lacked. should be forgotten.

U.S. Acts Caused UN Failure

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The Minority of One
THE DECLINE of- the United
Nations did not begin at the
19th General Assembly, at which
it has reached a new low, putting
the Assembly itself somewhere
between life and death.
Its decisive stage began as many
as 15 years ago, when the United
States maneuvered the interna-
tional organization into serving
as an instrument of its partisan
pursuits in Korea. Ever since, the
sole value the U.S. has in fact
attached to the UN lay in its
ability to have it do its own bid-
It has been obvious, for ex-
ample, that the effectiveness of
the UN required the inclusion in
it of that government which ac-
tually governed China;bbut the
U.S. has throughout been an-
tagonistic toward this condition
of .the UN's survival.
similarly ignored the interests of
world 'peace in the Congo, sabo-
taging and perverting UN initia-
tive in that country until their
fruit was of a kind nowhere iden-
tifiable in the promises of the UN
The most hopeful prospect of
the UN lay in the growth of its
membership. The more universal
it was becoming, the greater
seemed the chance that it would
be able to reconcile conflicts of
As the number of newly in-
dependent member-states grew,
ever more objective majority votes
could emerge, cushioning relations
between potential belligerents.
U.S. willing to consider the UN
even as a beginning of an inter-
national parliament or executive;
for the governing of the world, it
thought itself amply qualified.

U.S. and UN-Master and Servant?



A Qualified Riot
"WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT" is an in-group movie about a riot,
that is a qualified riot.
This new breed of movie, the in-group movie, centers itself about
several stars (and their established character techniques). In this case
Woody Allen, his war on modern psychiatry and his crusade for.
"equal sex for shot men with glasses." Also Peter Sellers, Clouseau-eted
in Goon gear, long hair and Lord Fauntleroy suits. Making the
slightest movement a part of his total effect, Sellers again is a
comic genius.
There's Peter O'Toole, one of the most versatile and brilliant of
screen actors, with his shy boy-next-door grin and haunting eyes in
a Cary Grant-like role in which he out-Grants Grant.
THERE IS wild, rock-oriented music. There is nostalgic allegiance
to the grand slanstick chases of vestervear There i sedoubl entendre

THE MANY small votes it for-
feited were traded for one overall
veto over the UN's ability to en-
force coexistence in the world. A
nation whose military forces were
spread over almost all the con-
tinents, oceans, seas and airspaces
was bound to view force as a
peril to its interests.
To put the no-longer automa-
tically controllable UN in its "pro-
per" place, the U.S. delegation
caused the General Assembly to
usurp powers specifically dele-
gated to the Security Council, and
to actually use the so-usurped
powers in the Congo; and then it
insisted that the whole world, in-
cluding Russia and France, pay
the cost of the unconstitutional
UN execution of partisan U.S.
The gimmick having worked, in
that the UN has been effectively
"neutralized," the U.S. could now
proceed to inheriting world
functions without too much dis-

tion of American States an obe-
dient to itself military force
equipped with "laws" and arms
to intervene at will in any Latin-
American country.
UN Secretary-General U Thant
clearly discerned the dangers in-
herent in this development not
only to the UN but also to the
peace in various regions and the
world over.
There is a' great difference be-
tween that world authority which
20 years ago nations believed to
be setting up at San Francisco,
and that world authority which
the U.S. tries to impose. No pur-
poses could be at greater var-
iance, the hope of peace being
replaced by the agonies of re-
gions being turned into America's
America's global ambitions have
thrown the whole world into dis-
array, depriving mankind of the
promise of the UN. Controlled by
its northern member, it nonethe-
less seemed to provide some po-
tential curtailment of the US.

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