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June 16, 1965 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1965-06-16

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Astronauts Must Help Place
'Space Race' in Perspective
Despite their noble accomplishment in space, the astronauts are
neglecting their real duty to the people of the world if they can

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Class Cancellation:
Perverted Values

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contribute only scientific data.
"WE WHO STAND a better chance of
going to Viet Nam than to the moon
nvite you to a teach-in on the Union
teps," read the flyer being distributed
resterday morning all over campus.
To a non-follower of the teach-in move-
nent, it may seem that the effectiveness
>f such meetings, if they were ever really
ffective, has disappeared. No significant
hanges have been made in our foreign
)olicy as a result of this movement, no
>ne seems to have benefitted from the
nany weeks of work and the many dol-
ars' worth of promotion which has been
The real "purpose" of the teach-ins has
ecome rather blurred in many of our
rilnds, if it was ever clear. The question
s posed as to whether many intelligent
>rofessors and scholars are wasting valu-
,ble time in a project which has no mean-
ng and no future.
Now that they have expressed them-
elves before the whole nation in Wash-
agton last month, why do they continue
o hold debates and rallies and refuse to
.ccept the way things are???
Yesterday's teach-in was held in pro-
est of the celebration in honor of our
nost recent national heroes, the astro-
rHERE WERE MANY there protesting
the protest. "Why- shouldn't these
rave, highly-qualified men receive the
lory they deserve after .such an ex-
loit,?" several critics exclaimed. "Why
houldn't we express the pride we feel in
he achievements of our nation in space?"
"Pride in our nation?" came the reply.
How can we be proud of our nation
when our whole cherished system is in the
rocess of being destroyed?
"There is a gruesome, horrifying trage-
y occurring in Viet Nam because of our
.ation, and we refuse to accept the blame
:r the decisions which are responsible for
his crime. The government is not repre-
enting us in this war, and we refuse to
upport it. How can we feel pride, how
an we feel anything but the deepest re-
Iorse that this government "of the peo-
le" is no longer of the people? Supposed-
r we are fighting in Viet Nam to pre-

Z. 14



vent the spread of Communism and the
defeat of the democratic process. Yet by
the same act, we are defeating our own
cause, for in misrepresenting the people
of our country, the government is deny-
ing the very right we are fighting and
killing to preserve. This is no cause for
But why must we associate this with
the coming of the astronauts? This event
only serves to symbolize many faults
which we cannot accept. The race for
space is itself part of our Cold War ef-
forts to "beat the Russians" and main-
tain our "supremacy" for the protection
of the free world.
As members of a generation destined
to explore beyond the earth's surface, we
do not deny the value of scientific re-
search. But our government is using the
space race literally as a promotions gim-
IN OUR DESIRE to promote a feeling of
brotherhood and united world efforts
in the striving to understand the uni-
verse, we would not have these efforts
used to further the growth of a more
deadly and horrifying nuclear shadow of
fear and dread that already hangs over
all the earth.
As one speaker so beautifully expressed
it yesterday, if the astronauts did not re-
turn from their flight with a better un-
derstanding and appreciation for man-,
kind, then the achievement, magnificent
as it may seem, was something to regard
with shame, not pride, something to re-
gret as a furtherance of the animosities
which continue to haunt the consciences
of peace-loving people.
IF THEY DID RETURN with a better,
purer image of the purpose of man-
kind, it is their responsibility to do every-
thing in their power to express this force-
fully and repeatedly to the people of the
nation, and the world.
Any less than this makes of the entire
space accomplishment merely a sham, a
meaningless continuation of our misguid-
ed efforts to impress the rest of the world
with our power.



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Problems in Being President

'U' is Neglecting the Arts:
Washington Must Take Initiative
The universioies ought to be a major force for encouraging the
arts, as they have been in science. They are, however, neglect-

ing one of their major roles.
[HE ARTS are a live issue in Washing-
ton this summer. Last Monday the
White House held the first of what is ex-
)ected to become an annual White House
?rts Festival. The Festival, which lasted
welve hours, featured exhibitions of art,
culpture, -movies, plays, and readings of
iterary works, and was attended by 100
;uests, including creative and perform-
ng artists, patrons of the arts and critics.
The Festival is the first project re-
plting from the establishment of the
president's advisory council on arts which
vas created last April. The second and
nost significant project this council is.
ushing is the National Foundation on
he Arts and Humanities, which will prob-
bly be passed by both houses in Con-
ress this fall.
The enactment of this bill into law will
e the climax of the arts council's efforts.
'he Foundation which it will create has
;reat significance for the University
'UDITH WARREN ..........................Co-Editor
OBERT HiPPLER ......................... Co-Editor
DWARD HERSTEIN ................... Sports Editor

WASHINGTON - P r e s i d e n t
Johnson seems a little solemn
these days, but neither falling
governments in Saigon, nor squab-
bling politicians in the Dominican
Republic, nor complaining critics
in Washington and the other al-
lied capitals have persuaded him
that his policy is wrong in the
Caribbean or Southeast Asia.
He does not say it is a good
policy. He does not even claim
it is succeeding. He merely thinks
it is better than all those other
policies and invites anybody who
wants to play President to come
up' with a better one.
As he sees it, there are now four
groups of critics on Viet Nam.
There are "the bombers" who
want toahit all military targets
anywhere in North Viet Nam and
some who even want to hit them
in Communist China, too, if neces-
sary. He's against them.
AT THE OTHER extreme are
those who want to get out. He is
against them, too.
Then in the middle there are
those who really want to give up
and get out but don't quite admit
it, and they are what he calls
the "Yes but, or New York Times
school," which partly approves
of what he's doing but criticizes
him all the time anyway.
Then finally there are those
who merely want us to stop the
bombing and, as he puts it, "squat
down and hunker up" in Viet
Nam. He thinks this would con-
sign Americans to picking up the
SO HE HAS chosen to follow
what he calls the policy of "maxi-
mum effectiveness and minimum
risk." of applying limited pressure
from the air, a roving defense of
key areas in South Viet Nam on
the ground, and constant probing
for a negotiated settlement.
He does not expect this to work
for a while. His hope is that this
holding action will withstand the
Viet Cong attacks during the mon-
soon season until October, and
that the Communists will finally
realize America is not going to
withdraw, and then agree to ne-
His fear is that the summer
battle will get so severe that the
U.S. command will have to use
much more power to survive, and
thus risk a wider and perhaps
even an uncontrollable conflict.
THE OUTLOOK, therefore, is
New 13A .?
WHEN A UNION official criti-
cizes the federal government,
and when a labor paper publishes
that criticism, that's news!
In Little Rock, a 24-week train-
ing program has been set up with

for a constantly increased U.S. the Southeast Asia resolution
ground force in Viet Nam this passed by the Congress last Au-
summer. Of the 51,000 American gust. He carries this around in his
military and naval personnel there pocket wherever he goes, and reads
now, only 12,000 are regarded here it to anybody who has forgotten
as fighting units and the other its terms.
39,000 are put in the category It says that "the Congress ap-
of services and supply. proves and supports the deter-
This is felt at the Pentagon to mination of the President, as
be just large enough to risk a commander-in-chief, to take all
spectacular attack. by the Viet necessary measures to repel any
Cong but not large enough to beat armed attack against the forces
it back if it comes, so the force of the United States, and to pre-
will undoubtedly be reinforced in vent further aggression."
It adds that "The U.S. regards
teE HAD a special report writ- as vitalto its national interests
ten last week on what he calls; and to world peace the mainten-
"the different tracks I've gone ance of international peace and
down" (now numbering 13) seek- security in Southeast Asia," and
ing peace, but so far nothing from it authorizes the use of force "as
the other side but a demand for the President determines," for
a humiliating withdrawal of this purpose.
American forces._
If all this is profoundly dis- MOREOVER it states that the
appointing to the President, he Congress may terminate this au-
gives no sign of being depressed thority to the President any time
or emotional about it. His critics it likes merely by passing another
irritate him mainly because he concurrent resolution, so the Pres-
feels they prefer to deal with what ident assumes that the Congress
might have been rather than with will act rather than merely talk
what is in Viet Nam. if it really feels the facts in Viet
He thinks he's a pretty good Nam justify a different policy.
cowboy, but he doesn't see how Sure it's an awkward and dan-
he can rope the Communists into gerous situation, he says, but what
peace talks or the South Viet- would you do? What are your
namese into organizing a stable specific proposals to deal with
government or talking to the Viet the facts as they are? And what
Cong. would be the consequences of your
proposals in the rest of Asia and
MEANWHILE, he proposes to the world?
go on carrying out the terms of Copyright, 1965, The New York Times
Don't Change Plots,
.In Mid=Screen.
it the State Theatre e tain nearly as well.
" YLVIA" is the story of a wom- Baker and Maharis are no ac-
an with the ast of a rosti- tors, but their cinematic weak-
tute and the future of a Junior nesses do not ruin the movie be-
Legue sondathe, aulorelywoJn rcause they are both nice to look
League socialite, a lovely woman at and this movie is not a "real-
who comes out of years of forced istic" movie, despite the brutally
depravity somehow sweet and un- factual revelations about Sylvia's
broken, because it seems, her past.
wrongs are not sins. - RBR OR

To the Editor:
IT IS "IMPROPER," the Uni-
versity's President, the Gover-
nor and the Legislature told us
last March, for a faculty member
to call off his classes because he
is disturbed at what our govern-
ment's policies are doing to hu-
man beings in Viet Nam.
It is perfectly proper, we learn-
ed yesterday, for the University's
President to call off that faculty
member's classes because the Uni-
versity's President, the Governor
and the Legislature havea golden
chance to get some free nation-
wide advertising for themselves.
YESTERDAY was a memorable
-Kenneth Winter, '66
To the Editor:
WISH somebody would please
explain to me how this univer-
sity can justify cancelling classes
so that students and faculty can
attend a convocation honoring
two astronauts, while considering
it immoral for its faculty to can-
cel classes in order to conduct
extra-curricular debates on Amer-
ican foreign policy.
Does President Harlan Hatcher
really ,believe students will learn
more listening to the cliche-ridden
speeches of the convocation than
they would in class?
Would President Hatcher work
as zealously to contact the Regents
when they are not in session in
order to get a University book-
store approved, or to support anti-
discrimination legislation in Ann
Arbor as he did to get a new
degree created for McDivitt and
White to receive?
I do not doubt that the Univer-
sity will gain much favorable pub-
licity from the convocation. Per-
haps the state Legislature will be
so impressed as to meet our bud-
getary requests.
STILL ONE would hope that
the University would be a bit
more concerned with an education
for its students and encouraging
meaningful participation in at-
tempts to correct this society's
ills and somewhat less concerned
with joining the ballyhoo over
the astronauts.
-J. Alan Winter, Instructor,
Sociology Dept.
Tuition Hike
tonial of June 9 well describes
the University as an elite institu-
tion and then proposes a beauti-
ful plan for keeping it that way.
He is quite right in saying that
the University's tightening admis-
sions standards favors the middle
class, although it need not be as
high a stratum as indicated in the
editorial. Increasing tuition-not
even considering Johnston's dras-
tic plan-tightens the squeeze on
lower groups further.
Nor is there enough scholar-
ship money to go around if many
more of those who were academ-
ically qualified, but differred ap-
plying because of the University's
cost, actually did apply.
FURTHER, the University, as a
publicly supported institution, has
a commitment to provide an op-
portunity for an education for the
children of the citizenry whose
taxes pay for it. State and fed-
eral funds account for approxi-
mately 60 per cent of the Uni-
versity's income-$82 million in
fiscal 1963-64.
Even with increased scholarship
and other financial help, the high
tuition that Johnston proposes
wouldhdeny the University to all
but the national elite. There is
now an accelerating extension of
college-needed skills and motiva-
tion down the educational sys-

Major colleges-including the
University-are recruiting among
deprived youths for students. The
War on Poverty is providing edu-
cational services and motivations
that willsproduce added potential
college students among low income
sity would turn its back on the

citizenry that supports it through
state and federal taxes if it raised
a stiffer financial barrier to the
harsh academic one that already
A publicly-supported University
cannot abandon democracy and
egalitarian efforts outside its walls
any more than it can afford to
inside. In America's increasingly
complex and technological society,
it is necessary to find and train
the best minds-no matter where
they are located.
From an academic standpoint,
this is not an impossible task.
From early reports the University's
Economic Opportunity Program
has not had "considerable trouble"
in keeping its participants in
AT THE END of the first se-
mester the program reported a
flunk-out rate only slightly higher
than that of freshmen as a whole.
If the second semester brought a
drastic change, it has not yet been
So academic standards can re-
main while academic barriers fall
by recruitment, disseminating in-
formation about the University
among lower class and lower
middle class high'' schools, anti-
poverty programs in these schools
and remedial pre-enrollment
courses. But what can be done to
minimize financial barriers?
-Free tuition, under the non-
class discriminatory conditions de-
scribed above, would be the ideal
answer. But the University is too
expensive and neither the state
nor the federal government will
provide adequateafunds for its im-
portant, essential teaching func-
-Progressive tuition is another
ideal solution and perhaps more
democratic, in light of the Univer-
sity's costs, than free tuition. But
progressive tuition is difficult, if
not impossible to enforce. What
about students Who are paying
their own way entirely, for ex-
stuck with the present system. But
several reforms can be made.
First, it should pour more fed-
eral anid endowment money into
teaching-particularly undergrad-
uate teaching-rather than foist-
ing these added costs upon the
student. The University's research
and public service functions can
take care of themselves finan-
cially; in fact they are quite
Secondly, it should be Univer-
sity policy to match-dollar for
dollar - in potential scholarship
funds every dollar exacted out o,
students by a tuition increase.
Funds for lower and lower middle
class students who cannot afford
the University should be increased,
as shouldsUniversity efforts to
lower the cost of living for all its
A TUITION BOOST is inevit-
able as John Meredith amply
points out on the front page of
the same paper. The University
has gone three years without a
tuition increase-the longest per-
iod since the current cycle of rapid
growth and financial squeeze tui-
tion hikes began in the mid 1950's.
The real question facing the Uni-
versity is whether the- tuition hike
will be carried out in a democratic
or elitist framework.
-Philip Sutin, Grad
OFTENTIMES the citing of one
good example is more effective
than thousands of words of ar-
gument or admonition.
Today's example: The decision
of four major steel producers in
the Chicago area to spend $50

million for equipment to end air
pollution at their plants.
THIS IS JUST ONE instance of
the good citizenship displayed by
American industry. Countless oth-
er projects are constantly under
way as industry seeks to help as-
sure the nation of pure air.
--National Association of



THIS FOUNDATION, which would be
endowed with $20 million, would make
it possible for students in all fields of arts
and humanities to study full-time on
grants similar to those given by the Na-
tional Science Foundation. It would fa-
cilitate more independent research in
these fields and would make possible all
sorts of expansion and experimentation
in a wide variety of fields, which have
previously been treated as financial step-
The latest developments in Ann Arbor,
however, point up the absurd imbalance
in emphasis between science and the arts
which still exists here. We have paid more
than adequate homage to our locally-edu-
cated science gods yet there has been no
public discussion of this pending Arts
Foundation which has more revolution-
ary implications for the University's ac-
In fact, several department heads and a
wide variety of faculty members admit-
ted apologetically that they were "unfor-
tunately not informed."
This was not the case when the Peace
Corps was in its planning stages, five
years ago. Students and faculty members
from this University were engaged in
lively debate over the project months
before it actually existed; faculty mem-


But the movie fails as really
good entertainment, because of
an inexcusable reversal in plot-
a lack of what English majors
call "artistic Integrity" as the
writer switches from a good story
to a trite cliche with a noticeable
clashing of gears.
Half of the plot is good. A
gentlemanly private detective
(George Maharis) is hired by Syl-
via's rich fiance (Peter Lawford)
to find out where Sylvia (Carroll
Baker) came from.
Maharis begins a calmly enter-
taining trek through the socially
leprous past of the blonde and
now-wealthy Sylvia who raises
prize winning roses and writes
poetry. Finally, Maharis is faced
with the choice of telling Law-


Unilateral Action Must Cease

TWO HIGHLY combustible dan-
ger zones flared into open con-
flict-Viet Nam and the Domini-
can Republic. The United States
has declared that both situations
represent threats to the peace.
The United Nations, which was
created to keep the peace, has had
no role in either Viet Nam or the
Dominican Republic. The U.S. had
opposed such a UN role, despite
U.S. commitments to the UN as

The U.S. not only spurned the
good offices of the UN in Viet
Nam but one of its State Depart-
ment officials publicly criticized
the UN Secretary General, who
was performing his clear duty-
to use the UN to the fullest to
prevent threats to the peace from
developing into major war.
IN THE CASE of the Domini-
can Republic, the U.S. intervened

the UN must stay out of the West-
ern Hemisphere?
If this is not our intention how
do we propose to reassure the
world on this point? And if we
interpret the section of the Char-
ter referring to regional arrange-
ments as authorization for mili-
tary intervention, then what is
there to prevent the entire world
from being fenced off into regional
military spheres, with large na-

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