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June 16, 1965 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1965-06-16

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Labor Criticized



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Viet Policies

By The Associated Press
LONDON-Britain's Labor government moved deeper into politi-
cal trouble yesterday over its Vietnamese policies while United States
bombing of North Viet Nam continued with heavy barrages.
Prime Minister Harold Wilson answered leftist Labor critics'
of his pro-American policy admitting he was "deeply disturbed" by
developments and adding that secret consultations are under way.
He urged Labor members harrying him with questions in the
House of Commons not to rock the boat. How long they will heed
him remains to be seen. Several have written him complaining letters,
and one group is thinking of sending him a critical letter signed by
as many as 100 members.
The left-wingers have been stirred up by the increase of U.S.
armed aid and bombing in North Viet Nam. U.S. forces have been

American, Rebel Forces
Fight in Santo Domingo
SANTO DOMINGO (P)-Fighting raged in Santo Domingo yes-
terday between U.S. paratroopers and rebels. The Americans advanced
two blocks into insurgent territory.
At least four persons were killed and 26 wounded on the rebel
side as the battle flamed all along the perimeter across which the
Americans and rebels faced each other.
The casualty toll indicated it was one of the bloodiest days for
U.S. forces since they landed in the Dominican Republic in April.
U.S. sources said the rebels started shooting at U.S.-manned posi-
tions guarding the area held by the Inter-American force and the
American paratroopers fired back .
getting permission from the Inter-
American command, .


NWorld ,News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Trading sky-
rocketed yesterday and the stock
market made 4 turnaround and
scored a substantial advance.,
* * *
Disarmament Commission urged
yesterday an early resumption of
the Geneva arms talks with spe-
cial priority on measures to pre-
vent the further spread' of nuclear
weapons to countries not now pos-
sessing them.
* * *
Armed' Services Committee whip-
ped out yesterday a $1-billion
military pay bill-and gave Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson another
legislative setback.
By a 33-1 vote, the committee
approved its own proposal to give
servicement an average 10.7 per
cent annual increase and retain
full congressional authority over
military pay scales.

*authorized to go into combat if
asked by Vietnamese officers. Wil-
son implied that he was worried
"I want to make it absolutely
plain the government are deeply
disturbed about the present po-
sition in Viet Nam and the de-
velopments of the last two or three
weeks," he said at the outset of
the question period.
"Certain consultations are now
going on. I hope the House will
not press me to go too much into
details, because the House will
want them to be fully productive."
Wilson dodged most questions,
refusing to be drawn into divulg-
ing any details about the consul-
tations. He declined to say wheth-
er Britain's diplomatic campaign
to set up a Viet Nam peace con-
ference would include a seat at
the table for the Viet Cong rebels.
He also refused to say whether
Britain had pressed the U.S. to
stop bombing North Viet Nam.
Sir Alec Douglas-Home, leader
of the Conservative opposition,
asked the government to set aside
time in Parliament for a debate
on Viet Nam. Wilson said he would
do that "as soon as it can be
Not That Mad
There has been no sign that
the left wing is sufficiently In-
censed over Wilson's support of
U.S. policies on Viet Nam to try
to bring down his governm 'nt. If
they forced a vote and reg. tered
large-scale abstentions, he prob-
ably would have to resign.
In Viet Nam heavy bombing
continued yesterday with over 75
r U.S. and Vietnamese planes at-
tacking the North at supply posts
and bridges. But in Washington,
high officials indicated that the
U.S. has not yet ruled out a sec-
ond pause in the bombing of the
North-but no advance word will
be given as to when there may be
such a move.
Last Pause
The last pause in the bombing
came between May 13 and May
17. It was denounced as a swindle
and a trick by China and North
Viet Nam.
The pause in the bombing in
May was criticized by some on the
grounds that it was not recognized
as a peace gesture.
U.S. officials said that any new
bomb pause would be accompan-
ied by indications of the intention,
but no one would say that such
a move is in the offing. To do- so,
it was pointed out, would permit
the Communists to move in rein-.
forcements during the holiday

This contrasted with rebel ac-
cusations that U.S. troops were
Messages reporting the outbreak
of fighting were sent to UN Sec-
retary-General U Thant by the
UN representative, Gen. Indar Jit
Rikyhe, and by Ellsworth Bunker,
U.S. ambassador to the Organi-
zation of American States. Bunker
said the extension of the Ameri-
can line was necessary to protect
the corridor.
During most of the day's action
American naval braft steamed
close to shore and once appeared
to be just outside the breakwater
at the mouth of the Ozama river.
The UN Security Council sched-
uled a meeting for 3 p.m. EDT
today on the worsening situation.

Senate OK's
Bill To Cut
Excise Tax
passed yesterday a $4.7-billion tax
cut bill to eliminate a long list
of excises on major consumer pur-
chases and services,
The bulky bill, going sonewhat
beyond President Lyndon B. John-
son's recommendations, sped
through Senate after only about
six hours' debate.
It was sent to conference with
the House which passed a $4.8-
billion version of the legislation
June 2 by a 401-6 vote.
Members of both branches for
years have been urging repeal of
these excises, which date back to
the depression of the 1930s, World
War II and the Korean War.
Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La),
floor manager for the bill, said he
is hopeful a conference can be
arranged for today.
The bill is expected to bring
lower prices on automobiles, ap-
pliances, air conditioners, tele-
vision and radio sets, cosmetics,
handbags, jewelry i n c1u d i n g
watches, furs, cameras, pens and
pencils, telephone service and
many other items.
The cuts could take effect one
day after Johnson signs the bill.


Associated Press Special Correspondent
MEXICO CITY--In many Latin
American eyes the Organization
of American States, never robust
at its best, has received from the
Dominican Republic crisis a blow
from which it may never fully
y Responsible Latin Americans in
and out of government express the
conviction that when-or if-the
OAS holds its scheduled meeting
in August in Rio de Janeiro, it will
be attending its own funeral serv-
ice unless it is willing to submit
itself to surgery.
Any effect the OAS may have
had in the Dominican Republic,
knowledgeable Latin Americans
are saying, was.achieved only be-
cause of the giant force of the
United States behind a facade of
an organization to which only
four of the 19 other members gave
even token military support. Cri-
tics say that unless the OAS per-
fects its machinery it is finished.
But there are inhibitions and
dilemmas in the way of perfecting
the machinery. Originally it was
conceived as a referee in disputes
among American states., But it
has been called to act against in-
ternal subversion and intervention
by Communism. Almost any big
crisis which occurs in Latin Amer-
ica these days-such as the one
in Santo Domingo-is likely to be
an internal one.
Members of the OAS say they
want the implied protection of
such an organization, but at the
same time are unwilling to com-
mit themselves to the principle'
that it can intervene in their own.
internal affairs.
No Latin American government
is willing to confer upon Washing-{
ton the right to judge whether a
convulsion inside its own country
is a Communist threat requiring
intervention from the outside,
either by the United States or by
any police machinery devised by
the OAS.
The dilemma seems insoluble.
. Diagnosing
There is much Latin American
hand wringing and diagnosing.
"The OAS is sick," said one man
who advises a Latin Americar\
foreign office. "It needs surgery.
Even its friends are saying the
OAS is nearly dead now."
Even though the Caribbean
crisis churned up sentiment again
for an old initiative, creation of
an' inter-American force, six im-

Soviet Historian Hits Dogmas

MOSCOW (P)-A lady historian
named Evgenia I. Popova has be-
come the toast of Soviet academic
circles by disputing some standard
Soviet dogmas on life in the Unit-
ed States. In past years, she could
have been fired for holding such
Top members of the Soviet aca-
demic world gathered in Moscow
University's Pedagogical Institute
Monday to praise Miss Popova's
book, "The USA and the Wash-
ington system."
The book deals with the nine-
power conference on disarmament,
China and other questions held in
Washington 1921.
She submitted it as a doctoral
dissertation and publicly defend-
ed it with some tart remarks about
standard Soviet views of America.
She rejected as " top schematic
oversimplified" traditional Soviet
notions of "Wall Street monopo-
lists" who control the U.S.,
"The view that the American
government is the servant of Wall
Street monopolists in many re-
spects hampers an understanding
Sof the important role of public
opinion in the United States," she
Miss Popova insisted that the
U.S. government must take into
account domestic public opinion,
its allies' wishes and the contin-
gencies of international politics
in its policy-making decisions.'
Much of her book is devoted to
an examination of the isolationist
sentiment in the United States
following world War I. She main-
tained that this was a genuinely
popular mood that prevented the
United States from joining the
League of Nations.
She said a study of American
isolationism was particularly
timely in present world conditions
when isolationism was again gain-
ing adherents in the United
States. "After all there is a dif-
ference between Goldwater and
Johnson," she said.
In one of the first attempts of
its kind in Soviet scholarship, she
drew a picture of the United States
with a "great middle stratum"
which she said includes highly-'
skilled workers, intellectuals and
professional people.
"Without an understanding of
this middle grouping and its in-
fluence of public opinion," she

said, "one meets difficulties in any
attempts at understanding Ameri-
can political realities."
High-ranking and influential
colleagues, including Prof. Valen-
tin Zorin and academician Prof.
Alexander Mints, lauded Miss Pop-
ova's scholarship as one of the
most important events in the field
in recent years.
They all warmly recommended
it be published for mass consump-
Miss Popova, 47, emphasized
that in addition to Lenin and

-Associated Press
SOLDIERS OF THE military junta in the Dominican Republic
are transported from the nation'al palace in Santo Domingo after
being replaced by the Organization of American States peace-
keeping force--a force criticized by many Latin Americans as
merely a tool of American intervention.

The history teacher cited the
West European Common Market
as one of these solutions to eco-
nomic contradictions in the cap-
italist camp.
Token Resistance
There appeared to be only token
resistance and general heartfelt
encouragement of Miss Popova's
unorthodox approach to historical
research. -
Similar private discussions in
the academic community reported-
ly are contributing to an atmos-
phere of intellectual ferment that
has not been witnessed here in
several years.
Some university sources said the
new mood in academic and artistic
circles is directly linked to the
downfall of Nikita Khrushchev
and his apparatus' control in
these fields.

portant nations have voted against
Those who opposed it implied,
that a favorable vote would legi-,
timize the U.S. intervention in the
Dominican Republic. Although the
only route to retirement of U.S.
troops from Santo Domingo would
be creation of an inter-American
force, only the United States has
sufficient strength to give such
a force backbone. A number of
Latin American governments are
so involved in internal troubles
anyway that they could hardly
spare troops 'for international
Little Sympathy
It is difficult to find sympathy
for the OAS, even in official cir-'
cles and even among those who
might support the idea of re-
structuring it. The widespread
feeling seems to be that the OAS
all along has fumbled and has
done so particularly in the Do-
minican crisis, thus diminishing

confidence in it.
There is a hue and cry for neu
machinery, a new regional under
standing, a new organization or
new foundations. It is all in vagu
generalities. None offer specifi
suggestions on how these thing
might be accomplished.
The dilemmas remain in th
way. Critics admit there is i
danger of Communist subversior
but contend at the same time tha
one-sided U.S. intervention als
menaces the hemisphere.
Latin politicians profess to se
in the Dominican crisis a U.E
doctrine that it has the right t
interfere at any time in the af
fairs of Latin American nation
if it feels such nations are en
dangered by Communism. Such a:
idea is far from popular, regard
less of fear of Communism. The
insist that if this is a Johnsoi
Doctrine, it will estrange Latii
American governments fror
This, they say, is not like th
1962 Cuban missile showdown be
tween the United States and th
Soviet Union. They say that the
the Latin American nations re
sponded quickly to a U.S. appea
for support. This time, they add
the United States acted withou
consultation or asking for sup
port. And this time there is rela
tively little support from the res
of the hemisphere, except i
"The OAS never was ready fc
an emergency before," said on
friend of the United States. "Ther
is no reason why it should b
ready any time. Perhaps the OA
deserves a decent burial.

Latins View ,OAS as Feeble

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other standard sources for Soviet
scholarship she had read hun-
dreds of American newspapers and
A colleague also praised her for
drawing on work done by prom-
inent historians of the 1920ยง and
30s who were liquidated in the
Stalinist purges.
Speaking in defense of her work,
Miss Popova, a Communist Party
member since 1962, minced no
"Unfortunately, up until recent-
ly, Soviet history has tended to
lump imperialists into one group
and treat them without differen-
tiation and unobjectively," she
She said the standard thesis on
inevitable sharpening of conflicts
propogated by Soviet dogmatists
failed to explain the "imperial-
ists' " successful efforts to resolve
their differences without war.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
tal responsbility. Notices should be
sent in iYtEWRl'"IlN form to
Itoom 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the eay preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on reqi.est; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organi:ation notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Workshop on Community Action to
Promotethe Oral Health of the Chron-
ically Ill, Handicapped and the Aged-.
School of Public Health, 9 a.m. '
Wed., June 16: Opening of'Contem-
porary Prints from Germany II, Uni-
versity of Michigan Museum of Art.
General Notices
Staff Parking Notice: New parking
permits required- July 1 are available
now at the Parking Admin. Office, 1053
Admin. Bldg. and Cashier's Window,
fifth floor, University Hospital.
Proof of social security number is
necessary for payroll deductions.
Foreign Scholars available under Ful-
bright-HaysAct foraUniversity appoint-
ments in 1965-66: List may be consulted
in Room 118 Rackham Bldg.
Fulbright-Hays Grants for university
lecturing and advanced research in Eu-
rope, Near East, Africa, South and East
Asia in 1966-67: List may be consulted
in Graduate Fellowship, Office, Room
110 Rackham Bldg. Applications " for
Europe and Japan must be submitted
by August 1. Applications for other
areas will be accepted as long as un-
filled awards remain.

Movie on the Analogue Computer andI
its application to differential equa-
tions. Shown Thurs., June 17, 4:15 p.m.
and 5:15 p.m., Room 2235 Angell Hall.A
All students attending Math 403, 404
and 405 urged to attend.
Remington Rand, Detroit : SalesI
Repres. Immed. opening for men with
sales potential for non-machine sales.
Pref. grad, office, bus, or acctg. bkgd.
Detroit and Lansing locations.
Detroit Area Firms-Attn.: Recent
Grads. 1. Loss Prevention Engr., Bus.
Ad. bkgd., knowl. of mech. (Engrg. de-
gree not req). 2. Sales Trainee, large
food company. No exper. req. 3. Phar-
maceutical Sales Trainee. Grad, some
science bkgd. 4. Sales Engr. Trainee. 2
yrs. trng. program. Min. 2 yrs. Chem.
or Chem. Engrg.
State of Connecticut, Hartford-Co-
ordinator for Regional Services avail.
to mentally retarded.Grad plus 4 yrs.
exper. in mental retard. (1 yr. as
supv. or admin.). Application deadline
June 30.
Joy Mfg. Co.,, Oak Park, Mich. -- Sales
Engrs. Immed. opening. BSME (heat),
ChE or EE jlus 2-3 yrs. engrg, sales
exper. Mfr. fans, blowers, air com-
pressors, etc.
State of Vermont, Montpelier-For-
ester, degree in Forestry for Dept. of
Forests & Parks. Inspect & mark tim-
ber, recommend land use, etc. 1 yr.
prof. exper. may qualify for higher
* * *
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-

pointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Manpower, Inc.-Interviews Thurs.,
June 17, 10-12 & 1:30-5 for jobs avail-
able in Ann Arbor, Lansing, Saginaw,
Flint, Pontiac & Detroit, for girls with
office exper. Men interested in work
in Ann Arbor apply at 111 Miller for
general labor and other temp. sum-
mer work.
* **
Details available at Summer Place-
ment, 212 SAB.


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