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October 16, 1966 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-16

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Seventy-Sixth Year

wnere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARDST.,, ANN ARBOR, Mici.
Truth Wil Prevail 40MYADS. N RQMc.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editoriais printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This ius t be noted in all reprints.




Liberals' Dilemma:
There's a Solution

EVER SINCE Elise Boulding began her
write-in campaign for Congress on a
peace ticket, the dilemma faced by the
morally concerned voter of following his
conscience and having his vote be poli-
tically meaningless has been expressed
again and again.
The problem was well summarized by
a letter in yesterday's Daily entitled "A
Reluctant Vote for Vivian," in which the
writer says that while she disagrees with
Vivian's stand on foreign policy, she feels
compelled to vote, for him anyway, since
a vote for Boulding could serve to re-
place Vivian by the Republican coritend-
er Marvin Esch. Esch, she said, is even
more unacceptable, and would not make
any difference to LBJ's "consensus tow-
These arguments, however, seem to de-
feat the conclusion. If Vivian is so bad,
why vote for him just to keep the Repub-
lican candidate out? If an individual feels
that it makes very little difference for
whom he votes, the only really meaning-
ful vote is one which follows the dictates
of his conscience.
THE REAL PROBLEM is that in our so-
ciety the positions of the two major
parties have become o similar that one
of the basic purposes for which _the par-

ties were originally established-to pro-
vide the voter with a choice of stands on
important issues - has been subverted.
When there is no candidate to represent
the views of a minority, the constitution-
al right of that minority to equal repre-
sentation has been denied. This is the
reason for Elise Boulding's becoming a
candidate-to provide the voters with an
alternative to LBJ's political consensus.
It is essential that all those voters who
find themselves faced with the dilemma
of voting as their conscience guides them
or of supporting the incumbent for fear
of getting a more unacceptable new rep-
resentative, choose the former course. It
is in the latter case that the vote is
really being thrown away.
Concerned voters should not allow
their moral sense to be blunted by "poli-
tical reality" when that reality is re-
pugnant to them.
IF ALL THOSE who find themselves in
the position of pleading with Vivian
to find the "courage and integrity" to
take a stand voted for the candidate who
has already taken a stand, perhaps some
morality could be injected back into the
political process.

THERE HAVE been hundreds of
minor clashes along the 50-
mile Syrian-Israeli border since
the end of the war in Palestine in
The latest series of incidents,
however, threatens to percipitate
a new Middle East crisis, and has
diverted the United Nations from
its preoccupation with Viet Nam.
Behind the typical Arab and
Israeli charges and countercharges
lies an ingrained hatred and the
specific knotty question of water
THE MAJOR cause of the re-
cent friction is the lack of a water-
sharing pact between Israel, Sy-
ria, Jordan, and Lebanon.
In the Middle East, agreements
exist between Egypt and Sudan
for Nile water appropriation; and
between Iraq anj Turkey for the
Tigris and Euphrates rivers. But
the Jordan River continues to be
polluted with Israeli-Arab mis-
The Jordan rises in the foothills
of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains,
drops 650 feet below sea level at
the Sea of Galilee, and then de-
scends another 600 feet through
the earth's deepest valley to the
Dead Sea, 120 miles to the south.
The muddy waters are pure gold
to the bordering countries, who
need the waters to irrigate the
sere landscape of the region.
IN 1953, Eric Johnston traveled
to the Middle East as trouble-
shooter for the Eisenhower admin-
istration, his mission being to work
out a regional scheme for the divi-
sion of the Jordan River waters
among the riparians.

He noted that "it would not lake
much imagination to envision what
would happen in the way of sabo-
tage and even bloodshed if the
waters of the Jordan were to re-
main unregulated indefinitely."
The Johnston plan proposed
splitting up the waters, with the
Sea of Galilee to be used as a stor-
age point for the entire area.
As its share, Israel was to re-
ceive 39 per cent-a figure which
did not sit too well with Arab
leaders who sounded like they
were intent on destroying the in-
fantile nation. The plan was scut-
tled in 1955.
JORDAN completed its own East
Ghor Canal in 1958, obtaining, in
fact, substantial American finan-
cial backing. The aqueduct runs
43 miles south from the conflu-
ence of the Jordan and Yarmuk
rivers. Jordan's claim to its share
of the Yarmuk river was not dis-
puted by Israel.
A year later, Israel announced
its Kinneret-Negev project-a des-
perately-needed scheme to irrigate
the country's parched southern re-
Completed five years later, the
$150 million investment repre-
sented the most costly venture by
Israel in its modern history. 'Ap-
proximately 300 million cubic
meters of water was diverted an-
nually from the northwest tip of
the Sea of Galilee to the Negev
Desert; the total amount of water
was less than that advocated by
the Johnston proposal.
THE ARAB states have been
opposed to the plan since its in-
ception and have sought to frus-



trate Israel's claim on the waters.
In December, 1963, the military
chiefs of 11 states agreed on a
united plan of action, and in
January, 1964, an Arab :3ummit
meeting was held.
President Nassar of the United
Arab Republic urged a cautious
approach to the problem: the
Arabs were not prepared for war
and therefore must not overbid
their hand.
The leaders cited the need for
a water-allotment plan between
Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, and
also proposed setting up a common
defense system-since Israel can
mobilize some 300,000 men in 72
agreed upon was a diversion of
the rivers which feed the Jordan
from the north. The Arabs would
shut the taps on Israel by dam-
ing the Baniyas and Hasbani
rivers, tributaries which originate
in Lebanon and Syria. In addition,
Jordan wanted to completely dam
off the Yarmuk.
Arab engineers at that time con-
tended that Israel's Negev plan
would leave the lower course of the
Jordan Valley destructively saline,
thus hurting some 200,000 Arab
BUT THE Jordan government's
diversion of the Yarmuk River for
the Canal had brought about de-
st;fictive salinity in certain areas
anyway; and Arab farmers had to
be reimbursed with large outlays
of East Ghor water.
(The Johnston plan would have
provided the Israeli government
with more water than they sought
under their own plan, but would

have compensated the loss to Arab
farmers in the region with fresh
In January, 1965, Israeli Pre-
mier Levi Eshkol warned that
plans to dam the Baniyas and
Hasbani rivers would be regarded
as an "encroachment on our soil,"
because such a move would threat-
en Israel's water supply.
diversion projects occurred on
March 17, 1965, in which time
Israel strafed a Syrian village near
the construction work. In August
of the same year Syria attacked'
the Israeli village of Almojon.
This summer hostilities were re-
newed along the uneasy armistice
line. Responding to previous Sy-
rian aggressions, Israeli fighter
planes made a surprise attack on
the Baniyas River project just in-
side the Syrian border.
Syrian Premier Youssef Zayyen
abhorred the aggression, and said
that a "peoples' war against Is-
rael" was the best way to "liber-
ate" Palestine and return it to
Arab control.
Syrian raids have continued for
the past few months, and have
been carried out by a terror group
called "El Fatah" (The Conquest),
as well as by government soldiers.
action has brought sharp condem-
nation from Kuwait, Iraq, Leb-
anon and Jordan, the United Arab
Republic has been remarkably re-
strained. And herein lies the key
to any further escalation of
Middle East fighting.
Observers don't feel that Syria
will go it alone in a war against

Israel. She needs the superior mili-
tary forces of Egypt against the
crack Israeli army.
But Nassar hasn't shown himself
willing to get involved in the Syr-
ian-Israeli fracas because of do-
mestic troubles over his interven-
tion in Yemen.
HE WAS instrumental in in-
stalling the present pro-Cairo gov-
ernment of Abdullah al-Sallal, and
is now tied down to a war with no
prospect of an early release.
Some 40,000 of the best Egyptian
troops are engaged in a futile 3-
year effort to subdue the royalist
armies of deposed Yemeni leader
Iman Mohammed Badr.
As the Yemen war drags on, the
major powers in the Middle East
are finding themselves taking
Opposed to the United Arab
Republic is Saudi Arabia, under
King Faisal's stern hand. When
the British pull out of Aden in
1968, the Egyptian troops in
Yemen will be in excellent position
to bring pro-Nassar governments
in the neighboring small states.
What Nassar may be seeking is
control of the Red Sea-a pros-
pect appalling to Faisal.
Yemen has created much dissen-
tion in the ranks of the Egyptian
army, and Nassar's position is
shakier than ever before.
Syria, therefore, will probably
not get the Egyptian aid she de-
sires, but the long-standing feud
between Israel and her neighbors
will continue until the United Na-
tions can produce an acceptable

Viet Nam: U.S. Actions vs. Statements

The University's Image
Can't Change Its Function

ONE WHO HAS sat in his sociology or
economics class this semester and
watched. plant department employes in-
stall miles of chain keep-off-the-grass
barricades, dig miles of trenches, and
install numerous automatic sprinkler
spigots is liable to contemplate the short
and long range effects of this work.
He can immediately see that these im-
provements to Central Campus grounds
will make the place look more ordered and
He can also anticipate a restored cam-
puis in less than a year, sodded, mani-
cured and protected.
A QUIET, PASTORAL campus will be
an asset to the University in the next
several months. ,
® The University will celebrate its ses-
quicentennial anniversary, and it will
hope to impress guests and visitors in
every way possible. A pleasing campus
will be impressive.
* The University will move into the
latter stages of its $55 Million Campaign,
the stages in which individual contribu-
tions will be intensively solicited. It will
be important to impress potential con-
tributors that the University is the type
of 'institution in which they will wish to
invest. A quiet, shady, green campus will
further this impression.
* The University will hope to gain
appropriations from the state Legisla-
ture. It will help the University to show
that it is undergoing constructive growth
in a refined, academic, traditional man-
ner. A well-ordered, well-kept campus wil
further this impression.
WHETHER CREATING this impression
at this time was the intent of Uni-
versity administrators or not, it is a
good goal for the University.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
LEONARD PRATT ........Associate Managing Editor
JOHN MEREDITH ........ Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Directot
ROBERT CARNEY.......Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT MOORE ................. Magazine Editor
BABETTE COHN...............Personnel Director
NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Heffer, Merle Jacob, Rob-
ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir-
lev Rosick. Neil Shister.
CHARLES VETZNER.................Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL............ Associate Sports Editor
JAMES LSOVAGE .. Associate Sports Editor
GIL SAMBERG .......Assistant Sports Editor
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard
Kohn, Bill Levis, Bob McFarland, Clark Norton, Rick
Stern, John Sutkus, Gretchen Twietmeyer, Dave
Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS........Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH ..............Advertising Manager
STEVEN LOEWENTHAL ........ Circulation Manager
ELIZABETH RHEIM .............. Personnel Director

However, it is important to remem-
ber that the potential pastoral splendor
of Central Campus cannot change the,
function of the land. The University
may be a showplace, but it is not a pas-
ture, and as an academic institution it
may be subject to the shocks of develop-
ing thoughts.
This means that debate on the steps
of the General Library should not give
an impression that the place is Palace
Pandemonium-and more important, that
the debators are fallen from grace be-
cause they do 'not contribute to the pas-
toral setting.
It means that the University must
never be embarrassed by its citizens, espe-
cially as long as those citizens' activi-
ties are based on academic interests.
THIS DOES NOT MEAN that the Uni-
versity administrators might intend
to curtail free speech or the civil liber-
ties of its citizens or faculty members. It
only indicates that University adminis-
trators should not consider these activi-
ties detrimental to their concept of how
the world should see the University at its
150th anniversary.
It is urgent that all who are going to
be involved in the presentation of the
University examine their concept of what
the University should be and how it
should it serve its citizens.
This may mean divergence from the
pastoral poetry of the still-evolving Cep-
tral Campus.
Vote at 18
ing, but not really campaigning for,
the 18-year-old vote. If it is going to be
won, it is going to be won by students.
The Citizens Committee for the Vote at
18 is the' channel we will have to work
through. The group's activities in Ann
Arbor will be handled by Student Gov-
ernment Council and will require substan-
tial student help. Young Democrats anC
Young Republicans have already pledged
their services for an election-day tele-
phone effort, but there is much more to
be done.
This referendum' takes place in the
midst of a nationwide trend towards al-
lowing young Americans to take their
rightful place in the voting booth. You
can help.
T'he Bandf
SOME WEEKS AGO on this page a let-
ter appeared condemning the Michi-
gan marching band for "not marching

IF WE ACCEPT the official state-
ments of our government, we
must believe the following prop-
1-The United States is in Viet
Nam solely to give the South Viet-
namese a chance to establish the
kind ofgovernment they want.
2-The United States will with-
draw from Viet Nam as soon as
a government acceptable to the
people of the South is secure
against attacks from the North.
.3 - IF THE PEOPLE of the
South want to join the North,
or if they want to include the
Viet Cong in their government,
the United States will not object.
We are not fighting a holy war
against Communism. We are
fighting for the right of the peo-

ple of South Viet Nam to deter-
mine their own political future.
4-We want no permanent mil-
itary bases in Southeast Asia.
5-All killing in Viet Nam will
stop as soon as the North Viet-
namese stop killing the South
CANTHESE propositions be be-
It is perhaps enough to say
that they are not believed out-
side the United States. The first
reason is that South Viet Nam is
the creation of the United States.
It is as though the United States,
having created the Republic of
Panama in order to put through
the canal, then asserted the right
to bomb Colombia in order to as-
sure the self-determination of the
Panamanian people.

THE GENEVA agreements of
1954 did not contemplate the per-'
manent division of Viet Nam. An
election was to be held to de-
cide how the whole country was
to be governed.
Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, the
latest of those to favor "victory"
at any price in Viet Nam, says
in his book "Mandate for Change"
that, if the election had taken
place in 1954, possible 80 per cent
of the people would have voted
for Ho Chi Minh.

American influence prevented
the election scheduled for 1956.
We cannot go around the world
setting up governments in oppo-
sition to the will of the people
and expect to be believed when
we say we are fighting for the
right of the people to express their
THE SECOND reason the state-
ments of our government are not
believed outside this country is
that we have taken no action
that makes them credible. To sus-
pend bombing briefly, to escalate
constantly, to establish what look
like permanent bases in Thailand,
to say nothing of those in Viet
Nam itself-these are deeds thati
prevent our words from being tak-
en seriously.

It is now admitted that the
bombing of the North is ineffec-
tive. Why not stop it? The build-
up of Thailand is necessary only
to support the bombing of the
North. Why not stop that?
IF WE ARE in South Viet Nam
merely to protect its people, why
not gather the people into en-
claves and protect them? This
would be a convincing demonstra-
tion that we have no imperialistic
designs in Southeast Asia.
Short of some such demonstra-
tion the killing in Viet Nam will
continue. The statements of our
government will not be believed.
And we shall live in the shadow
of thermonuclear war.
Copyright, 1966, Los Angeles Times


Letters: The 'U's' Nu Sigma Nu Plan

To the Editor:
IN ALL THEIR agonizing over
the arrangement between the
University and Nu Sigma Nu, one
central fact seems completely to
have escaped the consciousness of
the Daily writers.
Harvey Wasserman, in his Fri-
day editorial, refers to "the Uni-
versity's plan to build Nu Sigma
Nu fraternity with its own funds."
THAT IMAGE, which has per-
vaded the discussion from the be-
ginning, seems a most peculiar way
to represent an arrangement
whereby the University will be-
come the permanent owner of a
$400,000 housing facility, for the
use of which it will receive an
income comparable to that receiv-
ed from comparable facilities,
without in the long run having ex-
pended a nickel of its own money.
For the fact of the matter is
that all funds advanced by the
University will be completely re-
couped, with interest, in a 15
year period, and Mr. Wasserman
would have been much closer to
the truth if he had called it a
"plan for the fraternity and its
friends to build with their funds
a housing facility for the Uni-
IS THAT FACT, which has been
so sadly overlooked, not rather
relevant to the questions which
seem to have exercised the Daily:
1) whether there is any impro-
priety in such an arrangement
between the University and a pri-
vate group, and 2) whether the
arrangement is one about which
the Legislature has an appropriate
I rather believe that if Mr. Was-
serman all by himself wished to
donate a house to the University
which he would then rent back
at going rates, I would be hard
put to find in the transaction
any disadvantage to the Universi-.
ty, or any misuse of its resources.
-Luke K. Cooperrider
Professor of Law
To the Editor:
MR. DAVID KNOKE wrote an
excellent story on suicide and
student stress (Oct. 5), but he
falsely used Moderator's recent
article as a straw man. Moreover,
he did not raise two important

ality, nor is there any recog-
nizable sign to indicate that a
student is going to commit sui-
cide. Suicide can be the ex-
treme manifestation of a wide
range of psychological or so-
cial problems.
More important, Mr. Knoke
failed to ask two important ques-
tions: 1) Could the campus men-
tal health facilities at the Uni-
versity of Michigan be more ef-
fective in assisting students with
severe emotional problems? 2)
Could educational reforms at the
University remove harmful stress
from all students?
The Moderator article ventured

into these difficult areas. Mr.
Knoke did not.
THE NATIONAL and- adult
press has blurred the issues of
student suicide, student psychia-
tric problems and general stu-
dent stress. Moderator did not. I
hope that, in the future, The
Daily will not either.
With the above qualifications,
let me congratulate Mr. Knoke
and The Daily. There were num-
erous signs of independent re-
search in your article, especially
regarding the nature of the Uni-
versity of Michigan campus.

This is the most telling sign of
a mature student newspaper. As
such, the Daily remains among the
best in the country.
I look forward to your further
examination of the problems of
student stress and development on
your campus.
-Philip R. Werdell
Moderator Editor
Socialist Labor
To the Editor:
IAM NOT at all pleased the way
newspapers on the whole are
reporting the campaigns taking

place in a number of sto',s for
the November election a, the false
impression is being c: eated that
only the major parties have can-
This is to point out that Social-
ist Labor Party candidates are
also active and conducting cam-
paigns on the issue of repudiat-
ing capitalism and organizing for
real Socialism.
SOCIALIST Labor Party candi-
dates are on the ballot in Massa-
chusetts, Michigan, Minnesota (as
the "Industrial Government Par-
ty"), New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Write-in 'campaigns are being
waged by the SLP in California,
Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, In-
diana, Ohio, and Washingtpn.
The reason the Socialist Labor
Party has to appeal for write-in
votes in the above states is be-
cause their election laws are re-
And this is supposed to be a free
-Nathan Pressman
Member of the Socialist Labor
Party,,Ellenville, N.Y.


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The Daily

To the Editor:

r 4/'Tr
(j6 .

WHY, PRAY TELL, when the
invoice for my subscription to
the Daily arrived recently, did I
feel compelled to surrepitiously
stuff it into my pocket, so no
one would know that "I subscrib-
Being humbly presumptuous; I
think that it was because of the
adolescent tomfoolery that has
often studded the editorial page
of an otherwise good journal.
PERHAPS if by-lines/were not
used, as is the custom of other
good college dailies, people such
as Pat (sorry for beating a dead
horse) O'Donohue, and even the
more responsible, who sometimes
blow their respective cools (e.g.,
the recent Bruce Wasstrstein-Doc
Losh fiasco), would not be tempt-
ed to gratify the occasional Irre-
sponsible urges to get sophomoric
thoughts into print, for the Uni-
versity community to behold,
much to its vicarious embarrass-
Please clean up your act so


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