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October 16, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-16

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Br hnev



Fliers Set
New Bomb
Mission Rate
Tass Reports Viets
Learning in Russia
To Operate MIGs

Johnson's Far Eastern Trip
Timed Strategically for Asia
By JOHN HIGHTOWER a monsoon offensive by the Corn- future developments in Viet Nan).
A ssociated1 Press Special Correspondent munist forces had failed. Secretary How North Vietnamese leaders
WASHINGTON - President of Defense Robert S. McNamara, will assess the election results is
Johnson's trip to the Far East, be- returning Friday from strategy a wide-open question. But the
ninn i uuurrwi i c s _w tAlk in S in

Policy Blocks Accord

Replies To
Pe ace Plan
Blames 'Aggression'
For Weakening East-
West Relationships
MOSCOW ()-Leonid I. Brezh-
nev agreed with President Johnson
yesterday that he would like to
see U.S.-Soviet relations improved
but declared this was impossible
so long as the United States pur-
sues "aggressive war" in Viet Nam.
In a speech during a Kremlin
friendship meeting with Polish
. leaders, the general secretary of
the Soviet Communist party in ef-
fect rejected an appeal by John-
son in a New York speech Oct. 7
for an improvement in East-West
Brezhnev's speech was a direct
answer to Johnson's speech to the
National Conference of Editorial
Writers in New York. Johnson's
themes were keeping the Western
alliance strong, increasing West-
ern unity, and working for an end
to the East-West division in
"If the United States wants to
develop mutually profitable rela-
tions with the Soviet Union-and
we would like this is principle-
it is necessary to remove the main
obstacle," Brezhnev said.
'Piratical Raids'
"Stop the piratical raids on a
Socialist state, the Democratic Re-
public of North Viet Nam, and stop
the aggressive war against the
Vietnamese people; respect not in
words but in deeds the independ-
ence, sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the other countries
and people."
The lack of a specific demand
for the withdrawal of U.S. forces
from South Viet Nam stirred spec-
ulation among diplomats here. The
Communist position, repeated in
Hanoi as recently as Thursday, has
been that withdrawal is one of the
preconditions for any Vietnamese
Diplomatic Opinion
Some diplomats suggested there
might be some slight shift in the
Soviet attitude toward finding a
way out of the Vietnamese im-
passe. But they hestitated to draw
firm conclusions.
At one point in his speech Brezh-
nev said that prospects had im-
proved for a treaty to halt the
spread of nuclear weapons, which
would be signed by the United
States and the Soviet Union among
others. He added that the Soviet
Union "will spare no effort to sign
an agreement."

SAION A)-oppng reordginning tomorrow, coincides with
the beginning of what may prove
of 173 missions set only Thursday, to be a period of critical impor-
U.S. pilots flew a new high of 175 tance for the war in Viet Nam.
against North Viet Nam Friday. The next six months, many in-
They bombed and strafed a nissile formed officials believe, can well
bring a turning point, with Com-
site, railroad yards, bridges, barges munist leaders deciding either to
and storage buildings. end or to expand the conflict.
From Moscow came word th t Johnson plans to fly tomorrow
North Vietnamese pilots and avia-i to Honolulu, where he will deliver
the first of many speeches to be
tion specialists, who have come given during his six-nation tour
out on the short end in sporadic and his attendance at the Manila
dogfights with Americans over the Conference on Viet Nam, Oct. 24-
last 18 months, were training 27.
within the Soviet Union. They ob- Emphasis on Peace
viously hope to change the odds Throughout the trip, his main
in which they have lost 23 Soviet- emphasis is expected to be on a
designed MIG's while shooting search for peace. The Manila Con-
down 5 U.S. planes. ference may produce a new, spe-
The Soviet news agency Tass, cific bid aimed at North Viet Nam
without saying how many were on and the Viet Cong.
hand, reported they were be, ag Two other themes are expected
taught by Soviet instructors to to stand out in Johnson's speeches.
handle supersonic missile-carrying -Reaffirmation of his declared
planes "at one of the Soviet policy of fighting the Vietnamese
Union's best flying schools." war with a limited aim of securing
Usthe independence of South Viet
Reports Released Nam without destroying North
At the same time, the U.S. com- Viet Nam.
mand reported that, in all phases Regional Associations
of the war, enemy gunners had -Looking to the long future of
downed 748 American aircraft- Asia, his still-developing con-
403 planes and 3 helicopters in the cept of some new regional associa-
north; 129 planes and 213 heli- tion of non-Communist nations
copters in the south, throughout the Far East.
B52 bombers staged three s';rikes From the line taken by officials
against enemy targets, including here, it seems clear that Johnson
another raid on Communist hold- and his advisors hope the Manila
ings in the central sector of the conference plus the President's
border demilitarized zone, and al- own exposition of U.S. policy dur-
lied forces claimed further toll on ing his far-ranging tour will stim-
Red manpower and fortifications ulate m a x i m u m international
in other sectors. pressures on Hanoi to move toward
Viet Strike negotiations.
Basic to U.S. officials thinking
The Viet Cong struck back with about the prospects in Viet Nam
a raid on a Vietnamese military -as seen hopefully from Washing-
dispensary in the central high- ton-is the fact that the Viet Cong
lands 28 miles southwest of Quang and North Vietnamese forces in
Ngai. A Vietnamese spokesman the south have suffered a long
said they had killed four militia- sesothihary reere thig
men and three civilians and blown series of military reverses this
up 26 rooms of the medical facil- yeai.
with mines. .. Opportune Time'
itywihmns Johnson related this aspect of
U.S. air cavalrymen and Korean the situation directlyto the Ma-
and Vietnamese troops, who have nila meeting when he told a news
killed or captured more than 2,000 conference Thursday that the sev-
Viest Cong and North Vietnamese en-nation gathering of leaders
on the Phu Cat sector of the cen- with troops in South Viet Nam
tral coast since Oct. 2, reported would be held at an opportune
21 more dead and 49 prisoners time.
from mopping up operations. He said it was significant that

S Is in oalgon, reported more
specifically that the Communist
had failed in an effort to cut
South Viet Nam in two.
Political Aims
That the Communists have giv-
en up the hope of winning the
conflict militarily is taken for
granted in official quarters here,
but authorities believe they still
hope to win politically. Strategists
in Hanoi, it is said, look for re-
sults of the Nov. 8 U.S. congres-
sional elections to demonstrate
massive opposition to Johnson's
Vietnamese war policy.
This belief has led to the con-
clusion among American policy
makers that no new decisions can
be expected from Hanoi until
sometime after Nov. 8. This is an
important element in Washing-
ton's judgment in the timing of

j onnson administrations view is
that the war is not a clear-cut is-
sue and that Hanoi will be able
to find little support for its hope
of a political reversal in this coun-
try when the results are known.
Lower Hopes
Should this prove to be the case,
Hanoi then would find itself with
scant victory prospects on the
political as well as the military
front of the conflict and would
seem to have three choices open:
To move toward peace negotia-
To seek to expand the war with
much greater help from the Soviet
Union gnd Red China.
Or to go on indefinitely with the
struggle along present lines, de-
spite mounting manpower losses
in the south and widespread bomb
damage in North Viet Nam.


of Viet Conditions


Begin Philippine Parley

-Associated Press
SOVIET LEADER Leonid I. Brezhnev brushed aside President Johnson's recent call for better East-
West relations yesterday at a friendship meeting with Polish representatives in the Kremlin. (See
story on this page.)
McNamara Battlefield Survey
May'Result in Tax Increases

MANILA (P)-The Americans
and South Vietnamese are ex-
pected to get the Manila summit
conference started with a detailed
and sweeping review of military,
political and economic conditions
in South Viet Nam.
With preparations for the Oct.
24 seven-nation summit well un-
der way, it was shaping up as a
businesslike conference with a
minimum of public display.
President Johnson, who tomor-
row begins the international swing
that will bring him to Manila, has
summoned top brass to join him
for the conference. In addition to
Secretary of State Dean Rusk and
Defense secretary Robert S. Mc-
Namara, he has ordered Ambassa-
dor Henry Cabot Lodge from Sai-
gon and the U.S. Pacific com-
mander, Adm. Ulysses S. Grant
Sharp, to join the delegation.

The South Vietnamese ruling
duo-Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and
Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu
-have signified they also will
bring the regime's top military,
political and economic members.
Although Rusk and several of
the foreign ministers will arrive
Oct. 21 before the conference,
there will be no formal foreign
ministers' meeting before the sum-
mit. Instead; there will be a series
of bilateral talks in the refurnish-
ed Manila Hotel-once Gen. Dou-
glas MacArthur's wartime head-
quarters-where all delegations
are staying.
President Chung Biee Park of
South Korea will fly in from South
Viet Nam where he will be briefed
by his own forces before the con-
ference. Thailand's Prime Minister
Thanom Kittikachorn will arrive
in a special plane from Bangkok.

WASHINGTON (IP) - The con-,
clusions Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara drew from
his just-ended trip to South Viet
Nam will play a key role in a cru-
cial administration domestic deci-
sion - whether to ask Congress
next year to raise taxes.
There are indications the ad-
ministration might be forced into
that action. But there are some
counteracting factors, too.
Spending for the Viet Nam war
is already running well ahead of
estimates and is expected to in-
Bt t top administration sources
emphasized yesterday that no de-
cision on taxes had been reached
because it was not yet known
exactly how much money the war
might cost or how much spending
Congress might vote this year.
Timing of the decision is also
uncertain, one source said, but it
will come before the January
deadline for submission of the
President's new budget to Con-
There has beer, speculation that
President Johnson, if he decides

a tax increase is needed-arid it's ness subcommittee, has said the
ultimately his decision - will an- Pentagon would need a supple-
nounce his intention in December mental appropriation of $12 billion
to give the new Congress and to $17 billion early next year to
Americans generally time to digest carry on the war.-

the news.
No Current Indications
As of now, however, decisions on
whether taxes will be raised, and,
if so, what taxes and by how much,
are still up in the air, a key source
The most likely taxes to be af-
fected by any administration deci-
sion to increase the levies are in-
come and corporation rates. Excise
taxes could be fair game, but one
government source said the ad-
ministration has worked too hard
to lower them and might not want
to reverse the pattern.
After the defense chief reported
Friday to Johnson on his battle-
field trip, the President told re-
porters there was a littletclearer
picture on the cost of the war.
Johnson said he would be meetingj
with Treasury and budget officials
trying to estimate this cost for
this quarter and for this fiscal
Johnson said he would make the
totals known as soon "as we get
any approximation," but he could
not say how soon that might be.
Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss),
chairman of the Senate prepared-

At this point, these other fac-
tors have emerged:
-Military spending projected in
the President's budget for the fis-
cal year which began July 1 is al-
ready obsolete. From July through
September, the first three months
of the new fiscal year, defense
spending ran at an annual rate of
$4.2 billion more than anticipated
last January.
-Present budget figures are
based on the assumption the war
will end by next June 30, the end
of the current fiscal year, barring
a major break, this now seems un-
likely. If the war goes beyond that
point, additional supplies and
equipment must be ordered, and
this means more spending.
-Tax collections are running
much heavier than expected, but
by how much officials won't say.
-Congress has approved in
some cases more money than
Johnson requested.
-The administration is trying
to cut spending by $3 billion this
year as an antiinflation measure.
A conservative guess, however,
would be in the neighborhood of
$5 billion on an annual basis.

A Series of Six Seminars



First Meeting:

Tuesday, October 18, 7:00 P.M.

with soda, pickles, etc.
every Sunday at 5:30 p.m.
call 663-4129 for reservotions


802 Monroe
Regular Meeting Time to be set by the Group
Seminars will consist of discussions based upon selected
readings. All participants will read "The New Radi-
cals" by Paul Jacobs and Saul Landau (Vintage Pap-
If you would like to participate, buy the book ("The
New Radicals") and come to the first meeting.

World News Roundup

1429 Hill Street

All Are Welcome



By The Associated Press
tary-General U Thant said yes-
terday he would tell the United
States that it must safeguard the
representatives and the, missions of
other U.N. members in New York.
-Thant made that promise to
three ambassadors that handed
him a protest from the 62-nation
Asian-African group to Friday's
invasion of the Syrian mission by
some young American Zionists.
A U.N. spokesman later said that
Thant had asked for a meeting on
the subject tomorrow with Am-
bassador Arthur J. Goldberg, head
of the U.S. mission, who alreday
had apologized for the incident
and signed charges against the
WASHINGTON-A new Cabinet
department to oversee the nation's
land and air transportation came
into existence yesterday with
President Johnson's signature.
He expressed hope that Congress
will reconsider its decision to omit
water transportation from the
+ sweeping unification of federal
But he gave no indication who
might get the secretary job or
There had been some specula-
tion that he might name the new
Cabinet member at the same time
he signed the bill at a White House
HUELVA, Spain-Spain entered
the space age yesterday, launching
a 90-pound weather rocket which
transmitted data from altitudes of
a 20 to 50 miles before plunging into

the Atlantic 25 miles from
launching site near here.


* * *
will visit Canada 'next year to see
the Montreal World's Fair, Expo
'67, a Vatican informant said yes-
outside Italy since becoming Pope
terday. It would be his fourth trip
outside Italy since becoming Pope
in 1963.
There washno immediateindi-
cation that he would extend the
visit to take in the United States
which he visited a year ago.
The Vatican source said the
dates of the visit had not been
fixed but that the Vatican already
had begun advance planning, such
as gathering information on pos-
sible flight arrangements.

Board of
will be held on Oct. 19
fronm 7:30-11:30
Sign up now for interview
at 2538 SAB

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