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October 07, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-07

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cials yesterday welcomed British
Foreign Secretary George Brown's
new six-point plan for peace in
Viet Nam although it goes beyond
American policy on one vital point.
Most important in the calcula-
tions of Washington policymakers
is that the plan gives a new boost
to the big peace offensive present-
ly building up alongside President
Johnson's trip to the Far East.
Demands and maneuvers for
peace seem to, be growing on a
wider scale than ever before.
Underneath the surface of offi-
cial Washington activity is a hope,
which no top official wishes to
state publicly, that within the next
months the Vietnamese war can
be brought to a decisive point and
turned toward negotiations. One

reason for this speculation is the,
constant heavy military pressure
now being applied against the
Communist forces in South Viet
Nam and therconsequent defeats
they are suffering.
But what is missing in all the
oratory, diplomacy and secret hope
is any publicly known evidence
that the Communist leadership-
the Viet Cong chieftains in South
Viet Nam and the rulers in North
Viet Nam have any interest what-
ever in entering negotiations at
this time.
The evidence in fact, runs the
other way.
In Hanoi yesterday, the news-
paper Mhan Dan, a government
mouthpiece, rejected a proposal re-
cently made by U.N. Secretary-
General U Thant for scaling down
the fighting. In Washington, a few

days ago French Foreign Minister
Maurice Couve de Murville, with
diplomatic contacts in Hanoi, is
understood to have told President
Johnson that the North Vietnam-
ese and Viet Cong are prepared to
fight on for years.
But a constant testing of the
determination of both sides goes
on. The North Vietnamese report-
edly hope that political opponents
will force Johnson to make peace.
And it is as a test of Hanoi's real
position that the U.S. suspension
of bombing over a tiny part of the
Demilitarized Zone between North
and South Viet Nam is most im-
portant. North Vietnamese willing-
ness to let the International Con-
trol Commission begin operating
in the zone again would be con-
sidered a significant step toward
scaling down the war.

George Brown made his peace
proposals in a political setting--
a Labor party meeting. But they
were aimed for a larger audience
as well, in the view of American
officials. Brown, due in New York
today, will speak to the U.N. Gen-
eral Asembly next Tuesday and
will confer here with Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and Johnson at
the end of next week.
Brown led off his plan with a
proposition that confounded some
officials here. He proposed that
the National Liberation Front, the
political facade for the Viet Cong
in South Viet Nam, be given a
direct voice at the peace confer-
ence table. The most the United
States has ever said is that the
problem could be solved in some
manner. But there is considerable
opposition within the U.S. govern-

ment to giving the negotiating and fhimness against aggression, United States and the Soviet
rights of a government to the with the emphasis on peace. Union have also contributed to the
Communist rebel leadership in Past peace offensives, notably sense of action on the peace front
South Viet Nam. the one which Johnson sparked by renewing talk that the Soviet
with his long bombing pause over Union may yet be able to make
Nevertheless, officials s a d North Viet Nam last December, some decisive step for an end to
Brown's bid for joint action with have often originated in the the conflict.
the Soviet Union to reconvene the United States either publicly or The main U.S. contribution to"
Geneva Conference on Southeast secretly. The sources of the pres- the mounting peace pressure on
Asia as a forum for peace talks, ent movement appear to be more Hanoi so far has been 'a speech
his propositions for ending the numerous and therefore to repre- made by Ambassador Arthur J.
bombing and getting a cease-fire sent a marshaling of energies on a Goldberg at the United Nations.
and his proposals for neutralizing wider scale. He offered a halt in the bombing
the country in handling the thorny Pope Paul VI appealed to fol- of North Viet Nam if it would
issues of reunification were wel- lowers all over the world to make simply promise to scale down its
comed as a contribution to the October a month. of prayer for operations against South Viett
general peace offensive. peace, and he now has a papal Nam. He again declared U.S. read-
Johnson's theme in the forth- mission in Viet Nam. iness to pull out of South Viet
coming Manilla conference of na- U Thant has been reportedly Nam and he promised some kind
tions with troops in South Viet engaged in a new and largely of place for the Viet Cong in peace
Nam and his visits to Allied capi- secret effort to persuade the lead- negotiations. The first reaction
tals in the Far East is certain to ers of North Viet Nam to move : from Hanoi and Peking was to yell
be a combination of peace-seeking toward the conference table. fraud.

Informed U.S. officials are not
particularly optimistic about peace
progress in the short range. They
welcomed the International Con-
trol Commission's proposal for try-
ing to get at least a part of the
Demilitarized Zone actually demi-
litarized. That is why they stopped
the bombing in the eastern end of
the zone.
Yet no one here would be sur-
prised if the Communists turned
the whole thing down, since they
have been moving masses of troops
and supplies through the zone for
months. Yet in the longer range-
looking toward March or April of
next year-there is considerably
more hope that the combination
of heavy military damage and the
readiness here to make a nego-
tiated peace wlil lead to an end
of the war.





Johnson confirmed officially yes-
terday that his first presidential
trip overseas will be the most ex-
tensive visit to the Far East ever
launched by an American chief
It begins. Oct. 17 and winds up
Nov. 2 and in between Johnson
will cover roughly 25,000 miles
and visit the capitals of New Zea-
land, Australia, the Philip.pines,
Thailand, Malaysia and Korea,
The over-riding objective of the
trip is to help the cause of an
honorable peace in Viet Nam. This
will be a focal point of a confer-
ence in Manila, which in turn will
be the focal point of the journey


that will cover the distance around
the earth.
But as for visiting Viet Nam it-
self, Johnson said that:
"No consideration has been giv-
en at this time to any such pro-
posal or any such visit."
Viet Nam is a combat area, of
course, and ordinadily Presidents
stay out of them. None has been in
one since the late Franklin D..
Roosevelt went to North Africa
after most of the World War II
fighting there had subsided.
Still, it would cause no undue
amount of surprise should Johnson
show up suddenly and unan-
nounced, under strictest security
precautions, somewhere in Viet

Nam sometime during the Pacific
As a courtesy to the nations he
is visiting, the White House let
them spread the first word that
the President is coming.
Travel Plans
In sketching out some of the
details of travel plans, Johnson
told a news conference that the
First Lady will join in most of his
official schedule. But while he is
conferring, she will be looking in
on "various projects and historic
sites" to gather ideas for such
things as the beautification pro-
gram at home.
The President was ready for
any questions on the Pacific tour

and the Manila conference, and'
these topics and related ones took
up the bulk of his nationally tel-
evised and broadcast session with
But he started off by announc-
ing several diplomatic appoint-
ments, including a decision to send
Roving Ambassador Llewellyn
Thompson back to Moscow for an-
other stint as U.S. ambassador.
Thompson already had served'
there for almost five years - the
longest time ever served in the
Toward the end, Johnson was
asked to outline his hopes of
what would result from the Pa-
cific tour. He turned the answer
largely into one applying to the
conference in Manila, which he
visits from Oct. 23 to 27.
He summed up by sayisQg: "I
think generally speaking it will
give an opportunity for the lead-
ers of the men who are committed
to battle in Viet Nam to meet and
explore ways of finding peace, for
bringing an end to the zonflict,
for making that area of the world
prosperous and peaceful in the
years to come.
"The invitation, as you know,
was extended by other countries.
I am sure that they will have
some specific plans to suggest.
"I want to be a good listener as
well as an active participant."
All the countries contributing
military help to the allied cause
in Viet Nam are sending their
chiefs of state to Manila. Malay-
sia is the one country on the trip
which will not be represented,
lacking a military commitment in
Viet Nah.

New Effort
To Negotiate
Sounds Out Diplomats
On Signs of Interest
In Promoting Peace

British Labor Party Revolts,
Attack Wilson's Viet Policies
BRIGHTON, England 0P-Two gressor and his victim on an equal few minutes before they were
former Cabinet ministers led Brit- footing which makes the proposals taken Brown had advised the 1,250
ish Laborites into rebellion yester-;uncetb."dlgastoretthm
day against Prime Minister Harold unacceptable." delegates to reject them.
Wilson-winning votes by de- Brown's program, which he said In Britain governments of the
manding embarrassing changes in' he would urge on U.S. Secretary of day are not bound to obey-only
his Vietnam and defense policies. State Dean Rusk and Soviet For- to be guided by-decisions of the

Secretary of State Dean


made new efforts yesterday to But the British leader is certain eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko
sound out Communist diplomats to shrug aside the demands of his after he reaches the United Na-
on anysignCofminerstdinpo Labor party's annual convention, tions today, includes a call for a
on any signs of interest in pro- knowing if he met them his gov- peace parley as soon as possible at
Nam. There were no indications ernment would soon be in serious which the Viet Cong would have
Nfscm.hr rn dconflict with President Johnson's a place.
of success, administration. The second resolution, approved
Secretary-General U Thant said One resolution adopted by the 3,470,000 to 2,644,000 called on the
through a spokesman he was conference puts the onus on the government to pull British forces
striving through diplomatic chan- Americans to end the Vietnam out of Malaysia, Singapore and the
nels to achieve an atmosphere war by, among other things, end- Persian Gulf-"ending ever-de-
congenial for negotiations, but ing their North Vietnam bomb pendence on American support"
that he was making no new peace strikes. and to cut the nation's $6 billion
initiatives. Vote annual defense bill by at least

parties they represent.
Wilson and his colleagues nev-
ertheless set out to put the best
possible face on what clearly was
a day of paradoxes in laborite at-
They were quick to point out
that during the same process of
voting the conference overwhelm-
ingly accepted a statement of for-
eign and defense policy issued last
weekend by the leadership. In it
the government's over-all record

Korea's Volunteer' Proposal
Raises Problem for Moscow

MOSCOW (A)-Proposals that
Communist countries rush, "vol-
unteers" to fight in Viet Nam and
then hold a Communist unity
meeting posed a problem for the
Soviet Union yesterday.
The Soviet press did not report
the proposals of North Korea's
Communist leader, Kim Il Sung.
His speech Wednesdyain Pyong-
yang criticized both the Soviet and
Chinese positions in the Moscow-
Peking rift but urged that all

Communist countries unite in
sending "volunteers" to Viet Nam.
The chances that the speech
would infuence the Kremlin's at-
titude toward sending "volunteers"
looked remote to experienced ob-
servers here.
North Korea was long under
Moscow's influence, then moved
into the Peking orbit. Last Aug.
12, it declared its independence.
Kim was harsh with both sides in

the struggle for world Communist
The position of the Soviet Union
and Its East European friends is
that they will send "volunteers" if
Hanoi asks for them. Some ob-
servers here suspect that a secret
understanding with Hanoi makes
further consultation necessary be-
fore the North Vietnamese govern-
ment makes any public request.
China also has said it would
send "volunteers" if needed. But
the basic Chinese line is that Viet-
namese communists must rely
upon their own resources in fight-
ing the Saigon government and its
American-led allies.

Rusk met privately with Vaclav one-eighth. and aims were spelled out. They
David, the- dzech foreign minister, This was voted 3,851,000 to Sponsors were, at relevant points, totally
and arranged-a meeting with Hun- 2,644,000, in the face of a decla- E
garian Foreign Minister Janos Pe- ration by Foreign Minister George Chief sponsors were leftwinger opposite to the demands in yester-
ter. It was his third scheduled con- Brown, in presenting a six-point Frank Cousins and° rightwinger day's rebel resolutions. The confer-
ference wsithrd u counterpart from Vietn peaenplg has t Chistopher Mayhew. Both quit ence adopted this statement by a
ference with a counterpart from The trth euplata : Wilson's government earlier this margin of nearly nine to one.
the Communist bloc countries in "The truth, unpalatable as it year in protest against his econo- Brown's text for Vietnam was
the last,m24 hours. may be to some, is that only when ic and defense policies.- stark:
Theere had been some specula- someone can persuade Hanoi to go For the Wilson government the "There cannot be, nor should
tion that David might be relaying as far as the Americans have al- adverse votes represented polit- there be, a military solution to this
word from Hanoi. Jozef Lenart, ready gone shall we be on the way ically damaging setbacks. Only a conflict:"
the Czech premier, returned to to creating the climate and find-.-
Prague recently from a talk in ing the situation and the moment
Hanoi with Ho Chi Minh, the when a peaceful settlement may be
North Vietnamese leader, achieved."L
But David told a reporter that Ina first reaction, Radio Mos- RU M M A G E SALE
he had no message to give Rusk, cow said Brown's proposals were
and added: "We mentioned North "unacceptable" because his plan ooks c' othe' urn ture-
Viet Nam only in general terms." for de-escalating the fighting is '.3CJ1Il, sIfu nitur
"almost an exact copy of Amer-
He said that he discussed world ican proposals." for the
affairs in the more than hour-longSc
talk with Rusk, including Euro- The English-language broadcast Ch a ,dr 'm s C*m u*n y ' ch
pean security and some issues heard in London said both the
pending before the U.N. General American and British proposals SATURDAY, October 8, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Asseblycall for simultaneous reduction in
Assemblyo sisoboth side. SUNDAY, October 9, noon-6 p.m.
Rusk also met Yugoslav Foreignhonb es. 206-8 N. Fourth Ave
Minister Marko Nikezic, who told 'This puts the American ag-
reporters afterward that nothing ~
specific on Viet Nam was discuss- ,
ed., C11RC"'DIDT InMC C"T"A DT AAQMflA Y 1

World News Roundup

By The Associated Ptess
NEW YORK - The battered
stock market took another beating
yesterday, and dropped to its low-
est level since 1963.
There was no dramatic news to
account for the decline. Analysts
blamed continued concern over the
war in Viet Nam and tight money.
t* *
JAKARTA, Indonesia-Student
pressure mounted yesterday for
the ouster of President Sukarno,

charged by many students with
leading the Communist coup at-
tempt a year ago.
-Unoffically student sources
said new demonstrations against
Sukarno appear likely.
passed a $6.4-billion education bill
last night to extend the grade and
high school aid program for an-
other: two years after rejecting all
Republican efforts to cut it.


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-and many other things


All persons willing to help in any way
call 665-3426 immediately.





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