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October 07, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-07

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uGr fidrigatt Datey
Seventy-Sixth Year

PublicTheNegro: Bring Hn into the aysem
Y."y gWgggy gt

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News PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



The American Way:
Tolerance of Dissent

IT IS ALWAYS reassuring to witness per-
sons actively expressing their opinion
on a given topic, even though theirs is
supposedly contrary to the prevalent one.
Last Sunday night a small, but enthus-
iastic, m i n o r i t y demonstrated this
through the reading of poetry on the Viet
Nam war.
Not all the works were well-written.
Indeed, some became so involved in sym-
bolism, so engaged in the opportunities
for expression afforded by blank and
free verse, that their intrinsic purpose-
presenting a perspective on the South-
east Asian conflict-was lost.
HOWEVER, one cannot determine the
worth of the read-in by its literary
value. One must look deeper to the fact
that those on the program and those in
the audience were exercising their rights
--not their privileges-under the First
Amendment, as citizens ofthe United
Critics have said in recent years that
the virtues of pride, dedication to one's
beliefs and strength in the face of adver-
sity were waning in a weakening Ameri-
can people.
Within the last year particularly, it
has also been stated, or more often inti-
mated, that the rights of the minority,
whether they be "doves" or persons
amassed in big city ghettos, should be up-
held only as long as they are permitted
by the prevailing majority. Is this the es-

sence of majority rule, minority rights?
Or is this another American platitude-
slowly becoming devoid of meaning?
Those who participated in the Viet
Nam read-in are proving these statements
and queries to be false.
ON THE OTHER HAND, those who break
the existing laws-whether by destroy-
ing draft cards or by rioting in Ameri-
can streets-who denigrate the President
of this nation, his assistants and the
thousands of young soldiers who are des-
tined for Viet Nam, are defeating their
purpose. They are criticizing and degrad-
ing men, like the President, who are en-
deavoring to embark upon what is, to
them, the best, most reasonable and most
honorable course of action.
One may call them "hawks," but the
President and those who agree with him
are also demonstrating pride, dedication
to one's beliefs, and strength in the face
of adversity.
This, then, is a dilemma. However, it
is a dilemma which does not lack at least
a partial solution. There is one word,
among all the others, in which the Amer-
ican image is revered. It is a word rarely
exercised, either individually or socially.
IT IS TOLERANCE. Tolerance-the abil-
ity to respect the rights and actions
of others, the ability to sustain undesir-
able situations until one can legally
change them. Tolerance.

LET'S GET down to the nitty
gritty: Can the American
Negro emerge from his agony
through the existing institutions
of American society, or must he
resort to overthrowing the social
order for salvation? Or must he
wallow ad infinitum in the mire
of his present existence?
and letting Negroes with the qual-
ificationt get jobs are all very
nice. Despite the bigotry recently
displayed in Chicago by the white
community, it would seem that
the flow of the tide of history is
to let Negroes who have the stuff
(as defined by white society)
"make it." In fact, colleges and
major corporations are searching
the country for "their Negro."
It would seem that the develop-
ment of equal opportunity is the
key for the emergence of the Ne-
gro when an analogy is drawn be-
tween the plight of the Chinese,
Italian, Irish German, and Jewish,
immigrants who were integrated
successfully into American society
and the Negro.
But unfortunately this isn't true.
If the Negro is to emerge he
needs more than equal oppor-
tunity, and American society
seems unwilling to provide it.

THERE IS a distinct difference
between the Negro and the im-
migrants because of the break-
down of the Negro family struc-
ture as detailed in the controver-
sial Moynihan report and the lack
of motivation, and training for
the Negro in our present economic
As contrasted to the immigrants,
the Negro family structure is in
shambles. Despite the protetations
of many civil rights leaders, this
basic problem is a major stumbl-
ing block. Although Whitney
Young types are more oriented to
extoling the role of the Negro in
Americanthistory, these leaders
seem to turn their backs on the
unsavory social truth.
AND, IN terms of skills and
social traditions, it is well-known
that the immigrant's positions was
superior to that of the American
Negro. What is not generally
pointed out, however, is that our
economic system has isolated the
As the job market becomes
dominated by white collar posi-
tions, the unskilled Negro has less
opportunity to break into the in-
dustrial system. Furthermore the
relative lack of blue collar jobs is

becoming especially acute in the
metropolitan communities such as
New York where Negroes congre-
gate. As the inner city loses more
manufacturing firms, the Negroes
lose their economic base.
Thus, although the immigrants
of yesteryear could either use their
old world skills and go into busi-
ness or become unskilled laborers,
they at least had the opportunity
for social mobility. But the sharp
dichotomy between the world of
the unskilled laborer and the skill-
ed and white collar worker today
restricts the Negro.
THE BASIC point is that all the
civil rights legislation passed in
Congress is not going to do the
Negro in Harlem any good, given
his present position.
The surprising thing about the
current situation is that Negro
leaders more radical than Stokely
Carmichael don't appear. Despite
all the controversy sparked by the
black power slogan, Carmichael
basically accepts the existing
order. He simply wants the Ne-
groes to organize themselves effec-
tively so that they can manipulate
the system to their advantage.
But why should the Negroes
accept even the general frame-

work of a system which stifles
them? Why should they believe in
laws protecting private property
when little of it is theirs?
If the only way Negroes are able
to get attention is to riot, why
shouldn't they?
While America enjoys unparal-
led affluence the Negro still wal-
lows in his poverty. If the Negro
can not improve his condition
now, when can he?
YET WE are now seeing a solid-
ification of white resistance to
the demands of the Negro across
the country. Whether it be the
Cicero demonstrations, the civilian
review board referendum in New
York, the Maddox victory in Geor-
gia, or the Senate's reaction to
proposed civil rights legislation,
white America is beginning to say
that it has had enough of the
Negro revolution.
But the truth of the matter is
that the war has hardly begun. We
have just been witnessing a few
skirmishes. The basic issue is
whether the protagonists are go-
ing to be the Negro and white
communities, or Americans against
poverty and ignorance.
If the Negro is not to be alie-
nated from society and the cities

turned into a battleground for
racial warfare, those Americans
who share in the affluence of so-
ciety must be willing to undergo
personal sacrifices extending be-
yond tolerance.
Until now the institutions of
American society have been negli-
gent in assuming the burden for
improving the Negroe's plight.
Even the labor unions have be-
come part of the established order.
Although they jealously protect
the rights of their workers, the
unions seem to have expended rel-
atively little effort in improving
the lot of non-union Negroes.
Big business is worried about
having "their Negro" but little
else. And as we have seen govern-
ment has even a tough time pass-
ing tolerance legislation let alone
substantial material aid to Ne-
THUS PERHAPS the crucial
question of the decade is whether
these institutions will take on a
more responsible role or whether
the American system is destined
for a series of cataclysmic out-
breaks of conflict.
But people still don't seem to
realize that supporting the Urban
League is not enough.

'U' Reaction to Voice 'Terrifying'

Case of a Lost Scholarship

ORDINARILY I wouldn't complain -
after all, I read in The Daily yester-
day that there are 36,063 students at the
University and I realizethat that's a lot
of students. I realize too that the ladies
and gentlemen who work in the Admin-
istration Building and the Student Ac-
tivities Building are only human and are
therefore subject to all the human frail-
ties ... like inefficiency.
So I'll put my complaint in the form
of a very simple question: Where is my
scholarship check?
ON SEPTEMBER 16TH the people who
sponsor my scholarship (and I'll give
them a plug because they're good peo-
ple), the Armco Steel Co. and the Ohio
Academy of Science, sent a letter and a
check for $375 to the Scholarship Office
in the SAB. The letter is now in the tui-
tion accounts office, down the hall from
the Scholarship Office in the SAB, but
the check is not.
The check is theoretically in the Ad
Building in the Cashier's Office being ver-.
ified (or whatever they do to it). Only

it's not. It's in transit somewhere be-
tween the Ad and SAB buildings.
Now the Ad Building is approximately
100 yards from the SAB and my check
has not been seen for 21 days. Very sim-
ple arithmetic reveals that this check
must be moving at a rate of less than 5
yards a day across the parking lot (one
way or the other).
Today I went out and looked under all
the cars and asked the police lady who
was issuing tickets if she'd seen a slow
motion check around. She hadn't. I look-
ed in the trees too. I even looked in the
excavation for the new administration
building (which will be only 50 yards
from the SAB when completed). And I
couldn't find it.
IN ANOTHER couple of days the Uni-
versity will send me a statement say-
ing my tuition is delinquent and charge
me $5 late penalty. This late penalty
will increase to $10 shortly thereafter.
And do you know what I'm going to say
to the people in the SAB if they don't
find that check soon? You probably do,
and it's not fit to print.

To the Editor:
Wasserman for his comments
inThursday's Daily, which raise
the important issues behind the
charges and counter-charges of
police intimidation and student
Voice members may or may not
be right in saying that plain-
clothes policemen take pictures at
their rallies and thereby intimi-
date them. An SGC investigation
could clear the air, determine if
there is a real problem, and if so,
what can be done about it.
The Voice allegations, if true,
are disturbing. But the adminis-
tration's reaction to them is Just
plain terrifying. A small army of
110 men, with tear-gas, clubs,
shotguns and "attack dogs" was
the only response the leaders of
this school could make in coping
with 30 student demonstrators.
THE STUDENTS claimed to
want only a chance to talk with
Pierpont. Apparently, to seem to
back down before this "threat"
was too much of a loss of face
for Mr. Pierpont. He preferred
instead to risk making the Univer-
sity a subject of nationwide ridi-
cule by, calling in an army to deal
with his persecutors. Fortunately,
it didn't come to that; the ad-
ministrators wisely changed their
This idiocy of Friday was not
improved at the meetingcheld on
Monday, which I, as a Voice mem-
ber, attended. The administrators
there faced hostile and excited
questioners who were sure they
were in the right and equally sure
of the administration's bad faith.
Instead of saying "perhaps your
charges are true-let us investi-
gate them together and see what
we can do about it-maybe it's
not so bad as you think," the
vice-presidents announced that
their policy was settled, that there
was no point suggesting that they
reconsider it, and that their au-
dience had no legitimate concerns
anyway, beyond provoking trouble.
IT WAS THE SORT of stupid-
ity that is regrettable in a stu-
dent, but, in a grown adult, and
especially one in charge of a mul-
ti-million dollar public corpora-
tion, it was literally unbelievable.
Now I read that Mr. Cutler's
office feels a tightening of stu-
dent discipline is needed to put
down these irresponsibles. So,
(what else?) he decides to do it
by undermining the only student
government we've got, and threat-
ening to veto the student orga-
nization regulations which SGC

spent hours of conscientious hard
work to formulate.
The administration seems to be
doing its best to prove that or-
derly student government will be
tolerated only if it comes up with
administration answers, while pro-
testors who allegedly avoid reg-
ular channels at least get a face-
to-face discussion of the issues
they think important.
Report fit into all this? Is this
what all that work went for-is
this why Prof. Knauss elaborated
the need to encourage student re-
sponsibility in decision-making?
How can we ever have responsi-
ble student government while the
administrators themselves slap it
It is time for the University's
vice-presidents to take hold of
themselves, and stop responding
to student agitation with self-
righteous invocations of authority.
If they continue as they have for
the last two weeks, they will give
the University a full-scale riot

(and then their own resignations)
as a Sesquicentennial present.
More appreciated would be a
show of good will, trust in SGC,
and a willingness to discuss frank-
ly with students the policies which
aggrieve them. This would give
Voice members and others a
chance to participate meaning-
fully in running their own lives.
It is what we are all waiting
Peter Steinberger, Grad
'E' Stickers
To the Editor:
graduates, too.
The GraduateStudent Council
solicits your assistance in abol-
ishing the fees required for "E"
stickers. At present, if you satis-
fy certain requirements you are
allowed to pay $4 for a sticker
that will enable you to drive your
car around campus. You have un-
doubtedly felt that this payment
was at best useless and annoying;
perhaps illegal. Here is an op-

"Go Back! Go Back! This Pace Is Making Us Dizzy"
" FT

portunity to help abolish this cus-
The rationale behind the "E"
sticker is the control of a poten-
tial traffic problem. The money
has been collected, ostensibly, to
provide parking facilities for stu-
dents. At the present rate of ac-
cumulation, we would have one
by 1980. Maybe. In reality, the
money is in part accumulating
dust, and in part paying those
meter maids to ferret out student
cars that aren't ticketed.
A wiser system would seem tb
be: assuming a valid reason for
the existence of "E" stickers (let
us not question this for the time
being), provide them at no cost
to the appropriate students. The
system is surely not a money
making proposition for the Uni-
versity; it exists merely out of its
own inertia. There hasn't been an
established channel for the In-
dividual student to protest.
If you feel that the "E" stick-
er fee should be abolished (be-
cause it is unnecessary, double tax-
ation, illegal, or what have you)
state so, in a short letter, and
send it to :
Mr. Roy Ashmall, Vice-Chairman
Student Traffic Advisory Board
1315 Hill1
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Mr. Ashmall will then be able
to take these letters before the
board in support of his drive to
have a saner "E" sticker policy.
Without those letters he is but
one voice.
That letter also indicates your
support of the GSC. At present
we are influential through the
grace of the administration. But
concrete proof of the graduate stu-
dent's interest will provide strong
backing to our assertion that we
represent the graduate students.
Without your individual support,
we can do nothing.
IF INTEREST in the council's
activities warrant, there will be a
weekly column in The Daily in-
forming the student body of the
efforts of the GSC in such areas
as adequate housing (if the atom-
ic energy plan gets built in
Northfield, the housing situation
will deteriorate more rapidly. The
council has been instrumental in
the formation of the Northland
complex and wishes to increase its
effectiveness), language exams
(the system will change after this
year. iWth your support the change
might benefit students), traffic
problems (the council is making
recommendations for an effective
rapid transit intra-campus system,

particularly between Central and
North Campus), teaching fellows
(we provide a natural responsible
channel of communication (be-
tween T.A.'s, as a group, and the
And lastly, our effort in the
field of effectiveness. The GSC
presently can only suggest, ad-
vise. We aretnot yet recognized
by the Regents as an official stu-
dent organization, although the
SGC is. Without support we do
not deserve recognition. If you
wish more information, speak with
your departmental representative.
We ask your support in this
sticker business, in this admittedly
minor area, to stop that stupidity
and also as an indication of your
interest. If you've said to yourself
"God, this place is a hellhole,"
write, and dig out.
-Edward M. Bloomberg, Grad
Sit-in No Excuse
To the Editor:
U NIVERSITY Vice-President of
Student Affairs Richard Cut-
ler has acknowledged that his
"contemplation to veto" message
to SGC was precipitated by the
sleep-in heldton the part of cer-
tain members of Voice Political
Party. Terming the actions of
these individuals as "irresponsi-
ble," he may use this rationale
to maintain compilation of mem-
bership lists of various organiza-
tions by the University, even
though SGC has voted to end this
practice. (This despite the ad-
verse response to the recent HUAC
The sit-in should not be an ex-
cuse for compilation of member-
ship lists as the "irresponsible"
act was committed without the
sanctioning of any organization.
As a member of Voice-SDS, I can
recall no decision to hold a sit-in
concerning police on campus at
any meeting. The police issue was
merely discussed. It was to my
great surprise and to most other
members of Voice that a sit-in
was held.
The individuals in the sit-in
were members of Voice but did
so without the sanctioning of the
organization. Their action has
been deplored, I feel, by most
members. The essence, therefore,
is that 30 individuals (who are
members of Voice) sat-in, and not
Voice. The individuals felt the
"emergency" for the sit-in.
At the next Voice meeting, dis-
cussion centering around this is-
sue led to the decision that all ac-
tion to be considered under the
auspices of Voice should have to
be decided by the membership.
-Dan Spitzer, '67



Tale of Two Presidents

of the Institute for Labor and Indus-
trial Relations, was appointed Wednes-
day by President Johnson to a special
emergency board to study a dispute be-
tween Pan American World Airways and
the AFL-CIO Transport Workers Union.
BUT WHAT'S GOOD enough for Presi-
dent Johnson apparently isn't good
enough for President Hatcher. Slightly
less than a year ago Prof. Rehmus and
Prof. Russell Smith of the Law School (a
member of the War Labor Board in 1944-
1945 and vice-chairman of President Ken-
nedy's Presidential Railroad Commission
in 1961-1962) volunteered a solution to
the University's own labor problems.
Yet President Hatcher ignored that ad-
vice, as he has ignored the unsolicited
advice of other University labor relations
experts such as Prof. Harold M. Levin-
son of the economics department (who
has been a consultant to the Council of
Economic Advisors and the Federal Re-
serve Board on collective bargaining mat-
ters) and Prof. Mike Ryder of the busi-
ness administration school (who has been
appointed to several advisory panels by
Governor Romney).
Thus, Prof. Rehmus' recent appoint-
ment makes President Hatcher's Sept. 22
California Bar Association speech -- in
which he asked lawyers and law profes-

sors for "fresh perspectives and new ap-
proaches" to collective bargaining in the
public sector - sound even more ironic
than it did when it was delivered,
HE UNIVERSITY's loss, evidently, is
the country's gain.
No Comment
Its Sheriff's Department has a new
22-man "riot squad." The squad is equip-
ped with helmets, clear plastic face masks,
36-inch night sticks, 12-gauge shot guns
and tear gas grenades.
Three combat-trained dogs can be add-
ed to the force.
According to the Ann Arbor News, "The
squad was called out for the first time
last Friday when it was thought mass
arrests of sit-in demonstrators at the
University's Administration B u i l d i n g
would be made."
Also according to the News, "the men
have been instructed in formation ma-
neuvers designed to disperse crowds, use
of the night sticks, hand-to-hand fight-
ing and defensive tactics . . , Most of the
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War on Poverty: Politicians Are


THIS WEEK the Senate passed
its version of the Anti-Poverty
Bill that went before the House
last week. The Senate's version
was 746 million dollars lower than
the House's version, bringing the
appropriation down to the 1.75
billion dollars that was originally
asked for by the administration.
Both versions will now go before
a joint committee, and a compro-
mise figure worked out.
If the War-On-Poverty is to be
successful, however, a lot more
must be done to the program be-
sides a mere increase in funds.

Sargent Shriver's office seems to
have more than its share of high
level salaries-those salaries that
exceed 18,000 dollars a year.
It also seems that the poverty
program has had more than its
share of special consultants. Con-
sidering the failures of the poverty
program and its wastefulness, it is
doubtful that the public and the
poor are getting their money's
worth out of the program.
IN AN ATTEMPT to reduce
some of the ripe patronage on the
local level that the bill affords
politicians, the House passed an
- -anr. ,..4. +k , m4 ,. aniii' at

weren't held on November 8, it
would be easy for a local politi-
cian, with an organization and
machine already set up, to get his
supporters onto the Poverty board.
ANOTHER objectionable aspect
of the program is that it has be-
come permeated with the air of
partisanism especially with re-
gard to making structural im-
provements. In the recent House
debates on the bill this became
quite apparent. The Democrats
stuck together in almost complete.
solidarity, while Republicans con-
tinuously tried to initiate a diebate
with little success.

aimed at a reform of the approach
to our War-on-Poverty, but at the
cvut in the budget.
In both debates, there was little
criticism of the bill's provisions.
And, this lack of criticism can only
lead to continuing inefficiency in
the poverty program, letting the
poor get poorer and the bureau-
crats get richer.
FOR EXAMPLE, in New York
last year, Shriver's office allocated
five thousand dollars to Haryou
Act, a Harlem organization closely
tied to Rep. Adam Clayton Pow-
ell's power base there. The money
wae armarked for the nroducuion

roll, and kickbacks. While it might
be argued that strict monetary
control would lead to a violation
of artistic freedom, such abuses
of the system must be checked.
There are also cases of profi-
teeringeby several companies con-
nected with the Job Corps. Only
two instances have been revealed
publically, but we can only wonder
how much money was lost in in-
efficient handling of contracts.
has been inefficient, has not in-
cluded the poor in its policy-
making functions, and has become
involved in partisan struggles. Yet,


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