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Officials Meet, Discuss Planning
University administrators and
Regents met with city officials
last week to discuss their oppos-
ing views on the effect the resi-
dential college will have on the
scenic beauty of the area sur-
rounding it.
The discussion topic was the
preservation of the Huron River
1,. Valley green belt. The residential
college will be near the river, and
many city officials thought its
presence would damage the attrac-
tiveness of the river bank area.
Mayor Wendall Hulcher told
officials gathered at the meeting
that the purposes of the meeting
was to:
1) "To talk about planning the
total Huron Valley" through the
city cooperatively, and
2) "To talk about residential
college as such."
City Council on Aug. 1 passed!
a resolution concerning a joint
city-University program on pre-
serving open space along the river.
The University administration Is
expected to present this resolution
for discussion at the next Regents'
meeting Sept. 16.
No Answers
Last week's meeting did not
bring any answers to the conflict,
but it did give both sides a chance
to hear the other's position.
The "dream" of the city offi-
cials was presented as having
"green grass on both sides of the
river all the way up land down."
One councilman said "hopefully
by 1982 the Huron can be one
long park-potentially one of the
finest recreation areas in the
'University officials said that the
residential college will be attrac-
tively planned, will cover only five
per cent of the site, and will
even enhance the beauty of the
valley. John McKevitt, administra-
tive assistant, said the residential
college "could give the feeling of
vitality and use which really'
makes open space mean some-
4 1.t'0 Years
But the city officials said "if
you don't make the move to put
the residential college there, 100
years from now this will still be
open space.
"If you put it there, 100 years
from now it will be a mass of
The city seemed to be asking
the University not to build the
college there, but hoping that if
the college is built on the site pres-
ently planned, it will be kept small
and with plenty of open spaces.
Also, the city was saying, it
wants a park area, accesible to
all, extending along the river
banks. Yet the University said that
the time for such a development is
Regent Carl Brablec brought upI
the fact that the new Huron HighI
School is being built along thei
river. He said that although it
will be on the other side of the
road, the University will have the1
railroad tracks and a green areat
between it and the river.
"The point I am trying to make7
is that a high school of that di-
mension would seem to me to be
no less an obstruction to the view
than a small community college on
the river," he said.
Regent Irene Murphy asked: "Is
it the council's position-just don't
do it; or promise not to build any{
buildings higher than the mound
(high ground between college and
road near it); or promise not to
build any more buildings later
Not There
The council's answer was that
the college just should not be;
University President H a r 1 a n;
Hatcher told the meeting "the Re-
gents have manifested at every Hatcher told the meeting that
turn that everything that is done "in the eyes of the world this
is done in cooperation with the magnificent city in which we all
ciy live has an identity both ways,
"Our (planning) studies have in as the University and as the city
turn been the basis for constant of Ann Arbor.,
discussion between the University In my own period of happy
and the city. This area of the residence as a citizen of Ann Ar-
Huron Valley has been considered bor, there has been no point in
a precious asset by us. the 15 years that concern for the
Tied Together future of the city has not been
Hulcher replied that "I share interlinked" with concern with
your belief in the way that the the welfare and growth of the
city and the University are tied University.
"togeherhs eThe councilman expressed the
"There has been nothing but view that if the residential col-
cooperation." lege is built on the proposed site,
One councilman commented, "It more buildings will follow.
seems to me there is a revelation
here (in councilmen meeting with
Regents) and one in the right
Councilman Robert Weeks, pro-
fessor of English at the Univer-
sity, noted "I have taught at the
University for 20 years, and never
seen so many Regents before in
my life."
Residential college
have expressed the desire
more buildings as part of
idential college.
to build
the res-
They also see the great future
of the residential college idea as
a whole set of residential colleg-
es, which might very likely be in
the same area as the first one.
" -
State Appropriation
Forces Budget Cuts
By ROBERT KLIVANS located for new teaching staffi
A smaller-than-hoped-for legis- schools and colleges and $.6 mi
lative allocation and a decision to lion was added for new supportir
hold tuition rates steady left Uni- professional and administrawi
versity administrators with $7.7 staff.
million to cut from their planned An additional $.9 million was as
1966-67 budget this summer. signed for increased clerics
Top priority was given to sal- technical and service staff. Pres
ary and wage improvements, so dent Hatcher noted that there hE
that the supplies and equipment been "a serious deficiency" repor
portion of the budget was the vic- edin tis area in the past.
tim of the greatest amount of cuts. The minimum wage rates we:
University President H a r h a n raised from $1.44 to $1.64 for reg
Hatcher in a report to the Univer- ular fulltime employes and fron
sity last July said although the $1.25 to $1.40 for student employe
allocation from the Legislature Meet Rising Prices
was "a large sum," it was "some- President Hatcher also not
what disappointing when weighed that the remaining $1 million ha
against our needs." been allocated to non-salary anr
The Legislature allocated $57.9s taff requirements, such as sup
million to the University, one mil- plies and equipment, where t
lion more than Gov. George Rom- additional income would mainly b
ney requested. used to meet rising prices.
The disappointments came in a The Legislature's 1966-67 alo
slight cutback of projected in- cations also made two specific ap
creases: propriations to the University
" Faculty salaries were not $150,000 to start an Instituteo
raised the full 8.14 per cent which International Commerce, an
had been planned. In regard to $100,000 to extend cancer research
this, President Hatcher noted The House also appropriated $3
that although "the increase was million in capital outlay func
not as large as it should have (construction) for the University
been to improve our relative posi all earmarked for Medical Scho
tion among peer institutions," he buildings. This fell far short o
said he believed "we will be able the University's $16.2 million re
to retain the AAUP ratings next quest.
year in the average compensation The Legislature also approve
tha t we achieved in 1965-66." a line item appropriation for the
A The teaching and supporting University's Flint Campus. Lans
staffs were not enlarged as much ing sources feel this may indicat
as had been projected under the a growing legislative readiness
full anropriation. support the University's Flin
* The Center for Research on branch. The University's resist
Learning and Teaching did not re- ance to permitting Flint to be
ceive any funds. This institution come an autonomous institutio
is experimenting with a statewide has been the source of legislativ
network of computer learning and controversy during the past year.
teaching improvement methods. -
Salary Adjustmnts
First priority in the $8.4 million To readers and admirers of "The
increment over last year went to Fountainhead," "Atlas Shrugged"
salary adjustments, where $7.1 and "For the New Intellectual"
million was added. This came in Ep
the form of staff benefit improve- Enrollment is now open for the
ments, such as an increase in the NATHANIEL BRANDEN
University contribution to health
insurance, and an extension of lectures on basic principles of
disability insurance coverage. AllB
increases in benefits add up to a E
one perscent increase in indirecthy
compensations. the philospohy at
More than $1.9 million was al-
and its application to psychology
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City officials and University officials met last week to discuss the future of areas
like this in the Huron River Valley green belt.
Come in and See our Fall Selections
Bold and Sassy
Tassels point up the
Yysilanti Greek Theatre
Provides Summer Diversion
(Contlnued from Page 1)
Combined with a bit of Midwest-
ern irony, the combination is
The irony is in the audience
attendance which has been not
as high as expected all summer
(although according to Ted Ran-
cont, Press Representative attend-
ance has picked up in the past
few weeks). Those who have at-
tended have been out of state. and
county visitors; there have been
surprisingly few local theatre
goers. This is unusual for a uni-
versity community.
The tragedy lies in the critical
financial aspect of the theatre.
The expected net income for the
summer was $400,000. The actual
income was $200,000 to date. At
present a fund drive is on to ac-
quire the additional $200,000 need-
ed to pay the theatre's bills before
the middle of September. The the-
atre, which was originally blue-
printed to be a permanent sum-
mer repertory group, is depend-
ing upon grants from corpora-
tions and foundations to continue
its existence. If bills are not paid
by the middle' of September, the
group will not be given considera-
tion for grants; if the group does
not receive grants what began as,
a renovation of an ancient the-
atrical tradition will be necessity
be rendered obsolete.
General Demetrium Ypsilanti
fought a force of 30,000 Turkish
invaders with only 300 men in his
army ... and lost; perhaps the in-
cident should not have happened,
but it did and the beaten general
had a city named after himself
in spite of it all. Like its name-
sake, the Ypsilanti Greek Theatre
started against great odds. For
three years it existed in blueprint.
At present it is in its "temporary
stages" and hopefully it will be
given the chance to develop into
what has been foreseen as ;"the
most elegant outdoor theatre in
the United States." Currently in
the skeleton stages, the building
design by Harry Weese & Asso-
ciates (the same architects of the
Arena Theatre in Seattle, Wash.),
the Ypsilanti Greek Theatre hope-
fully will be financially revived
and allowed to continue
season's importar
Bold look in this
ruggedly stitched
t C
For Students Planning
to Order Telephone Service
Due to the high seasonal demand for
service, we'd appreciate receiving your
hours of 8 A.M.-5 P.M. Monday through
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