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September 01, 1966 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-01

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Note Recent Restrictions In
Driving, Parking Regulations

Survey Indicates

'U' Student Drop Out

Over Academic, Psychological Problems

Students returning after four
months of freedom with their cars
and motorcycles will find city and
University vehicle regulations
much stricter than when they
left. Parking, registration and
operation of motorized vehicles
are now more limited than in
the past.
The University's student vehicle
bureau will have more parking
spaces available to students, but
these will be on the North Cam-
pus near the Commons and on
the athletic campus by the ice
rink. William Perigo, supervisor of
the student vehicle bureau, said
that the student vehicle bureau
has lost some of its parking spaces
in staff paid parking lots on
Central Campus because of the
increase in staff parking.
However, bus service from the
North Campus lots and the ice
rink parking has been started this
year, Perigo said, to make up for
the spaces lost on campus and to
kep up with the growing number
of student cars.
Buses will be running every
eight to 10 minutes between 7:30
a.m. and 6 p.m. from these lots.
. The amount of city parking space
to students has also increased
slightly, an official.in the park-
ing and traffic division of Ann
Arbor said. The number of on
the street parking spaces has re-
mained steady, but some spaces
in the immediate Central Campus
area have been reduced because
of the construction of new build-
ings. These spaces will become
available once construction is com-
With the opening of the Forest
Ave. parking lot last week, 500
more spaces are available for
parking. Students can park for the

day, by the hour or rent a spac
for a month, city officials ex-
Other motor vehicle changes
from the student vehicle bureau
include. a decrease in the ve-
hicle registration fees, an increase
in fines for violations, the pro-
hibition of freshmen having or
driving motorized cycles, and par-
ental approval for all students
under 21 having cars or motorized
Perigo said that the vehicle fee
will be four dollars instead of five.
The fee was reduced because the
money is no longer being put into
a fund to build student .parking
Perigo added that the Student
Regulation Board increased the
fine for failing to register a ve-
hicle from $10 to $25.
For the first time in a num-
ber of years, the bureau will have
a table in Waterman Gymnasium
during registration where students
may register their cars or cycles.
Registration will also be at the
Law Quad, the Medical School
and at the SAB.
Freshmen are now prohibited
from owning or operating a mo-
torized cycle unless they are mar-
ried or live with their parents in
Ann Arbor.
Perigo explained that the rule
was made because of the noise
in the entire campus area which
distract students from studies and
because of the high accident rate
among freshman motorcycle driv-
He added that all students un-
der 21 who have motorized cycles
will need parental approval and
proof of $5000 personal damage
and $10,000 personal liability in-
surance in order to register their
vehicle. Students who will be oper-
ating cars and who are under 21

and not married will also need
parental approval and proof of
$10,000 personal damage and $20,-
000 personal liability insurance.,
In another change in vehicle
registration requirements, persons
having a car, with a "Staff Paid
Parking" permit are no longer re-
quired to register with the office
and the bureau will no longer
give out free decals to academic
personnel. There will be a one
dollar service charge to junior and
senior medical students, students.
doing field work in social work
and students carrying six hours or
He added that the future goal
of the bureau and the Univer-
sity planners will eventually be
to enclose the Central Campus
area from all driving. The insti-
tution of bus service from distant
parking lots is the start of a com-
muter parking service for the stu-

Although University statistics
reveal that only five to eight per
cent of students accepted into
the University are ever officially

asked to leave
sons, a much
may withdraw
failure or are

for academic rea-
larger percentage
because they fear
doing poorly aca-

According to a current study by
the Michigan Student Survey at
the Institute for Social Research,
as many as 30 per cent of the en-
tering freshmenrmight withdraw
from the University for various
However, Robert Cope, Grad,
who worked on the survey proj-
ect, found that many in that 30
per cent withdraw at mid-semes-
ters or at other times because they
did not want to wait to be asked


officially by the University not defined by the University. Edward
to re-register. G. Groesbeck estimates the over-
Students responding to Cope's all University failure percentage
survey often gave academic fail- to be around eight per cent.
ire as their major reason for Data Not Kept
leaving the University, when they Groesbeck commented that the
had not actually flunked out as University has not wanted to go
far as the University was con- to the expense of keeping detailed
cerned. Students such as these, student withdrawal data. Studies
Cope explained, are not included by individual offices such as the
in University percentages for aca- one the Michigan Student Study is
demic failure because the Univer- conducting provide the University
sity only identifies as having fail- with much of its withdrawal fig-
ed those whom it officially asks ures.
to withdraw. "We know roughly," Groesbeck
Thus, students who withdraw said, "that 65 per cent of the
because they feel they have failed freshmen who enter the Universi-
or not achieved according to their ty eventually receive a degree
own expectations are not included here." Groesbeck indicated that
among the University's extraor- more detailed withdrawal infor-
dinarily low failure percentages. mation would undoubtedly be a
Dean William Haber of the lit- boon to the counseling offices.
erary college noted that only Questionnaires returned to Cope
"about 5 per cent" of the stu- listed other academic reasons for
dents in the college flunk out as withdrawal such as needing higher
- grades in order to be admitted to
graduate school and desiring to
major in a field not offered at the
University. Cope said further that
many students who-leave the Uni-
versity go directly into medical
R eveals schools or other professional
schools and cannot be considered
drop-outs from higher education.
'Exit' Interviews
Haber said as well that informal
"exit" interviews with withdraw-
ing students indicate a variety of
around after we're dismissed, and academic, social and psychological
I ask them what they think of reasons for their leaving. While
the University. Pretty nice. Then the literary college has not been
ask them how orientation has been as thorough in its investigation of
treating them. Pretty badly. student withdrawals as Cope's sur-
How come? vey, the college notes circum-
Marv from Detroit who wants stances beyond the student's con-
to major in history: "You walk trol-financial difficulty, health
an awful lot and can't remember problems, family deaths, etc. -
where this was or that was after were responsible for a great many
it's over." University drop-outs. Cope termed


Orientation Program
Absence of Rhyme 01

By NEIL SHISTER sible like a new arrival. Found my-
self a group, straggled in at the
Maybe it was just because you end, smiled at the orientation
were green and scared that orien- leader as would any rookie and
tation seemed so terrible, right? started walking.
Wrong. It really is bad news, even "This is the undergraduate li-
more so when you go through it brary. We call it the UGLI, un-
a second time. dergraduate library-get it? Lot-
Figuring that orientation must ta people call itt UGLI because
have something going for it, I re- they think it's pretty ugly, get it?"
turned last week to the ordeal, We all stared in unison at the

Schaefer said that few students also reveals that female withdraw-
are asked to leave the University al is somwhat greater than male.
for mental health reasons. He Cope attributed this to marriage
commented, however, that many and other personal reasons. The
students find they are better off greatest concern of the Michigan
leaving for a period of time, andStudent Study is with those stu-
in f a dents Cope described as being un-
perhaps working until they are able to adjust to the "academic
more mature and can handle bet- and social environment of a large
ter the pressures of the University. university."
He indicated that often a varie- He explained that the main pur-
ty of reasons will force a student pose of the research has been to
to withdraw. Those that leave "gain a more thorough unders
only because- of psychological standing of why students leave the
problems are not always radily college they first enter as fresh-
apparent. men and to assess the nature and
The data which Cope and the extent of undergraduate problems
Michigan Student Study collected in a large university."
At the Big Blue
It is ..
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Your best
ยง ~ 7 Nickels Arcade--Ann Arbor, Mich.


disguised as successfully as pos-

Wallace Court Order Defiance
Could Jeopardize State School Funds

..... .... ......... ... r .-. -..rr a T_ tln


Critics of Gov. George Wallace's
plan to defy school integration
guidelines have pointed a warn-t
ing finger toward a 1964 federal;
court order.
Failure to comply could mean
the loss of state as well as fed-
eral funds for individual Alabama1
Loss of state funds would cripple
school systems in all but a few
of the more populous and wealth-
ier Alabama communities. The
state contributes more than 70
per cent of the cost of running1
the schools.
The ruling, handed down by a1
three-judge court July 13, 1964,1
had nothing to do with the guide-1
lines' promulgated by the Health,
Education and Welfare Depart-
ment. They weren't even in exist-
ence then.
Instead, the court was concern-
ed over Wallace's use of state
troopers in an unsuccessful at-
tempt to block integration of Tus-
kegee High School and, later, the
mandate issued by the state board
of education, with Wallace presid-
ing as chairman, to close the
Tuskegee school.
Statewide Significance
Because the state board claimed
-and subsequently was denied-
jurisdiction and control over city

and county schools throughout the
state, the court suit which dealt
originally with nothing but Macon
County became one of statewide
The three judges refused to or-
der immediate statewide desegre-
gation, but said, significantly, that
the court "could and possibly
should" compel the state to stop
"the illegal and unconstitutional
practice of distributing public
funds for the purpose of operat-
ing segregated schools."
In support of its 'position, the
three-judge panel cited a U.S. Su-
preme Court ruling which held
that "state support of segregated
schools cannot be squared with
the 14th Amendment's command
that no state shall deny to any
person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws."

which prohibited Wallace from
"interfering with, preventing or
obstructing by any means the
elimination of racial discrimina-
tion by local school officials in
any school district in the state
of Alabama."
The decision also directed the
governor and the state board of
education to exercise their con-
trol and supervision "in such a
manner as to promote and en-
courage the elimination of racial
discrimination in the schools."
The injunction was directed
against Wallace in his capacity as
ex-officia chairman of the state
board, and in the guidelines fight,
he has not been acting in that

UGLI, expecting it to shout hello
or something. But it didn't move.
The UGLI tour is a kind of
catch-as-catch-can escapade, and
when your group leader is in edu-
cation school most of what you
catch are the Dick and Jane
readers on the third floor and a
cursory tour of the coffee lounge,
with brief nods at the card cata-
logues and better sleeping chairs
in between. On the level.
But the tour continues, and
now we're at the Diag, and being
instructed that under no circum-
stances does one walk upon the
"Sterility, right?" says a world-
ly looking guy to me and I nod a
half-hearted agreement, wonder-
ing when our leader is going to
tell us this M bit is a Joke. She
never does.
Onward and downward, The
lions don't growl and Health Serv-
ice is pretty slow and by three
in the afternoon a good part of
orientation is over.
A trio of orientatees hang

Steve, Long Island: "I admit
that the whole place confuses me.
and that orientation is good be-
cause it lets me know there are
other kids just as confused, but
somehow the whole thing never
seems to jell. You know, like when
it's over at the end of the day and
you try to figure what happened
you're not quite sure."
"But then maybe we're all ex-
pecting too much from it," chirps
in the girl.
Maybe we are.

these as "non-discretionary" rea-
Dr. Donald L. Schaefer, direc-
tor of the University's Mental
Health Clinic, commented that the
stresses and pressures, which the
University places on the student
are great and that the clinic sees
approximately 2000 students each
year. This constitutes, about seven
per cent of the overall student
population and about 20 per cent
of those on campus at any one

CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS will use the scores as part
FILING DEADLINE IS Sept. 9, 1966 (NTE Registration)
(Direct scores to Chicago Board of Examiners)
FILING DEADLINE IS Oct. 12, 1966 (Chicago Application, Ex. 5)

Details in Placement Office or
Write for the packet to:

228 North LoSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601




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JOHN MEYER of Norwich
and many others!





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