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September 01, 1966 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-01

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echian derer
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AtIN PsJOr 4a H4t'Ab

Planning Committee Prepares for First Students


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The faculty planning committee
for the residential college is look-
ing forward to a year of accom-
modations for and choosing the
first class in the new college.
The Regents approved a build-
ing and site plan in June, but
there is still a great deal of paper-
work to be done before construc-
tioni begins. Designs for the North
Campus buildings are still being
worked on, as faculty members
and architects meet to iron out
problems in the floor plans.
When the floor plans are agreed
upon, the architects will still need
about six months to draw up com-
plete working plans. Therefore,
bids will not be taken until spring.
Plans for the next two years at
East Quad, while the college
awaits the completion of its build-
ings, are already complete. The
residential college will take over
Prescott and Tyler Houses next
year with about 230 male and fe-
male students.
The planning committee plans
to do some remodeling in the base-
ments of these houses. Some rec-
reation areas will be turned into
classes and faculty offices. This
work will be done next summer.
Other problems the faculty com-
mittee will face include work on
the curriculum, and the recruit-
ment of faculty. The faculty com-
mittee will also be working with
the student committee on student-
faculty government.
Planners feel that there is still
plenty of time to have the build-
ings ready by 1969. At that time
residence hall buildings, an office
and a classroom building should
be completed. They are expected to,
cost $11.8 million.
The Regents had approved a
general plan for the college in
April, but on the condition that
costs be cut sufficiently so that
differential tuition and room and
board rates would not be needed.
The plans were sent to the ar-
chitects to make changes and re-
duce costs by over $1 million.
When the faculty planning com-
mittee for the residential college

saw the changes that resulted,
they strongly protested that such
alterations threatened the success
of the college.
They objected, for example, to
the separation of offices and class-
rooms into two buildings. It was
even believed. that certain com-
mittee members might resign from
working on the college if changes
then proposed were accepted.
However, committee members,
architects and administrators were
able to work out a compromise.
Their plan, the one approved by
the Regents, reinstated $350,000 of
the costs cut after the April Re-
gents meeting.
Most of this money will go to-
ward excavating most of the base-
ment space under the buildings.
Much of this space will be left un-
nifished until funds, possibly from
the donor campaign that has al-
ready started, are provided.
University architects envision
about six months more work of
drawing up detailed plans and
taking bids on the construction,
which will probably start next
The final plan may be summar-
ized as follows:
-There will be two types of
fairly similar housing units, A and
B, containing singles anddoubles
with suites that contain living
rooms. There will be no kitchen
facilities in the rooms.
-There will be classrooms scat-
tered throughout these residence
buildings capable of containing
30-40 students, for seminars and
recitation sections.
-The basements will be exca-
vated, although much of the
space set aside for game rooms
and student government rooms
will be unfinished.
-There will be 1,247 students
in the college.
-There will be a two-story fac-
ulty office building, connected on
both floors to a two-story class-
room auditorium building.
-The classroom building will
have one very large auditorium,
with a seating capacity of several

hundred. Around this will be sev-
eral large lecture halls, with ca-
pacities of 60-100 students.
-In between the two buildings,
but off the walkway connecting
the two, will be a student "con-
course," an area similar to the
The faculty planning committee
has already drawn up criteria for
choosing the freshman class. To
get into the college, a student
must be accepted as a freshman

in the literary college, and desire
to enter the residential college.
The faculty committee hopes it
will receive more applications than
it can accept so it can choose its
classes with the following prin-
ciples in mind:
--It does not want an "elite"
group of honors students;
-It wants the same proportion
of honors students to non-honors
the literary college has;

-It wants the same proportion
of women to men;
-It wants the same proportion
of out-state to in-state students.
The purpose of these guidlines
is to test whether the residential
college can succeed with the same
student selection the literary col-
lege has.
A second major selection job the
committee faces is that of faculty.
Many faculty members in and out

Johnson Stumps Through Swing States

outline map of the United States
showing the congressional dis-
tricts. Shade in those districts
where Democrats upset Republi-
cans in 1964.
Chances are your pencil has
touched a lot of the spots where
President Johnson has been trav-
eling for will visit between now
and Nov. 8, election day.
On the basis of his journeys
to date, it appears plain the Pres-
ident is primarily concerned with
giving what political help he can
to first-term Democratic House
members from marginal districts.
Winning Difference
And well he might. They have
supplied the votes that meant the
difference between winning and
losing in many of the tough leg-
islative battles of the present
In the 1964 election, Democrats
ousted Republicans in 47 House
districts and subsequently picked
up a 48th district in a special
California election.
On their part, Republicans oust-
ed 10 Democrats, seven of them in
the South. The others were one
each in California, Idaho and
One of the happier events for
the Democrats was the defeat of
five Republicans in Iowa. It was
the biggest Democratic gain made
in any state except the more pop-
ulous New York where Democrats
took seven seats from Republi-
Iowa Trip
Where did Johnson go when
he made his first openly political
speechmaking of the year in
June? To Iowa and to neighbor-
ing Nebraska where, the Demo-
crats had picked up one House
July came and the President
whirled on a warm Saturday into
Indiana--two fresh Democrats,
Illinois, one and Kentucky, one.
The weekend of Aug. 19-21
Johnson was on what was
advertised as a nonpolitical trip,
climaxed by a conference at Cam-
pobello with Canadian Prime
Minister Lester B. Pearson.
Buffalo Stop
He went by way of Buffalo,
Syracuse and Ellenville, N.Y.,
speaking at all three places.
Buffalo is the home territory
of Democratic first termer Rich-
ard D. McCarthy who beat con-
servative Republican John R.
Pillion in 1964 and will face him
again this fall.
Syracuse is in the district of
Rep. J. Michael' Hanley, another
of the 1964 Democratic winners,

and Ellenville is the home town'
of first termer Joseph Y. Resnick.
Fall Opponents
Resnick's fall opponent is
Hamilton Fish Jr., son of the con-
gressman Fish who was often a
political target of President
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Roosevelt always seemed a bit
nettled that the people of his
home New York district would
send a Republican to Congress.
From New York it was on into
New Hampshire-one first termer
and Maine, one-with a stop also
in Rhode Island where the Demo-
crats want very much to beat
Republican Gov. John H. Chafee
in the fall.
The following weekend, Aug.
26-27 Johnson hopped off to Col-
orado-two first termers-and to
Idaho and Oklahoma.
All three of these states have

Republican governors now and
are electing governors this year.
Each state also elects a sena-
tor this year. Republicans are up
in Colorado and Idaho and a
Democrat in Oklahoma.
Where will the President still
go this year if he is indeed pri-
marily concerned politically to
help the first-term Democrats?
Going back to the map, there
are four shaded districts in Ohio
and three in Michigan.
One of the Ohio first termers
is John J. Gilligan who is op-
posed by Robert Taft, Jr., bearer
of another name which, like Fish,
stirs the combative instincts of
Democrats in high places.
There are four in New Jersey
and two in Pennsylvania. And-
surely a West Coast trip is a pos-
sibility and possibly four in
Washington State.

A trip West might involve stops
in Wyoming-one and Montana.
The Wyoming first termer, Rep.
Teno Roncalio, is trying for the
Senate against Gov. Clifford P.
Democratic Sen. Lee Metcalf
has the prospect of a tough fight
for reelection against Gov. Tim
M. Babcock.
If he goes to the West Coast,
Johnson no doubt would like to
do anything he can to help Dem- A
ocratic Rep. Robert B. Duncan
who is running for the Senate in
Oregon against Gov. Mark 0.
He may go into California where
Republican Ronald E. Reagan is
challenging Gov. Edmund G.
Brown. There are also a couple
of freshmen Democratic house
members there.

of the college have expressed in-
terest in teaching at the college.
Many of the residential college's
teachers will be working there
part-time, and keeping up their
graduate and research work on
Central Campus.
The faculty committee expects
to follow the buildings that have
already been approved with others
at a later date. These others in-
clude a library, a gymnasium and
a science building.


Thant To Decide Today On
Second Term as UN Officer


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By The Associated Press
will disclose today a decision that
can influence the course of events
in the United Nations and much
of the world for years to come.
The unassuming Burmese will
send a letter to the 117 member
nations saying whether or not he
will take a second term as UN
secretary-general. His current 5-
year term ends on Nov. 3.
Some among the diplomats, of-
ficials and correspondents at this
UN headquarters are predicting
Thant will bow out; others seem
as positive that he will stay.
Many believe he first will an-
nounce that he wants to leave but
that the Security Council will rec-
ommend him for another term-
and that he finally will agree to
stay a year and a half to two
Eligible To Retire
Thant is 57 and is eligible to
retire on pension at $13,750 a
year. As secretary-general he gets
a car and $65,000 a year in sal-
ary and allowances.
If Thant stays, he will keep
trying to bring pressure to bear
on a settlement in Viet Nam, to
find a solid financial basis for
UN peacekeeping work and to so-
licit more money from the rich
countries to build up the poor
If he leaves, there will follow
first a period of negotiation among
the big powers and others to settle
upon a successor and, after that,
a pause in the activity of the sec-
retary-general while the new man
gets settled and develops his own
Chief Officer
The UN charter makes the sec-
retary-general the chief adminis-
trative officer. He can lay be-
fore the Security Council any mat-
ter which in his opinion may
threaten international peace. '
Sometimes the secretary-general
has acted on his own or at the
request of interested governments
to help settle conflicts. Thant
was successful in the Cuban mis-

sile crisis and the West Irian
dispute. He failed in the Yemen
fighting and on the confronta-
tion of Indonesia against Malay-
sia, now ended by mutual agree-
Thant is the third man to be
secretary-general, after Trygve Lie
of Norway and Dag Hammarsk-
jold of Sweden. He had been Bur-
ma's UN ambassador for four
years when Hammarskjold died in
a plane crash Sept. 17, 1961, on a
peace mission in Africa.
The Security Council and the
General Assembly unanimously
chose Thant acting secretary-gen-
eral to serve out Hammarskjold's
term, to April 10, 1963. On Nov.
30, 1962, they unanimously nam-
ed him secretary-general, for the
rest of a normal term running to
Nov. 3, 1966.
Say the Word
He need only say the word to
get a second term. The presidents
of the United States and France,
the prime ministers of the So-
viet Union and Britain and the
African and Asian groups-in all,
61 of the 117 UN members-have
urged him to continue. ,
By the way he has led up to
his decision, he has perhaps unin-
tentionally built suspense. In Jan-
uary he said he would announce
it in June. In June he said he
would announce it in August. Now
the deadline is next Thursday.
Both publicly and privately, he
has talked as if he meant to
leave. He has said that being
secretary-general is a killing job,
that he wants to spend more
time with his family, that Burm-
ese like to go back to Burma and
that he is disappointed in some
of the main objectives he had set
for his first term.
These were to ease world ten-
sions, get the Americans and Rus-
sians together and put UN peace-
keeping on a sound financial bas-
Vacillating Deision
Before the budget advisory com-
mittee in June, he spoke as if he

meant to stay. He said he final- ,o
ly had a grasp of the UN finan-
cial picture and had some ideas
to try out.
But in Geneva last month he
said that while he had not made
up his mind definitely, "I have
expressed my desire to be relieved
of my duties at the end of my p
When six Asian delegates saw
him early this month to tell him
the Asian group hoped he would
stay on, some came away feeling
the chances were 60-40 that he
would not.
Thant told the Asians he had +
not made a definite decision. But
he said five years was enough for
any one man to do what he could
for the organization. And he re-
called that, after his 1/2 years as
acting secretary-general, he had
balked at taking a full five years
beyond that.
, Financial Troubles
Because of a big-power dispute
over how to finance peacekeep-
ing, Thant has had to keep beg-
ging members to give money for
the U.S. force in Cyprus.
The Soviet Union still owes
roughly $70 million and France
roughly $20 million, through this
year, in disputed General Assem-
bly assessments for peacekeeping
and other purposes. Neither has
made its promised voluntary con-
tribution to help cover the result-
ant deficit.
Concerning the development dec- o
ade, Thant's own appraisal at-its
midpoint showed that the devel-
oping countries, far from advanc-
ing toward a goal of an economic
growth rate of 5 per cent yearly,
had slipped backward. Another UN
study brought out that the capi-
tal flow to such countries from A
the developed market economies
was lowr in 1964 than in 1961.
When it came to Viet Nam,
North and South seemed bent on
war to the finish. The United
States paid scant attention to
Thant's peace proposals. Red Chi-
na accused him of promoting a 3
"peace talks fraud" for the Amer-
icans. The Soviet Union refused
to work for a new Geneva peace

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Established 1932







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