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January 17, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-17

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Foreign Policy Critique Boosts Romney Car



DETROIT (R) - Gov. George
Roney's unannounced campaign
for the 1968 Republican presiden-
tial nomination expanded signifi-
cantly this weekend with his first
apparently planned plunge into
the foreign policy arena.
The shift marks a sharp depart-
ure from Romney's previous re-
luctance to discuss national is-
sues, particularly the biggest one
-the war in Viet Nam..
Romney suggests that the John-
son Administration may have
placed tog much emphasis on
bombing North Viet Nam as com-

pared with other means of cutting
off supplies moving south from
Romney -and Henry Cabot
Lodge, U.S. ambassador to South
Vietnam, met behind closed doors
in Washington for more than an
hour Friday to discuss the war.
Neither man would reveal de-
tails of their talk.
But Romney's position, tenta-
tively taken and still In the form-
ative stage, was unveiled privately
at a Washington breakfast with
Detroit newsmen.
He discussed some of the fac-

tors he is weighing in adopting
his view on the Vietnam conflict
-chief among them the emphasis
placed on aerial bombing of the
Romney says that he believes
saturation bombing failed to bring
Germany to her knees in World
War II because it could not over-
come human adaptability.
He says this adaptability is ev-
en greater in Vietnam, where Am-
erican bombers are striking at an
essentially underdeveloped coun-
try rather than a modern, indus-
trialized nation.

At the same time, Romney be-
lieves the United States has a
moral right to try to prevent
North Vietnam from imposing its
will on the south.
The governor, who captured a
third term by landslide in Novem-
ber, has said publicly that he was
not informed enough to speak au-
thoritatively on the Vietnam war.
Simultaneously, however, h e
steadily took steps to become au-
thoritative on Vietnam and other
major issues. His briefing with
Lodge is one example. Romney

also plans a summer visit to Viet- Johnson in an election if it were
nam. held today.
Some observers suggested that While declining to make his
Romney revealed his position candidacy official, Romney also
while it still is in the embryonic has been moving along lines that
stage because he was spurred by leave little doubt but that he is
reports that support for him was interested in the 1968 GOP Con-
cooling since he had failed to deal vention.
with major issues. Besides the proposed Vietnam
Now, slowly and carefully, he trip, Romney is known to be con-
has taken the first step in a drive sidering visits to other points in
aimed at eliminating these doubts. Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa
Polls show him to be the leading and possibly Latin America.
GOP contender - capable, some Next month he goes on a speak-
polls say, of defeating President ing tour that takes him to four

western states - Alaska, Idaho,
coln D a y GOP fund-raising
Romney is organizing.
In the past 20 days he has made
two important visits outside Mi-
chigan, both to New York, both--
he acknowledges-to talk about
running for president.
Details of the organization,
however, remain sketchy and un-
clear, mainly because Romney has
refused to reveal them and his

Utah and New Mexico--for Lin-
Romney has uncovered, though,
one bit of significant information.
At a recent news conference, re-
porters questioned him about ru-
mors of a huge fund with which
to finance his campaign. The gov-
ernor characteristically gave a
calculated answer:
"Dr. DeVries (former research
chief of the Michigan gubernator-
ial office) will be paid by a private
fund--a fund set up by those who
have indicated they are willing to
help me organize to explore what

Liu Leaves Capital, Plans



men are abiding by his wishes. I am exploring."

Self-Indicting Israel, Syria Exchange
Under Threat,~

Attack on Moa


Supreme Court Rules
For Protection Of

Charges of Aggression

4Radio Peking
Asks Strays
To Repent
Editorial Denounces
Supporters of Liu
In Cultural Purge
TOKYO W)-The Hong Kong
Evening Post, quoting diplomatic
sources in Peking, yesterday said
Chinese President Liu Shao-chi
under attack by Party Chairmar
Mao Tse-tung,had left the Chi-
nese capital with several trusted
friends and gone to Shihchiacuan,
a railway center 160 miles to the
The paper described Shichiach-
uan as a Liu stronghold where he
has widespread support from fac-
tory workers. The paper added
that he was "ready for an all-out
attack against Mao Tse-tung."
In Peking, Mao's radio stations
called Monday night on "strayed
leaders" to repent and "join the
burning force of the great cultural
revolution." It admitted there was
"a Jandfil" of forces opposed to
Mao Tse-tung in Communist par-
ty and military circles.
"The Chinese Communist party
". Central Committee calls on lead-
ers who made genral mistakes
and those who made major mis-
takes but are not anti-Socialist to
immediately correct their mis-
takes," said the broadcast, quot-
ing an editorial in the ideological
journal Red Flag.
The editorial was aimed at fol-
lowers of President Liu Shaochi,
the chief target of the purge. It
apparently did not cover Lu him-
self, since he has been denounced
as bourgeois-or anti-Socialist.
Only Sunday, Red Flag accused
Liu of forming a private army but
said the 2.5 million-man Red Chi-
nese army is loyal to Mao.
Radio Moscow, in a Japanese
language broadcast, asserted re-
sistance to Mao's cultural revolu-
tion was picking up force among
peasants and workers throughout
the mainland.
Radio Peking admitted "a hand-
ful of reactionary port authori-
ties" are still in power in Shang-
hai, the big port where bloody
clashes between supporters and
opponents of Mao were reported
earlier this month. Railway, trans-
portation, electricity and water
supply systems were said to have
been paralyzed for a time.
The Chinese-language broadcast
charged "the reactionary port au-
thorities unsuccessfully attempted
to paralyze port activities late in
Peking's official New China
News Agency in adispatch from
Shanghai said pro-Mao revolu-
tionary rebels took to the streets
and hailed Mao. "The young re-
bels were not afraid of hardship,
suppression nor death," the agen-
cy added.
The Tokyo paper Asahi, citing
wall bulletins posted in the streets
of Peking, said the directive call-
ed on "the revolutionary masses to
heighten their vigilance against a
handful of antiparty elements."

Government Workers JERUSALEM ()-Israel and
Syria exchanged angry words yes-
WASHINGTON (M)-States may terday on the heels of an appeal
not prosecute policemen for offi- from U.N. Secretary-General U
cial wrong-doing on the basis of Thant to maintain the peace. Is-
confessions given "under threat of rael declared it cannot tolerate
removal from office," the Supreme ayn more "aggressive acts," and
Court ruled yesterday.;Syria accused the Israelis of "ag-
And lawyers may not be dis-g. .
barred for refusing, on Fifth But Israeli Foreign Minister Ab-
Amendment grounds, to testify ba Eban told the United Nations
during official investigations intoI that Israel would be willing to
their ethics, the high court held. tmeet Syria to discuss frontier
The decisions, both by 5-4 votes,c troubles that have brought the
further bind the states to respect nations close to war. He warned,
the privilege against self-incrimi- however, that Israel had "the
nation provided by the Fifth strength and the will" to face up
Amendment to the U.S. Consti- to Syrian threats and "we have
tution. reached a limit."
Dissenting justices objected that A communique in Damascus said
the rulings will make it more dif-'Syria had received Thant's appeal
theulisand had cabled its delegation to
ficult for the states to maintain inform Thant of the situation,
the integrity of local police forces "which confirms Israel's aggres-
and of lawyers in private prac- sive intentions, and the military
tice. buildup which is being mounted
Justice William O. Douglas gave to bring pressure on Syria."
the majority opinion in the two Sunday
cases. One involved five New Jer- Eban told reporters Israel had
sey police officers who gave con- droebuilt up arms along the bor-
fessions and were convicted dur- der, as reported by Thant in his
ing a state investigation of traf-j appeal Sunday. But he said Syria
fic-ticket-fixing. The other invol- began to- escalate border clashes
ved a Brooklyn lawyer who was
ordered disbarred after he refused
to testify about his dealings withtfi l J u l
clints. s r c J
Had the policemen not testified
on grounds of possible self-incrim-
ination they would have been dis- Do(
This, said Douglas, gave theml
"a choice between the rock and
the whirlpool" and their confes- WASHINGTON (P)-The listen-
sior.s therefore were given invol- ing device concealed at a man's
untarily. beltline, a microphone of his T-

by using tanks and mortars in vio-
lation of the armistice agreement
forbidding heavy armament in de-
fensive zones.
"When the existing weapons at
our disposal were not able to
silence them, we decided to bring
up tanks into the area," he added.
Syria (on the other hand, men-
tioned no arms buildup on its side
as reported by Thant. The cam-
mqunique from the Foreign Min-
istry charged that Israel alone
was responsible for tension along
their 50-mile frontier.
"The Syrian government," the
commuquie added, "holds Israel
responsible for any aggression and'
emphasizes that the Arab people
link these suspicious moves with
conspiracies that are being hatch-
ed against the interests of the
Arab people.
"We reiterate our firm and'
steadfast stand, supported by the
Arab epople everywhere, to crush
any aggression from Israel." ,
While holding out an olive+
branch in the form of an willing-
ness to talk, Eban warned SyriaI

that threats against Israel must
Eban told Norwegian Gen. odd
Bull; chief of staff of the U N.
,truce supervsision organization,
of the warning to Syria and a
willingness, to meet. Then Bull left
for Damascus.
* Eban declared that Syrian
'shooting and bombing has first
to stop to make such a meeting
possible." It would be the first
meeting between the two nations
oin eight years.
. Israel has not attended regular
Israeli-Syrian armistice commis,
+sion meetings because of Syria's
dInsistance that the first order of
official business be the sovereignty
of dmilitarized zones are Israeli
Many in Jerusalem were not
'optimistic about Syria's reaction
'to a meeting with the Israelis
!under U.N. instigation.
Earlier the military reported a
culvert and part of a road were
damaged by nine explosions in
,northern Israel about 11/2 miles
,from the Syrian border. Three un-
'exploded land mines later were
dliscovered in a field

-Associated Press
Firemen continue to pour water into the ruins- of Chicago's gigantic lakefront exposition hall, Mc-
Cormick Place, which was destroyed by a fire that broke out early yesterday morning. Damage wag
estimated at $100 million. The blaze struck a crippling blow to conventions being held at the hall,

dge Weighs Motion
hbarge against Baker

Temporary In juncti
Strike Against Haiti

BALTIMORE, Md. (P})-A fed-
'eral judge oredered teletype and
telephone operators of the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad back to
work yesterday after a brief strike
'almost shut down operations of
the nation's sixth largest railroad.
The temporary restraining order
signed by Chief Judge Roszel C.
Thomsen of U.S. District Court
prohibits the transportation-com-

munication employes union from
striking for 10 days.
It also directs the B&O not to
abolish certain jobs involving
union members and not to fill any
of six jobs over which the dispute
Judge Thomsen set a hearing
for Jan. 26 on the railroad's re-
ruest for an injunction against
the strike.

orld News Roundup
By The Associated Press mir Kazan-Komarek, a Czech-
SAIGON-U.S. fighter-bombers born U.S. citizen held in Prague
hammer an oil depot s4ig miles since Oct. 31, administration offi-
but the Communist jets fail to cials confirmed yesterday.

on DelayI*s
The strike began at 6 a.m. in
Baltimore. Russell J. Woodman,
union vice president, said the
'union's 1,300 members were in-
'structed at noon to stop picketing
'and report back to work. About
11/2 hours later, the B&C said the
men were returning to work.
The oreder prohibited the union
'from picketing, interfering with
movement of cargo or passengers!
'and from indusing any employe to
'not perform his work.
The company has prohibited
from abolishing any jobs now'
filled by members of the union
and 'das orwered to file a brief
'on the dispute by Jan. 19 with the
National Railroad Adjustment
Board and the Brotherhood of
Railway and Steamship Clerks.
.The walkout grew out of a juris-
dicional argument involving in-
stallation of computers which will
'give fore information on where-
-abouts of trains operating in the
B&O's 12-state area.
The striking union claimed
'jurisdiction over computer jobs
which were assigen dto the Broth-
erhood of Railway and Steamship
Clerks, friegth handlers, expressed
and station employes.

In another action, the court
agreed tohear and decide later
this term the first test case under
the 1966 Bank Merger Act.
Blocked at least temporarily isl
a merger of the First National
City Bank of Houston, the Texas
city's largest, and the Southern
National Bank, the eighth largest.
The comptroller approved the
merger last September but in Oc-
tober the Justice Department went
to court claiming it might sub-
stantially lessen competition in
violation ,of the Clayton Antitrust
And the justices decided, at
least temporarily, to leave it to
lower federal courts in New York
to determine if the General Elec-
tric Co. acted properly last year
in refusing to bargain with a mul-
tiunion committee..
The company and the AFL-CIO
International Union of Electrical
Workers agreed on a new three-
year contract last October,

shirt, loomed in the background
at the Bobby Baker trial yester-
U.S. District Judge Oliver Gasch
took under study a motion to dis-
iiss the charges against Baker be-
cause of eavesdropping in the
case, and the trial continued.
Baker, 38, one-time secretary to
the Senate Democrats, is charged
with income tax evasion in 1961-
62, conspiracy and other offenses
involving financial dealings.
Wayne L. Bromley, a Washing-
ton attorney who said he is now
employed and once was a close
friend of Baker, testified that he
carried the "buggin" device on his
person at a meeting in a Los An-
geles hotel room, March 26, 1965.
He said those in the room includ-
ed Baker, Clifford Jones, former
lieutenant governor of Nevada,
and himself.
The jury was excused from the
courtroom while Bromley gave his
testimony about the bugging.
Later, with the jury back, he

told of receiving checks made pay-
able to him, of cashing them and
turning the money over to Baker.
His testimony included accounts
-Payment of a $5,000 fee to be
split between Baker and Bromley
for expediting the charter for the
Redwood National Bank, San Ra-
fael, Calif.
-Clecks totaling $14,000 from
first Western Financial Corp., Las
Vegas, in 1963-64, made payable
to Bromley. On one, he said, he
borrowed the $1,000 from Baker.
-Checks totaling $6,000 from
United States Freight, New York,
also made payable to Bromley
but cashed for Baker, except for
the last one, which the witness
said was cashed by someone else.
"-A series of $1,000 checks from
Harvey Aluminum, Torrance, Cal-

The government asserted that
Harvey Aluminum and Harvey
Aluminum Sales paid $10,000 to
Bromley, reportedly for services,
and gave the money to Baker.
Bromley testified that he never
did any services for any of the
firms. He never - performed any
services either, he said, for Inter-
national Marketing Associates,
Inc., a consulting firm of Los Al-
tos and Palo Alto Hills, Calir.
The government said a $500
check was involved in the matter
with his firm.
Bromley \said, in his testimony
with the Jury out of the room,
that he consented to the recording
of the conversation with Baker
after his lawyer informed him of
an apparent attempt to get him to
lie before the grand jury.
Bromley testified that in mid-
1964 he told Baker that because

challenge them.
* * *
NEW YORK-Settlement was
announced yesterday of Mrs.
John F. Kennedy's lawsuit to block
publication of "The Death of a
President," bringing an end to the
bitter, two-month dispute.
s ,.
WASHINGTON -- Secretary of
State Dean Rusk said yesterday
U.S. bombing of North Viet Nam
must continue while American dip-
lomats "keep trying to find out"
whether a halt in the air raids
would be a move toward peace.
* * *
States is withholding visas from
Czechoslovakia in retaliation for
the continued detention of Vladi-

DETROIT-An Air Force con-
sultant and landing authority on
so-called flying saucers said yes-!
terday that pictures of a hambur-
ger-shaped object, snapped by two
Michigan teenagers, appeared au-
thentic and tend to support re-
ports of similar sightings.

Another? of the investigation "and the no-
Bromley said when Baker came toriety that was' being gained by
to him with the first check, made the so-called Baker case" he
payable to Bromley, "I said some- would like to have the check-cash-
thing like 'what's this ... another ing arrangement stopped. Baker
one'?" agreed to stop it.

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