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January 11, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-11

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Powell Refused Seat

O ]
Long Fight
Seen Ahead
In Viet War
Seeks Poverty Fund
Boost, Raised Social
Security Benefits
WASHINGTON (A') - President
Johnson asked Congress yesterday
to increase the federal income tax
bills of most individuals and busi-
nesses by 6 per cent.
He said this is needed "to hold
our budget deficit within prudent
limits and to give our country
and our fighting men the help
they need in this hour of trial."
Johnson's call for higher taxes
six months hence was the high-
light of a State of the Union
message prepared for personal
delivery to Congress-and it.came
as a surprise to many.
The proposed new surtax is
S planned to become effective July 1.
Johnson also disclosed he will
ask Congress to increase Social
Security benefits by an average of
20 per cent starting July 1.
However, in discussing the Viet-
nam war, the chief executive
voiced little optimism.
y He said: "I wish I could report
to you that the conflict is almost
over. This I cannot do. We face
more cost, more loss and more
Voicing the administration's de-
termination to "see Vietnam
through to an honorable peace,"
Johnson said this about the mili-
tary measures to be aimed at the
Viet Cong:
"Our pressure now must be-
and will be-sustained until be
realizes that the war he started is
costing him more than he can
hope to gain."
At the same time, Johnson call-
ed for restraint in military opera-
tions and rejection of what he
termed the temptation to "get it
over with."
Johnson's speech was prepared
for a joint session of House and
Senate on the opening night of
the 90th Congress. Radio and
television networks arranged to
carry it from the House chamber.
The President outlined in gen-
eral terms at least a dozen pro-
posed legislative programs includ-
* A $270 million increase in
antipoverty spending;
*A new "safe streets and
crime control act;
" Consolidation of the Labor
and Commerce departments into
a single new department of busi-
ness and labor;
* Outlawing of virtually all
J wiretapping and electronic snoop-
0 A new civil rights law.
In national defense, Johnson
was more specific than any other
officials have been when he re-
ported that the Soviet Union
"has begun to place near Moscow
a liimted antimissile defense."
The President prefaced his call
for a tax increase by saying he
will.work for lower interest rates
and easier money and for a grow-
ing economy "without new infla-
tionary strains."
Several times in his text, John-
son spoke of "a time of testing" for
the nation.
"At home," he said, "the ques-
tion is whether we will continue
working for better opportunities
for all Americans."
Discussing domestic programs,
Johnson conceded that there have

been "mistakes and setbacks" in
some of his recently enacted
Great Society programs.
Officials said next year's budget
for the antipoverty program
would be increased by about $270
million from the current level.

icre ase

In come


Until Special Inquiry











of Representatives refused yes-
terday to seat Adam Clayton
Powell until a special investigating
committee checks on his qualifi-
Powell, embattled Negro Dem-
ocrat from New York, whose com-
mittee chairmanship was taken
away by House Democrats Mon-
day, was dealt a second punishing
blow at the opening of the 90th
Powell had already been disci-!
plined by the House Democratic
caucus, which took away his job

as chairman of the,Education and
Labor Committee. A House com-
mittee had accused him of decep-
tion in the handling of committee
travel accounts.
Denied Seat
He was denied yesterday the
seat to which his Harlem consti-
tuents elected him until a com-
mittee reports back on its findings
and the House decides whether
he is qualified.
A combination of Republicans
and Southern Democrats overrode
earlier, 302 to 126, an attempt by
the House leadership to soften

Ghou En-Lai Urges Temperance

TOKYO W) - In a surprise
move, Communist China's premier
was reported yesterday to have
urged Red Guards to temper their
attacks on President Liu Shao-
chi and party General Secretary
Teng Hsiao-ping.
Reminding the Re'd Guards that
both men still belonged to the
Politburo, Premier Chou En-lai
said he was giving the militant

teen-algers the advice on instruc-
tions from party chairman Mao
Despite the admonition, 100,000
Red Guards rallied in Peking yes-
terday and made thetir "bitterst
attack to date" on Liu and Peng,
accused by Mao of following a
bourgois line, said the Japan
Broadcasting Corp.
As Chou emerged as a moder-

ating influence in the purge that
has Red China in turmoil, there
were these other developments:
" Wall posters assailing Mao
appeared yesterday in the big
south China city of Canton, said
travelers arriving in Hong Kong.
They reported that several were
killed and at least 20 were injured
in clashes between Red Guards
and workers last weekend. One

Supreme Court Overrules
Cuban Travel Restrictions

WASHINGTON (P)-Americans
who visit Communist countries
without government permission
may not be criminally punished,
the Supreme Court ruled un-
animously yesterday.
But those who do so travel with-
out U.S. government protection,
and the State Department remains
free to revoke their passports
when they reenter the United
The ruling, announced by Jus-
tice Abe Fortas, answers the ques-
tion left open by the high court
last May when it upheld the sec-
retary of state's power to refuse

to grant passports to American countries, suggested that travel
citizens for travel to Cuba. without a specially validated pass-
The question: May the govern- port would be criminal conduct.
ment criminally prosecute Amer- The secretary of state's power
icans' who go there anyway? to grant and issue passports was
The answer, in two cases de- authorized in the Passport Act of
cided yesterday, was no. 1928. The later 1952 law gave the
Congress, Fortas said, gave the President, during time of war or
secetay o sch owr weninnational emergency, power to
secretary no such power when, in make it illegal for any U.S. citizen
the Immigration and Nationality to leave the United States or en-
Act of 1952, it authorized the re- torleave thUted asport.n
quirement that a citizen possess a ter it without a valid passport.
passport for leaving and entering Since 1953 a valid passport has
the United States. been required to leave or enter the
Nor, he said, has the State De- country-exceptto or from North,
partment in its pronouncements tres.
on Cuba and other off-limits

Chinese woman said young work-
ers attacked Red Guards with
iron pipes shouting "that they
were sick of Red Guards and sick
of Mao's thought."
The official New China News
A g e n c y accused "reactionary"
Communist leaders in Shanghai of
corrupting workers to resort to
economic warfare to disrupt Red
China's production.
" Red Guards in Peking as-
sailed Deputy Premier Neih Jung-#
chun, who is reported to head Red
China's nuclear development pro-
gram. A 68-year-old European-
trained engineer, Nieh was one of
the few deputy premiers who had
escaped Rew Guard criticism.
Chou's talks to the Red Guards
indicated that Mao and the pre-
mier wanted to curb excessive vio-
lence against the Liu-Teng fac-
Lion. Chou also disclosed that the
Red Guards had tried to storm
Communist party headquarters in
an attempt to get at Liu and Peng.
The date was not given.
The Peking correspondent of the
newspaper Asahi quoted a Red
Guard newspaper as saying Chou
told Red Guard representatives:
"We must thoroughly smash the
bourgeois reactionary line repre-
sented by Liu and Teng but this
should be distinguished from the
excess in individual attacks against
Chou emphasized that both were
'retained as members of the party's
IPolitburo at the Central Commit-
tee meeting last Aug. 1-12.
Storming Incident
Chou referred to, an incident in
which fanatical crowds stormed
in the Communist party headquar-
ters in an attempt to -drag Liu and
Teng away and said: "The task
Chairman Mao gave me was to
dissuade the people from doing
things like this," Asahi reported.
"It is not necessary for you to
drag them out and fight face to
face. Nor is it necessary for you to
turn your backs against them. You
can resort to criticism against

WASHINGTON (;P)- The fact
that the Soviet Union may have
an antimissile system is not the
only consideration in determining
whether the United States should
also deploy missile killers, the
Pentagon said yesterday.
Underlying the issue is the
greater question of "what consti-
tutes an effective deterrent to nu-
clear war," the Pentagon said in
response to a series of questions
from The Associated Press,
The Defense Department said it
is impossible to speculate on the
prospects for beginning deploy-
ment of some type of antimissile
defense this year.
No Magic Time
On the eve of President John-
son's State of the Union message,
the Pentagon said:
"There is no magic tim~e at
which suchsa decision must either
be made or announced. The prob-
lem certainly will be addressed in
the defense budget which will go
to the Congress early in the year."
Some Pentagon officials looked
for a sign in yesterday night's
State of the Union message as to
whether the President has made
what would be a multibillion-dol-
lar military decision to start pro-
ducing the Nike X, and antimissile
system which has been under de-
velopment for years.
The Pentagon said the cost dur-
ing the first year of deployment
"would probably run below half
a billion dollars."
McNamara - who questions
whether any defense could stop all
enemy warheads - said late last

year there is considerable evidence
the Soviet Union is deploying anti-
"Although a Russian ABM sys-
tem would be an important con-
sideration in establishing an ef-
fective nuclear deterent it can-
not be considered in isolation,",
the Pentagon said.

Legislature Picks
'Maddox as Governor

U.S. Troops Launch
Massive Viet Push

the punishment by seating Powell
while the special committee con-
ducts its inquiry.
Rep. Morris K. Udall (D.-Ariz),
who led the fight in the Demo-
cratic caucus Monday to depose
Powell as a chairman of the House
Education and Labor Committee,
led the fight to seat him yester-
Udall said Powell's loss of his
chairmanship was harsh enough
punishment for any abuses he may
have committed. In addition, he
said, Powell would still -be liable
to exclusion when the House voted
on the report of any investigating
Rep. Gerald R. Ford (A.-Mich),
urged the'defeat of Udall's resolu-
tion, He said it was the-constitu-
tional responsibility of the House
to judge the qualifications of its
Seating Powell first, he said,
would be determining his right
to a seat before there is any in-
Powell, who made a brief speech
in his own defense, left the House
chamber abruptly as the trend of
the roll call on the leadership
proposal became clear. There were
rumors that he might resign his

ATLANTA, Ga. (P) - Lester G. the presiding officer, Lt.


Soviet Antimissile Plans
A Secondary Factor

SAIGON, South Vietnam (')-
A massive American force esti-
mated at 30,000 men, backed by
planes, armor, and artillery, has
launched the biggest offensive of
the Vietnam war in an attempt
to sweep the Viet Cong out of the
jungled "Iron Triangle," 20 to 30
miles north of Saigon.
Up to 30,000 troops, including
an array of 30 artillery batteries,
were committed to clear the ene-
my from the jungle, brush and
rice paddies and to try to root out
a regional headquarters from
which guerillas have mounted at-
tacks against the capital.
Spokesmen announced t h e
Americans, while suffering light
casualties, have killed 115 Viet
Cong, captured 28 and seized 230
suspects for questioning. There
was no report of major fighting.
Up to 10,000 Vietnamese peasants
who have lived under Viet Cong
rule within the 60 square miles of
the Iron Triangle, so designated
for its resemblance to a Commu-
nist stronghold of that name in
the Korean War, are being moved
to other localities.
In related phases of war and
! A panel of deputies in South
Vietnam's Constituent Assembly
announced Chief of State Nguyen
Van Thieu has pledged the mili-
tary government will not exercise
its veto power over the constitu-
tion they are drawing up as a
step for the return of civilian rule.
0 Gen. Willian C. Westmore-
land, the U.S. commander, told
newsmen that infiltration from
North Vietnam has averaged more
than 8,000 men a month and -
despite 50,000 combat deaths and
more than 20,000 defections -

the enemy strength in South Viet-
nam now exceeds 280,000 men.
* U.N. Secretary-General U
Thant, at a news conference in
New York, took issue with U.S.
contentions that Vietnam is vital
to Western security and that a
Communist victory would threaten
other countries of Southeast Asia.
He also challenged Washington's
position that the Viet Cong is a
"stooge" for North Vietnam.

Public Notice
On Jan. 16, 1961 - 13 days
after the United States broke
diplomatic relations with Cuba-
the State Department issued a
public notice that U.S. passports
would not be valid for travel to
or from Cuba unless specially en-
With its decision the court re-
versed the conviction of Helen
Maxine Levi Travis of Los An-
geles, who made two trips to Cuba
via Mexico in 1962.
And with the decision the court
affirmed a lower court's dismissal
of an indictment charging nine
persons with conspiring to organ-
ize a trip to Cuba in 1963.

Maddox, 51, whose segregation
fights with Negroes and the fed-
eral government led him into the
wational spotlight, was elected
governor of Georgia last night by
the state legislature.
Meeting in an extraordinary
Joint session, the two houses voted
overwhelmingly in favor of Mad-
dox, a Democrat who ran second
in the no-majorityhgeneral elec-
tion to Republican Howard H. B.
Maddox was expected to take
the oath of ofice promptly and
thereby avoid any further legal
effort to prevent him from becom-
in governor.
Earlire an official canvass by
te legislature had showed this vote
in the November election: Call-
away 453,665; Maddox 450,626;
write-ins 52,831.
The legislature's vote came after

Peter Zack Geer, had ruled out of
order a resolution seeking to call
a special election to decide, the
governor's race. He said the state
and U.S. Supreme Court already
had ruled the legislature should
elect. A roll-call vote upheld
Geer's ruling.
The vote was Maddox 182, Call-
away 66, with 11 legislators ab-
"We will now proceed to elect
the next governor of Georgia,"
Geer announced.
An easy victory went to Maddox
although 11 legislators declined to
choose between either candidate-
symptomatic of the attitude that
brought on the write-in vote and
the deadlocked election.
Maddox received the necessary
130votes for election by the time
Callaway had 45.


World News Roundup

U.N. Secretary-General U Thant
yesterday challenged the United
States' basic arguments for its
military involvement in South
At a news conference, he de-
nied: 1. That the Viet Cong are
stooges of Communist North Viet-
nam. 2. That if South Vietnam
fell to the Communists, neighbor-
ing countries would follow. 3. That
South Vietnam was vital to West-
ern security.
He also pressed the United
States once more to stop bombing
North Vietnam. He said, "I feel
very strongly that there will be no
move towards peace so long as the
bombing of North Vietnam is go-
ing on."
** *
coalition of Republicans and con-
servative Democrats repealed yes-
terday night the two-year-old 21-
day rule desigred originally i to

curb the power of the House Rules Baker's

trial a detailed examina-

The roll-call vote of 232 to 185
followed the rejection of a motion
by Democratic Leader Carl Albert
of Oklahoma to adopt without
change the rule of the 89th Con-
gress, which included the contro-
versial rule.
Opposition to the repeal came
from liberal Democrats and Re-
publicans, the vote indicating that
the conservative coalition has the
strength to make its voice heard
in the 90th Congress.
The 21-day rule was adopted in
1965. Once before, in 1949, the
House had resorted to the same
runle but repealed it two years
The effect of the rule was to
limit to 21 days the time the Rules
Committee could hold up legis-
lation approved by other commit-
* * *
WASHINGTON (P) - The gov-
ernment began yesterday in Bobby

tion of the financial dealings of
the one-time Senate page boy who
built a $2 million fortune.
The prosecutor in U.S. District
Court said the government would
show that Baker kept $80,000 of
some $100,000 raised by California
savings and loan associations-
money Baker said would be used
for senators running for re-elec-
tion in 1962.
'The name of the late Sen. Rob-
ert S. Kerr (D.-Okla.), arose when
defense attorney Edward Bennett
Williams asked a witness if he re-
called that Kerr made arrange-
ments for Baker to borrow $250,
000 from an Oklahoma bank.
"No," replied the witness, Ernest
C. Tucker, a Washington attor-
Baker, 38, is charged with filing
false income tax returns for 1961
and 1962, committing theft by ac-
cepting money and not reporting
it and conspiring with others to
conceal certain payments.

r .- -



*Comments and Criticisms plus Suggestions, too,
Are For the Benefit and Improvement of






Boulding Fedler Discussion
ELISE BOULDING, consultant to the international executive
of the Woman's International League For Peace and Freedom,
will have a discussion with LESLIE FIEDLER, our Writer-in-
po :in







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