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February 07, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-07

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Victor to




WASHINGTON (P) -- The Uni-
ted States stands to gain very lit-
tle from the present turmoil in
China in the short range. Whether
it gains or loses over the long haul
depends largely on who wins in
The odds, as judged by U.S. gov-
ernment experts on China, now fa-
vor Communist party boss Mao
Tse-tung to come out on top. if
he does not, the experts are not
sure who will. The personalities
of the successors would be decisive
in future U.S.-Chinese relations

The question "what will happen
to the United States and Com-
munist China if Mao loses out" is
beginning to be asked seriously by
China watchers here and in Hong
Kong and Tokyo, even as they
discount the possibility that Mao
will lose. They think he has great-
er command of popular political
power than any other possible
leader and that he also has the
necessary strength in the army.
Yet so much of any judgment
about China is based on ignorance,
and possibly obsolete history, that
the experts concede the unexpect-

ed may happen and an anti-Mao-
ist leadership come to power.
In such a case, the experts spec-
ulate the trend of relations be-
tween Red China and the Soviet
Union, now on the verge of a dip-
lomatic break, likely would be re-
The experts. reason that even
though the Soviets have not been
very openhanded about aid, charg-
ing substantially for their help,
they still can be of great economic
and military assistance to the Chi-
nese. Indeed many U.S. experts on
China believe that Mao's break

with Russia over Communist par-
ty doctrine has been a cause of
the opposition to him inside China.
Another possible consequence of
Mao's replacement could be that
China would become much more
efficient in developing its resources
and military power potential. This
might make mainland China more
dangerous to U.S. interests in Asia
and elsewhere.
A third possibility is that a post-
Mao leadership in China probably
would be interested in stimulating
trade with the major industrial
nations of Europe and with Japan

to help build a modern industry.
This could mean increased trade
with many other nations but not
necessarily with the United States,
even though Washington might
seek adjustments to encourage
There are special problems be-
tween the United States and Com-
munist China which the experts
believe probably would long delay
improved relations even if Chi-
nese policies shifted greatly. One
is Formosa, home of the U.S.-
supported Chinese Nationalist gov-
ernment. Any Peking government

is likely to continue to claim For-
mosa as its territory.
American power is the major
obstacle to any expansionist am-
bitions the Chinese Communists'
may have in Asia-apart from So-
viet power north of the Chinese
U.S. government experts on the
Chinese Communists believe the
struggle between Mao and his op-
ponents is really a fight between
his doctrine of permanent revo-
lution and the opponents' belief
in pragmatic solutions to China's

In support of this, the experts
recall the failure of Mao's com-
mune program and his "great leap
forward" program for industrial-
izing China in 1958-60.
In 1959 China's foreign trade
amounted to $4.2 billion. By 1962
the figure had fallen to $2.7 bil-
lion. It then began to rise slowly
and in 1966, experts estimate, it
again exceeded $4 billion.
During this period of increase,
China's trade was switched from
major reliance on European Com-
munist markets to major reliance
on western markets

Experts here believe these chan-
ges, plus heavy emphasis on fer-
tilizer imports, reflected rising
power of Mao's opponents.
These experts view both groups
of Chinese leaders as committed
to communism as a way of life
and a political movement, but re-
gard the anti-Mao faction as less
fanatical and more realistic.
Such an analysis, U.S. officials
say, does ont give much basis for
hope in any early improvement in
U.S.-Chinese relations although a
decline in tensions should result if
ratical men prevail over Maoist

1 _... _. _ _ . _ _ a





Crime Issue
Johnson Proposes

Moscow Rally Protests China
Mishandling of Soviet Citizens

'Original Pentagon Report!

MOSCOW ()-An orderly crowd

New Figures Result
Of Persistent Inquiries
By Pentagon Newsmen
tagon yesterday upped its publicly
released total of airplane losses
in Southeast Asia from 622 te
1,172. At the same time officials
prepared to hike helicopter losses
from 255 to 600.
The result was a new official
tabulation of both combat and
noncombat aircraft losses expected
to approach 1,800-twice the 877
currently posted for public distri-
The added losses represent air-
craft destroyed or damaged ir-
reparably due to operational
causes-accidents and n o r m a 1
1 wearing out-but also planes
downed outside Vietnam, for ex-
ample, in Laos or Thailand and
aircraft destroyed in attacks on
air bases.
A Defense Department state-
ment said the Pentagon previously
had announced cumulative totals
only on attack planes and armed
helicopters knocked down by Com-
munist antiaircraft or missiles be-
cause "inquiries from newsmen
have focused" on these losses.
Nevertheless, yesterday's num-
bers change appeared likely to
raise quesitons of why the com-
plete picture of aircraft losses had
not been given more fully. Pen-
tagon spokesmen had two replies
to this:
1. Military intelligence has
steadfastly opposed revealing air-
craft losses of any type, not only
to avoid giving Hanoi some
amount of comfort but also to keep
the Soviet Union and Communist
China from knowing how much
the U.S. aircraft inventory is being
drawn down by the Vietnam war.
2. Most of the losses released
in cumulative form yesterday have
been dribbled out in military com-
muniques from Saigon as they
occurred although never cranked
into running totals of air war
losses supplied to the press. A
spokesman estimated, however,
that perhaps a fourth of these
losses never had been announced
at. any time.
Rep. George Mahon, (D-Tex.),
chairman of the House Appropria-
tions Committee, said he did not
believe the Pentagon had attempt-
ed any "covering up" of losses. He
said planes lost in training acci-
dents or blasted by the enemy
while idle on airfields was to be
And Chairman Richard B. Rus-
sell, (D-Ga.), of the Senate Armed
Services Committee said he and
other members had known for
some time that battle losses were
only about half of the (total of
planes and helicopters actually
But Sen. Bourke B. Hickenloo-
per of Iowa, senior Republican on
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, called the Pentago dis-
closure "fantastic."
"This is shocking, when the'
administration wants us to believe
that it has been disclosing the full
extent of war losses to the Amer-
ican people," he said.

-Associated Press
SEN. ROBERT KENNEDY (D-NY) talked to newsmen yesterday at the White House after con-
ferring with President Johnson. He had just returned from a trip to several European capitals. At
the left is. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach, with whom Kennedy talked for two hours
before his appointment with the President.
Kennedy Denies Peace Rumor
Bids from North Vietnamese

$633 Million for Aid of 300 Russians massed outside
To Law Enforcement the Red Chinese Embassy yester-
~day protesting Red Guard abuse
WASHINGTON (A) - President of Soviet citizens in Peking. Later
Johnson asked Congress yesterday a number of workers arrived and
to declare legislative war on crime pounded on the door but the Chi-
and to pump $350 million into the nese refused to admit them.
fight in the next two fiscal years. From Peking came repoorts of
"We can control crime if we wild disorders at the airport; of
will," Johnso said in a special militant young Red Guards man-
message to Congress. "We must handling East bloc diplomats, and
act boldly, now, to treat ancient of the last 50 dependents from the
evils and to insure the public safe- Soviet Embassy running a gaunt-
ty. Ilet of shouting and cursing Chi-
Crime and the fear of crime nese to board a plane for Moscow.
have become a public malady, the {{
h~av enco e pubc maadyThe Japan Broadcasting Corp.
President said, so it is "our duty j h. JpnBracatn Cr.
to seek its cure with every means ig dispatch from Peking, said
at ou commnd."foreign diplomats linked arms to
at our command." wall off the Chinese as the depen-
As a starter, he asked for $50 dentsowalkedoheane. Ipad-
million to finance a Safe Streets dents walked to the plane. It add
and Crime Control Act in the 1968 ed that Red Guards pushed the
fiscal year which starts this July wives of the French andDash,
1. In the following year, he esti- ambassadors to te ground.
mated an additional $300 million Red Guards1
would be needed The demonstrations in front of
Local Governments the Chinese Embassy here came
But there would be heavy em- after 97 dependents, 60 of them
phasis on getting state and local children, arrived from Peking tell-
governments to swing their own ing of having to pick their way
efforts and funds into the anti- through Red Guards shouting
crime campaign. Over the two anti-Soviet slogans at the airport.
years, they would be expected to They said Red Guards broke into
put up about $283 million. one bus and beat some of the pas-
The $633-million total for two, sengers, then pounded the sides of
years would go into planning the-
battle against crime and into re-
search and pilot projects.feWfir. KAOLOS
i i h l s K t e b e ,t ef r - Wl oer attorney general who now is,
undersecretary of state, said w~hatM es toC
I leans to Vie
is in the making is "the most com-
prehensive, realistic, hard-headed
approach to crime ever undertak- LONDON P - A N. Kosy-
eninthisd country."s- gin and Harold Wilson plunged
Katzenbach headed acommis- last night into world-ranging talks
sion Johnson named more than a jbeginning with the quest for peace
year and a half ago to investigate in Vietnam They ordered a total
the crime problem and come up blackout o eso hi x
with a report. This report reachedbc of news of their ex-
Johnson's desk two weeks ago and changes.
will be made public shortly, the The examination by the Soviet
President said, premier and British prime minis-
Officials said the program John- ter of possible paths to peace came
son laid before Congress is consis- after Wilson was reported working
tent with the commission's find- toward at least a temporary cut-
ings and recommendations, off of American bombing in North
Some Republican leaders found Vietnam.
fault with the President's propos- Kosygin, for his part, went into
als. House GOP Leader Gerald R. the week-long discussions determ-
Ford of Michigan said Johnson's ined to renew Communist demands
message "focuses on a number of for an unconditional end to the
important problem areas but ne- bombing before any international
glects some key points." peacemaking process begins, So-
Noting that money and desire viet sources said.
are the main ingredients needed The glum-looking Russian pre-
for a nationwide attackon crime, mier flew into this chill and foggy
Ford said in a statement that, capital yesterday morning to a.
"The best way to provide funds warm welcome by Wilson, who
for that attack would be through spoke of him as an old friend and
federal tax-sharing." a "cool and wise statesman."
The GOP leader questioned British-Soviet Conference
Johnson's call for a ban on all B
wiretapping except in national se- The top-level British-Soviet
curity cases. Ford said electronic conference began against a back-
listening devices are "an essential ground of mounting chaos in Red
'tool in law enforcement" and China and rising tension between
while the privacy of citizens must Moscow and Peking.
be protected "we must not throw This background reinforces Ko-
out the baby with the bath water." sygin's need to stabilize the Euro-
Rep. Carl B. Albert of Okla- pean salieni, where old alliances
homa, the House Democratic lead- are crumbling and new loyalties
er, said Johnson made clear that shaping up. This has aroused Bri-
the administration opposes any tish hopes that Moscow now may
effort to dominate local law en- be ready to move towards closer
forcement and urged speedy en- cooperation with the West.
actment of the President's pro- The proceedings opened in the
posals. cabinet room at Wilson's 10 Down-

the plane before it took off Sun-
When the first Russian demon-
strators appeared Monday at the
Chinese Embassy, they brought a
written protest. An embassy offi-
cial refused to accept it and said:
"We are the true friends of the
Soviet working people."
"We ought to send the tanks
against the lot of you," one Rus-
sian shouted, but he was quieted
by others. The demonstrators nail-

Violent Chinese Outbursts
Denounce Communist Bloc
TOKYO () - Red China's cul- was manhandled, apparently, but
tural revolution took a back seat they had to pass throngs of Red
in Peking yesterday while Red Guards screaming insults and
Guards and other Chinese poured threats, said Japanese correspon-
out their wrath on the Soviet Un- dents.
ion and some of its East-bloc al- Red Guards surrounded the Po-
lies. lish ambassador, Withold Rodzin-
Japanese correspondents report- ski, bawling insults at him. The
ed riotous scenes at the airport, official German news agency ADN
where about 50 wives and children said its ambassador, Hartin Bier-
of Soviet Embassy dependents bach, and other East German dip-

flew home, and around the embas-
sy itself, where demonstrations
were in their 11th day.
None of the Soviet dependents
rgin Explore
tnam Peace

ing Street
the formal

ed the protest to an embassy gate.
the protest to an embassy gate.
Soviet police arrived after the
fearful Chinese, reported that
"hundreds of banner carrying Rus-
sians" were descending on the
embassy In the tension-packed
atmosphere, the Chinese appar-
ently feared violence. They have
charged that 31 of their diplomats
were beaten up last Friday by So-
viet police tearing down an anti-
Russian display.

headquarters. In an
tete-a-tete preceding
encounter of their two

bert F. Kennedy, D-N.Y., after
talking with President Johnson,
said yesterday he did not bring
home any peace feelers from North
Vietnam from his recent trip to
European capitals.
Kennedy told newsmen: "I nev-
er received the impression that I
was any recipient of any peace
Newsweek magazine said Ken-
nedy had received a message from
North Vietnam via the French
government in Paris last week in-
dicating willingness to negotiate
on ending the Vietnam war if the
United States would end the
bombing of North Vietnam.
Kennedy and Undersecretary of
State Nicholas Katzenbach called
on Johnson at the White House
after Katzenbach had talked for
two hours with the senator at his
office on Capitol Hill.
Katzenbach said he and Ken-
nedy had gone over various sub-
jects relating to Kennedy's trip
and came to the White House to
go over the same material with
the President
Kennedy, in an impromptu news
conference in the White House
West Lobby, said he had filled in
Katzenbach and the President on
all of his talks with foreign offi-
cials in Europe.
Then he added: "I did not bring
home any peace feelers."
Kennedy remarked that John-
son as President had many sour-
ces of information and knowledge
on the situation in Vietnam. He
described the chief executive as
making a dedicated and diligent
effort to finding a peaceful solu-
Dem. Senators
As Vietnam discussions here fo-
cused on Kennedy, six Democratic
senators made floor speeches ur-
ging President Johnson to halt the
bombing of North Vietnam during
the lunar new year which begins
Wednesday, and to continue the

pause in an effort to spur peace bassy in that capital all denied
talks. Kennedy had received any mes-j
The six, who have previously ex- sage from the Hanoi government,
pressed dissent from the admin-
istration's war policies in some de-
gree, are: Sens. Vance Hartke of French
Indiana, Claiborne Pell of Rhode At the least, some high admin-
Island, Wayne Morse of Oregon, istration officials appear to feel
Joseph S. Clark of Pennsylvania, that Kennedy received from the
Ernest Gruening of Alaska, and French their own assessment of
George McGovern of South Dako- the North Vietnamese attitude to-
ta. ward peace prospects, including
The French Foreign Ministry, the French estimate of what it
the North Vietnamese diplomatic would take to get Hanoi to the
mission in Paris and the U.S. Em- conference table.
World News Roundup

teams, Kosygin and Wilson swiftly
agreed to include five broad
themes in their work program:
European Security
1. European security, including
the future of divided Germany
and her frontiers.
2. The Vietnam war and the
search for a first step towards ac-
tive peacemaking.
3. Disarmament, with the em-
phasis on Soviet-American-British
work on a world pace to stop the
spread of nuclear weapons.
4 British - Soviet relations,
where the focus will be on ways
to boost the $500-million annual
trade flow and particularly Soviet
purchases of British goods and
5. Personal cases, which will al-
low Wilson to press again for the
release of British lecturer Gerald
Brooke, jailed in the Soviet Union
for subversive activities.

lomats were "brazenly sworn at
and violently grabbed hold of."
In Warsaw, the Polish govern-
ment angrily protested the treat-
ment of its ambassador. The Po-
lish news agency PAP said the
Chinese ambassador was summon-
ed to the Foreign Ministry and
handed a note stressing Poland's
"profound indignation."
A group of young Communists
defaced an anti-Soviet display
case outside the Chinese Embassy
in Warsaw, smearing it with black
paint. The incident was likely to
bring a Chinese protest.
ADN said the ambassadors and
representatives of Bulgaria, Czech-
oslovakia,.Hungary and Mongolia
were reviled and cursed in the
Peking turmoil.
A Moscow radio correspondent
reported that Red Guards tore
down the cast iron gate of the
Soviet Embassy in Peking and In-
vaded the embassy grounds. He
said the demonstrators walked in
the garden brandishing placards.
Other Reports
Other reportos said demonstra-
tors gathered in front of the So-
viet Embassy and shouted for "the
blood of the Soviet people." They
smashed at the massive embassy
gate and burned effigies of So-
viet party chief Leonid I. Brezh-
nev and Premier Alexet N. Kosy-
gin. They hung coffins on the em-
bassy gate.

By The Associated Press
Clayton Powell notified a special
House committee yesterday that
he will be on hand Wednesday
when it starts its probe of his
qualifications to sit as a member
of the House.
In a brief telegram to the com-
mittee, the New York Democrat
said he will be accompaneid by
counsel, but did not state whether
he will actually testify.
A committee source predicted
Powell will insist that questions
be confined to his legal rather
than moral qualifications to take
his seat.
* * * '
SAIGON-The United States
disclosed yesterday a massive new
assault in an area reported to be
the Viet Cong national headquar-
ters in South Vietnam and the
U.S. commander said, "I'm looking
for a fight."

Over North Vietnam, bad weath-
er closed in on the Red River delta
and much of the country to hem-
per bombing raids as the United
States wound up two years of air
assaults on North Vietnam.
Military sources said no per-
manent halt to the bombing is
in sight.
COLUMBIA, Mo.-Sen. J. W.
Fulbright, (D-Ark.); praised Pres-
ident Johnson's foreign policy
aims Monday night but accused
State Department officials of
"putting two and two together
and getting 11" in likening Asian
communism to Hitler's Germany.
Fulbright, chairman of the Senate
Foregin Relations Committee,
said in a speech for a Stephens
College audience that the "honest
an decent" aims of Johnson's for-
eign policy are to advance Social
justice in Asia, Africa and Latin

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