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January 20, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-20

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Bus Ad Journal: Monroe Street Madness


---- -

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD $T., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth W1il Prevrail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. Thismust be noted in all reprints.



U.S. Newsmen in Hanoi
May Bring Policy Change

IYOU'RE .NOT well. acquainted
with this University's student
publications, you ought to pick
up the January issue of the Mon-
roe Street Journal.
The Journal is published once
a month by the students of the
school of Business Administration,
I happened by a copy the other
day, and found it quite informa-
tive. The front page was especi-
ally appealing. It featured an
article by Assistant Professor
Haroold E. Arnett, entitled "Ac-
centuate the Positive."
WROTE THE Assistant Profes-
sor: "A number of years ago there
was a very popular song with the
same title as this article. The first
few lines, as I remember them,
went something like this:
You have to accentuate the
Eliminate thenegative,
Latch on to the affirmative,
Don't mess with Mr. Inbetween"
"These words, I think," said Ar-
nett, "are very good advice for
both those of us who are in, and

those who are going to enter the
business world."
An image of businessmen drop-
ping down out of the sky on Wall
Street every morning, equipped
with attache case, umbrella, and
hamburg, chanting "Accentuate
the Positive," etc. came vivdly
into my mind.
PAGE TWO contains letters "To
and From the Editor." In January
issue's' letters from' column, the
MSJ's editor explains to an in-
quisitive reader why the Journal
is not more critical of the Business
School and why more letters aren't
"To date I have received only
three letters," writes the Chief,
"because of the lack ofletters
addressed to me up to the present,
I guess everything must be okay."
Another letter pleads for "or-
chestrational arrangements pre-
dominantly broadcast by FM and
some AM stations" rather than
the rock n' roll fanfare which is
apparently piped into the student
The "more conservative music,"
c o n clu d e s the complaintant,

"would be less distracting to those
who are reading or just relaxing-
verily, yea, it might even be sooth-
A third letter suggests that
"pass-fail" courses should be
graded pass-fail-exceptional per-
PAGE THREE features an ar-
ticle by the School's Director of
Placement, Arthur Hann, who ad-
vises students who'll be interview-
ing for future jobs that "poise
and ability to communicate effect-
ively during the interview are
rated high by most interviewers,
This includes the ability to field
and respond appropriately to
questions posed by the interviewer
outside the 'nuts and bolts' job
and company discussion."
The really big news in the Janu-
ary issue is reported on page five
in, "Lewis to Direct Business Hall
of Fame."
the baseball Hall of Fame except
that it will be financed by the
University as part of the, you

guessed it, Sesquicentennial cele-
"The Hall of Fame," says Dean
Bond, "will combine dignity, good
taste, and a quiet environment
"great entrepreneurs who have
conducive to contemplation,"
which will inspire respect for the
done so much to build our nation.
Ideally, the Hall will make one
feel that he is in the presence of
Who will be in the Hall of
Fame? Well, nobody knows yet,
but Professor Lewis is quite sure
that electors will judge men on,
among other things, "their busi-
ness ethics and morals."
THE ONLY qualification is that
ethics and morals "are expected
to judged in the context of their
times, rather than by today's
Professor Lewis goes on to list
a few possible nominees: Henry
Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and J. P.
Morgan. When they get around to
dying, Lewis figures that Conrad
Hilton, J. C. Penny and-here
goes-H. L. Hunt will make it in.
* * *

I turned to Page Six.
There I was greeted by the
headline. "Marketing Club Pre-
sents Bold Program."
"It's about time," I muttered
to myself, and then I read, "Next
week Thursday Proctor and Gam-
ble will present a program out-
lining the development of Bold,
their recently--introduced new
FOLLOWING the Bold article
was the paper's final piece,
"Alumnus of the Month." And
this month's Alumnus of the
Month, ladies and gentlemen-
Norman T, Fuhlrodt, who while at
Nebraska, "set a new indoor rec-
ord for the 880-yard run which
stood for many years."
The final words of the January
issue of The Monroe Street Jour-
nal are Mr, Fuhlrodt's and they
summarize the newspaper a lot
beter than I can:
"We must do more than ac-
complish desired objectives-we
must be accomplished desirable
objectives that meet high stan-
dards of integrity aini upright-

NORTH VIET NAM'S decision to admit
American newsmen has important im-
plications for our future military policy
in Viet Nam.
Premier Pham Van Dong wants to prove
to the American people that North Viet
Nam is not an aggressor. He and other
officials are granting Western observers
pers'onal interviews and inspection tours
to prove the North's sincerity in desiring
a quick settlement.
One of the first newsmen admitted un-
der this policy was Harrison Salisbury, an
assistant managing editor of the New
York Times. He was granted a great deal
of freedom in travel and noted nothing
suspicious about the actions of either of-
ficials or civilians in his experience.
SALSBURY'S FINDINGS refute the be-
fiefs of several U.S. military policy
makers. He discovered that the spirit of
the North is not being broken by con-
stant bombing.
The people show great determination
and would rather lose their cities than
submit to America.
Salisbury also found that though Amer-
ican bombing targets may be "concrete
and steel," many bombs are hitting non-
military areas. The only real crippling
damage, he noted, was in the destruc-
tion of pagodas and hospitals.
He found further that repair labor is
plentiful and techniques have been de-
veloped to rebuild roads and bridges al-
most as quickly as they are damaged.
BUT HIS MOST significant report was
his confirmation that North Viet Nam
is not the control center of the National
Liberation Front (Viet Cong). Salisbury
was witness to several incidents which
seemed to bear out the claim that the
NLF is an independent organization
whose ideologies do not always coincide
with those of Ho Chi Minh.
Salisbury also concludes that the North
has no control over the supplies or man-
power received by the NLF after they

leave the North. Dong emphasized that
the North has no advisers in the South,
and also insisted that Ho harbors no
plans to annex the South, noting that
such plans would be "stupid and crim-
Dong, said Salisbury, appeared earnest
in hopes for a negotiated settlement to
form a "socialist North and a democratic
BUT IN THE NORTH'S terms for nego-
tiations have not changed; it insists
that the NLF be represented at the con-
ference table.
This of course is a pill which the Amer-
icans have so far refused to swallow. For
to recognize the NLF as an irdependent
agent would be to admit that the Saigon
government is engaged in a civil war.
If the North can prove this conflict is
indeed a civil war, our bombing there
would then be a clear case of aggression.
This is where the North's admittance of
newsmen comes in. The new policy is an
attempt to persuade the Americans that
their claims are true.
FOR IF OTHER newsmen come to con-
clusions like Salisbury's, the United
States may have to make a major policy
shift. If and when it does, the U.S. will
be faced with two alternatives.
On the one hand, Washington can re-
fuse to accept the North's contentions in
the face of heavy evidence to the con-
trary. But Ho has warned that were this
the case, he would have to accept offers
of aid from Communist bloc countries,
which would result in a severe escalation
of the war.
On the other hand, the United States
could admit it is wrong, and be forced by
world opinion to cease its bombing in the
North, and go to the conference table
with the NLF.
IF AND WHEN the choice comes, let's
hope our course is the latter.

Can Johnson Merely Persist' in Viet Nam?

Tuesday, the President appear-
ed as a sad and compassionate
man who, having taken his stand
in Viet Nam, was determined to
persist no matter what the cost.
The picture is misleading, for it
leaves out the fact that the Presi-
dent is confronted with great new
decisions. Last Tuesday's picture
implied that the military situation
is stable. It is, in fact, very fluid.
The new decisions which have
still to be made turn on the prob-
ability that our troops have pre-
vented a military victory over the
Saigon government by its northern
and southern enemies.
THE HOPEFUL observers among
us argue that this success over
the main forces of the enemy will
be followed by the weakening of
the Viet Cong rebellion and the
pacification of the whole of South
Viet Nam by South Vietnamese-
as Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
has put it, by "the South Viet
Nam regular army, the regional
forces, the popular forces, the
South Viet Nam police, police field
Neither Gen. William Westmore-
land nor Ambassador Lodge takes
the view that the South Vietna-
mese will pacify South Viet Nam
quickly. They are thinking of a
long period of guerrilla warfare

and terrorism and sabotage-up to
10 years of it.
who take a grimmer view of the
strength of the rebellion and of
the weakness of the Saigon regime
believe that if, in fact, South Viet
N'am is to be pacified, the task will
have to be performed by the Unit-
ed States.
If they are right, the President
is going to have to make new and
tremendous decisions. He will not
be able, as he implied in his ad-
dress to Congress, just to grit his
teeth and persist in what he is
He will have to decide whether
to conquerhand toccupy the whole
of South Viet Nam-not merely to
repel the military intruders from
the North, but to suppress the re-
bellion in the South-and then to
run the country until a new South
Vietnamese society can be put to-
To commit ourselves to this task
would bp, however disagreeable the
old words sound, to become an im-
perialist power on the Asian con-
tinent. Unhappily, the record of
Lyndon Johnson since his election
gives little reason for hoping that
he will not take this path.
JUST AS IN 1965 he transform-
ed the Eisenhower-Kennedy inter-
vention to assist indigenous forces
into an American war, so in 1967
he will, if he runs true to form,

Tod av
enlarge the scope and the objec-
tives of the American forces.
He will argue sadly that there is
no alternative to doing this, that
to honor his pledges and his prom-
ises and to justify the sacrifices of
the Arlierican dead he must. do
this. He will move toward the
conquest and occupation and the
clearing and the reconstruction of
the whole territory of South Viet
This, I believe, is the dread pos-
sibility before us. It includes, but
it transcends, the much debated
question of whether to attack Ha-
aoi and Haiphong in order to "win"
the war by knocking out North
Viet Nam.
If the President enters upon the
imperialist course, which is what
he is being hard pressed to do,
the war will widen and.no one will
see the limit.
MOREOVER, to conquer an oc-
cupy and pacify the whole of South
Viet Nam would require on a con-
servative estimate, a million Amer-
lcan troops for an indefinite time.

Disregarding what this would do
to the American nation at home,
it would mean the increasing iso-
lation of the United States be-
cause we would be regarded as a
threat to the peace of the world.
It would mean also spreading
disorder in the borderlands of
Ghina where the U.S. military and
economic power is now dominant.
For it is inconceivable that we
shall not encounter a swelling re-
sistance in all the continents if
we advance toward a self-appoint-
ed imperial destiny in Asia.
Is there noa alternative which is
consistent with our interests and
our honor? There is. The prospec-
tive nightmare I have been de-
scribng arises, from the current
military situation - even though
our organized forces are successful,
the Vietnamese rebellion contin-
We are at a point where, though
the big organized forces are stale-
mated, there is almost no progress
in subduing the' activity of they
perialist course is to stand fast.
and be ready to negotiate. In-
stead of conquering and occupy-
ing the whole country we would
make secure the positions we now
hold and would then encourage
the Vietnamese to work out, or
fight out, their destiny.
This is, of course, the central

principle of what is known as the
Gavin-Ridgway strategy. A year
has elapsed since Gen. James Gav-
in testified, Time and experience
have shown, I am convinced, that
it is the only workable strategy.
For one thing, there is no long-
er any doubt that it is a practicable
strategy. For it is now, generally
accepted that the "U.S. forces can-
not be pushed out of their strong-
Experience has shown, second,
that the pacification of the whole
country would be pan enormous
commitment to take, one which
might wellp rove to be an impos-
sible commitment.
THIRD, the junta of northern.
generals around Gen, Nguyen Cao
Ky, almost all of whom are vet-
erans oft he French army in its
war against the Vietnamese peo-
ple, are quite incapable of be-
coming leaders of the Vietnamese
These adventurers from the
North cannot win the confidence
of the people of the South. The
only hope in the situation is to
remain in our military positions
and let the internal politics of
Viet Nam take their course.
This is not a policy of scuttle-
and-run, it is not a policy of dew
layed=surrender, it is not a policy
of betrayal and dishonor, and I
should like to see anyone show
that it is not in the true interests
of the United States.
(c), 1967, The Washington Post Co.



The Joanie Phoanie Case

Letters: Flaming Reaction to Film's Seizure

TBIfl E IS NOTHING that satisfied the
mortal Greeks so much as an eruption
of ill-will among their Immortals. The
thunder and lightning from Qn high was.
a tremendous reassurance to those suf-
.fering the agonies of mortality; all was
not milk-and-honey in the land of nec-
But the contemporary scene has its
own form of Olympic encounter - the
great American libel suit. There was the
debacle of William Manchester, facing
the full wrath of America's own Titans,
the Kennedy's. This, needless to say, "a
hard act to follow."
BUT TRUE to the tradition of over-kill,
the United States has produced yet
another epic court action. The Contest-
ants are Miss Joan Baez, of the clan of
Orpheus, and Mr. Al Capp, the Muses'
friend. Ah, you ask, what ever might cause ,
an Emancipated Woman to come to blows
with the creator of Sadie Hawkins' Day?
The answer is a parody which appeared
in Mr. Capp's comic, "Lil Abner." The
IT'5 BEGINNING TO LOOK like there's
more "flaming creatures" around here
than anyone had thought.
When Ann Arbor police confiscated the
film by that name at a Cinema Guild
showing Wednesday night, the whole af-
fair seemed little more than a comedy of
errors. But if those police arrest three
Guild officers and a projectionist today,
as they have said they would, the whole
business begins to sound more like Kafka
with a cattle prod.
Associate Managing Editor
S jjg 13Ur14inu aiI
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).

character drawn was a female folk singer,
with dark, long hair and marked pacifist
tendencies, whom Capp surnamed "Joan-
ie Phoanie." Somehow, Miss Baez was of-
Capp, however, has defended hi swork
as a pure example of idealized art. "If
Joan Baez sees herself in Joanie Phoanie,
I can only feel sorry for her." But to no
avail were Mr. Capp's pleas-Miss Baez
senses herself more censured than pitied.
NOW, WE CAN only await the outcome
of this duel of the deified. But like
its historic counterparts, this confronta-
tion will doubtlessly throw off a shower
of artistic sparks. We await the songs
("It Ain't Me, Capp"), we await the tab-
leaus of Daisy Mae tortured in dens of
non-violence, with our breaths firmly
CONTRARY TO published opinion,
George Romney is not a schizophrenic
If anything, he seems to be a tough-
minded hawk, one who would pursue the
war in Viet Nam even more vigorously
than the present administration. And he
is a very confused bird at that.
Two seemingly contrary statements by
Romney in his first foreign policy talk
Monday gave rise to the speculation about
the governor's psychic ability.
First, Romney said that there has been
too much emphasis on the bombing of
the North. Then, he went on to attack the
President for extending peace feelers to
HThus, some accused him of being a
dove, while others attacked him as a
BUT THESE OBSERVERS failed to con-
sider Romney's rationale for opposing
the bombing.
It's not that he feels halting the North-
ern sallies would bring peace nearer or
that the sliuhter of innocent civilians is

To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH one would hardly
credit the authorities with the
subtle discernment necessary to
distinguish between films, the fact
that they chose Flaming Creatures
is a significant one.
The film is hardly dangerous; it
plays upto being 'in," homosexual,
and tricksterish.
The content is sexual material
presented from a homosexual
point of view; its ability to leave
more than a stylistic imprint on
its audience is nil, and the only
moving effect it could have is to
make people aware that there is
a point of consciousness in which
some people live and see the world
that is unusual and generally' ab-
horrent to this culture.
I THINK Flaming Creatures is
a terribly made film, but lots of
people do not, 'The point is that
there are dangerous films, and
dangerous films available to a1.
Those are the films that hardly
have the clearness of vision to
make a statement of their pur-
pose; instead they allure, trick,
and compel people into states that
are useless, harmful, and poten-
tially dangerous.
They assume a lecherousness of
intent, a prevalence of violence,
and the domination of other parts
of the world by American con-
WHAT COULD be more danger-
ous than a film of Bob Hope in
Africa: with all its implicit as-
sumptions about sex and primi-
What could be more dangerous
than a film like The Collector,
which lures it audience into a
stance very mnuch similar to the
one it seems to condemn by re-
fusingto show the nudity that is
at the center of its problem.
(moral and cultural) ?
Almost every week there is a
film in Ann Arbor with the express
purpose of confusing people vis-
ually and placing them in the
center of their private hang-ups
by refusing to take seriously what
is cpim S

soon run the same risk as Smith's
film. Anger's Scorpio Rising is,
'as its title suggests, an astrology:
'but a true astrology as is lacking
'in this age.
' The elements of nudity in that
'film are certainly what they are,
'but they are also many other
'things, and their statement re:
'movement of the stars is certainly
'more valid than their statement
're: the fact of nudity.
rTHE BRAKHAGE film repre-
sents the core of sexual love and
the single myth of man and
'woman; the fact that this cociety,
'as a whole, has mocked and con-
'torted the myth and equated it
'with war and economy would cer-
tainly point toward the fact that
'the same paranoid investigators
'will come to save their own lives,
'which they have a huge commit-
'ment to, once again.
'-Richard Grossinger, Grad.
To the Editor:
LET US congratulate the Ann
Arbor police, an anonymous
School of Architecture professor,
and University administrators on
their actionsa- in the infamous
"Flaming Creatures" affair.
The University officials took
their usual heads-in-the-sand
stance and told Cinema Guild, in
effect, "Be it on your own
heads," the public-spirited prof
tipped off our moral guardians to
the obscenity of a film, he had not
seen, and the police exercised their
incisive critical powers in the field
of art and morality.
IT WOULD BE cruel to point
out to the police their own shift-
ing moral standards in their ef-
forts to protect an easily misguid-
ed public from smut, filth, pornog-
raphy, etc.
NOT TOO long ago, as movie
history goes, these men would have
protected us from "Dear John,"
"Night Games," and many other
foreign films which are now
standard fare for movie goers.

willingness to toss students to the
lions, whether HUAC or the police,
and to allow police interference in
campus affairs? I don't think so.
THE OBSCENITY or non-ob-
scenity of "Flaming Creatures"
may be debated to the end of time.
but the issues raised by its show-
ing are vital to the existence of a
great university, to the lives of
students and administrators, and
should be settled once and for all.
-Constance McClellan
New Jazz
To the Editor:
to the "new jazz" is typical of
the general reaction to any new
art form.
Any attempt to break away from
traditional accepted standards is
quickly met by adverse criticism,
It is obvious, as Mr. Evans ad-
mits that he doesn't understand

the music. Admittedly, the music
demands much of the listener. It
cannot be used as background mu-
sic or as music to study by.
RATHER, the listener must im-
merse himself in .the sounds and
allow them to penetrate his soul.
Total involvement in the sound
has a cathartic effect that gives
the listener, himself, a feeling of
inner freedom.
To call the music of John Col-
trane "ranting" is to show a fright-
ening lack of sensitivity. Even the
most reactionary critics have
hailed Coltrane's sensitivity and
To condemn Sunday's concert
as "13 men simultaneously blar-
ing out their frustrations" is to
condemn life itself.
For these men are reacting to
life and their music is a reflec-
tion of living. If their music
seems to exhibit frustration it is
because life is frustrating.

MR. EVANS was dismayed at the
lack of a "melodic line." Thin. is
understandable. Critics were once
unwilling to consider abstract art
because it lacked the established
classical form. But today's cre-
ative artist in any field cannot
and must not let himself be :tied
down by preconceived boundaries
or limits.
Maybe Mr. Evans is unwilling
to confront the aroused feeling of
black consciousness that much of
the "new jazz" seems to have at
its root. In this respect the black
man's music must reflect his life,
his joy, heartbreak, love and frus-
TO ALL THOSE disbelievers
and doubters, I urge you to give
the music a fair chance.
Z even hope to see Mr. Evans
tear himself away from the "non-
ranting" "melodic line" of his
Lawrence Welk records which
have so much to offer.
-Daniel D. Stein


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