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April 13, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-13

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Im A d4

_'. I C I C A h h r s H E



.Buddhists Boycott Meeting


U.S. Rejects DeGaulle's
Milhtary Oiister Deadgineu

I W-monow -Mw




Opponents to'
Regime Plan
Next Move
Religious Group Asks
For Elections Now;
Await Demionstrations

SAIGON ()-The next move i
South Viet Nam's political struggi
appears today to be up to th
Buddhists. There is little doub
that the Buddhists are ready t
make it, perhaps as a show o
The military government pedg
ed yesterday to hold .elections fo
a civilian regime as soon asa
constitution is drafted and th
voting machinery is set up. Bu
the Buddhists boycotted the pre
paratory congress at which th
offer was made.
Only 92 delegates, roughly hal
the number invited, showed up.
Knowledgeable political quarter
said there was no indication th
congress had opened the way fo
any solution.
No Demonstration
There had been speculation th(
Buddhists might put on a bi
demonstration to show their op
position to the congress, but thi
did not materialize. The expecta-
tion now is that it will com
Before boycotting the congress
leaders of the unified Buddhis
struggle group declared they have
no confidence in promises of the
military government headed by
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and the
chief of state, Nguyen Van Thieu
The Buddhists are demanding
the election of a civilian govern-
ment "in a very short time." The
military leaders have said they
are willing to turn over power to
an elected, representative govern-
ment, but that working out the
procedures and holding elections
will take time.
Buddhists Won't Wait
Top government officials talk
in terms of completing such action
in six months. There is no indica-
tion the Buddhists will be willing
to wait that long.
Addressing the opening session
of the congress, Thieu declared
that "If he people want to have
an elected government in the
shortest time possible, this desire
is also ours."
"It is not our policy to go
against the aspirations of the en-
tire people," Thieu said. "Neither
do we want to cling to power."
No Compromise Basis
Despite such statements, con-
vening of the congress did not
appear to present any solid basis
that would bring a compromise.
In addition to the Buddhist boy-
cott, Roman Catholic elements
were represented by only two ob-
servers, and two student leaders
walked out because they objected
to the way the meeting was being
Represented were several politi-
cal parties along with various
worker and professional associa-
tions and civic organizations. None
represents any cohesive force.
The idea of calling the congress
was put forward by Ky on April 3
in an effort to quiet political
unrest that has swept Viet Nam's
cities and towns. The congress is
intended to discuss the calling of
a constituent assembly. This as-
sembly would draft a constitution
that would be submitted to a ref-
erendum. After that step, election
of a National Assembly would be1
Appointive Members
In addition to the time element,
the Buddhists also are demanding
selection of members of the con-
stituent assembly on a partly ap-
pointive basis that it is believed
would give the Buddhists domin-
Buddhist leaders have said they
do not want actually to hold posts
in a civilian government, but they
have long made clear that they
seek a dominant voice in such a
Ky is represented as personally
feeling confident that his gov-
ernment can survive the crisis,

but pressures are building up.
There is speculation that pro-
longed political unrest might deep-
en divisions within the armed
forces, which again could be a
deciding factor in whether the
government stands or falls.
Thursday-April 14th

PRIME MINISTER NGUYEN CAG KY (right) and Deputy Prime Minister.
Huu Co are shown at the opening of the political conference in
Greek Oil Run for Rh
Poses Threat to UN St

fSaigon Hit by
Mortar Fire
Airbase Attack Sets
4" Fire to Fuel Dump;
Destroys Transports
SAIGON MA)--A Viet Cong mor
tar attack early today killed two
Americans, destroyed two Viet-
namese C47 transports and set a
fuel dump aflame at Saigon's Tan
Son Nhut airbase. United States
officials announced 34 Americans
and 14 Vietnamese air force men
were wounded.
Shell-set fires aground and
flares dropped by guerrilla-hunt-
ing allied aircraft lighted the
night sky for miles. Crews of
armed helicopters that raced aloft
said they hit the area of the
mortar emplacements, but there
-Associated Press was no estimate as to whether
Major General Nguyen they hit any of the Viet Cong.
Saigon. In addition to the two C47s
---- destroyed, other aircraft-both
American and Vietnamese-were
The five U.S. aircraft damaged
a included a F100 Super Sabre fight-
er bomber and one TVC121. The
) (fa latter is the craft that provides
television relay to Saigon. The
TV plane was described as badly
n ddamaged.
Two Vietnamese cargo planes,
C47s, also were damaged.
anuela sailed into Dur- Th Mauling Attack
lanuea Brilhedintonur-The raid on the airport, only
r a British warship, on four miles from the heart of Sai-
iority, had stopped her gon followed u a mauling attack
ering Beira Saturday and by Viet Cong-after two weeks of
her out of the Mozam- evasion-on a rifle company in
annel.-the U.S. 1st Infantry Division's
Africa, unlike Portugal, Operation Abilene 40 miles east
w bound by a compulsory of Saigon.1
er to refuse Rhodesia- The company's casualties were
1. officially described as heavy.
rime Minister Hendrik The bloody jungle fight, the first
'rime Minisgernen B52 raid on Communist North1
knows if his government Viet Nam and a flurry of 36
, or helps, the passage of missions north of the border -by4
is northern neighbor he smaller planes had highlighted1
eexposing South Africa military reports in a war shadow-a
tion. ed by the Saigon political crises.
Oil Sanctions The Tan Son Nhut airport has7
ould take the form of oil been a target of terrorist attacks,1
against South Africa but the raid yesterday was the
nd these, in time, could first with mortars.t
into a fullscale interna- Helicopters flew dead andt
ckade. wounded Americans yesterday1
al, with two territories from landing zones that engineers7
, and South Africa are hacked out of the jungle at the
only friends Prime Min- site of a five-hour battle Mondayc
Smith's white settler re- night between the 1st Division
:hodesia can claim. company, which at full strength
ubscribe to Smith's broad would total 178 men, and a Viet
reserving white rule in Cong battalion of 400 or so.
ent dominated by newly Maj. Gen. William E. De Puy,1
ent African states. commander of the 1st Division,I
said "apparently Viet Cong womenc
Revert to Colony were following up behind the
t their help, Smith's rebel enemy troops, killing American1
which grabbed indepen- wounded and dragging off theirI
m Britain last November, own dead and wounded."c
dly survive. Almost cer- Lt. Col. Melvin Owens, deputyc
wouldrevert to colonial commander of the 3 75th Combat
nding the formation of Support Group, said the attack
acial parliamentary and on the base was carried out by
ant system two and possibly four mortar sup-
vhile the sympathies of ported b a force estimated at
e and South African between 25 and 30 Viet Cong.
re almost entirely with Owens, whose unit is responsible
e rulers of both countries in part for the security of Tan Son
too could quickly become Nhut, said several recoilless rifle
ts of UN attack if they duds had been found and that evi-
go on defying Security dence indicated 82 millimeter mor-
esolutions. tars of Chinese make were used.

jecting French President Charles
de Gaulle's one-year ouster dead-
line, the United States yesterday
set a two-year time for her mili-
tary pullout from France and
warned that French units stand to
lose quickly their access to Ameri-
can atomic arms.
In a separate statement, Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk in effect
accused De Gaulle of one-sided
treaty-breaking which he said
"strikes at the very heart of the
sanctity of international agree-
"Fourteen nations, comprising
450 million people and possessing
massive military power, will not


No Terminal Date
The 1949 treaty has no terminal
date. The four U.S.-French agree-
ments cited included the 1951
Chateaurouh depot agreement, the
1952 air bases agreement, and the
1953 U.S. military headquarters
and pipeline agreements.
Noting that the- 1958 U.S.-
French communications system
agreement allows for termination
by one party upon two years' no-

up under the treaty. Four of the The diplomatic communication
main U.S.-French pacts covering also questioned why NATO head-
France are supposed to last as quarters should be removed from
long as the treaty unless termi- France within a year, told Paris--
nated by mutual consent, the U.S. without naming a specific sum-
note said. that it may be called to account

ue paralyzed by the attitude of tice, the American note said that
France," Rusk added. the U.S. would permit termination
Diplomatic Note of the four other agreements only
The U.S. position on French dis- according to such means as pro-
engagement from the North At- vided by the 1958 agreement.
lantic Treaty Organization and:;
demand for removal of U.S. bases
land some 30.000 troops fromre
French soil was set forth in a
diplomatic note to Paris. France VeT
and her NATO allies have been
trading a stream of messages since
the French formally declared their v eri or
De Gaulle, who says the unified
NATO defense structure is out- By The Associated Press
moded and impinges on French
sovereignty, has served notice of A highly -placed Democratic
French withdrawal from the inte- source in Lansing revealed yester-
grated system as of next July 1. day that State Democratic Cen-
He wants NATO military head- tral Committee Chairman Zolton
quarters and U.S. forces out of Ferency will seek his party's nomi-
France by April 1967. nation for governor.
Yesterday's U.S. note cited De Ferency said he expected to an-
Gaulle's avowed intent to keep nounce tomorrow the time and
France a member of the basic place of a news conference at
treaty, even though quitting the which he would make his declara-
NATO structure which was set tion.
Peking Claims U.S. Aircraft
Downed on China Mainland

for financial costs from her "abro-
gating or repudiating existing
agreements," and left the door op-
en for negotiations for keeping
s ome U.S. - built facilities in
s As for nuclear weapons, which
the United States has stockpiled
in Germany for use bythe NATO-
assigned French air and ground
forces there, the U.S. note said
French withdrawal from NATO
would automatically end that ar-
trangement. Paris said the two
French air wings and two divi-
sions in West Germany, totaling
some 70,000 men, will sever their
NATO connection next July 1.
o Declare
Support for Ferency continued
to grow this week. On Monday, At-
ty. Gen. Frank Kelley announced
he was not a candidate and threw
his support behind Ferency.
In Ann Arbor, former congress-
man-at-large Neil Staebler said,
"I urge you to make your candi-
dacy complete with a formal an-
nouncement at the earliest possible
Endorsement is also expected
from Secretary of State James
Hare, House Speaker Joseph Ko-
walski (D-Detroit), and Kowal-
' ski's party caucus, which may ev-
en endorse Ferency before he an-
nounces his candidacy.
Williams Endorsed
In other state politics, it was
learned yesterday that United Au-
to Workers Ford Local 600, has
endorsed former Gov. G. Mennen
Williams for the U.S. Senate
The local, which represents 35,-
000 active members and 18,000 re-
tired workers, wrote " State AFL-
CIO President August Scholle to
notify him of the endorsement by
its general council and to urge
the state body to take similar ac-
tion. The endorsement was a gen-
eral council action and the gen-
eral membership did not vote on
the matter.
One of the local's retired work-
ers is Sylvester J. Cravanagh, f a-
ther of DetroitrMayor Jerome Ca-
vanagh, who is Williams' chieftop-
ponent for the party's nomination
for the seat being vacated by re-
tiring Sen. Patrick McNamara.
Mayor Cavanagh said he was
disappointed by tne endorsement
and contended he "never had a
chance" to appear before the lo-
cal's members..-
"It is doubly surprising," he
added, "since my father was an
early member of Local 600 and is
a retired Ford worker. I believe it
is a mistake for an endorsement
to be made before each of the can-
didates has a chance to discuss the
issues before the membership."


LONDON OP)-Two Greek tank- there were signs that technicians4
ers with oil for Rhodesia yesterday were trying to connect the six-
confronted Portugal and South inch offloading pipe of the tanker
Africa with a choice of flouting with the 10-inch intake of the
the United Nations or failing their pipeline.
Rhodesian friends. Portugal is under Security
There were unconfirmed reports Council orders not to allow Rho-
that the international syndicate desian oil to pass through Mo-
that organized the oil run is ready zambique on'pain of reprisal.
with a third ship, the Nichos V, In Durban, South Africa, 500
for yet another bid to breach the miles away, the sister tanker Man-
Security Council embargo. uela lay in the outer anchorage
In Beira the Greek-owned Ionna 'of the harbor. She is awaiting
V, with 18,000 tons of oil aboard, permission to unload her 15',000-
lay docked only 30 feet away from ton cargo of Iranian light crude
the pipeline linking the port in oil into either Durban's storage
Portuguese Mozambique with Rho- depots or refineries, among the
desia. largest in the Southern Hemi-'
Behind a tight security screen I sphere.

WJorld News Roundup

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Council rE

TOKYO (A)-Red China accus-
ed the United States yesterday of
aerial attacks on Chinese fishing
boats and claimed its Air- Force
downed a U.S. military craft on
the Chinese mainland.
In Washington, the Defense De-
partment announced a U.S. Navy
KA3B tanker plane was overdue
on a flight from the Philippines to
the South. Viet Nam war theater,
but did not refer to the Chinese
claim. The terse Pentagon an-
nouncement did not acknowledge
the plane was lost.
A broadcast by the official New
China News Agency said the U.S.
aircraft, described as an A3B at-
tack plane, was downed yesterday.
It made no mention of crew.
The KA3B normally has a crew
of three.
Downed by Red Chinese
Peking said the U.S. plane was
shot down by Red Chinese air
force craft on Luichow Peninsula,
Kwangtung Province, which faces
North Viet Nam across the Gulf
of Tonkin.
The Pentagon said the KA3B, a
tanker version of the AB, left the
Philippines yesterday for the air-
craft carrier Kityy Hawk cruising
off South Viet Nam. It did not

indicate whether the tanker was
Pentagon sources said that if
the tanker plane did pentrate into
Communist Chinese territory it
was probably due to a navigational
error. The area is well away from
South Vietnamese waters.
Fishermen Killed
After announcing the downing
of the plane, another Peking
broadcast charged that two Chi-
nese fishermen were killed and 15
wounded in attacks by four U.S.
planes April 7 on the high seas
in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Peking said, "The strongest pos-
sible protest has been made by
the appropriate Chinese depart-'
ment against this cutthroat be-
havior of U.S. imperialism."
It said the sending of "the heavy
attack plane deep into the air
space over China's mainland was
an open violation of China's so-
vereign rights."
Protest B52s
In Hanoi, a North Vietnamese
broadcast protested the use of;
Guam-based U.S. B52s in bombing
North Viet Nam and called Tues-
day's attack a new step in the
escalation of the war.

By The Associated Pres#
PITTSBURGH-The number of
striking soft coal miners swelled
to about 58,000 miners in eight
states in the biggest walkout in
the nation's soft coal fields in 15
The strike continues in defience
of a back-to-work order by W. A.
"Tony" Boyle, president of the
United Mine Workers. Compliance
with the directive was generally
spotty and there was no indica-
tion of a general break in the
The workers struck at midnight
reached a new contract with three
Sunday, two days after the union
independent coal producers, but
fail to reach an agreement with
the Bituminous Coal Operators
Association, which employs about
one-half of the United Mine
Workers' 100,000 membership.
Some miners have returned to
work in Utah, Virginia and Indi-
ana, and more are expected back
in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Indications were that the two-
day strike was not affecting the
biggest users of coal-the steel in-
dustry and utilities, who reported-
ly had big stockpiles.7
* * *x
JAKARTA - Indonesia's new
government will launch a crash
economy program in an effort to
restore the shattered economy, an-
nounced Economic Affairs Mini-
ster Sultan Hamengku Buwonol
Not only does the nation have
no money in the treasury to meet1
its $2.4 billion in foreign debts,.

he said, but exports still are fall-
ing and inflation may cause food
prices to spiral by 1,000 per cent
this year if not checked.
Buwono said one of the main
targets in the new program is'
streamlining overstaffed govern-
ment agencies. He added that his
ministry would attempt to cut
away corruption, mismanagement,
misadministration and bureau-
publican organizations calling
themselves progressives yesterday'
urged Republicans to grab the
"torch of reform" and to go after
the Negro vote in the South.
Republicans for Progress, a citi-
zens organization built around
former administration officials of
the Dwight Eisenhower years, and
Republican Advance, a Yale uni-
versity group, joined in demanding
national committee action to erase
any segregation practices in
Southern GOP party organizations.
They proposed revivial of the
committee's lapsed minorities di-
vision, a massive drive to register
Negroes as Republicans, selection
of Negro candidates for office, and
campaigns to enlist volunteers on
Negro college campuses.
MIAMI-Employees of Alterman
Transport Lines, a trucking com- I
pany in Miami, Florida, have
turned down membership in the
Teamsters Union after a debate
between their boss and a lieuten-
ant to James Hoff a.

k A




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