Seventy-Sixth Year
April13:It ustAin't That BigA Thing
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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
It's What's Happening
-Adults Only
Acting Associate Managing Editor
THE UNIVERSITY has another
hand on the oars.
President HarlansHatcher has
appointed Gilbert Lee, formerly
University controller, to the newly-
created office of vice-president
for business. affairs.
There are, of course, Vice-
Presidents and then there are
vice-presidents. The question now
is which Lee will be.
THE DIVISION of Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance
Wilbur Pierpont's old office of
Business and Finance into the two
new offices, one for business and
finance and one for business af-
fairs, was certainly a helpful one.
Business and finance is one of
the University's oldest executive
offices and, with the institution's
great expansion in the last decade,
it has grown prodigiously.
Before the reorganization, Pier-
pont was in direct control of the
most far-flung bureaucratic or-
ganization within the University.
For within any large organization,
control over finances is control
over policies. Being vice-president
for business and finance, there-
fore, meant being in charge of
many diverse University policies
from personnel to building pro-
Evidently what was happening,
however, was that the work was
simply getting to be too much for
one vice-president to handle. So
the Regents eased the work load
by cuttingbithindhalf. That is the
reasoning behind the shearing off
of some of the OBF's functions
and giving them to the new OBA.
THE NEW vice-president is evi-
dently very much a "Pierpont
man." His statements are all that
is needed to illustrate that: he
emphasizes often that he is still
working for Pierpont-who was,
of course, his superior while he
was University controller.
Then too, he cannot operate
without Pierpont's confidence and
assistance. The areas of which he
is to be in charge cannot be turn-
ed over to him without Pierpont's
assistance. The staffs in these
areas are Pierpont's and, unless
he lets them go, Lee will be help-
In addition, Pierpont has kept
all policy-making powers for him-
self. A quick list establishes that.
Lee is in charge of: the controller,
personnel operations, building up-
keep, purchasing and management
Pierpont, on the other hand, is
in charge of campus planning,
building construction, investments,
legal affairs, personnel policies,
and financial auditing and anal-
yses. It is clear where the real
power lies.
It remains with Pierpont.
LEE DOES HAVE several po-
tentially important areas of au-
thority. His authority over per-
sonnel operations can be a very
important position when-as they
surely will-unions are given col-
lective bargaining rights with the
University. Lee will probably be
the University officer in charge
of such negotiations. Moreover,
his authority over "service enter-
prises"-a vague area set up to
assist University staff operations
-can also be an important one.
Yet all things considered, Lee's
authority today is small compared
with Pierpont's, or with Allen
Smith's, vice-president for aca-
demic affairs. From the stand-
point of what major policies are
made, and from the standpoint of
who makes them, things haven't
changed much.
FR EXAMPLE, many have
been using the creation of the
Office of the Vice-President for
Research-which was split from
the Office of Academic Affairs-
as an example of what has hap-
pened to the OBF. Nothing could
be more incorrect.
For when the Vice-Presidency
for Research was created, the
office acquired functions entirely
diverse from those that were being
handled by the Vice-President for
Academic Affairs. But the new
vice-presidency, far from being
split off the side of the OBF, has
been split off the bottom of it.
Pierpont has essentially gotten rid
of the dirty work, leaving all
major policy areas to himself.
The real question about the new
office is a question of the potential
authority within the administra-
tion. Even from this standpoint,
the vice-presidency for business
affairs, as it is presently constitut-
ed. is not likely to become a major
ESSENTIALLY this is expressed
by Pierpont's continuing control
over financial analysis. Ever since
the establishment of England's
Chancellor of the Exchequer, the
man with the purse has run ad-
ministrations. Having control over
building construction and person-
nel policies adds to his' authority
So the new vice-presidency is
really nothing to get that excited
about. It will be a helpful addition
to the under-staffed administra-
tion and will certainly help ease
an immense work load.
BUT AS FAR as policy or power
goes, it doesn't change a thing.
MAYBE IT IS, and maybe it isn't, but as
long as the doubt lingers it doesn't
really matter.
Finals are that time of the year when
the whole world goes mad, when the
spring that wasn't here yesterday is ig-
nored today, and panic is the name of the
game. There is something tense in the
air: the grade maniacs get a little tighter,
the pre-meds get paler, the guys shooting
for Harvard Law School get weak in the
stomach, and the fellows hoping to stay
out of the army, get, scared. The girls are
out grubbing grades too, more as a matter
of conformity than conviction, giving the
atmosphere a semi-ludicrous flavor.
BUT THERE ARE BIRDS out, the trees
are about ready to make the big move
forward, and there is a rare breed of stu-
dent walking around more curious than
concerned with finals, in a half-way zone
where nothing seems so important as be-
ing alive and knowing it; sensing that
there is something more to life than a
3.4327 grade point and a house in Grosse
Being dedicated to discussing the real-
ity of human existence, as are the editors
of this newspaper, and saving editorial
columns for only the most critical and
gravest of concerns, it is high time that
the proper perspective be given to this
type of student. He threatens to topple the
whole structure of the University in open
defiance of the great American way of
life. He must be banished lest he banish
everything else.
FOR A START, he is half in love, a bad
state of affairs at any time, but one of
inexcusable rudeness when the rest of the
campus is staying up until three in the
morning studying. Thus he sits in those
applause-laden last lectures more bored
.than- anything else, scornful of a profes-
sor so oblivious to the whole wonderful
makeup of the world that he would dare
preach his pompous pontifications on a
day made for Diag-sitting.
Our hero squirms, and the squirms be-
come contagious. Nevertheless, everyone
else is so busy scribbling that the final
will be 28.9 per cent objective short an-
swer questions dealing with the introduc-
tory lecture of the second section of the
course and that the essay will deal with
the first thousand years of human his-
tory, that they don't realize they are up-
And in the library, he has the unmiti-
gated audacity to openly fall asleep, feet
up on a table, eyeglasses dangling on his
nose, peacefully snoring, while everyone
else in the UGLI is secretly ripping pages
out of overnight books. There he is, the
object of widespread scorn and whole-
some envy, content in his complacency,
complacent in his context.
Certainly not. It is the moment for
the world to strike him down, and, if the
world can't, someone else had better. Hap-
piness is not the proper mood for the
third week in April, and must not be per-
mitted to continue.
IT IS TIME that the administration ful-
filled its responsibility to the good
people of the state of Michigan (who,
after all, are supporting this school), as
well as those decent students of this Uni-
versity (the ones who give it prestige and
popularity), to rid the campus of this
chronic malcontent who is out to destroy
the school's image.
If the collective vice-presidents and Mr.
Hatcher lack the courage to take decisive
action, then it is a problem for the Re-
gents, those supporters of everything that
is noble in man. If they too shirk their
responsibilities, then the governor must
intervene, and, if not him, then the Great
God Lyndon himself with his own inimit-
able grace and style must do it. In any
case, something must be done rather
quickly before the equilibrium of the
whole University is destroyed.
rHE NAME OF THE GAME is panic and
the name of the world is push. As for
our friend, somewhere along the line he
didn't get properly socialized-the values
were not adequately internalized, as the
sociologists would say-and the problem
threatens to shake up the world.
The fact is that, "It's what's happening,
baby," doesn't matter at all. What kind of
mature person ever has anything happen-
ing anyway?
The Draft and the Non-Cooperator
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second of a two-part series on
conscientious objection and non-
cooperation. This article deals
with the experiences of a non-
cooperator-a man who refused
to cooperate with the Selective
Collegiate Press Service
cooperator, an absolutist, a dis-
affiliate, an anticonscriptor. He
has spent 33 months of his life
in jail for a belief, a commitment
to his conscience.
At the age of 20, Salstrom refus-
ed to carry his draft card, sending
it back to his local board. In con-
sequence, he received an order to
report for induction. Salstrom re-
fused to comply on the ground
that "any affiliation with the sys-
tem is an affiliation, with mili-
He was then arrested and sen-
tenced by a Federal District Court
to a three year sentence in prison.
After fasting for the first 15 days
of his sentence in prison, he was
transferred to the Medical Center
for Federal Prisoners in Spring-
field, Mo. Salstrom got a "manda-
tory release" after two years of
good conduct.
However, he was re-arrested and
sentenced to an additional nine
months in the Danbury Correc-
tional Institution after violating
the terms of his release by organ-
izing an antidraft caravan.
After his release in June, 1965,
he was reclassified 4-F for his
conviction on felony charges.
PAUL SALSTROM is a case in
point. He is an absolutist, whose
commitment to conscience super-
sedes all else, even his regard for
personal safety.
He believes that one's considera-
tion of the draft must be set in
"the context of beliefs about right
and wrong . . . for I have exper-
ienced morality as one of the
truly precious aspects of life.
"But morals cease to be morals
and beliefs to be beliefs to the
extent that they are set to stew
in a pot of random concerns about
one's personal comfort or the fate
of one's skin.'
"It's taking the C.O. position a
step further than those who take
a legal position, alternative service
or noncombatant military duty,"
he said.
ly breaks the law. He is a radical
pacifist who refuses any form of
conscription by the government in
an effort symbolically to disaf-
filiate himself from the United
States government.
Salstrom feels that nonconscrip-
tion is a Ghandian method of
campaigning to end war.
The statutory maximum penalty
of five years imprisonment and/or
$10,000 fine is relatively mild com-
pared to past U.S. draft policies.
During World War I, noncoopera-
tors were either executed or sen-
tenced to life imprisonment, he
said. The sole exception was for
the Quakers for whom the am-
bulance service was created in
Referring to the possibility of
a C.O. draft status, Salstrom said,
'I've infinitely preferred even a
comparatively long period in pri-
son to the legal choice of applying
to a draft board or its supervisors
for permission not to engage in
the massacre of my fellow human
beings." For Salstrom, the "life
and death of innocents in Viet
Nam is a paramount concern, and
must not be "relegated to secon-
dary status."
faction with the peace movement
does not go beyond the street or
beyond a few easy years in jail-
beyond the confines, that is, of
liberal consensus-oriented civil lib-
ertarianism just barely defensibly
labeled 'protest' the movement will
not become credible and not be-
come significant," Salstrom said.
"One's location in the conven-
tional political spectrum is mean-
ingless. The challenge of imperial-
istic and aggressive counter-insur-
gency warfare on the part of the
U.S. government has not yet been:
met by any authentically radical
response," he said.
DURING HIS STAY in prison,
Salstrom said that he had no dif-
ficulty making friends. "The
average convict seems to me as
honest and straightforward as the
average unconfined American," he
Beyond friendship, "There are
plenty of illegal excitements avail-
able to individuals in prison so
inclined, ranging from delivery
of contraband cigarettes (Ciga-
rette packs serve universally as
money behind bars) and the
smuggling of contraband papers
and mistreatment reports to out-
side contacts, to the harboring of
jack breweries, homosexual ren-
dezvous and marijuana stashes to
name five of the many I personally
adopted in the cause of freedom,"
he commented.
Salstrom reflected that he was
pleased with his "social results
behind bars."
"The fasting period automati-
cally resulted in limitless respect-
ful curiosity from other inmates,
about nonviolence and the antiwar
position . . .," he said.
He noted that there were col-
lege-educated convicts in prison,
so that "informed and civilized
conversation isn't sacrificed by the
act of draft refusal."
During his confinement in
county jail, he said that physical
attacks and threats on noncoop-
erators were not rare, but almost
nonexistent in federal prison.
ALTHOUGH he found corres-
pondence and visiting privileges
severely restricted, he emphasized
that he preferred federal prison
to the "harassment and irrational
regulations" of a military prison.
He felt that no emotional pre-
paration for a prison sentence was
necessary, just continued physical
and mental activity before arrest.
Salstrom also took a trial fasting
period in preparation for his pri-
son protest.
Of the trial fast, he said, "This
is one of the several respects in
which fasting resembles the LSD
experience: the best results never
come the first time."
HE REMARKED that academic
pursuits were possible in prison, if
one can concentrate with the noise
of "the vocal chords of one's fellow
Quiet hours, which start at 10
p.m., afforded him the only real
solitude for studying. Salstrom
said he easily learned how to
write in the dark.
Besides the libraries, correspon-
dence, and evening -courses, he
said that "many privileges not
covered by the rules are dished out
at random to quasifriends of the
guards and civilian personnel, to
stool pigeons and to inmates with
key jobs, and thus a small, neyer
indispensable, degree of influence."
termed his prison experience "edu-
"Prison shows one extremes of
bureaucratic stupidity and rigidity,
extremes of human degradation
and listlessness, extremes of dig-
nity and self help, and pure as
well as pathological forms of every
conceivable human impulse," he
In addition, he noted that pri-
son makes one aware of "how
wonderful and significant is direct
contact with the entire feminine
. . . authentically feminine . .
side of life."
one or two years, protest against
the Viet Nam war will be similar
to that seen during the U.S. inter-
vention in Korea.
Twenty noncooperators are now
serving their jail terms in federal
prisons across the nation. Thirty-
five more are presently undergo-
ing the legal process that will lead
to jail terms.
And in their prison cells, non-
cooperators bitterly sneer at Presi-
dent Lyndon Johnson's support
for the right to dissent-hardly a
reality for these 55 men committed
to their consciences, these men
who are social deviants to a ma-
jority of the American people.
(Friedland is a staff writer
for the Daily Californian at
Berkeley where this series
originally appeared.)
The Guardian Angels:
A Tale of Two Cities
New 'Generation
Blooms in the Spring
TWO STORIES in Monday's New York'
Times concerned the recent political
strife in South Viet Nam. One ran con-
spiculously on the front page; the other,
humorously, ran on page four. Both were
concerned with the attitudes of U.S. of-
ficials toward the current conflict be-
tween the military and Buddhist forces.
Here all similarity ended, however. In
the page four story Undersecretary of
State George W. Ball was quoted as say-
ing in a CBS television interview that the
position of the U.S. in the current crisis
was, ".. . we are supporting the govern-
ment in South Viet Nam. We are not try-
ing to dictate who should be in charge
of that government."
Mr. Ball calmly went on to say that the
struggle between the military and the
Buddhists was part of a healthy process
by which the Vietnamese people were
"groping" toward an acceptable form of
government. He conceded after question-
ing, that there was great concern in some
circles about the conflict.
MEANWHILE, back in reality, the Times'
Saigon correspondent in his page one
story reported in exquisite detail the tac-
tical advice American officials were giv-
ing to Premier Ky to help him maintain
his shaky government.
Among the earnest suggestions they
offered, was the advice that firmness in
dealing with the Buddhists would win for
Ky the !support of the powerful 10 per
cent minority of Catholics in the country.
They astutely observed that the declara-
tion of war made by the Buddhists
against the military junta showed
that the month-long crisis had reached a
lished under this Buddhist leader, they
felt, would be "unamenable to American
OTHER MEASURES were suggested in-
volving specific action, but the point
is clear from the examples above. Either
George Ball likes to give irrelevant
speeches or we have had a serious com-
munications breakdown between Saigon
and Washington (or is it between Wash-
ington and the American public?).
Nevertheless, Americans can sleep well
again tonight, secure in the knowledge
that, whatever is happening over there,
the current Vietnamese crisis will not
precipitate disaster. Their government is
right in there managing the situation:
managing Ky, managing Buddhists, man-
aging the news ....
Acting Associate Editorial Director
ON MAY 9 at 10 p.m. President Johnson
will guide the nation on a tour of the
darkest reaches of the LBJ Ranch in an
NBC news special entitled "Lyndon John-
son's Texas."
According to a story in this week's
Newsweek, NBC followed the President
around for two afternoons with one cam-
eraman and soundman "clinging to the,
back of the President's Lincoln Conti-
nental, another crew tagking along
through the dust behind them."
LBJ, it was reported, "fretted about the
slant of his hat, mumbled that it might
make him look like a Mafia character.
He also insisted that NBC's cameramen
shoot all the wildlife within sight. de-
comes gratefully to hand,
bearing blossoms well in advance
of the hard little buds the bushes
are putting out against Ann Ar-
bor's confused and wretched wea-
ther. There is a fine harvest of fic-
tion and a deal of intriguing verse
and less than the usual ration of
angst. More grain than stone, in
It is true that the proofing and
printing have not been perfect;
but where are roses without
thorns? And who knows what of
felicity in some of the more opa-
que poetry may be owing to a
lucky fault?
THE BEST GIFT offered in the
issue is, I think, Rob Poutasse's
"The Dog." Mr. Poutasse dis-
covers to us in this story a com-
ic power to make one rejoice, a
keen eye for the right thing and
phrasing that flashes and surely
snaps, like a bear trap. There are
such in the horrid den of his
story's antagonist:
"A pair of snowshoes dangled
next to a massive curled con-
traption of rust-brown steel. It
was a bear trap, the heavy old-
fashioned kind and its jaws
were clamped shut. He had nev-
ver gotten it open, but you could
see how large the teeth were,
and how thick the metal. He
liked to tell how it could cut a
cocker spaniel in half. Beside
the bear trap hung two others;
a wolf trap and a beaver trap. A
little one, for rabbits, hung be-
low them, for irony."
The owner of this room is some-
thing of a dog, named McGraw,
and between him and the wolfish
if melancholy Peter there is to be
a savage confrontation.
"Peter was facing away from
the bar, but in the back of his
head he felt his host was look-
ing at the girl's buttocks. Mc-
..r ahair vsa -n the
is not, I think, quite so well man-
aged, and one might say that the
story builds overlong to its crisis.
But overshadowing all is Mr. Con-
ron's brilliant realization of his
characters and situation.
His prose is vivid, precise, and
full; he sets the thing before us
in writing that has moments su-
perior to anything in the issue.
Here are distinct achievements,
this story and the first.
There will be readers to whom
Sophia Steriades' "Imitation" will
speak more than it does to me. A
picture in prose, it is carefully
wrought, but the care is more evi-
dent than anything I care for in
fiction. Of more interest is her
contribution, "Quarte Cartes Pos-
These four etudes, if a little too
tired for jeux, a little to light for
engagement, do "fizz out rather
nicely." They are wry and pre-
THESE LAST ARE in a section
of the issue called 'The Line',
which indicates, I gather, a con-
cept to be played with, more or
less seriously. JudytStonehill's
three verse pieces run the gamut
in this section from the quite suc-
cessfully controlled "The Poem
Defines Itself" to the grotesquely
pretentious "The ModerndLine".
Her poem "To Susan, Aged Ten"
starts nicely, then dribbles away
IN THE CONTEST that divides
the world today and in which
so much is at stake, those will
probably win who understand re-
volution, while those who still put
their faith in power politics in the
traditional sense of the term and,
therefore, in war as the last resort
of all foreign policy may well
at the end, hinting all too clearly
at the reasons for the disaster of
"The Modern Line."
ALSO IN THIS section is Mae-
vernon Varnum's "The Young Girl
Passenger," a story recounting in
alternating passages an automo-
bile trip enfamille and, presum-
ably, the unspoken thoughts and
desires of the young girl passenger.
We are not very interested in
the automobile trip, but then we
are not, in a way, supposed to be
interested in it. We are supposed
to be interested in the other thing,
the girl's unspoken wish, and we
are, up to a point. There is a
charm in the evocation of the girl:
"The light was failing, the air
of the room hung heavily about
the brocaded drapes. Martha, in
a patient lethargy, moved to-
ward the window, her white lace
gown and petticoats gathering
around her legs."
The trouble is that Miss Varnum
lets us down, badly, too often
with the choice of just the wrong
word. We are unhappy when we
find Martha, "very enervated by
the day," or later when, running,
"her progress was thrown into
THE ART OF poetry is mani-
fest in its variety in this issue. The
virtues of the craft are nobly dis-
played in two poems by Alvin
Fritz, "Michelangelo's Pieta" and
"Detroit: Christmas 1965."
Konstantinos Lardas contri-
butes "Xypnotic", in his own pow-
erful idiom Incantatory and cun-
ningly woven, it deserves (and
needs) repeated readings, prefer-
ably aloud. Mr. Lardas rewards, as
nearly always, the efforts of close
study. It must be admitted,
though, that such unlikely and
unlovely words as "extractorless"
and "baneingly" need mighty oc-
casions to justify them, and here
they mar what is mostly a fine
and long and sometimes fetching
and mostly unclear. During a
pealing of bells celebrating an
Easter Rising anniversary, William
Butler Yeats collared a navy and
asked whether he did not rejoice
in the occasion. The poor fellow
strained to catch the bardic query
bleedin' bells." There is a line in
but had to confess he could not
hear the poet "on account o' them
Mr. Vitiello's poem that says "it's
no so bad, my man." It may be so.
Less ambitious but more' en-
gaging are Steven Kagle's brace
of poems, "Passion" and "Knowl-
edge." Mr. Kagle is no devotee of
discursive tissue in poetry, and
this presents problems in "Pas-
sion." Both poems do, however,
immediately attract eye and ear.
THERE IS IN this issue, for
whatever reason, a lengthy review
of two books by the New England
divine, Jonathan Edwards, "Free-
dom of the Will" and "Religious
'The Dregs
To the Editor:
recent occasions has used an
expression attributed to me. The
most recent use was by Roger Rap-
oport and the expression, that I
never said, "students are the dregs
of society" is vile in its use and
absolutely without foundation.
The very fact that this was well
cleared up when Councilman
Weeks used this political ploy on
the Council floor March 28th
should have been enough to put
it to rest. The fact that The Daily
never checked with me at any time
is appalling,
Affections. These were republished
within the last decade by Yale
University Press.
The review seems to me turgid
and tedious and rather unenlight-
ening. It may be, for aught I
know, an apt reflection of the
thought of Jonathan Edwards. If,
it is the purpose of the review to
attract readers to Edwards, it is
a failure, which may be a pity, or
again, may not. There is at one
point the happy misprecision "Re-
ligious Affectations" where "Af-
fections" is meant.
The art folio is attractive with
drawings and etchings by Marina
Farkas, Florence Rohn, and Joan
Rosenstein. Fifteen plates invite
the eye ever and again, and yield
pleasures in their several ways.
THERE ARE, indeed, many good
things in this issue.
Editor's note;:L. F. McNamara
is an assistant professor in the
English Department.
Are Not
of Society'
of that society. A phrase, such as
Roger Rapoport used, is ridiculous
in its contrary context.
IT IS PERHAPS understandable
that Mr. Rapoport used this after
hearing Mr. Weeks, a clever gen-
tleman in the field of engineering
the English, express this on the
Council floor.
What is so unfortunate is that
Mr. Rapoport did not elaborate on
my rather forceful rebuttal to
Councilman Weeks.
-Paul H. Johnson
Councilman, Third Ward