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April 12, 1966 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-12

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! 1 r s

lUGaUEIX, :1YKlL 1z, IU(jb

SPACIOUS 2 bdrm apt. centrally air-
conditioned. For second half. Cheap.
761-3303. U27
BARGAIN RATES. 1 or 2 men for lux-
ury apt. near campus. Call 761-2123 or
761-3724. U30
View from the Top
Swimming pool, 2 air-cond., garbage
disposal. 665-7007. U43
3-4 MAN SUMMER SUBLET-First, sec-
ond half, or both, Mod., air-cond., lg..
rooms, 2 bdrms. The Summer House-
Apt. 303. Call after 4. 761-3718. U22
THE ULTIMATE in Luxuryt at the right
price. 4-man, 2 fl., 1% bath, off-
street parking, carpet all over. 1 blk.
from campus, air-cond., TV, and all
utensils. Call 663-8210. U40
LARGE 2-MAN-$10p mo. 522 Monroe.
Apt. 3. Phone 668-7534. U27
MOD 2 bdrm apt., all conveniences.
$160. 800 Fuller Apt. 23. 662-4880. U26
$35/man, 2 large bdrms., large living-
rm., balcony, air-cond., garbage dis-
posal, across from IM pool, tennis
courts etc. 761-3834., U35

SUMMER SUBLET for 2. Air-cond. and
near St. Joe's Hospital. 510 Lawrence,
Apt. 3. 665-9071. 012
Modern 2-bedroom furnished, free air-
cond., 1 block from campus. May thru
Aug. and Avail. Apr. 20. Fall Option.
663-5584 from 8 am. to 8 p.m.
Madison Management C38
1 GIRL TO share air-cond. apt. either
or both summer sessions. 761-0726
after 5. U3
3-MAN IN the Park Plaza, reduced rent.
All luxuries-balcony, etc. Beautiful,
close to campus. Call 665-4963. U30
WANTED - 2 female roommates, to
share 3-man apt from May 1 to Aug.
15. Good location in back of Frieze
Bldg., will rent at a loss. 761-2393. U16
2-MAN SUMMER SUBLET. 5 rooms, ?Z
block from P.A. Bldg. Very quiet.
Phone 761-3737. U45
4TH GIRL NEEDED to share mod. apt.
near campus. Negotiate reduced rent.
761-3008. U42
RNSAONABLE rour-man in Carriage
House. All extras incid. air condition-
ing, dishwasher, disposal, balcony.
off-street parking and more. Call 662-
7772. U16
Fully air-cond., good location, available
for first half or entire summer s s-
sion for 2-6 people. Call 665-2451. U46
2 Cal. teachers visiting Mich. this sum-
mer wish to rent their house to Mich.
teachers visiting Cal. House conven-
ient to beach, mountains, Los An-
geles, several colleges. Mod., 4 bdrms.,
patio, fireplace, furn. $500 for sum-
mer; $100 cleaning deposit required.
Mrs. Brose, 9300 McFadden Ave., West-
minster, Cal. For further info., call
HU 2-4631 in Ypsi. U2

For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phlone 764-0557
from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 10:00 'til 11:30 A.M.

MODERN, SPACIOUS 5-man apt. 3
bdrms., air-cond., dishwasher, 3 min,
from campus. THE CHALET. 1364
Geddes. 662-2476. U41
NEED ONE man for 2 man apt. Apt.
No. 2, 539 Packard. Best offer over
over $37.50. .761-3333. U40
4-MAN APT. Pool, air-cond. $140/mo.
665-0554. U29
MODERN TWO bedroom apt, shared
with one girl. On campus. 668-7055.
MOD. AIR-COND. 4-man apt. 2 bdrms.
near campus and hospitals. FIRST
MONTH'S RENT FREE. 668-7556. U42
NEW, FURN. apt. 3-man. Air cond., 1
blk. from campus. Call 662-3054. U46
ad. and educ. 2-3 men. Call 665-7628
at noon or after five. U47'
$39.50 PER MAN
5 rooms,, large, clean, 1 blk. from
Union. Room for two more. 507 S.
Division. 761-3450. U48
2 GIRLS NEEDED to share Forum du-
plex. Air-cond., double bdrm. Will,
negotiate price. Phone 663-2723. U49
HONDA 50-1965, red, very good cond.
665-3277. Z47


in AYTON, small S. Ontario village
on the Saugeen river. Young chil-
dren acceptable. %-acre . fenced-in
grounds. Avail. May 5-Sept. 5. By sea-
son only. $275. Phone 663-7294. C33
THREE GIRLS looking for fourth-Fall
and winter terms. Spacious, brand-
new apt, on Wilmot. Call 665-0901
between 12-1 and 5-7. 019
Choice 4-man units, furnished. Call
NO 2-6156 after 5 p.m. Forest Glen.

3 JOCKS IN HOUSE need 1 or 2 room-
mates for summer. C31
GIRL NEEDED for 3 man for fall. Mod..
on campus. Call Z65-3222 after 5. C37
NEEDED FOR FALL, 1 male undergrad
roommate for 2 man. Good location,
reasonable rent. 764-4667. C38
SUMMER ROOMS $25/mo. Fraternity
house. 662-9431. C39
4th roommate for fall. New apart-
ment near hospital and campus. Call
Jean, 665-2284, C32
2 MEN need 1 or 2 roommates for fall.
Luxury apt. 5 min. from campus.
Rent reasonable. 761-0793. C34
FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for fall
in mod. apt ,Near central campus
and hospitals. Call 764-5949. C35
EFFICIENCY apt. furn. off street park-
ing, Avail. April 18. $95 plus electric.
Call 668-7819. C36
WANTED-2 girls for fall. Mod. 4-man,
close to campus. Call 761-3753. C13
SINGLE APT. avail. for summer and
fall. 804 Monroe. Call 663-3808. 015

2 Tickets on Union
Charter Flight
New York - Londan, May 13
Paris - New York, Aug. 13
Call Dennis 663-0676 B17
SELLING VERY CHEAP, bookcase, table
and 4 chairs, typewriter, Ige. fan, per-
fect for students. 665-0812. B19
TICKET on Union Flight to Europe.
Leaving June 28, returning Aug. 14.
Call 761-3610. B16
Men's Reiberhoffer skI boots 9M. Best
offer. Jeff 761-0150. B30
ATTENTION BOATMEN! 1965, like new,
12' folding Klepper-Master boat. Sail-
boat, motorboat, rowboat all in one.
Must sacrifice. NO 5-8956. B18
New three-drawer-$14.95
New four-drawer-$19.95
Also many used chest and dressers to'
choose from. Complete home furnish-
ings to suit the budget. Refrigerators,
gas and electric ranges, washers, man-
g'ies, TV's, new andused mattresses,
'bedsteads, box springs, desks and
tables, rockers, carpets, lamps, many
other items.

0611, any time day or night. F
Zenith 19 in. all channel portables for
only $10 per month. FREE service and
delivery. Phone 662-5671. F
at the Old Heidelberg
Saturday 10-1
ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond
engagement ring. Check it: Austin
Diamond. 1209 S. University. 683-7151.

MG 1100, 1963. Only 26,000 mi., excel-
lent condition, disc braker, twin
carburetors, front wheel drive, more
power than any beetle. Very rea-
sonable, must sell. Phone Norm at
761-2123 r 764-2163. N14
'66 MtST4NG, only 6000 mi., British
racing green, full warranty. 764-5469
during day and 665-5846 after 6. N23
'59 FORD. Excellent shape. $375. Call
Brent, 662-3893 betw. 4 and 5. N13
OLDS 98, 1955, automatic, good con.
New tires. $160. Call 08-6007 betw.
6:30-8:30. N49
1963 HONDA 50-Electric Starter, Best
offer. Call 663-9854. (Bob). Z21
HONDA 50, red, 1965, very good cond.
665-3277. Z3
'64 YAMAHA 250, 2800 mi. Good cond.
$450 or best offer. 663-6140. Z4
1965 HONDA 160, excell. cond,, low mile-
age, Call 663-8855. Z5
'65 HONDA 160. Call 761-3964. Z6

CARRIAGE HOUSE-needed 2 girls for . VW 1962. Good cond. 33.000 miles. Radio
bi-level 4 man next yr. Cali 764-2975. rnd heater. 662-4862. N6
F34 ---- -
--- ----- ---- 1959 MGA. Excel. $750. Bill 662-9431. N9
DAILY STAFFERS-Pick up your pay
checks by Fri., ready Thurs. .. FD NEED A (AR--READ lIS:
New. cols to m(ich mnney?-lsed cars
BULTACO - BREAKFAST OF CRAM- tto much trtuhle? Hw about a new
PIONS-The champ (Montesa La(ross GM car with a used car price tag?
Scrambler) available at HONDAf We will ,ell y u a shiny brand new
Ann Arbor, 3000 Packard. F19 U Op l demnustrator with a full 24.000
NEED A WATCH for final exams?Cost m:e, 2-year General Motors warranty
plus 10% buys a neGruenBenrust at a lower price than many used cars.
or Bulova. Thanks for your patronage -i omyaie. alotecnoree, fun to drive
this past year. Austin Diamond; A09 makes a ot mre sense tana
S. University; 663-7151. F31 used car. If you will call Mr. Elhnis at
662 -6576 he will give 5 -u all the
FOR SALE-One Round-Trip UAC Eu- details and prices in a friendly
rope Flight; May, 13-August 13; $252. courteous manner. ANN ARBOR
Phone NelsonTLande 62-019 or 6 1- BUlCK. N22

LOOKING FOR % an apt? Will share
mine in A.A. Woods with male grad
student. 665-9884. 016

SUMMER SUBLET-Large, air-cond., 2-
man, close to campus, furn., reason-
able. NO 8-7983. U35
Spacious 4 bdrm. home at 927 S. State
for sum. sublet. fall 761-2638. U43

SUMMER SESSION, first half or more.
M, W, F, 7:30 A.M.-9 A.M. or more.
$1.60 hr. 665-3896 H19

3 bdrm., 2 fl., air- dond., on campus,
behind E.E. Call 663-6198. U 42
NEEDED FOR FALL-2 female room-
mates for mod, apt. 6$5. Call 764-6949
or ,764-4937. 034
3 BDRM. APT. Living rm., dining rn.,
den area, large kitchen, max, privacy,
quiet. Call 668-8293. U30

FOR GRAD or professional, single,
clean, quiet room for man. Garage
available. 723 Packard near State. C36
RESPONSIBLE students want 3 or 4
bedroom house. Call 764-2854. C35
HOSPITAL AREA-800 Fuller - 1 and
2 bdrm. apts. avail. for fall semester.
Call resident manager, NO 3-6549. 043

LARGE, 2-MAN apt. Rent Negotiable.
May-Aug. Call 663-0405. ..32
1, 2 or 3 roommates for part or all
summer. 662-5344. U1

2 MAN FURN. APT.-$100/mo., all util-
ities incl. 413 S. Division. 663-1803.

SUMMVER SUBLET - Spacious, 3 room,
furnished apt. Good price. Call 663-
3632 evenings, Ui4


2 MAN APT, near Frieze. $40/man. Call
Bill or Rich. 662-5948. U50
pitals and campus, for P-3. Large.
Price open. Call 665-7574. U1
GREAT FOR 1-2 MEN. 2 blocks from
campus, porch, sun deck. Call N03-
6015. U3
ITH MAN FOR SUMMER, mod. apt.,
near campus. 761-3963. U2

I BEDROOM spacious, newly furnished
apt. On campus. 3 man. Call UN 4-
3852 in Detroit. C41

65 Honda 160-good condition, $475.
Call 663-4804. Z23

A STEAL-3-man bi-level apt., air-
condi., utilities included. $110/mo.
731 Packard. 761-0976. C29

HILL, PACKARD, or ARCH-Furnished
1 and 2-bedroom. Mostly air-condi-
tioned. Reduced ratesi NO 3-2800. U28

WAITERS and Dishwashers. Part and
full time. Inquire at the Vieux Carre,
213 S. State. H24


SUMMER BARGAIN! own bdrm. In 3
girl apt. Close to campus. Only
$38.34/mo. Call 663-9259. U7
MOD. 3-5 MAN, 1g. 2 level, completely
furn., air-cond., d: washer, disposal,
3 balconies. Call 663-8855. U8
Mod, luxury apt.; off-street parking.
665-7386. U9
1 MAN NEEDED for 3-man apt. Roomy,
inexpensive. Call 668-8427. U10
3 Man APT.
$35 per man-on campus, fireplace,
parking. 808 Tappan St. No. 4 665-7669

.. f _.

YAMAHA 250cc, 1965. Best offer, $480.
Good cond. 761-3927. Z37

ANY MOTH HOLES, tears or burns in
your clothes? We'll reweave them like
new. WEAVE..BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade.

MUST SELL-Yamaha 80. Good condi-
tion, little used. Best offer. 761-3333,
1964 VESPA 125-truly exc. cond. 2000
mi. Accessories. Call Jeff 761-3835. Z50
1963 Triumph tiger cub. 662-4?73. Zi


_ 1


1-4 PEOPLE for 1st and/or 2nd half for
air-cond. Madison Ave. apt. 320 E.
Madison, No. 11. 663-3739. U25

Going to school this summer? Why not
work on the Daily's summer staff?
Call 764-0560. UC


- 1


ALFA ROMEO burgundy roadster, 51,000
mi., radio and heater, excellent cond,
must be seen. Call 662-4148. N15

PLEASURE UNIT-3 man, 2 bdrm.,
screened porch, near campus. 665-5735.
1 GIRL NEEDED-June-Aug. Luxurious
and inexpensive bi-level, air-cond.,
Vaughn St. Apts. Call 665-7497. U34

LARGE APT. for single or couple. Call
662-2793. U11

VW 1957 convertible. Fire engine red.
Call Daenzer. 668-7288 evenings. N22
1964 DKW German Sedan. NO 5-0003. N8
'59 RAMBLER 4D Six-$175. Call 665-
7960 evenings. N12

SUMMER SUBLET-Tenth floor Univ.
Towers. 2 bdrms., 2-3 men. 761-3545.

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