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April 12, 1966 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-12

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C." a v n:v:v ::a' a "c" v ra r. t ..; _ -. ,. r.Z"V4?A.Wo r'.
.l.n._v::_...ar1".e r..DAILY O FFICIAL. BULLETIN.y..
.. ..... .."rr. " ," M x ".: s.Mr. r:,.> r.** «: rvv, " ",a*. ""M v .

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the univer-
sity of Michigan for- which The
Michigan. Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TVl'sWItli"ITN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Nottees may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Dtay'
Calendar Items appear once only
Student organi7ation notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Symposium On Remote Sensing of
Environment - Registration, Rackham
Lobby, 8 a.m.
Management Development Seminar-
"Management Orientation":- Michigan
Union, 8:30 a.m.
Management Development Seminar--
"Basics of Supervision": Michigan Un-
ion, 8:30 a.m.
Management Development Seminar-
"On-the-Job Coaching and Counsel-
ing": Michigan Union, 1:30 p.m.
Dept. of Mathematics Ziwet Lecture
-John W. Milnor, Princeton Univer-
sity, "Some Algebraic Tools in Top-
ology": Aud. D, Angell Hall, 4 p.m.
Museum of Anthropology Lecture -
William Sears, Florida Atlantic U~ni-
versity, "The Interpretation of Arch-
aeological Data in Social and Political
Terms": Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
School of Music Recital-Brass En-
semble: Recital Hall, School of Music,
7 p.m.]
Professional Theatre Program Play
of the Month-"Barefoot in the Park":
Hill Aud., 8:30 a.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Charles,. Avsharian, violinist: 'Recital
Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Henry Russel Lecture-Will be deliv-
ered by James V. Neel, professor of
human genetics, chairman of the De-
partment of Human Genetics, and pro-
fessor of internal medicine, Wed., April
13, at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A of Angell
Hall. His lecture topic is "Atomnic
Bombs, Inbreeding, and Japanese
Genes." The Henry Russel Award will
also be made at this time.
Wanted: 60 male and female students
to assist with Spring-Summer Regis-
tration, May ,3 and 4 at Waterman
Gymnasium. Report to Room 3007 Ad-
ministration Bldg. as soon as possible.
Student Laboratory Theatre: Presents
as its 13th production of the 1965-66
season, Pergolesi's comic opera, "The
Music Master." Students, staff and
faculty are invited to 'the free public
performance on Thurs., April 14, 4:10
p.m. in the Arena Theatre, Frieze
Analytical - Inorganic Colloquium2
Richard W. Kopp, U. of M., will speak
on "The Reactions of Dimethylamin-
ochlorophosphines with AICl3 and
AlC13 Adducts," on Tues., April 12, at
5 p.m. in Room 1200 of the Chemistry
Sociology Coliquium: Wendell Bell,
Yale University, speaking on "Specula-
tions- and Sociology," Tues., April 12,
4 p.m., 229 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Joel Jo-
seph Bernaciak, English Literature &
Literature; thesis: "Microcosm, versus
Macrocosm: A Study of Setting in the

Fiction of Joseph Conrad," Tues., April Northern Michigan University, April 11-
12, 2601 Haven Hall, at 8:30 a.m. 15.
Chairman, R. F. Haugh. Peter Holwell, systems analyst, School
Examinations Department, University of
Wanted: Eight male students to as- London, London, England, April 13-16.
sist in preparing Waterman Gymnasium
for Spring-Summer Registration. To be
able to work the week of April 25th, Placem ent
$1.50 per hour. Report to Room 3007
Administration Bldg. as soon as possi- ANNOUNCEMENT:

Wanted: 20 graduate students to as-
sess tuition at Spring-Summer Registra-
tion, May 3 and 4. $1.50 per hour. Re-
port to Room 3007 Administration Bldg.
as soon as possible.

Foreign Visitors
The following are the foreign vlsi.
tors programmed through the Interna-
tional Center who will be on campus
this week on the dates indicated. Pro-
gram arrangements are being made by
Mrs. Ciifford R. Miller, International
Center, 764-2148.
Jonas Eliaeson, head of the Institute
for Post-Graduate Training at the
Stockholm School of Economics and
Business Administration, Stockholm,
Sweden, April 4-15.
Miss Reiko Dohi, student in linguist-
ics, Central Michigan University,'Mount
Pleasant, Mich., April 6-13.
Mrs. Sam Olaitan (Funlayo), elemen-
tary teacher and headmistress, St. Cath-
erine's Model School, Surulere, Lagos,
Nigeria, April 10-13.
Petar J. Vukovic, secretary general,
Yugoslavia Track and Field Associa-
tion, Belgrade Yugoslavia, April 11-14.
Kirpal Singh Narang, vice-chancellor,
Panjabl University, Patiala, India, April
A group of German students from
University of Saarland, Miss Gerti Mar-
ken, Walther Fleig, Heiner Ahlers, Claus
Despelher, Hans Trapp, accompanied
by Dr. Helmut Kreitz, professor at

Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass.
-Announces Publishing Procedures
course June 22-Aug. 2. Men & women
grads. Basic trng. in publishing skills
including prod., design, layout, edi-
torial, etc. Writing & typing ability"
essential. Lectures & workshops. Good
opportunities for placement. Apply now.
Details at Bureau of Appointments.
Mgmt Consultants, Chicago-Com-
puter Systems Specialist, degree or
equiv. in acctg., indust. engrg., or bus.
admin. plus special courses in EDP &
systems dev. Exper. 3-5 yrs. in pro-
cedures, EDP in mfg. & acctg. appli-
cation. Age 27-40. Also Personnel Mgr,
for mfg. firm in Ohio. BA or equiv.
in indust. rel., indust. engrg., mgmt.
or rel. Age 26-35, 3 yrs. exper. in per-
sonnel and/or labor rel.
Sun Oil Co., Marcus Hook, Pa.-Var-
ious positions in res. & engrg., mfg.,
prod., mktg., indust. rel., bus., etc. in-
cluding 1. Elec. Power Systems Des.,
BSEE, power major. No exper. req. 2.
Tech. Econ. BS or MS in Chem. Engrg.
plus grad studies in bus. No exper.
req. 3. Analytical Res., any degree level
in Chem. No exper. req. 4. Plant Des.
& Construction, BSCE, no exper. req.
5. Motor Products Sales, BA plus sales
bkgd. or aptitude. 5. Mgmt. Info. Sys-
tems Analysis, MS or MBA in quantita-
tive fields. No exper. req.
City of Hartford, Conn.-Positions in-
clude Public Health Nursing Coordi-
nator, PublicHealthsEducator, Bio-
statistician, Admin. Asst. Degree in
appropriate field. 1-3 yrs. exper. de-
pending on position.

American Society of Tool & Mfg,
Engineers, Dearborn, Mich.-Editors for
Tech. Publications Dept. 1. Book Edi-
tor, bkgd. in engrg. plus writing abil-
ity or Engl. major plus aptitude for
mechanics. Some exper. 2. Magazine
editors, above requirements apply. 3.
Editorial Director to assist general mgr.
Older man with much exper.
State of Illinois, Dept. of Finance,
Springfield-Research Analysts. Study
state finances from analyses of ex-
penditures to projections of revenues.
Degree, bkgd. in econ., finance, govt.
& statistics, plus 2 yrs. exper. in fiscal
res. or equiv. comb.
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
219 SAB-
Trueman Girl, Detroit-Will inter-
view April 12. 13 & 14 for jobs in the
following states-Ga., Ohio, Mich. &
Boyne Mountain & Boyne Highland,
Boyne Mt., Mich.-Need 3 desk clerks,
3 bell hops & 1 civil engrg. student.
The Borden Co., Madison Hts., Mich.
-Openings for plant work this summer.
Must be 18 or over.
Parts Rebuilders Co., Inc., Detroit -
Men, full time in shipping & receiv-
ing depts. No exper. required.
* *1:

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we rent T s
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Keyed-up students:
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Card from the Sheraton rep on campus.



WHEN from out the paleface wigswam
From behind the staring moon f ace
Came the slow and solenz l gfive booms
Telling that the evening spirit
Waliders over woods andl meladowvs,
:Lights the camp fires of the heavents
Then the Michigainna warriors
In their feathers and their warpaint
Soon will gather 'round the oak tree
'Round the oak tree called the Tappan
There to greet the tremnbling palef ace
S Who in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins;
But, before they take the long trail
To the-home of Michigana
Many Trials and many tortures
First must prove their strength and coutrage
Ere the red man bids them welcome
Ere he calls each paleface "Indian"
Ere the peace pipe smoke goes skyward.
LISTEN to this tale of romance
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of green leaves
Came they forth, the stoics valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface wigwan
Wigwam one of friendly Great Chief,
Came they forth to take their token,
Then to the-mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling redmen;
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and trembling
Stood around the mighty oak tree
Warriors choice of Paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted demons
Swooped and caught their prey like eagles
Loud the war cry stirred the stillness
As they seized their hapless captives
Forth they bore then to their wigwam
There to torture at their, pleasure.

Details & applications
Summer Placement, 212

available at
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If sold to Ulrich's WITH your currently good ones.
Ulrich's sell your discontinued books to over
600 college bookstores. This way we get the,
highest possible prices for YOU. (At least 25%
of the books used this year will be obsolete or
discontinued next fall.)
-another Ulrich service-


1215 S. University

There they are around the glowing bonfires
Heard the words of mighty wisdom,
Smoked the pipe of peace and friendship.
Thus there came to Michigamua . .
Dennis Bankey, Jack Clancy, James Detwiler,
Clarence Fanto, Robert Fehrs, William Groft,
Gordon Harvey, James Kaminldan, Mark
Killingsworth, Peter Marttila, Ward
McAllister, Robert Pryor, Ed Robinson, Carl
Robie, Paul Scheerer, Richard Schryer, Jerry
Stewart, Richard Van House, Charles Vetzner,
Richard Volk, Carl Ward, Jay Zulauf

(across from campus Theater)
NO 5-4480 or NO 5-4489

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Bermudas Sale


$ 99
reg $12

A large group of precision-tailored
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Greene's way
makes going home
a cinch
JUST CALL GREENE'S for one of our fabulous
Handi-Hampers storage boxes. Pack all the clothes
you won't wear until fall-Clothes you would ordi-
narily pack up, take home, have cleaned, pack up
again and bring back in the fall.
NOW, ALL YOU NEED TO DO is turn the Hamper
over to Greene's. They clean the lot at regular
cleaning prices and store it in a refrigerated moth-
proof vault. When you return in the fall, call
Greene's again, your clothes will be taken out of the
vault, returned to you freshly pressed on hangers
and packed in neat polyethylene bags, ready for
your clothes closet.
PRICE? $4.95 plus regular cleaning and pressing
prices-includes $250.00 insurance.
Call NOrmandy 23-23t1 or Stop at
any Greene's Plant for Information



P.S. BY THE WAY, we notice that some of the
other shops around town are offering the Greene's
Handi-Hamper idea. But they can't offer the on-
the-premise refrigerated storage vault of Greene's
exclusive Microclean process. It's a plus to you at
the same price.






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