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April 07, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-07

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lfl6fr !a u


Cool with chance
of snow flurries

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Ann Arbor: Build ing or a Bigger Bank ci


Second of Three Articles
"Almost every year after that
self-sufficient beginning (1841),
the University has shared with
the Ann Arbor community what
has now become a vast operation
to house and feed a steadily
growing population.
-Off-Campus Housing Book-
let for Students in Ann
Arbor, The University of
In his student days Donald Van-
Curler, '60A&D, lived with his wife
and child in a small Willard St.
apartment for $125 a month. In-
cluded were a living room and
bathroom upstairs with a bedroom
in the basement.
The basement bedroom was ade-
quate except, VanCurler says, "We

got tired of looking up at the
rafters all the time."
Today none of the more than
15,000 collegiate tenants who live
in multiple student apartments
designed by VanCurler can com-
plain about having to wake up to
bare rafters every morning.
VanCurler, who spends upwards
of 65 hours a week designing stu-
dent apartments from his office
at 201 E. Liberty, keeps the Wil-
lard St. days well in mind.
He has designed more than 50
multiple student apartments in
Ann Arbor ranging from 7 to 52
units and is a frank and kriowl-
edgeable observer of the local
housing scene. In all he has builtI
more than 5,000 units for collegeI
Currently 15 of his new build-
ings are under construction in
Ann Arbor. In addition he has

designed in East Lansing, Cham-
I paign, Ill., Kalamazoo, Mt. Pleas-
ant, and Ypsilanti.
There have been many critics of
the type of apartments designed
-the three story multiple.
"You can hear a toilet flushed
two floors away," says a student
tenant in the first ,multiple Van
Curler designed.
"In other urban areas they could
never get away with two bedroom
apartments for four grown men.
That's strictly for housing short-
ages," says Mrs. Norma Kraker
of the off-campus housing office.
Local attorney Peter Darrow
says that a good deal of investors
are coming in from places like
Texas and New York to "exploit,"
the local area with no concern for
student living.
VanCurler is frank in dealing
with allegations that many of the!

new multiple buildings were built investor on one of his first build-1
solely with profit in mind. ings was so worried about cutting1
"We recognize that many of the corners that VanCurler "won't;
older units were inadequately have anything to do with him
built and we're trying to make anymore." .
improvements for that now. Many What is being done to correcti
of the older jobs didn't have ade- the problems? Essentially, the'
quate soundproofing," he explains. architects trying new forms of
"Another problem Was shrink- construction, says VanCurler.
age. A two-inch shrinkage ap- One of VanCurler's new build-'
peared in some of the buildings ings, called Tappan Plaza, going«
after a year and a half. As a re- up at the corner of Tappan andI
sult, cracks appeared in the ceil- Oakland is using a light steel
ing and walls. Many people real- frame construction to help elim-
ized this was going' to happen and inate the shrinkage problem.
counted on doing patching on the As for excessive noise he is us-
driwall." ing an improved form of sound I
One of the reasons for the insulation and is insulating all'
shrinkage, VanCurler explains, is bathroom water pipes so that oneI
the juxtaposition of masonry ex- tenant won't be awakened by the-
terior walls with wood' frame con- flush of his neighbor's toilet. I
struction. The wood settles while VanCurler explains that rising
the concrete doesn't. construction costs are the basic1
And VanCurler says that the reason behind the increase in rents1

this year. Four years ago the basic
building could be built for about
$8.700. Today a unit costs $10,500.
VanCurler also thinks that many
of the "quickie" investors are be-
ing , replaced by individuals who,
"have a good deal of concern
about providing students with a
decent place to live."
One of the most famous inci-
dents in Ann Arbor apartment
history deals with an investor who
was concerned with providing too
many places for students to live.
Several years ago investor Mel-
vin Skolnick got city approval for
the 20-unit Tiffany apartments.
When the building inspectors came
through they found 20 large units
--each provided with a bar and
kitchenette separated by a divider.
After the inspection was com-
pleted, Skolnick's builder came

-Daily-Andy Sacks
many of the new student apartments in Ann Arbor including this
recently completed efficiency unit on Thompson St. at Liberty.

Crl 3i g~au kaily

Late World News
LODI, CALIF. (P)-THE FIRST recognition of a labor union
for California grape pickers was achieved yesterday and it
touched off a celebration among strikers who were on a 300-mile
protest march.
In Los Angeles, Schenley Industries announced agreement to
recognize the independent National Farm Workers Association.-
Cesar Chavez, the union's general director, left the march
in Lodi and went to Los Angeles for the negotiations with
Schenley, second-largest employer in the Delano area while
the marchers staged a spontaneous celebration and ripped up
signs urging a boycott of Schenley products.
For 25 days, the march which has swollen from 80 to 250, has
been in progress in California's Central Valley to the state capital
in Sacramento.
The demonstrators, who hope to reach Sacramento on Easter,
ask for union recognition and a minimum wage of $1.40 an hour.
It is now $1.25.-
Schenley agreed to accept the union, which has been spon-
soring the march, as the sole bargaining representative of agri-
cultural laborers employed by the firm in Tulare and Kern coun-
ties and to begin a collective bargaining agreement within 30 days.
* * * *
WASHINGTON (/)-THE DEFENSE Department announced
yesterday a June draft call slashed to the lowest level since the
Viet Nam buildup began last August.
It asked Selective Service to induct 15,000 young men in June,
all for the Army.
This is less than half the May draft quota of 34,600 and the
lowest since the 16,500 last August.
"The decrease in the June draft call is primarily due to the
fact that voluntary enlistments normally increase in June at the
end of the school year," the Pentagon said.
CHAIRMAN GLENN T. SEABORG plans to head an Atomic
Energy Commission committee today in an inspection of a pro-
posed Ann Arbor site for the world's largest atom smasher.
Gov. George Romney and officials of the University, empha-
sizing the state's efforts to be chosen from among six contenders
for the $375 million atom smasher, will meet the committee at
Willow Run Airport at about 8:30 a.m.
Also in the running for location of the 200 billion volt proton
accelerator are Madison, Wis.; Denver, Colo.; Chicago; Sierra
Foothill, Calif., and Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long
Island, N.Y.
The AEC committee will visit all six prior to deciding location
of the atom smasher. A date for the decision has not been
A main factor in the Ann Arbor bid was the presence of the
University, with its wealth of scientific facilities.
today to examine and certify the city election returns.
According to City Clerk Burt Fleming no challenge of the
returns has been presented by either political party.
After the canvassers meeting either party has eight days to
ask for a recount in any precinct.
There is speculation that the third ward decision, returning
Robert Weeks to Council with two votes, may be challenged by
his opponent Donald Kenney.
AWARDS TOTALING $18,450 WERE given to 25 winners in
the University's annual Avery and Jule Hopwood Contest in cre-
ative writing yesterday. The winner of the largest amount was
Dennis F. McIntyre, a special student, who received two awards.
Other winners in the major division, which is only open to
seniors and -grad students include Steven Coffman, Grad; Alys
Chabot, Grad; Gerald Meyers, Grad; Kenneth Lauter, Grad;
Vilma Zuliani, Grad; Jerome Segal, Grad; Catherine Kalbacher,
Grad; Theodore Marquardt, Grad; and Martha Zweig, Grad.
Winners in the minor division, which is open to all under-
graduates, include Stephen Daniels, '67; Richard Reichman, '67;
Michael Galle, '66; Frederic Lyon, '67; Davida Skurnick, '66;
Allan Arlow, '66; Donald Rothman, '66; Susan Peck, '66; Marilee
Erickson, '66; Paul Beard, '66; Richard Graddis, '66; Richard
Goodman, '67; Richard Eric Widerkehr, '67; Harold Slovic, '68;
and Wendy Roe, '66.
GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL last night approved the
appointment of eight people to the student committee that will
advise the Regents on selection of the next University president.
Since Student Government Council already has approved the

Dotor Cites
Research in
Future Generations
May Be Enriched By
Frozen Male Sperm
By The Associated Press
ANN ARBOR-The possibility
that the sperm of a genius such
as Beethoven may be preserved
to enrich future generations was
voiced yesterday by a biologist
who said 29 women had been made
pregnant by male sperm frozen
for up to 2/2 years.
Dr. S. J. Behrman, director of
the University's Center for Re-
search in Reproductive Biology,
made the remarks to a meeting of
the Michigan Society of Obstetri-
cians and Gynecologists.
Emphasizing that his work with
frozen sperm was preliminary,
Behrman said, "The day when we
can preserve the sperm of an
Einstein or a Beethoven for repro-
duction in future centuries still
is a long way off. Someday it
should be possible to produce a
child with exactly the character-
istics desired. But that won't be
44 Women
Behrman said the most recent
phase of his work concerned a
study in which 44 women received
frozen sperm and 18 of them be-
came pregnant.
In this phase, eight women borej
children, six still are pregnant,'
and four lost their babies.
Behrman said the eight children
show no defects traceable to the
frozen, sperm and added that the
four miscarriages, were not believ-
ed caused by the impregnation
since the women previously had
In an earlier study with frozen
sperm 11 women were impregnat-
ed and nine of them bore chil-
dren, Behrman pointed out. He
said he did not recall how many
women took part in that study.
The University Medical Center1
said its program in this new field
was one of "no more than half a
dozen" known in the world. It al-
so was believed to be the largest
and most successful and to have
frozen live sperm for the longest
"What we have done so far,"
Behrman said, "is to freeze the
male cell through which life had
been passed on over the centuries.
We are able to suspend this life
for up to 2/2 years and still ob-
tain successful pregnancies. There
is every reason at the moment to
believe this suspension can be pro-
longed indefinitely."

Buddhists Snub





Viet Talks


HOWARD WACHTELL 'OF THE ECONOMICS department spoke last night to a group of teaching fellows organizing to express their
grievances to University administration. The meeting in West Physics was called to formulate plans for an organization.





Reform,oMethods of Organization

About 150 teaching fellows met
last night in the West Physics
Bldg. to formulate plans for an
organization to express their grie-
vances to the University adminis-
Representatives of the teaching
fellows will meet with Dean Wil-
liam Haber of the literary college
on Friday to discuss their prob-

spread support in a speech at the
Paul Gernant, an economics
teaching fellow, pointed to ex-
amples of other universities of
"inferior quality" that pay their
teaching fellows more, but em-
phasized that "teaching fellows
everywhere are receiving ,poverty
wages." He said, "I think we are
worth more than that."
Gernant added that the Univer-

Robert Rockaway of the history sity =will say "they can't afford to!
department extlained that the increase pay for teaching fellows'
idea for an organization had . . . The money is available. It's
sprung up "spontaneously" and just a question of what they are
emphasized the need for wide- going to spend it on. We are sug-

gesting a re-evaluation of the or-
der of priorities."
Howard Wachtel? of the econ-
omics department spoke of the
problems of office space. He said
he felt the atmosphere in which
freshmen and sophomores are
counseled is "hostile and alien"
and urged that the teaching fel-
low "seek recognition of his role
as a teacher."
Richard Hixon of the American
Federation of Teachers pledged
A.F.T. support if the teaching
fellows wished to organize and
talked specifically of unionization
within the A.F.L.-C.I.O. He posed
the problem as a conflict of in-
terests between the employer and
employe, in this case a financial
problem and promised that if the
teaching fellows :decided to join
A.F.T. they would be heard not
only in Lansing but in Washing-
In the discussion following the
speakers, many teaching fellows
posed questions about coherent or-
ganization. The pros and cons of

real unionization were discussed
and a plan was formulated to get
a representative from each depart-
ment and form a group to collec-
tively talk over problems.
No decision was reached last
night over whether to form a un-
ion but another meeting is planned
for Monday night at 8:30.
Haber, when asked by a Daily
reporter if there would be any re-
prisals on teaching fellows who
participated in the organization,
said, "I see no reason for even the
use of the word retribution. Mem-
bers of the University commonly
have a right to discuss their prob-
lems, whether they are real or ex-
aggerated, and to review those
problems among themselves and
with the University to determine
what might be done about them if
they exist."
Last night the Graduate Student
Council passed a resolution sup-
porting the idea of "cooperative
efforts" to improve the teaching
fellows conditions but the council
did not specifically endorse the
proposed formation of a union.

Civilian Rule
Raging Mobs Halted
By Saigon Troops;
Predict Ouster of Ky
From Wire Service Reports
The political crisis in South
Viet Nam deepened last night as
Buddhist leaders boycotted a con-
ference called by Prime Minister
Nguyen Cao Ky to pave the way
for eventual return to civilian
rule, United Press International
Buddhist mobs rampaged
through the streets of Saigon for
the third straight day, wrecking
a newspaper office. Vietnamese
paratroopers blocked a night
march of a jeering, stone-throw-
ing crowd of 2000 by confining
them to the Buddhist Institute
compound and nearby streets.
They hurled tear gas grenades
and fired rifles over the heads
of the crowd to hold the line.
Despite Premier Ky's agreement
to pull his loyal marines out of
the rebellious northern city of Da
Nang and reports that he was
willing to allow elections of a Na-
tional Assembly within five
months, Buddhist leaders appar-
ently were bent on the overthrow
of the Ky government.
Buddhist Demand
The Buddhists are demanding
that the government hold elections
within three months.
Another ominous sign in the
heightened turmoil was the clos-
ing of Saigon's. largest pagoda-a
move indicating that moderates
among the Buddhist leaders were
withdrawing their influence over
riotous youths.
The refusal of the Buddhists to
attend the conference of religious,
civic and political leaders called
by Ky led to fears that their ab-
sence might mean a setback to
the efforts to ease tension. The
other leaders discussed various
proposals for the makeup of a
congress to draft a national con-
Knowledgeable sources said such
a conference will be convened
within a week or 10 days, the As-
sociated Press reported.
Speedup Seen
That could mean a considerable
speedup in the arrangements Ky
had proposed for promulgation of
the new national charter, a major
step toward return of civil rule.
Meanwhile, predictions that the
Ky government was "finished"
now seemed to observers to be
more plausible than at any other
time since the current political
crisis began March 10, the New
York Times reported from Saigon.
The project could mean a .poli-
tical embarrassment to the United
States because of its recent strong
support of the Ky regime and its
granting of transport planes to
help move marines from Saigon
to Da Nang on Ky's request, in-

'U' Officials Deny Government
Chiarge of Increased Drug Use

By SHIRLEY ROSICK no indication of increased drug use
University administrators said by students on this campus.
yesterday that they have not yet FDA Commissioner Dr. James
received a copy of the letter sent L. Goddard was reported by the
out recently by the Federal Food Associated Press to have issued
and Drug Administration to over the letters, calling on campus of-
2000 colleges and universities. The ficials to report immediately to
letter warns of a marked and FDA district offices any instances
"dangerous increase in the illicit of illegal use or possession of any
use by students" of hallucinatory hallucinatory drugs or sleep-de-
and stimulant drugs. laying drugs, such as ampheta-
John C. Feldkamp, assistant to mines.
Vice-President for Student Affairs Goddard said that reports have
Richard L. Cutler, said that not been received by the FDA that
only had the Office of Student LSD-25 has been manufactured in
Affairs not received FDA's letter college chemistry laboratories.
L .F +V4 m +,0o a oo a I rrAnr stin 3 n A+- a t c - a

traffic in amphetamines, barbitu-
ates, LSD-25 and other dangerous
drugs. To support this attack, the
agency's new Bureau of Drug
Abuse Control opened five region-
al offices this week.
Goddard's letter to university
administrators was the first com-
munication between the agency
and the nation's educational insti-
tutions. It was prompted, officials
said, by growing evidence that col-
leges and universities have become
centers of illicit use of the drugs.
Goddard's letter said that "We
are faced with a most hazardous
cifimfinn. Unlsssetrongn eerted

Few LSA Students Join
Counseling Option Plan

The literary college junior-senior
counseling office's experiment in
student freedom is receiving a
rather limited response.
Fiftv-three out ot approximate-

and counselors may be wary of
the program.
Under the new plan, if a stu-
dent writes out his educational
goals and plans his courses for
his last two years, he may be giv-


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