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April 03, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-03

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* *S 'A .D *S .4


Dominicans Differ on

Value of OASl ntervention

film about the Soviet. occupation
of Hungary was being shown.
Following an attack by Hun-
garian patriots on his troops, the
Soviet commander asks the hero-
ine: "Why don't they like us?
We're only here to help?"
"It's just that they don't want
you here," she replies calmly.
The' movie house erupted with
laughter and cheers.
"Just like here," some Domin-
icans said to each other.
At the height of last month's
strike terrorism, United States
troops moved into the San Carlos
district of Santo Dominga, one of
the city's toughest areas.

"People were really friendly,"
say Lt. John E. Counts, 25, of
Denver, Colo., commander of one
of two U.S. paratroop companies
in downtown Santo Domingo. "In
one place they offered to warm
up our C-rations and gave us
The episodes demonstrate that
the presence of U.S., and Latin-
American troops in this country
has aroused contrasting reactions
among Dominicans.
There is general agreement that
the April intervention nourished
a new, fierce Dominican national-
ism, particularly among the young,
among whom the foreign presence
is wholly unacceptable. One the

other hand, many no less patriotic'
Dominicans are convinced foreign
forces are needed to maintain law
and order because of the weakness
of local authority.
The approach of two important
events in June has raised some
discussion about the duration of
the foreign intervention.
The election and inauguration
of a new Dominican government
are scheduled June 1 and June 30.
At approximately the same time,
most of the U.S. troops, compris-
ing the bulk of the Organization
of American States peace force
will have served in the Dominican
Republic for 13 months, and will
become eligible for either with-

drawal or rotation. So far, there
has been no official indication on
whether they will be replaced or
There is widespread belief that
if the force left before the elec-
tions, the rival factions would re-
new their fighting because the
basic issues that touched off the
revolution have not been resolved.
The concensus among many here'
is that the force will remain
through the June 1 elections butI
move out soon after the new gov-
ernment is installed June 30.- I
Nationalistic Dominicans say
that inauguration of a freely elect-
ed president while foreign troops

remain here would be "an insult
to national dignity."
These nationalists are largely
supporting the candidacy of ex-
President Juan Bosch.
Many of those who predict an
election victory for Bosch believe,
however the force will be asked
to remain until the new president
completes measures to insure that
his enemies in the armed forces
do not attempt to duplicate their
1963 coup.

intervention seems to have been
in preventing localized fighting
from spreading into a prolonged,
full-scale civil war, by neutraliz-
ing rival factions while a peaceful
solution was worked out.
While partly agreeing with this
conclusion, Dominican critics of
the intervention claim it frus-
trated a movement that would
have achieved the same end re-
sult in less time-and at far less

most, if
borne by

not all, of the logistic
outside of pay, is beingj
the United States.

The military operation is of
such magnitude it sometimes
seems the troops came here to
stay. They are equipped with field
hospitals, telephone switchboards,
emergency electric power plants,
miles of 'wiring, circulating li-
braries and barbershops. There are
a military post office, post ex-
changes, a printing plant and
newspaper, a radio station for en-
tertainment that broadcasts in
English, Spanish, Portuguese and
even in the Guarani Indian dialect
for Paraguayan troops.

A highly mobile force, it has
an estimated 1.750 jeeps and
trucks, a fleet of helicopters and
a huge fuel supply depot. Officers
are housed in two of the better
Santo Domingo hotels. Semiper-
manent barracks have been built
just outside the city.
The force is paying war damage
claims. Dominicans are demanding
compensation for everything from
wrecked homes to pets run over by
military vehicles.
It's difficult to envisage this
giant operation converted into a
permanent peacekeeping organ-
ism without putting a serious
drain on the budgets of its hemi-
sphere sponsors.

U.S. and OAS authorities here
Many Dominican nationalistsh
favor the presence of the OAS have refused to reveal the full cost
peace-keepih force. In their view, of sending and maintaining the
the main accomplishment of the peace force. It is believed that

Violence Erupts in Saigon; Union Ge

ts Review of





SAIGON (A)--Vietnamese riot'
police broke up an anti-govern-
ment, anti-American demonstra-
tion by about 200 youths with clubs
and tear gas early today, using
force for the first time in the
current political crisis.
In Washington, sources revealed
that American officials are prod-
ding South Viet Nam's military
junta to move more quickly to-
ward constitutional government,
hoping that this might quiet. the
street demonstrations that pres-
ently threaten to topple the re-
The 200 demonstrators were a
hard core among thousands who
roughed up several Westerners
and s h o u t e d "Americans go
home!" in Saigon streets yester-
After others dispersed, the group
staged a curfew-violating sit-
down in front of the Saigon radio
station, c h e e r e d inflammatory
speeches and ingored official ap-
peals to go home.
About 100 helmeted riot police,
holding wicker shields before
them, charged. The youths hurled
stones at them, then broke and
ran with clubs flailing their heads
and backs.
It was a switch from the velvet
glove approach that Premier Ngu-
yen Cao Ky's military regime had
maintained in the swelling unrest
among Buddhists, students and
political agitators of various
Speedup Elections
Major demands of the demon-
strators are for a speedup in the
election of a National Assembly
to restore civilian rule, which Ky
has promised in 1967, and rein-
statement of Lt. Gen. Nguyen
Chanh Thi, who was dismissed
March 10 as commander of the 1st
Corps area, South Viet Nam's five
northermost provinces.
Privately, administration policy
makers expressed dismay that the
government of Prime Minister
Nguyen Cao Ky did not move
quickly enough--after his Febru-
ary conference with President

Johnson-to lay the groundwork
for constitutional government.
Acting on instructions from
Washington, Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge has been urging per-
sistently that Ky and his asso-
ciates name a broadly representa-
tive group of citizens to prepare
for a constitutional convention.
However, the word here is that
Ky has shown no immediate dis-
position to act on Lodge's advice-

a situation which U.S. officialsI
argue is proof that the Saigon
government is not an American
The increasing anti-American-
ism evident in street demonstra-
tions by Buddhists and others is
attributed in part to a mistaken
belief amnong them that Washing-
ton has been advising Ky to hold
back on the move toward a con-
stitutional system.

About 3,000 demonstrators, some
armed with sticks and steel spikes,
made the march from the institute
to downtown Saigon.
Attack Westerners
They kicked and punched West-
ern photographers and jumped on
two United States military jeeps
that attempted to get through. A
motorcyclist who looked like an
American soldier was stopped and

Most of the participants, includ-
ing students eager to see the ex-
citement, were orderly in the pres-
entation of demands and com-
There is hope in official quar-
ters that early appointment of a
panel to plan a constitutional con-
vention might quiet the turmoil
and clear the way for an orderly
transition to an elected govern-

WASHINGTON (A)-The strik-
ing railroad firemen's union won
a U.S. Court of Appeals review
last night of a federal judge's
$25,000-a-day fine until the strik-
ers go back to work on eight ma-
jor railroads.
Union attorney Joseph Rauh
said the Court of Appeals agreed
to review the fine against the un-
ion, plus an additional $2,500-per-
day fine against the union presi-
dent, H. E. Gilbert, levied in a
contempt of court ruling earlier
yesterday by U.S. Dist. Judge Alex-
ander Holtzoff.
The fines levied by Holtzoff are
scheduled to go into effect at noon
today if by then the AFL-CIO
Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire-
men and Enginemen have not call-
ed off their strike.
Railroad attorneys had asked

nearly 20,000 firemen's jobs under'
an arbitration award.
The walkout is tying up rail
traffic from Maine to Florida to
California as most other rail un-
ion members refuse to cross picket
lines set up by the Brotherhood.
In Johnston, Pa., a diesel loco-
motive fell off a turntable into an
engine house pit at the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad's nearby Cone-
maugh yards yesterday and a rail-
road spokesman said it had been
tampered with.
He said the engine, running in
reverse, ran along some 2,000 feet
of track, leaped onto the turn-
table and fell into the pit. Damage
to the engine was $40,000 and the
turntable was damaged extensive-
ly, he said.
The automotive industry has
been hard hit by the strike, with

more than 100,000 workers laid
off or on short shifts.
General Motors closed seven
plants Friday, and put ten others
on short shifts. A GM spokesman
said that 63,000 workers had been
Ford canceled planned overtime
work yesterday at five assembly
plants. A company spokesman said
all assembly and stamping plants
would have to be closed if the
strike continues over the weekend.
At Twinsburg, Ohio, a Chrysler
stamping plant was closed Friday
and 1,300 workers were sent home.
. The strike ended the auto indus-
try's hope of making this week the
biggest in 1966 auto production.
The strike cost the industry be-
tween 10,000 and 15,000 units in
this week's planned production.
The target had been 204,103 cars.

Gromyko Restates Viet Nam Peace Terms,



Emphasizes Russia's willingness To* Talk


penalties of $500,000 a day against
the union and $10,000 daily against

MOSCOW ( )-Russian Foreign
Minister Andrei A. Gromyko spell-
ed out that country's policy on
Southeast Asia yesterday: The
Kremlin is not softening its terms
for peace in Viet Nam.
But he also emphasized that the
Soviet Union will continue to talk.
over differences with the West,
despite the Red Chinese demand
for a tougher line.
Gromyko, laying down Soviet
foreign policy at the 23rd congress
of the Soviet Communist party,
said the United States must with-
draw its troops from Viet Nam if
the war there is to end. He ex-
pressed full support for North Viet
Nam and the Viet Cong.
The Soviet foreign minister did
not threaten any new Soviet coun-
termeasures to force the Johnson
administration to yield to Kremlin
terms. The USSR has confined it-
self to giving aid to Vietnamese
Communists and pushing their
cause in international diplomacy.
Rejects Peking Line
Gromyko, in an obvious rejec-
tion of the Peking line, stressed
the Kremlin intention to keep
talking with the United States and
its allies; despite the apparent
irreconcilability of their points of
Washington has frequently re-
jected the Viet Nam peace terms
for which Gromyko expressed re-
newed support.
"The differences and antagon-
isms of the main directions in in-
ternational policies being so ob-
vious, how are foreign political
affairs to be conducted?" he ask-

'Gilbert. Holtzoff said such fines
ed. "Maybe one should simply get would be excessive in view of the
angry and, so to say, slam the door union's total annual du.es income
and waste no time or effort on of $612,000 and Gilbert's salary of.
talks with the Western powers, $29,300.
which are responsible for the ten- But the judge said that if the
sions in the world. fines he levied are not effective
Press for Solution in ending the strike he would con-
"Or should one nevertheless pose sider increasing them.
the ripe problems and press for Holtzoff noted also that he
their solution?" could have sent Gilbert to jail-
Gromyko said reliance could be as a federal judge in Birmingham
placed in "those in the bourgeois did earlier yesterday with three
camp that understand the need of local union officials-but the rail-
improving international relations." road's lawyers had not asked such
The foreign minister called this a penalty.
second approach the only correct The strike, in its third day, has
one and declared that "the Central left about 200,000 workers idle or
Committee of our party and the on reduced hours, closed plants
Soviet government must consis- which rely on day-to-day rail
tently keep to it." service, delayed the mails and left
Gromyko's remarks echoed the food cargoes standing in yards and
speech of party leader Leonid I. on sidings.
Brezhnev at the opening of the J. E. Wolfe, the railroad's chief
congress Tuesday. Brezhnev offer- negotiator, estimated the eight
ed the same combination of de- railroads are losing at least $3.5
mands for Viet Nam with assur- million a day in revenues.
-ances of continuing peaceful in- The 8,000 strikers themselves
tentions. are losing about $320,000 a day in
Wide Support wages.-
Wide support for the Kremlin Gilbert has refused to order the
policy has been expressed by for- strikers back to work in 38 states
eign delegations at the congress, unless the railroads pledge no
which has brought together Com- reprisals against strikers or mem-
munist leaders from all over the bers of other unions respecting
world. picket lines, and pledge to drop
Gromyko spoke of the U.S. in multimillion dollar damage suits.
moderate terms. Wolfe told Gilbert Friday there
"In Washington, as is known, would be no reprisals against in-
some leaders love to invent new dividual workers but decisions on
foreign political doctrines;" the legal actions must rest with the
foreign minister told the 6,000 president of each road.
delegates. "They just make them The strike climaxed a seven-
like pies in an oven." yeai battle over the elimination of

Johnson Seen as Unsure.on
Tax Rise To Fight Inflation

WASHINGTON (3)-President
Johnson is telling legislative lead-
ers privately that there is no cer-
tainty he will ask for a tax in-
crease to dampen inflationary
An influential senator who con-
ferred with him at length depicted
Johnson as adopting a wait-and-
see attitude on steps that may be
taken if his present campaign to
slack off private capital expendi-
tures and government spending
does not bring desired results.
"He can't tell any better than
we can at this point what's going
to happen," the senator com-
The President's delay in making
any decision has contributed to
a growing feeling in Congress that

Johnson may be able to annrvince
that no tax increases w411 be
This, of course would miot be
likely if the war in Viet Nam
should require substantially more
than the $6-billion increase bud-
geted for it in the fiscal year
beginning July 1.
It will take some doing by the
President to pinch down expen-
ditui'es-possibly by withholding
funds voted for some programs by
The Republicans have put
themselves on record as being op-
posed to a tax increase if, as Rep.
Gerald R. Ford (R-Mich), the
House minority leader put it, "we
are able to make a significant cut
in nonmilitary spending areas."

-Associated Press
ANDREI GROMYKO, Russian foreign minister yesterday
addressed delegates to the 23rd congress of the Soviet Communist
Party in the Kremlin.

The University of Michigan
Gilbert and Sullivan Society
Interviews for positions of:


World NewsRoundup.


By The Associated Press
LONDON - Britain and India
made a start yesterday toward un-
* raveling their differences during a
90 minute meeting of Prime Min-
isters Harold Wilson and Indira
India's prime minister stopped
here for six hours en route from
Washington to Moscow.
Wilson met Mrs. Gandhi at the
airport for the talks. He appar-'
ently made amends for. his state-
ment in which he layed part of
the blame for last year's Kashmir
War with Pakistan.
Wilson and Mrs. Gandhi also
discussed the problems of Viet
Nam and Rhodesia.
QUITO -- Interim Pi'esidents
Clemente Yerovi Indaburu cancel-
ed Ecuador's July presidential
elections yesterday.

He said he would call a conven-
tion in four or five months to
write a new constitution and de-
creed the country's old, 1946 con-
stitution in effect until that time.
Yerovi became provisional pres-
ident three days ago after the
military government was ousted.
est fires whipped by gusty, shifty
winds, continued to rage in North
and South Carolina yesterday,
burning thousands of acres of
timber land despite round-the-
clock efforts of hundreds of weary
fire fighters.
Onedeath was attributed to a
fire in South Carolina.
Forestry officials, terming the
situation extremely critical, said
more than 150 fires have broken

out in North Carolina in the past!
four days, destroying more than
43,000 acres of woodlands made
powder dry by a 30-day drought.
In South Carolina, more than
30,000 acres were scorched by over
200 fires which began Friday. It
was the worst outbreak in that
state in 20 years.
B O S T O N - Agreement was
reached last night in the 28-day
strike of printers and mailers that
shut down five Boston daily news-






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