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March 29, 1966 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-29

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Mason Revamps Offensive Line

List Arrested Men's Names

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first article in a four-part series
analyzing and. discussing the 1966
Michigan football team. Tomorrow-
the offensive backfield.)
"It's not the size of the dog in
the fight, but the size of the fight
in the dog that matters"-offen-
sive line coach Tony Mason.
Mason was referring to the pros-
pective candidates who will
struggle for Tom Mack and
Charley Kines' tackle positions.
Mack, an All-America in his senior
season,' will be especially missed
for his speed and accuracy in as-
signments. Despite his 230 plus
pounds, he was able to sprint with
the halfbacks and provide valu-
able downfield blocking. The most
prominent characteristic of Mack's
play, however, was that he was a
"master of assignment." He knew
his job and was consequently
hardly ever out of position. He
always got his man.
Kines, who was also good on
assignments, was known as a
power man. It was often his power
that provided the initial opening
for the familiar blast by fullback

Dave Fisher. "Both Kines and
Mack knew their jobs well and;
were able to adjust remarkably
well to changing defenses," said
Mair vs. Broadnax+
Battling for Mack's position will
be a junior Stan Broadnax and
senior Peter Mair. Coach Mason
believes they are both promising.+
"Each shows the ability to do more+
than another in certain areas, but
it will be up to the one who can ;
show the most all-around per-
formance to play."1
At six feet and 217 pounds, Stan
Broadnax could provide the speed
and *gility that the line will miss
with Mack's departure. However,
Broadnax's dexterity will be chal-
lenged stiffly by the added size
and weight of Mair.
Kine's Successor
One junior and two sophomores'
will battle for Kines' spot. Probably
most favored for the position is
Ray Phillips, a returning letter-
man and junior from Evanston,I
Illinois. Phillips, at 6' 3" and 217
pounds saw limited action last
year, so he enters his second
season with some experience. 9

David Denzin, a 6' 2" 225-pound
sophomore from Xenia, Ohio, will
provide some competition for Phil-
lips along with Robert Penska, a
6' 2", 225-pounder from Miles,
Although he is not actually con-
sidered a part of the offensive line,
the tight end performs blocking
duties that greatly influence the
operation of the line in any team.
For the Wolverines, Tom Pullen
and Royce Spencer are competing
for the end slot to be left open
by Steve Smith's graduation. Pul-
len's experience on the job gives
him the inside track for the posi-
tion, but Spencer is considered to
have a chance to knock him out
of the favorite's role.
An unknown factor in the end
problem could be Clayt Wilhite,
who performed defensive end
duties last fall but who could be
used to fill in on offense.
The Wolverines do, however,
have several returnees to the of-
fensive line. Expected to provide
much support to the successful
operation of the line are Joe Day-
ton and Paul D'Eramo at offensive

center with Don Bailey, Barry
Dehlin, Henry Hanna; Bob Mielke
and Ken Wright at guard.
This season Tony Mason intends
to make some changes in the play-
ing methods of the offensive line.
The biggest change will be that
"this year we will work on quick-
ness and stayability," said Mason.
"By stayability we mean the
ability to make a block and main-
tain it." The quickness and "stay-
ability" of this year's team will be
helped by the smaller size of the
players on it. Overall, Mason es-
timates that the line may lose as
much as 50-75 pounds.
Because of the smaller size, the
line will have to rely on quickness
to a greater extent, or, as Mason
put it, "personnell will dictate the
Mason believes there is adequate
depth in the line and "the boys
who play will be the ones who
show the most desire and vio-
lence." He is confident that this
year's line will be ready for the
ferocity of Big Ten play.

(Continued from Page 3)
service; Henry E. de Boxtel, 29
Laurel, restaurant employe; How-
ard T. Giles, 37, Ellisville, unem-
ployed; Clifton E. Lowe, 50, han-
dyman at, a Houston motel and
father of Charles Lowe; James F
Lyons, 33, Laurel, employe of the
Masonite Corp.; Melvin S. Mar-
tin, 33, Laurel, another Masonite
employe; Emanuel B. Moss, 52
Laurel, service station operator;
Deavours Nix, 42, Laurel, cafe
Charles R. Noble, 23, Laurel
Masonite employe; Billy Roy Pitts
22, Laurel, furniture and uphol-
stery shop employe; Cecil V. Ses-

suam, 30. Ellisville salesman; Wit-
'hlam R. Smith, Laurel, Masonite
The agents began the roundup
at 6 a.m. and by 7:.12 am. an-
nounced that 12 were in custody
in Mississippi and a 13th in Hous-
ton, Tex. A search was being made
for Sam Holloway Bowers Jr., im-
perial wizard of the Mississippi
Klan. Mississippi Highway Patrol
inevestigators assisted in the
Those arrested were taken to
Laurel, Miss., for fingerprinting
and will be taken before U.S. Com-
missioner Jack Pittman in Hat-
tiesburg later.

Stan Broadnax and Tom Mack:
Transition at Tackle

Golfers Fall Flat on No. 55




Number 55 . . . a. figure the
Michigan golfers would like to for-
After Thursday's round, the
'M' golfers were in second place in
the Miami Invitational, with an
outstanding average of 71.1 strokes
per man..When the tallies had fin-
ally been made on Friday's scores,
Michigan linksmen still found
themselves in a very respectable
fourth place position, only eight
strokes from second .
However, on Saturday, the final
round of the tourney, "The roof
fell in," according to golf coach.
Bert Katzeimeyer. The trouble
stemmed from what he referred to
as "the strangest event I have ever
witnessed in my coaching career."
The squad; played "very poorly
after being-affected by'one hole,
the first one of the day and num-
ber 55 of the meet."
The hole, a par 5 that doglegged
to the right with out-of bounds
also on the right, was "played un-

believably bad" by the Wolverines.
They registered a 6, a 7, two 8's,
and one 10 on this disasterous
"As a result," continued Katzen-
meyer, "this tournament was over
after this one hole-we could not
give this many shots to the other
teams in contention for second
place. After this absurd golf, the
whole team' knew what had hap-
pened and it wrecked the whole
day's golf. It was a case in which
no matter how hard we tried,
everything went against us."
Seventh Score
The Michigan team ended up in
sixth place in the 26-team 'field,
with a total of 1203 strokes. John
Schroeder paced the squad by end-
ing with a 73 and a. 290 total.
Sophomore John Richart and re-
turning letterman Jim Evashev-
ski totaled 298 and 306, respec-
tively. Senior Bob Bond rounded
out Michigan's four qualifiers with
309 strokes.
Although seven men made the
trip to Coral Gables, only six.
could 'compete as a team, with the
low four'of these counting. In the
rounds preceeding the tourney,.
junior Bob Barclay had a late
start and was the seventh man.
However, he fired a 303 over the,
72-hole tournament as an individ-'
ual. If his score would have count-
ed, Michigan would have moved up
one notch in the final standings.
Gators Bite
Other 'M' scores were Bill New-
ton's 311 and Chip Groves' 326.
Newton, the 1965 Big Ten indi-
vidual champion, "was not sharp
all week," commented Coach Kat-
zenmeyer. "He wasn't hitting the
ball well or keeping it under con-
trol. The only indication of his
coming around was a sub-par
round early in the week."
The University of Florida, led,

by 1965 National Amateur champ
Bob Murphy, ran away with first
place with a tourney record of
1145, or 71.5 strokes per man. Fol-
lowing the title-repeating Gators
were Ohio State with 1180, Aus-
tin Peay and University of Miami
with 1192 each, and Rollins' 1199.
Bermuda Grass
The Biltmore Country Club
course was in fine shape. How-
ever, the greens were Bermuda
grass, with is characteristic of
southern courses and has a coarse.
grainy' texture. "The weakest part
of our game," said Coach Katzen-
meyer, "was in the scoring area.
We could not recover on the
greens. The boys would have 4-6
foot par putts, and miss them. In
addition, they hit a large percent-
age of greens in regulation (birdie
putts). Left with 25-40 foot putts,
the Michigan golfers would lag
up 5-6 feet short. Not being able
to sink many of these close ones,
they naturally felt the pressure
getting to them."
The 'M' golfers ended the day
"horribly dejected in feeling that
they had kicked away three tre-
mendous rounds of golf. However,"
concluded Katzenmeyer, "there
was a consolation for the team's
showing. First; they did learn
something that will" benefit them
in the future. Secondly, what has
happened is over now and is hope-
fully behind us permanently."
Looking toward the Big Ten
meet, golf coach Katzenmeyer
feels that Ohio State, who finish-
ed second in the Miami Invita-
tinal without team-member Alex
Antonnio, is quite a strong con-
tender for the title. Michigan had
defeated the Buckeyes in a pre-
tourney double-dual meet. Also,
Purdue and Indiana should be top
threats for the crown, along with

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Caz May Play
In AAU Tour
Cazzie Russell, Michigan's am-
bassador of basketball, may soon
be playing in Chile and Russia.
Voted college basketball's Play-
er of the Year in Iowa City three
weeks ago in the NCAA tourna-
ment, he has since then played in
Denver and Lexington.
In Denver, the three-time All-
America led the Ford Mustangs, a
pick-up team, to the National AAU
championship. At Lexington, Rus-
sell was named the most valuable
player of the game after his East
All-Stars beat the West All-Stars,
Now the AAU wants Russell to
play on a team which will repre-
sent the U.S. in the World Bas-
ketball Tournament in Chile and
later make a stop in Russia.
John Clawson, John Thompson,
and Oliver Darden might also join

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