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March 12, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-12

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Foreign Policy Is Major Issue in British El



LONDON (AP)-Uncle Sam may
come in for some hard knocks in
Britain's national election cam-
paign which began officially yes-
Prime Minister Harold Wilson
set the election for March 31,
hoping to increase his Labor par-
ty's parliamentary majority sub-
stantially over its present three-
vote margin.
There is a growing feeling of
frustration among many British
citizens who believe that Britain's
policy is too closely aligned with

Politicians of all three major
parties have made clear they in-
tend to exploit the issue.
Their positions are roughly
-Left-wing Laborites strongly
oppose Wilson's support of United
States policy and action in Viet
Nam. Some have charged that this
was the price their party leader
had to pay for American support
of the pound sterling.
-The Liberals oppose British
backing of American efforts to

contain Communist China. They
say Britain's future lies in Europe,
not "east of Suez."
-The Conservatives believe, in
the words of party leader Edward
Heath, that British dependence on
the U.S. is "not the right rela-
tionship for allies." Heath wants
to strengthen the British economy
so "we can stand on our own feet."
Before the Laborites came to
power and even during the first
days of Wilson's administration,
there were fears in the U.S. that
relations between the two coun-
tries would deteriorate.

But Wilson made close U.S.-
British ties a cardinal policy and
many observers believe relations
between Washington and London
have never been closer.
The Tories oppose the Labor
government's plan to buy Ameri-
can F-111 supersonic planes for
Britain's nuclear strike force. They
call it a crippling blow to this
country's aircraft industry.
They also say it is a bad use of
foreign currency and will place
Britain further in debt to the U.S.
One leading Conservative recent-
ly told a group of newsmen pri-

vately that the U.S. appeared toI
be trying "to clamp Britain in fi-
nancial chains."
Anti-Americanism -- although
the term may be too strong -
erupted in the House of Commons
Monday and Tuesday during a
heated debate of the government's
defense policy. Tempers flared
again Wednesday after an an-
nouncement that the state-oper-
ated British Overseas Airways
Corp. is canceling an $84 million
order for British-made airliners.
"The government has damaged
the capability of the aircraft in-

dustry, reduced the strength of
conventional forces, and are ren-
dering the country, for a whole
range of requirements, prisoners
of the U.S.," charged Enoch Pow-
ell, who speaks for the Conserva-
tives on defense matters, during
the defense debate.
"Britain is now relying on the
military strength of the U.S.,
combined with that of former ene-
mies, Germany and Japan, for
protection against world Commu-
nism, " complained left-wing La-
borite William Warbey.
"It is impossible for Britain to

be a world power, in the military
sense, independently of the U.S.,"
said Liberal legislator Emlyn Hoo-
son. "The future of Britain lies
in Europe, in alliance with the
U.S., not as its auxiliary."
And Robert Carr, the Conserva-
tive party's spokesman on avia-
tion, said: "The opposition be-
lieves the Anglo-American and the
European-American partnerships
are essential foundations of peace
and freedom. But if that bond is
to be strong, tough and enduring,
the relationship in the long run

ship and not resentful subserv-
Carr also described BOAC's de-
cision to cancel an order for an
additional 10 super VC-10 jetlin-
ers "yet another very grave dam-
aging blow to the British aviation
industry." He said if necessary
BOAC should have sold some of
the American-made planes in its
fleet to buy the VC-10's from the
British Aircraft Corp.
The airline now operates 20 of
the four engine VC-10's and the
same number of American-made
Boeing 707's.





"It is impossible for Britain to has got to be one of real partner-


Sukarno, Army




Dies from De Gaulle Expects U.S. Army
Gun Woundi To Leave France This Year

oLeaders Ask
Removal of
Anti-Chinese Student
Demonstrators To
Arm in Future Riots
SINGAPORE ()-President Su-
karno, under relentless pressure
from military leaders and demon-
strating students, is holding a
meeting today with them that in-
formants in Singapore predict will
be of extreme importance to In-
donesia's future.
Army leaders, some Singapore
quarters hear, have given Sukarno
an ultimatum to get rid of First
Deputy Prime Minister Suban-
drio, demanding the president's
answer by today.
Sukarno is to meet with the mil-
itary leaders at his Bogor palace,
40 miles from Jakarta.
Indonesia's Future
"Indonesia's future is probably
going to be decided at these talks,"
one of the Singapore sources said.
Anti-Communist students burn-
ed the Communist Chinese am-
bassador's car yesterday in an-
other anti-Peking demonstration,
these sources said, and are prepar-
ing to use arms in future demon-
The students have demonstrated
for three consecutive days against
Sukarno and Subandrio. Sukarno
met with cabinet members at his
Jakarta palace yesterday and stu-
dents punctured tires and caused
traffic jams outside to keep more
than a third of the 90 cabinet
ministers away, the sources said.
Firmer Action
These informants, who keep in
close touch with Indonesian de-
velopments, relayed this story:
Sukarno' told the ministers he1
was unhappy that the armed forc-
es had not taken firmer action
against the demonstrating stu-
dents. Reports -circulated in Ja-
karta that the president might try
to replace anti-Communist army
chief Lt. Gen. Suharto with "more
reliable generals" to get firmer
action against the students.
Army troops did not arrive at
the student-sacked China news
agency' office earlier this week
until an hour after the students
left. The students who have used
sharpened bamboo sticks, knives
and stones in previous demonstra-
tions are preparing to arm them-
selves because they are beginning
to realize that the old weapons are
of no use against the battle-
ready troops of Sukarno's palace
guard, which has been strength-
ened in the past week and now
contains more than 2000 elite
Chinese Protest
Communist China made its
strongest protest to date to the
Indonesian government about the
demonstrations. The protest said
Chinese Communist diplomats and
journalists were wounded during
the attacks on the news agency
office, the Communist Chinese
consulate and the home offices of
Peking's commercial counsellor.
The anti-Communist students
are pictured as believing that Sub-
andrio is supporting and arming
pro-Communist students groups
with Communist Chinese weapons
smuggled into the country. Grow-
ing numbers of these armed stu-
dent groups are said to be spring-
ing up in the capital.
The student attacks and street
demonstrations were touched off

last month by Sukarno's ouster
of Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution as
defense minister. Nasution, con-
sidered Sukarno's chief rival for
power, led the bloody purge of
Communists after the attempted
coup of Oct. 1.


Blame Leftists for Inciting
Violence in Indian Food Riots

NEW DELHI (P)-Mobs swept
through Calcutta and surrounding
towns yesterday in the second day
of food riots, setting street cars
afire, looting and throwing bombs.
Police shot five rioters dead.
In an uproarious session of Par-'
liament, Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi declared the riots were
due to "deliberate plans for viol-
ence" by the nation's leftist politi-
cal parties. Communist and other
leftist members walked out.
About 20 persons have been kill-
ed since dawn Thursday in Cal-
cutta and other parts of the West
Bengal State of eastern India.
Leftist parties had called a gen-j
eral strike to protest food and ker-
osene shortages, touching off the
violence Thursday. Then the par-
ties issued a new call for demon-
Dawn broke quietly over Calcut-
ta and some public transport
service was resumed. But then the
mobs poured into the street in re-
sponse to the leftists' call, set fire
to two street cars and a street
car depot.
Violence Spreads
Violence spread to parts of the
city untouched in Thursday's
fighting. Police, backed by troops,
threw up barricades against the
howling crowds.
A two-mile stretch near Welling-
ton Square in central Calcutta was
turned into a battlefield. Police
used tear gas to disperse the mobs.
Reports of arson, stoning, loot-
ing and bomb throwing poured
into Calcutta from the suburbs
and nearby towns. A railway
bridge was set ablaze in the north-
ern suburb of Barrackpore. Five
times police had to fire on the
Army units went into action in
areas where police units lost con-

The Calcutta riots, the rebellion
of Mizo tribesmen in southern As-
sam State, and unrest over food
and job shortages throughout In-
dia posed a serious challenge to
Mrs. Gandhi's government.
Leftists in Parliament charged
the Calcutta rioters were goaded
into action by the shortage of rice
and kerosene and Mrs. Gandhi's
inability or reluctance to do any-
thing about it. Communist mem-
bers shouted "It's a lie!" to charg-
es that they incited violence.

Mrs. Gandhi and Home Minister
G. L. Nanda pinned the blame on
the leftists nevertheless and she
got support from members nor-
mally in the opposition. Frank
Anthony, a leading independent,
said the riots were organized by
"professional and political sabo-
Mrs. Gandhi said she had given
the order for the army to go into
action only if railroads were at-
tacked. She termed the situation
"extremely critical."

Prominent 3Jewish
Leader Succumbs
After Month in Coma
DETROIT (A) - Rabbi Morris
Adler, a prominent Jewish reli-
gious leader who was shot down
during services almost a month
ago, died yesterday without hav-
ing regained consciousness. He was
His wife Goldie and their only
daughter were at his side.
Adler was shot in the head Feb.
12 at the multimillion-dollar
Shaarey Zedek Synagogue by
Richard Wishnetsky, 23, a brilliant
young man with a history of men-
tal illness.
Wishnetsky then shot himself as
some 600 worshipers at the ecu-
menical service looked on. He died
four days later. -
"We have been hoping against
hope that this would not happen,"
said Wishnetsky's father, Edward,
who was in the congregation that
Rabbi Adler, who underwent
two brain operations, had deterior-
ated rapidly since early in the
The rabbi's wife had telephoned
a message of sympathy to Wish-
netsky's parents a few hours after
the shooting. A spokesman for
the synagogue said sheshad been
in touch with the Wishnetsky's
Civic and religious leaders from
other faiths paid tribute to RabbiI
Adler who had done much to ini-
tiate contact among Jews, Prot-
estants and Catholics both local-
ly and nationally. He had also
been active in the labor field.
Wishnetsky, an honor student
and former Woodrow Wilson Fel-
low, told the congregation just be-
fore the shooting that it was "an
"It has made a mockery by its
hypocrisy of the beauty and spirit
of Judaism," Wishnetsky shouted,
holding the gun in his hand.
Born in Russia, Rabbi Adler was
brought to the United States in
1912. He graduated from City Col-
lege of New York and from the
Jewish Theological Seminary. He
was named rabbi at Shaarey Ze-
dek in 1938.
In 1957, Rabbi Adler was named
chairman of the United Auto
Workers Union public review
board, the union's final appeal
panel for union members.

PARIS (M)-President Charles de
Gaulle expects American bases in
France to be evacuated by the end
of this year, highly informed
French sources disclosed yesterday.
They emphasized there was
nothing in the form of an ulti-
matum contemplated, nor had any
pressure been exerted. But it was
felt that the 40 American instal-
lations and 14 airbases totalling
26,000 men could be phased out by
~the end of 1966.
Included is the sprawling Su-
preme Headquarters of Allied Pow-
ers in Europe (SHAPE) near Ver-
sailles, where representatives of
all North Atlantic Treaty Orga-
nization powers have offices.
Not Really Uultimatum
"We are not exactly telling you
to get out," a source said, "but
let us say we would be delighted
if you leave."
The disclosure followed exchang-
es between President Johnson and
de Gaulle, who has made it clear
he wants out of NATO military
Memoranda setting forth in de-
tail France's plans for withdraw-
ing from the NATO integrated
military structure were handed to
allied ambassadors here yesterday.
United States Ambassador Charles
E. Bohlen was called to the For-

eign Ministry to receive one for
Scorns 'Subordination'
De Gaulle feels NATO has out-
lived its usefulness and wants no
part of its integrated command,
which he scornfully described as
The U.S. bases were acquired'
through bilateral negotiations, but
the French president announced
they would have to be put under
French control by 1969. The al-
ternative is to get out.
SHAPE is not a part of a base
agreement, but as a French source
put it : "It is unthinkable that a

foreign military installation of
which France is not part, should
continue to function on French
Troops in West Germany
De Gaulle will have completed
full withdrawal from the NATO
military structure by the end of
the year, and also expects to
have settled the future of French
troops in West Germany by that
time, informants said.
France has 70,000 men in West
Germany, stationed there under
the Paris and London agreements
of 1954, signed by France, the
U.S., Britain and West Germany.

US.Position in Viet Nam
Reaffirmed by Humphrey'

dent Hubert H. Humphrey declar-
ed yesterday the United States
will remain in South Viet Nam
"until conditions permit genuinely
free elections."y
While Humphrey underscored
the administration stand, Congress
hastened the process of appropri-
ating more than $13 billion, al-
most all of it for military and eco-

world News Roundup

nomic aid operations in the Asian
combat zone.
And administration officials rul-
ed out the use of mines or bombs
to close the port of Haiphong, the
major harbor of Communist North
Viet Nam.
They said it would increase the
risk of conflict with Communist
China and would not significantly
affect the flow of supplies to .he
Viet Cong.
Humphrey told the National
Press Club that the administra-
tion's offer of unconditional ne-
gotiations to end the war still is
open-but at the same time he
rejected the idea of coalition gov-
ernment in advance of South Viet-
namese elections.
In South Viet Nam; U.S. Ma-
rine helicopters plucked out 59
more survivors of a lost battle: at
the Ashua Valley Special Forces
camp. The high risk missions
boosted the roll of rescued to 228.

By The Associated Pressf
Department called yesterday for
the draft induction of 21,700 men#
for the Army in April.
This is the lowest monthly quo-
ta since last August, shortly afterf
the big buildup for Viet Nam got-
under way.
The April quota is slightly be-
low the 22,400 now fixed for
March. The March call was revis-
ed downward from more than 32,-
000 because of a high rate of vol-
untary enlistments.
The Navy, Marine Corps and
Air Corps are relying wholly on
enlistments to meet their April
* * *
KAMPALA, Uganda-The office
of president and vice-president of
Uganda have been abolished'
Uganda radio announced. It was

the first official confirmation of
that since Premier Milton Obote
declared he had taken the func-
tions of president and suspended
the constitution Feb. 24. The un-
seated president, Sir Edward Mu-
tesa, was told in the broadcast
to vacate the presidential lodge.

Student Zionist Organization of Hillel
by DR. GENE M. SCHRAMM, Asst. Prof.
of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures

Calcutta, after being set afire by rioters.

7-9 p.m.
1429 H ill St.

Hillel Library
Everyone Welcome

- .


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