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March 12, 1966 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-12

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New Christy Minstrels Provide
DelightfuWitty Performane

Rhythm is a pseudonym for the
New Christy Minstrels. Their ef-
fervescence infected last night's
audience and accompanied them
in familiar restrains as they emp-
tied the auditorium.
Among the favorites heard in
the concert were "Green Green,"
"Today" and "Saturday Night."

These songs typify the striking
melodies that the Minstrels em-
Also enthusiastically received
were the Minstrels' rendition of
the Civil War song, 'Follow the
Drinking Gourd" and their newest
hit, "There But For Fortune." The
quality found in their resonance
was apparent even in the acous-
tical setting of Hill Aud.

Experimental Films
Boring, Exhausting

Milton Cohen's "Hexus," the
first presentation of yesterday's
experimental film program, is not
really a flm at all. Its sensual
effect depends on the interaction
of photographic images with var-
ious objects (which include Mr.
Cohen himself) which revolve in
front of the screen.
It Is really not much more a
work of art than, a display of
fireworks is, but it is entertaining,
for a while at least.
The trouble is that it drags on
for an incredible forty-five min-
utes, which gives it the distinction
of being a truly exhausting work
that taxes neither brain or emo-
As the evening progressed and
the audience got treated to . a
longer and "longer train of un-
distinguished color displays and
filmic jokes (including one very
funny movie about watermelons),
the horrible thought dawned on
me that the program might end
without a single attempt at any-
thing serious. Finally it came in
the form of Bruce Baillie's
"Quixote," a rambling, wordless
sermon on just about every evil
NOUNCEMENTS is avaUabe toofficial.
ly recognized and registered student
organizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
Cinema II, "David & Lisa," March 12
& 13, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A.
* . *
Alpha Phi Omega, Pledge meeting-no
pledge test, March 13, 4 p.m., 3516 SAB.
Students and Faculty Members in-
terested in promoting educational and
cultural programs between India, U.S.,
and Canada, are invited to attend a dis-
cussion at the International Center on
Sat., March 12 at 8 p.m.,
Newman Student Association, Sun.,
March 13, 2-5 p.m., Cana Day for
married couples. Fr. L. J. Putz, "The
Spirit and the Law"; "The Christian
Couple in the Secular City." Registra-
tion 1:30 p.m. 8 p.m.: Marriage series
begins for Catholics and non-Catholics
contemplating marriage and also for
graduating seniors. Each Sun. and Wed.
for the next four weeks. Speaker:
Msgr. Bradley.
* * *
Newman Student Association, 10 a.m.
Steeriing Committee meeting-all well-
come. 1-1:30 p.m., Undergraduate meet-
ing-refreshments. 8 p.m., art film &
discussion, Lindsay Anderson's "This
Sporting Life."
* * *
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Sun. morning services at
9:45 & 11:15, Rev. Alfred T.. Scheps,
speaker. "God's Answer for Loneliness."
Communion in both services. Bible
classes at 11:15. All.welcome.
* * *
Gamma Delta, Lutheran student or-
ganiation. Guests at meeting of Na-
tional Lutheran Council students. Meet
at University Lutherain Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, at. 5:45, or at Lutheran
Student Center, Hill & Forest, at 6.
Prof. Richard Graef of Wittenberg Uni-
versity, speaker.
s *,1
La Sociedad Hispanica, Charla sobre
"La estructura politica espanola," lunes,
4 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Folk Dance Club (WAA), Intermediate
folk dancing, every Mon., 8:30-10:30
p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg.
U. of M. Student Religious Liberals,
Discussion with Dr. Anatol Rapoport
of Mental Health Research Institute on
"U.S. Foreign Policy and Peace Re-
search-Its Implications for Students,"
Su., March 13, 7 p.m. in the Unitarian
.* * *
Kappa Kappa Psi, Instrumental reci-
tal, March 14, 8:30 p.m., Recital Hall,
School of Music.

thing anybody ever saw in Ameri-
can society.
Baillie begins by focusing on
the sharecroppers and Indians of
the Southwest as they face the
incursions of a barbarous and
mechanized society. Then he
switches to color and in no time
at all brings in a basketball game,
a circus, a dead buffalo, Super-
man, Pop-eye,. the march on
Montgomery, the war in Viet Nam,
etc., etc., etc. The only idea that
can claim any clearness whatso-
ever is derived from the rather
pleasing ambiguity of the title.
At first it seems that the
Quixotes are the poor farmers
living in their outmoded world of
horse-drawn carts and adobe huts.
But the real Quixotes are soon
shown to be everybody else in
society, who is, wrapped up in a
fantasy world of spacemen, movie
idols, and military might. The
moral is twofold: 1) life is an il-
lusion; and 2) sin and greed are
7 and 9 p.m.-The Ann Arbor
Film Festival will be held in the
Architecture Aud.
7 and .9 p.m.-Cinema II will
present the film "David and Lisa"
in Aud. A.
8 pIin.-Newmnan Club will show
the film "This Sporting Life," at
331 Thompson. After the film,
Paul Sawyer, '67, will lead a dis-
cussion. Admission to the pro-
gram is 50 cents.

The Minstrels have adopted
their style after a company of pre-
Civil War entertainers founded by
Edwin Christy. The original group
entertained its audiences with
whimsical jokes, slapstick and folk
songs. The Minstrels have en-
veloped and extended this spirit to
a point where their humor and
music almost stand equal.
It is difficult to single out any
one factor as the reason for the
Minstrels' dynamic achievement.
Their clean-cut, youthful and
typically American appearance is
an integral part of their over-
whelming popularity. However,
their foot-tapping, hand-clapping
inducement cannot be overesti-
In 1964, at the invitation of
President Johnson, t h e New
Christy M i n s t r e l s entertained
White House dignitaries. In April,
1965, they became the first folk-
group to be featured at New
York's Copacabana, after settingl
the precedent for folk-oriented
music in nightclubs, supper clubs'
and the concert series as well as
to television and radio audiences.
At their 1965 appearance at the
San Remo Festival, they captured,
first and second place to become
the first American artists ever. to
win the competition. Prior to their'
overseas debut, President Segni of
Italy said, "This is the kind of
music which Europe should know
more about." Within four days
after the Festival, these two songs
became number one hits through-!
out Italy.
The Minstrels perform en masse,
and each individual of the group'
has a specialty which can be per-
formed as a solo. They accompany
themselves on banjos, guitars and
bass. The result is a clever con-
coction of minstrelsy.

Power Quits
In conflict
(Continued from Page 1)
amount and character since Mr.
Power's initial days as a regent."
Kelley's report is the last of
three issued on the University
Microfilms-University relationship.
The first, released by the state
Auditor General on Dec. 8, con-
cluded that two minor business
relationships between Power and
the University constituted a con-"
flict of interest.
The second statement was re-
leased by the Regents at their
December meeting. The product
of an investigation requested by
Power after his business operation
was first questioned, the report re-
vealed no conflict of interest. Both
the Auditor General's report and
the University's statement were
turned over to the Attorney Gen-
erals office and were used in pre-
paration of yesterday's opinion.
Differing Opinions
Power, who is President of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Governing Boards, an or-
ganization comprised of regents
and trustees from throughout the
country, and President of the In-
ternational Micrographic Congress,
questioned the difference between
Kelley and the University counsel's
differing interpretations of con-
flict of interest in his statement
of resignation.
He noted that the University in-
vestigation said there was no con-
"It is difficult for a layman
like myself to understand fully
how different lawyers can arrive
at such- divergent opinions on the
same facts. But this is beside the
point. That the attorney general,
in pursuit of his duties as guar-
dian of the public interest, now
deems the relationships under
consideration inappropriate, must
be regarded seriously.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan, Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
pubilcation, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Forum
-Rackham Amphitheatre, 8:30 a.m.
Center for Research on Learning and
Teaching Faculty Workshop in Pro-
grammed Instruction-Rackham Bldg.,
9 a.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Jerry Davidson, pianist: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Film Festival-Architecture
Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
General Notices
GI Bill: The new GI bill becomes ef-
fective June 1, 1966 for veterans who
have served (1) 181 days or more of
active duty which occurred on or after
Feb. 1, 1955 and discharge under con-
ditions other than dishonorable, (2) or
discharge for a service disability.
Application forms should be available
on or before April 1. veterans will be
responsible for obtaining applications,
no mailing list will be maintained.
Timmer Foundation Scholarship:
University of Michigan students who
are juniors, seniors, or graduates are
eligible to compete for a MX Scholar-
ship offered by the Timmer Founda-
tion of Grand Rapids. Academic per-
,formance, participation in activities,
character and citizenship, and finan-
cial need are among the factors con-
sidered in making awards. The scholar-
ship ranges in value from $300-$1000
per year and may be renewed. Appli-

cations may be obtained from the
Timmer Foundation, 1122 Freeman Ave.,
S.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. The deadline
for filing applications is March 31, 1966.
Foreign Scholars Available under Ful-
bright-Hays Act for remunerative posi-
tions in U.S. universities for academic
year 1966-67-list may be consulted in
the Graduate Fellowship Office, Room
110 Rackham Bldg.
Housing Information Applications:
For men and women attending spring-
summer term, spring half-term or sum-
4er half-term; available beginning at 9
a.m., Mon., March 14 at:
Residence Halls Housing-Office of
Residence Halls. 3011 SAB.
Sorority Houses-Ticket booth in main
lobby on first floor of SAB.
Inter-Cooperative Houses-Inter'Co-
operative Council Office, 2546 SAB.
The Off-Campus Housing Bureau, 3001
SAB, is open 8-12 and 1-5, Monday
through Friday, to assist those eligible
for off-campus housing.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting
March 10, 1966
Approved: That Sherry Dee Meyer
be seated as the president of Inter-
House Assembly.
Approved mThat Jay H. Zulauf be
seated on Student Government Council
as the duly appointed president of the
University Activities Center.
Approved: That SGC seat Martha
Cook, the president of Panhellenic As-
sociation, as an ex-officio member of
Student Government Council.
Appointed: Gary Cunningham, Jack
winder and Mark Killingsworth to the
Interviewing Committee for Selection
of Students to the Student Advisory
Committee on Presidential Selection.
Approved: That the University of
Michigan Judo Association be granted
temporary recognition.
Approved: That SCOPE, a campus po-
litical organization, be granted tempor-
ary recognition.
Approved: That the Organization of
Americans for Reappraisal of Far East-
ern Policy be granted temporary rec-
Approved: That the Social Work As-
sembly be granted temporary recogni-
Approved: That Theta Sigma Phi, a
professional journalism fraternity, be

. D.I

granted temporary recognition.
Approved: That SGC invite vice-Pres-
ident Smith to our meeting of March
17 to discuss the procedures that will
be followed in the area of the Office
of Academic Affairs' policies on class
ranking and transcript releasing for
Selective Service use.
Approved: That SGC send an open
letter to President Hatcher, supporting
his right to express his views and ex-
pressing our dissatisfaction with the
criticism leveled at him for speaking
out publicly about our policy in Viet!
Nam. Letter to be published in The
Approved: That SOC waive regular
ticket selection procedures for all sor-
orities and fraternities participating in
IFC Sing, March 18, in order that they
might have first preference in ticket
Federal Service Entrance Exam -
FSEE applications for April 16 exam
must be received by March 16. Note:
April 16 is Study Sat. before exams.
Final test before next fall is May 21.
Applications available at Bureau of
Holland Suco Color Co., Holland,
Mich.-Librarian for tech. library. Im-
med. opening for man or woman.
M.A.L.S., no exper. req. Chem. back-
ground desirable.
Link Belt Co., Detroit - Telephone
Sales Correspondent. Immed. opening
for male grad. Some mechanical apti-
tude & ability to deal with people on
the telephone. On-the-job trng.
Peoples Savings & Loan Assoc., Battle
Creek, Mich.-Auditor. Exper. or educ.
in financial acctg. Oversee acctg. ops.,
supv. tax & insurance escrows, audit of
branches, etc. Knowl. of data process-
ing systems desirable.
YWCA, St. Joseph, Mich. - Teen-age
Program Director. Degree in Soc., Psy-
chology or rel. area. Exper. in group
work helpful. Grad study desirable. Or-
ganize programs .for high school age
W. R. Grace & Co., N.Y.C. - Res.
Economist. PhD level competence, de-
gree not req. 2-3 yrs. exper. Trng. in
statistics, econometrics, math econ. or

muath. Knowl. of computers helpful. Ex-
per, inquint. econ. & res. Ideal.
Continental Motors Corp., Muskegon,
Mich.-Metallurgist, MS pref. 3 yrs. ex-
per. for mfr. of commercial & military
engines. imed. opening. Under 35 yrs.
The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.Y.C.
-Architect-in-Trng. Program. Arch. de-
gree for trn1g. covering all phases of.
arch, profession including preliminary
des. work, coordinate engrg. & des.
with mech. & struct. engrs., construc-
tion supv,
* * ,
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
City of Toledo - Playground Supv.
Student must live within city limits of
Toledo. Application deadline April 15.
Men & Women-Good Humor offers
you big money for the summer. Appli-
cations available now.
D~avey Tree Co., Kent,' Ohio - Earn
money & learn a trade, tree care trng.
Interviews on March 18.
Details at Summer Placement, 212
VIEWS--Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
Avco Research Dev. Div., Wilming-
ton & Lowell, Mass.-MS-PhD: Aero.,
ChE, Comm. Sci., EE, EM, Info. &
Controls, Mat'ls.. ME, Met., Physics &
Math. Prof.: Applied Mech. R. & D.,
Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, New
York, Wash., D.C., Los Angeles-BS-MS:
ChE, CE, EE, ME, Met. MS: Construc-
tion, Nuclear. U.S. citizens-can con-
sider non-citizens becoming citizen.
Des., Estimating, Field Construction.
Chamberlain Corp., Waterloo, Iowa-
BS: E Math, E Physics, ME. Men only.
R. & D., Des., Prod., Ordnance.
Gustin-Bacon Mfg. Co., Detroit -
BS-MS: ME. BS: Mktg. interested in
Sales. Men only. Sales.
Howard, Needles, Tammen & Berg-
endoff, Cleveland Office-BS-MS: CE.
International Pipe & Ceramics Co.,
Parsippani, N.J.-BS: CE. U.S. citizens
& non-citizens. Product Engrg. Trng.
Pan American Petroleum Corp., Res.
Dept., Production Res. Div., Tulsa, Okla.
-PhD: ChE. Citizens & non-citizens
becoming citizen. R. & D.
U.S. Air Force, Worldwide OTs --
All degrees & programs in Engrg. R.
.& D., Des., Prod., Sales.






.d~1 ~A2tgt

8-64 16

W INNER Best Picture!
A C A D E M Y se.Re Se C.I|N
a powerfuland bold motion pictur..
madebyadults...with adults...for adultsl

-Creative Arts Festival
SatraMarch 12
8:30 P.M.
Also: Tony Montenaro leads a workshop in
Sat., March 12, 2:00 P.M.-Trueblood Aud.


SHOWN AT 1:00-3:00
5:'00-7:00 & 9:05,










The University of Michigan
Gilbert and Sullivan Society
A 4 A 4 Ef _AA

ii i I ii


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