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March 01, 1966 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-01

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qrTTVQ"AV Rrt A.IM^V.t I IWarn

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Condtxitor, Pianist Demonstrate
Great Ability Despite Orchestra

Proposed Literary College Resolution Text

1) All educational achievement
tests, such as may be used as a
basis for student deferment, re-
sult in relatively lower average
scores for people from lower class
and educationally disadvantaged

Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4
Mozart Concerto for Piano1
and Orchestra in B-flat major,
K 595 .
Roussd Bllet Suite from
"Tbe Spider's Feast"
gavel Suite No. 2 from the
Ballet "Daphnis and Chloe"
Second things first ruled the
events of the Monte Carlo Na-
tional Orchestra concert last Sat-
urday evening inI4ill Aud
When the young pianst-with
his curly, reddish hair and de-
termined looking face recalling the
Artur. Rubinstein of 5years ago
-had played only his first fewI
notes, something special was In
the air.
Michel Block, a peiformer little
known in this .country, showed
that a piano need'hot be ham-

mered and banged to be poetic;
all the: music of Mozart requires
is a gentle caress and .it speaks
with the eloquence of a. muse.
Block knew just how to elicit that
The orchestra, on the other
hand, perhaps weary from its 17th
concert in as many nights, play-
ed with little enthusiasm. The
Mendelssohn symphony had the
drive, but not the youtlful spar-
kle so often associated with the
music of that composer.
Conductor Paul Paray had good
feeling for what the music was
about in the Mendelssohn, but the
French compositions seemed to
wander from high point: to high
point with little concern ' either.
for what was in between 'or for'
the proportion of each climax in
relation to the others and to
the whole.
In compositions such as the
Mendelssohn symphony, .this in

between portion is quite often an backgrounds than for those whose
intellectual developing of mater- homes and schools have supported
ial previously stated; in the academic learning and provided
French works played, the interim enduring and meaningful contacts
notes help tell the story of the with valued cultural elements.
ballet. Thus it is clear that a relatively
Here "The Spider's Feast" was greater proportion of those fail-
more successful: if the listener ing the test will be from those
knew the story he could discern segments of the population most
when the spider was constructing in need of the advantages of a
his web, which insects were the university education, and least
victims of his catch, and when the able to tolerate an interruption
finally-satisfied arachnid, careless in their academic careers. Given
from laziness, becomes consumed the familial, financial and social
through-his own luxury. supports for obtaining a college
The more typically European education in the relatively advan-
rather than American strident taged middle class, and given also
string tone was refreshing after the greater possibilities for estab-
being so constantly bombarded lishing a viable economic base even
with., the so-called "Philadelphia Without college completion, within
O(rchestra string-ideal." . - this class; it is apbarent that this
An orchestra and its conductor class can better tolerate an in-
must be perceptive to the subtle- terruption or cessation of univer-
ties of various music styles and be sity education than can those .of
able to produce the sounds which lower class backgrounds, and yet
those styles demand. would be granted disproportion-
ately more deferments on the basis
if academic achievement test
in Creation scores. Thus those with the most
restricted opportunities and great-
est need would have their oppor-
1 p " tunities even further restricted,
a Revolutilons relative to advantaged classes.
2) Similarly, those from educa-
tionally disadvantaged . b a c k-
one on every corner in Washing- grounds tend to fall in the lower
ton though," he jested. He denied end of the distribution of college
any U.S. conspiracy to overthrow grades. Thus the use of a rank
former Dominican Republic Presi- measure of academic achievement,
dent Juan Bosch. beyond simple ability to maintain
"We worked with Bosch, We did a passing grade point average, will
everything in our power to get discriminate against those from
e h n p t relatively inadequate lower schools.

further compounding their educa-
tional disadvantagement.
In the proposed use of achieve-
ment tests and class rank as bases
for deferment we see the poten-
tiality for many very poignant
personal tragedies in those stu-;
dents who, only marginally pre-
pared and supported by their cul-
tural backgrounds, with the add-
er challenge of having to struggle
to overcome their deficiencies in
background in order to profit from
their college experience, will be the
first to be deprived of the sorely-
needed opportunity to advance
themselves through education and
to achieve fulfillment of their pre-
viously untapped intellectual re-
sources. Theirs and their families'
hopes will be more or less per-
manently destroyed, in the face
of the struggles and sacrifices it
took for them to achieve student
status in a major university such
as this. Is it justifiable that the
burden of sacrifice should fall
more on lower class students who
are least able to bear it, than on
students from professional, man-
agerial, and business families? The'
draft already falls more heavily
on those from the lower class,
because they are less likely to ob-
tain the educational deferments
granted to college students. It
would compound the sacrifices of
this class even more if those few
who were able to enter higher ed-
ucation were again disproprotion-
ately selected. The proposed sys-
tem for distributing deferments
among students will thus con-
tribute further to a widening of
the gap between classes, will add
to inequality of opportunity, and
to a further rigidity and limita-
tion on socio-economic mobility
through education.

3) The proposed deferment bas- 4) Further, the use of class
is of class rank and test score rank based on grades contributes
has other highly undesirable edu- a pressure for students to gravi-I
cational implication. It would tate to the easier courses. This
contribute to a pressure, already pressure would therefore inhibit
great in a society which prizes any tendency, already too frail.
too highly the symbols of grade for a male student to branch out
compared to the substance of intellectually into unfamiliar areas
learning, for students to prefer where he would be competing with!
enrollment in less challenging in- students majoring in the field
stitutions, rather than risk the which for him is a secondary
more difficult courses and intense though important interest. A stu-
competition at those universities dent's intellectual curiosity and
which attract a higher proportion his choice of the means through
of the most intellectually advanc- which he will acquire knowledge,
ed students. should not be limited by adding
The same process would en- the jeopardy of military service to
courage those exceptionally able the present risk of lowering his
students from educationally dis- grade point average.
advantaged backgrounds who are 5) Finally, tests and class rank-
able to get into universities of ings are illegitimate bases upon
established excellence to go in- which to compare students in var-
stead to those academically poor ious curricula within institutions,
institutions which, however un- and among institutions which dif-
avoidably, represent little more fer in standards and quality of
than extensions of the education- education. We further note that,
al insufficiencies of their elemen- states and regions vary in aver-
tary and secondary school back- age achievement levels, correlated
grounds, in order to maximize with measures of investments in
their chances of obtaining a draft
deferment based on class rank. I

Says SC To ave Hand
Of Peaceful WorldW'Id Seei
(Contihyed romPage 1) Defending the government's
And yesterday, e saw the. dissent- Dominican policy Vaughan began
ing signs of those who thought to sound a bit more like a govern-
his decision ipitatSeSte Depar- ment official usually sounds. "I'm
ient niade himfitn 1 to run the, really not an expert on the Do-
Peace Corps. r tminican. Republic, you can find

Realtrs Will Help Students
Sublet Apartments-f or Fee

him. going there-out we
didn't have good luck."

j ust

(gontpued from Page 1)
the service ih trying to find rent-
ers. "We may show an apartment
to 20 people'yet get no results,"
he said. '
If and when renters are found,
the SRS .will draw up lease forms
for an additional,$5. Allen said
that some management services
now charge $25 to draw up lease.
forms. That price usually includes
some effort by ,.the manager$ tor
"try and-help' students find pros-
pective subleitters; ]however;,=the
managers -areunder no real mo-
tivation . or obligation to do so;
Allen said.
Several students entering- 'the
SRS yesterday became piqued
when employes insisted they leave
theirna es, telephone numbers
and addresses before taking appli-
cation f6infA 1kfiiin.
They refuse dto giv.,the ins
formation, saying they couldn't
commit themselves to anything
before consulting their roommates.
Allen said that the names were
requested because he "just want-
ed to keep a record of the people

who came in." He maintained that
the, students were "under no ob-
ligation" by leaving their names
and that he thought a list, of
names'would enable him to help
students 'rent apartments more
SMrs.Leslie said that the rental
managers proposed the idea of the
SRS to alleviate some of the pres-
sure on students from 12-month
leases. She said that the - land.,
lords, not rental managers, con-
trol the length of leases and that
some of them are just "unable"' to
offer eight-month leases.
Some lahdlords are mortgaged.
<according to a cedaii nsystem bas-
ed qn a 12-month occupancy set-_
up, Mrs. Leslie explained. The of-
feri~g of eight-month leases would
cut gdown on the. secrity a mor-
gags 7older has to have, she. said.
Mrs. Leslie did predict, though,
that the eight-,month lease op-
tion, with a -$f0 per month rise
in rent which University Towers
now offers, will become "increas-
ingly popular."

Vaughan sounded much better
when he started talking about his
new policies rather than'-def ending
his old ones.
"I may end up running a revolu-
tion," he told his audience in the
Union ballroom. Vaughan, who or-
ganized the highly successful com-
munity development program as
Peace Corps Director for Latin
America before his State Depart-
ment stint, sounded as if he knew
what he was talking about.
"Successful Peace Corps volun-
teers cannot help but teach that
change is possible ... that change
is not a fearsome unknown but aI
responsibility. to be shared and
encouraged by the governments of
lands in which- they serve. They
also spread the word that peace
invites adventure, mobility and
self expression.
"In .such work is true social
reolution and we shall be proud
to share in it. I say 'we' shall be
happy to "share in it---because. if
there is to be valuable social revo-
lution our volunteers surely will
have a hand in it."

LSA Faculty To Consider
New Draft Policy Move
(Continued from Page 1) cumulative grade-point average
Lion, and make representations to fell in the lower half of their
the Selective Service System of class as freshmen, or in the low-
this faculty's opposition to the use er thirand of their sclass dpbeo-
oth clas rank, examinations and quired to pass a nationwide exami-
biasedother techniques which are class- nation: Students receiving passing
riasitheir operation, as bases grades on the test would be grant-
students.''.t. deferments among ed deferments in the same man-
s er as students whose class rank
In justifying its proposals, the was sufficiently high. During the
sponsors of the resolutionrstated Korean War, about half the stu-
that "the proposed criteria for dents taking the test passed it.
distributing deferments within the Thus, a University: freshman
population of students are unfairwThavUmlestyanrashmane
and inequitable, and violate sound cent chance of completing his ed-
educational policies." ucation without being drafted.
Deferment Guidelines U.S. college officials have re-
The Korean War deferment cently. disclosed misgivings over
guidelines, whichrare to serve as the proposed return to the Korean
toe ,foundation for the new Selec- :War guidelines fob defeiment.
tike Service System standards Professors and administrators at
were based on a students' rank 13rr ndeis and Harvard Universities
as compared with other men in have been especially critical. At
the same class and in the same Brandeis, seven professors said
school. they might quit grading students
Those students whose class if deferments are to be ended be-
standing as measured by their cause of low class rankings.

When the price of a wrong
choice may be several years of
military service, or the forse fate
to which military service may lead.
the selection of an educational
institution cannot be made freely
nor can it be based on the con-
siderations of scholarship and op-
portunity which are the proper
grounds for choice.
3 p.m.-"Newspapers and Social
Revolutions" will be the topic of
a lecture by Joseph Paull, noted
reporter, teacher, lecturer and law-
yer, in the Rackham Amphithea-
4:10 p.m.- The Department of
Slavic Languages will present
Svetozar Petrovic, Zagreb Univer-
sity, Yugoslavia, speaking on "Ba-
roque in Croatian Poetry" in the
West Conference Rm., Rackham
8:30 p.m.-The University Mu-
sical Society will present the Vien-
na Octet as a part of the Chamber
Arts Series at Rackham Aud.
1 p.m.-G. P. Hodge, Medical
Illustration, will talk on "Path-
ology in Art" in Rm. 2501 East
Medical Bldg.
3:30 p.m.-A Cooley Lecture Dis-
cussion will be given by William
L. Cary and panel in Rm. 100
Hutchins Hall.
8:30 a.m.-Registration for Ar-
son Control Seminar in the Rack-
ham Bldg.
Ends Wednesday
N. Y.Herald Tribune

Ladies' Day Wed. 50c till 6 P.M.

public education. Thus the appli-
cation of such criteria will be in-
equitable in their effects on the
distribution of deferments across
schools, areas of scholarship and
Fordthese reasons we consider
that deferments based on grades
or othereclass-correlated criteria
are educationally and socially un-
desirable. Truly random assign-
ment of deferments among stu-
dents is the only completely fair
method which also preserves the
integrity of students' educational
choices among universities, curric-
ula, and courses.
A chemistry major
named Bleaker
Drank his Colt 45
from a beaker.
He said, "It's more fun.
It holds two cans, not one.
As an experience ...
it's even uniquer."
' Na7 iONp
A completely
unique experience


p~it t
wiw po ANrtl
Shown at 1:00
3:00-5:00-7:00 & 9:05



- I


Shows gt 1:30-4:30-8:00 P.M.
Evenings ....... ... $1.50
Children...........'. 75c

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The Daily Official Bulletinis an
official publication of the Vniver-
sity of Michigan for which The.
Michigan Daily assumes no edtor-
ial responsibility's Notices 'should be
sent in TYPERITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration'Bldg.be-
fore 2 "p.m. Of"the day preceding
publication, and 'by'-.2 p.mn. 'Friday
for Saturday andSunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar itemns appear once only.
Student organization nptkfs are not
accepted for publication.. .
Day Calendar
Management Development Seminar-
"Managing the De.pirtment4 Office":
Michigan Union,,S :30 a.±m, .
Dept. of Journa1isn ni'ersity Lec-
ture-Joseph Paufl '"ew5yaers and
SocialrRevolutions" 'ac ham Amphi-
theatre, 3p.m.
Dept. of Slavic languages and Litera-
tures University Lectur - tozar Pe-
trovic, Zagreb Universlty, ,Yugoslavia,
"Baroque in Croatian. Poetry": West
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg., 4:10
p.m. -
University Musical Society Chamber
Arts Series Concert - Vienna Octet:
Rackham. Aud., 8:30 p.m.
School- of Music DMA' iano Series-
"Piano Works of. Zoltan 'Kodaly": Re-
cital Hall, School of Musi, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Students, College of Engineering:
NOUNCEMENTSIls available to official-
ly rvecognized a~d registered' student
organizations only,.Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
Russian Circle, 'March 1, 3 p.m., 3050
Frieze Bldg, Miss Saa Harris, former
student in USSR, to speak.
Distactive "

The-final day for DROPPING COURSES
WITHOUT RECORD *ll-be Wed., March
2; A. course may be, dropped only with
.the' ,permisspn 6fethe classifier after
conference with the ins uctr.
Students, Col e of Engineering:
The final day far- REMfQVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES wifl 'be. Wed., March 2.
Petitions for extension of time must
be on file in the, Records Office on
or before Wed., 'ic 2.'All Incom-
pletes not takn r a f - willbe con-
verted to "E.''
Education Jiniioi d 'ad Saeb'16s: A pli-
cations for' Seiool o Education Sck 4.
arships- for the SpringTert(I1IA) id
for the Fall' .erm (I) :wlll:be .avail l'e
in Room'1431 UE$ on March,!. Appi-
cants must have high lboiasflc stand-
ing. Both the 9p'pication and the in-
terview must tie completed during.'
March 1966.

will be made on a competitive basis,
with interest and aptitude for re-
search being primary criteria. Under-
graduates concentrating: in .a science,
or other students having suitable ex-
perience, may apply.: .:."
For full details and application forms,
request information on "NSF 'Under-
graduate Program" .,at Zoology Dept.
office, 2091 Natural 'Science Bldg. The
deadline for applications for the Spring-
Summer Term is March,14, 1966. At the
present time no' deadline is .set for
awards for the academic, year.1966-67,
but interested students should apply
promptly since the program has been
oversubscribed in past years.
Foreign Visitors
The following are the foreign visi.
tors programmed through the Interna-
tional Center who will be on campus
this week on the dates indicated. Pro-

Mich.-Men with degrees in Gen. Lib.
Arts, Poli. Sci., Psych. & Educ. for
home office insurance claims, mgmt
trng., personnel, territorial & inside
sales. Located in U.S. & Canada.
National Labor Relations Board,
Wash., D.C.-BA's & MA's in Econ., Law,
Poll. Sci. for positions in mgmt. trng.,
personnel, public admin., indust. & la-
bor relations. Nationwide locations
(p.m. only).
Prudential Insurance Co. of Amer-
ica, Chicago-BA's in Gen. Lib.. Arts,
Engl., Econ., Hist. & Math for home
office insurance, mgmt. trng., inside
& territorial sales. Nationwide, loca-
tions (p.m. only).
Burroughs Corp., Jackson, Mich. -
Men with degrees in any field, 1 yr.
acctg. req. Sales Trng. Program & mktg.
of data processing equip. Various loca-
tions. Men only.
United Air Lines, Pittsburgh, Pa. -
Stewardess Trng. Program. Women:
You are invited to attend an ..open
house conducted by J. P. Houser from
1-5 p.m. at 3532 SAB. A film will be
shown at 1 & 3p.m. Requirements for
stewardess trng.. Between 19%2 & 26
yrs. Single, no physical defects. De-
gree not req. Located in xmajor U.S.
cities. Openings from April-Fall.
Air Force Logistics Command, Wright
Patterson AFB, Ohio-Men & women.
All degree levels are invited to inter-
view for positions in elec. computing,
mgmt. trng. & personnel.

United Aircraft Corp. Systems Center,
Farmington, Conn.-Various openings
including 1. Environmental Test Engr.
BSME, EE, AE or physics & 5 yrs.
exper. 2. Buyer, 5 yrs. exper. 3. Analyti-
cal Engr. BS Engrg., Math or Physics,
3-5 yrs. exper. 4. Elect. Des. Engr.
BSEE, 1 yr. exper. des. & dev. 5. Stress
Analyst, BS or MS, AE or CE plus 2
yrs. exper.
Paul Revere Life Insurance Co., Wor-
cester, Mass.-Mgmt. Dev. Program -
Recent grads: On-the-job mgmt. trng.
leads to positions in EDP, Planning &
Systems, Claims Examiner, Actuarial,
Personnel, etc.
Norwich Pharmacal Co., Norwich, N.Y.
-1. Med. Ass't. (International Med
Res.). BS in Biol. Sciences plus exper.
in pharma., industry. 2. Toxicologist,
PhD in Pharmacol. with toxic. exper.
3. Res. Phamaracist. BS Pharm. & ex-
per. in ethical and/or veterinary drug
dev. 4. Res. Analyt. Chemist. MS or
BS plus exper. in analyt. chem. 5. Pub-
lications writer, BS journ. or creative
writing, knowl. of med. sci. or health
field. Writing exper. required.
W. Va. Pulp & Paper Co., N.Y.C. -
Indust. mktg. trainee. BA in Lib. Arts,
Engrg. or Sci., MBA, any major. No ex-
per. req., but desirable. 3 mos. rota-
tional trng. in prod. line & ops.
* * *
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.

-Winner of 8 Academy Awards including Best Picture.

h ',;


:_ _ '' grain arrangements are being made by
Chorus -Vaeaicies in the University Mrs. Clifford R. Miller. International
Choral Unior-for',May.Fe$$tlval: Singers Center, 764-2148.
wishing to paricipate with the Phila- Ben H. Averitt, acting director, In-
delphia Orchestra in'the performance ternational Center, University of Ken-
of four works in the - Festival, May tucky, Lexington, Ky., March 6-9.
5-8, under condutors Mugene Ormandy Miss Teresa Micewicz- higher educa-
and Thor: Johnson m ay apply before tion, University of Warsaw, Poland,
March -5 to the University. Choral Un- March 6-8.
ion office, Buton Tower' (665-3717).
Rehearsal8 underLester McCoy on Tues-
day andT1ursday 'evenings are pre-P cement
paring: Bernstein's "Chichester Psalms,"
Kodaly's 'Te IDeum," *;Delius' "Req- PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau of
uiem," and Beethoven's Ninth Sym- App< intments-Seniors & grad students,
phony please call 764-7460 for appointments
with the following:
Biologica Science Awards:<AwardsforTUES., MARCH 8-
undergraiuate research 'participation National Center for Health Statistics,
in biological- science are available un- Wash., D.C.-BA & MA's in Econ,, Math,
der a program sponsored .by the De- Psych., Soc. & Soc. Work. Positions in
partment of Zoology and the National Statistics. FSEE required.
Science Foundation. In this program, Kemper Insurance Co., Chicago -
students . affiliate with participating BA's in Gen. Lib. Arts, Econ., Math,
staff membters -to carry out research Geog., Geol., Psych., etc. for .home of-
projects on' a collaborative or semi- fice & claims insurance. Located in
independent basis. Two types of awards midwest.
are available: (a) full-time .awards for King Broadcasting Co., Seattle, Wash.
10 weeks during the Spring' and Sum- -BA's & MA's in' Gen'Lib. Arts, Journ.,
mer terms, 1966, carrying a stipend of Poll. Sci., Speech, Radio-TV, etc. Posi-
$600; and (b) part-time awards for the tions in communications & broadcast
Fall and Winter Terms, 1966-67, carry- ing.
ing a stipend of $200 which may be WED., MARCH 9-
Increased in the near future.-Awards Allstate Insurance Co., Southfield,

.:'".0653b: 3:'

THIS SUNDAY-after Spring Recess
MARCH 6 at 8 P.M.
''Latkes vs. Hamantaschen as the First Course
of the Free University; or
Our War on Poverty"
Moderator-Prof. Abraham Kaplan
Panel: Professors Carl Cohen Alexander Z. 'Guiora
Marvin Felheim Walter Heilbronner


I r --

U -i


must be returned by 3 P.M., Wednesday, March 2
There will be no Sabbath Service at HILLEL
this Friday, because of the Spring Recess.


In conjunction with the Ann Arbor Film Festival
(Cinema Guild)
civterb J ou~e
March 11]-2





8-mm experi

mental films




, i

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