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March 01, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-01

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'The Threat'
Of Communist China
See Editorial Page


i C t aYi


Rain turning to snow.
warming trend appearing later

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


LSA Faculty



Draft Policy


Slates Action
For Meeting
Next Monday
Professors Advocate
Policy of Random
Military Selection
Acting Managing Editor
The literary college faculty will
consider next week a resolution
criticizing the newly announced
Selective Service System deferment
policy. The proposed resolution,
submitted by a group of psychol-
ogy and sociology rofessors, calls
for a system of random selection
among college students for the
military draft.
The resolution also asks the Uni-
versity to take "vigorous steps" to
align other universities in support
of the random selection proposal
and against the new Selective
Service procedure which employs
class rankings and scores on a:
1 special examination to determine
elgibility for a deferment.
The sponsors of the resolution
charge that the recently revised
Selective Service policy "penalizes
students from lower socio-econom-
ic strata and places a false em-
phasis on the mere attainment
of academic grades."
Earlier Guidelines
Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, di-:
rector of the Selective Service
System, recently announced a re-
turn to the deferment guidelines
used during the'Korean War. At
that time, students who failed to
achieve a certain ranking in their
class were given the opportunity
of taking a test which, if they
passed it, would qualify them for
a continued deferment.
Such tests will be offered
throughout the country beginning
in May.
Policy of Cooperation
The University recently an-
nounced a policy of cooperating
with the Selective Service System:
in sending transcripts and class-
rankings to local draft boards, un-
less the student in question ob-
jectel to-this procedure.
The resolution, parts of which
were discussed at February's fac-
See TEXT, Page 2
ulty meeting, is sponsored by
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so-
ciology department and four col-
leagues in the psychology depart-
ail ment. It will be considered at
next Monday's faculty meeting.
According to a source in the fac-
ulty, the resolution may have "an
excellent chance of passage" be-
cause of a feeling that its pro-
visions would be fairer to stu-
dents than the new Selective Serv-
ice package.
Original Resolution
The original resolution discussed
last month was much stronger, but
was .modified after the Universi-
ty's policy was announced through
the Office of Academic Affairs on
Feb. 18.
Among the original proposas
were a request that the Univer-
sity cease computation of student
ranks in terms of' grade point
averages, refrain from lending its
"prestige and 'support" to invita-
tions for students to take the
national examination, "provide
minimum cooperation and use of
its facilities . . . for the adminis-
tration of the national examina-
See LSA, Page 2










1 ir ligatilyReport



Late World News
WASHINGTON '()-A threat to early passage of a bill to
authorize more money for the Viet Nam war vanished yesterday
when a group of peace-minded Senate Democrats dropped plans
to offer an antiescalation amendment to the measure.
Speaking for the group, Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) an-
nounced that after two meetings yesterday it was decided the
$4.8-billioi authorization measure is "not a proper vehicle" in
which to express opposition to a widening of the Southeast Asian
But he said Monday's decision does not preclude the later
offering of a separate resolution expressing the antiescalation
view. (See earlier story, page 3.)
The first strains of Asian flu were reported on campus
yesterday by Miss Elva Minuse, an instructor in the epidemology
department. The disease has been reported on the east and west
coasts, but this is the first case discovered in the midwest.
Medical school sources commented that more of the disease
could be expected on campus within the next two weeks. Students
who may have contracted the disease are urged to report to
Health Service.
** *' *
Graduate Student Council and Interfraternity Council's
executive committee have both endorsed the Student Housing
Association's plans to register graduate students for the coming
city elections.
Starting on Wednesday, the University will receive direct
relay pictures from the ESSA 2 weather satellite launched into
orbit recently from Cape Kennedy. Only the University and the
Chicago United States Weather Bureau station will be monitoring
the pictures in the immediate region, according to Prof. Edward
Epstein, meterologist in charge of the program.
Inter House Assembly elected David Satchell, '67, executive
vice-president last night.
University President Harlan Hatcher arrived yesterday in
Tokyo, Japan, to begin a 10-day conference with other college
presidents on the role of the university in Japanese-American
understanding. This is President Hatcher's second visit to Japan
in the last two years. He had remarked last Saturday, before he
departed, that he was interested in learning Japanese feeling
about American involvement in the Viet Nam war, which he said
was beginning to raise questions with many Americans.
* *, * *
A ten-acre site has been selected on North Campus for the
construction of buildings to house the University's new $4 million
Highway Safety Research Center. The new laboratory, financed
by funds from General Motors and the Ford Motor Corporation
will face Huron Parkway. Operation of the institute will be
financed with $6 million from other automobile companies beside
Ford and General Motors, including American Motors and
Prof. Abraham Kaplan of the philosophy department was
elected to a three-year term on the national Hillel commission
of the B'nai B'rith yesterday. Kaplan, who is a lecturer at Hillel's
summer institute, will now be directly involved in policy decisions
affecting the 254 Hillel centers throughout the world which
minister to the spiritual and cultural needs of Jewish students.
Long Distance
Student leaders at the four colleges of the City College of
New York have urged their board of education to let students,
faculty members, and alumni have a voice in deciding financial
and educational policies.
"Students are not really involved on a university level," said
Carl Weitxman, president of the colleges student government.
A number of faculty members have enthusiastically endorsed the
proposal and alumni have hired a consultant to investigate new
means of financing programs and improving relations with the

For. I
N. Carolina
Alters Policy
On Speakers
Board of Trustees
Allows Chancellors
To Make Decisios
The full Board of Trustees of
the University of forth Carolina
voted yesterday to put the author-
ity for allowing controversial
speakers to appear at North Caro-
lina in the hands of the chancel-
lors of the university's four cam-
The executive board of the trus-
tees had previously voted to pro-
hibit a planned appearance by
Herbert Aptheker, director of the
American Institute of Marxist
Studies and a member of the
American Communist Party. Stu-
dents and faculty responded to
the ban with protests, culminating
in a mass rally last Wednesday.
A source at the Daily Tar Heel,
student newspaper of the Chapel
Hill campus, the largest of the
four campuses, said that the trus-
tee's decision was expected."
Paul Dixon, president of the
Chapel Hill student body, moved
to re-invite Aptheker for a March
9 engagement.
Chapel Hill sources said that
they expect the university's ad-
ministration will allow Aptheker
to speak, if he accepts.
Last year, the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors
threatened the University of North
Carolina with disaccredidation un-
less a state legislature speaker ban
was relaxed. The legislature re-
lented and put the decision on
controversial speakers in t h e
hands of the university's Board of
Yesterday's decision of the trus-
tees further decentralizes control,
putting the decision in the hands
of each individual campus.
New Direc
Opinions c
It was his first day on a new
job and Jack Hood Vaughn en-
joyed himself immensely. The
former Assistant Secretary of

ow- Inco


?:: Faxon Blasts
t x"OnMHo un
Committee Charges
: :Officials Withheld
Relevant Information

*"'In a report to be released today,
the House subcommittee on higher
education blasts what it calls the
University's "indifference" to the
welfare of students from low -
income families.
The report, which is a result of
last fall's investigation into the
University's tuition and residence
hall fee hikes, accuses the Univer-
sity of having policies aid budget
priorities which are geared strictly
to the needs of middle and higher
income families.
The report further accuses Uni-
t , versity officials of riot supplying
sufficient, specific information re-
--Daily-Steve Goldstein garding educational costs and the
e Corps Director Jack Hood piories of the University's edu-
Mors against 'Vaughn's stand catonal projects.
The report says the University
officials failed to understand the
questioning of the subconmittee,
and therefore did not supply the
necessary information which is
neded for proper evaluation of

REP. WESTON VIVIAN (D-Ann Arbor) speaking at the welcome for Peac
Vaughn on the Union steps yesterday. The occasion was marked by protes
on the Dominican intervention.
Vaughn Outlines.

- 0
ProramofPeace Corps'
Jack Hood Vaughn, newly ap- of men and women who lend vir- seem able to lead others away from1
pointed director of the Peace tue to peace. Truly made virtuous, conformity as well," Vaughn con:
Corps, delivered his first major peace will need less guardians." cluded.
address in his new capacity at the he added. In a ceremony before his speech
Union yesterday to mark the fifth Vaughn outlined future plans in the Union ballroom, Vaughn
anniversary of his organization's for the PeaceCorps during his dedicated a plaque on the steps
founding. term of office in a projected "let-1 of the Union commemorating ther
Vaughn said that his task was ter of resignation" to be submitted establishment of the Peace Corps.
not one of administrating a large in 1972. He called for: The ceremony was staged a few
bureaucracy, nor dispensing a spe- -100,000 volunteers to have feet from the spot where .the late
cial kind of foreign aid, but only served in the corps by the end of President John F. Kennedy, then
serving the cause of peace, "with j 1972. This figure would include campaigning for the presidency,
all our energy, faith and devo-'volunteers sent to countries in first publicly indicated his inten-
tion." Eastern Europe. tion to create the Peace Corps in
"Peace," Vaughn commented, "in -To help only those govern- 1960.
and of itself, is not virtuous. Hu- ments that care about what hap- Vaughn, a graduate of the Uni-
man progress demands the service pens to their people, whether or versity, was formerly secretary of
not they are in agreement with state for inter-American affairs
the policies of the U.S. govern- and' coordinator of the "Alliance
ment. for Progress," before being ap-
tor G ives -A Reverse Peace Corps Volun- pointed to hie present position last
teer Plan to bring qualified per- fall.
sons from other countries to teach In remarks made on the steps
ition Iin the United States. of the Union preceding .Vaughn's
O 1S 1 1 -Changes in the Foreign Serv- address, Rep. Weston Vivian (D-
ice entrance requirements to in- Ann Arbor) urged both critics and
elude service in the Peace Corps supporters of the Administration's
State for Inter-American Affairs, before receiving diplomatic posi- policies in Viet Nam to volunteer
Ambassador to Panama, and Gold- tions. for civilian duty in that country.
en Gloves boxing champion was -Coordination of the Peace Vivian said, "I am convinced
back in Ann Arbor to celebrate the Corps with the Agency for Inter- that the number of Americans
Peace Corp's fifth birthday. national Development, backing working to improve the social,
Vaughn who spent seven years dollars with people only in areas economic and political well-being
in Ann Arbor in the 1940's (five here the combination can be of of the Vietnamese is far too low-
studying Spanish and two teach- true, worthwhile value. 'totally disproportionate, in com-
ing it) zipped through a speech on "Peace Corps volunteers have parison to the military forces. Yet,
the Union steps, an address in indeed found very special meaning for all on this campus who cri-
the Union ballroom, an interview, for their lives," Vaughn said. ticize - or endorse - our actions
and even had a little time left "Having done so once, they appear there, very few have shown the
over to make sure that his daugh- emboldened to new challenges at courage, foresight or commitment
ter Kathryn got a good look at the home. They seem to escape the to volunteer for civilian duty in
campus. She'll be a freshman here problem of conformity, and they 'that country," he concluded.
next year and came along for the
ride. 0T111 E-

In addition, it states that the
University has little grasp of the
problems affecting student hous-
ing and has made no significant
attempts to obtain information in
this field. According to the report,
the University has done little
imaginative and creative thinking
along these lines.
The committee had sought evi-
dence on which educational pro-
grams would be altered or cur-
tailed by decreased appropriations,
but the reports states that no such
information was forthcoming.
It suggests that the University
take a number of steps to improve
the present situation:
" Collect necessary data in or-
der to evaluate a number of al-
terriative budget plans which have
been suggested.
* Determine the consequences
of these alternatives to the student
* Create better communication
of data between the govsrnor, the
State Board of Education and the
state Legislature. This would bet-
ter aid the Legislature in deter-
mining what are adequate Univer-
sity appropriations, the report
* Encourage passage of legis-
lative proposals introduced last
week by Rep. Jack Faxon (D-
Detroit) calling for low-cost stu-
dent housing, tuition subsidies and
state supported University book-
Faxon, chairman of the sub-
committee, commented that the
report should bring around' a
greater rapport and a more mean-
ingful consideration of University
financial needs.

Williams Praises Students' Interest in
International Awareness, Involvement'

By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Close friends said Sunday "the
ActingEditor air is, beginning to clear." The
Former Gov. G. Mennen Wil- ! former six-term Democratic gov-
liams, now assistant secretary of ernor had a "very cordial" meet-
state for African affairs, praised ing with Democratic Wayne Coun-

university students Sunday for
"your personal dedication to in-
creased international awareness,
and involvement" as his audience
wondered about the future of Wil-
hams' own political involvement.
Williams is preparing to an-
nounce his candidacy Monday for
the Senate seat vacated by Sen.
Pat McNamara (D-Mich) though
.r h r-ctri iQad ohiddre snndv-

ty district committee chairmen
over the weekend and has been
solidifying support and commit-
ments, sources said.
Replying to a question from the
audience about the Administra-
tion's peace offensive in Viet Nam,
Williams said that although he
found an "emotional opposition to
our resumptions of bombings"
there in talks with African lead-

Vaughan, a rugged looking red-
ing all at once. benefited more than 85 millio haired man with a mustache did I .lL
He praised the Peace Corps in people, 70 million of them chil- not exactly fit the pontificating
his speech, and quoted the Czecho- ( dren. "I know what the presence Buddha image one associates with
slovakian Communist Party maga- of Food for Peace means in State Department types.
zine International Politics as say- Africa," he said. "I have seen and; Power Politics
ing, "The success of the Peace talked with Congolese waiting for While Vaughan talked cheer-
Corps should .. . provide us with i their ration in lines covering an fully about his peace work, the
food for thought. . .. There is no area the size of a football field." reality of power politics was def- By SHIRLEY RO
doubt that the Peace Corps Noting that five per cent of initely on his mind. On the pros- A new venture cal
brought a good deal of results Michigan's total industrial sales nely on hi min the p A ew vetu c
which have helped toward the come from the Food for Peace draining o e w f his volunteers dents with summer sub
faster development of the coun- program, Williams added that the he said: opened yesterday by t
tries of Asia, Africa and Latin program "is of direct concern for "My concern is that our volun- Arbor's largest rental
America." us" teers 'have to wait four or five Apartments Ltd. and M
Defending newly - appointed "Our assistance program in
Peace Corps Director Jack Hood Africa is beginning to show posi-' months over the summerpperiod' agement Service.
b efore entering the corps. Stepped Th uins.loae

r Subletting Services
SICK The SRS offers to find summer SRS manager Archie Allen,
apartments at no charge. Grad, said he handled quite a
ed Student Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, assistant volume of business on the open-
to help stu- director for student-community ing day--25 students with apart-
letting, was relations, hailed the establishment ments to sublet and 25 more look-
wo of Ann of the service as a "very, very ing for apartments.
managers, good idea" and said that the He said he expects about 300
Misco Man- University had been "well aware" apartments to be rented through
of and had encouraged intentions the service before summer.
I cross the of the rental managers to set uo A11n A.iA +thot "all the nrnAr-

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