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Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
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Face Trial
On Trespass
November Decision
Appealed by Draft
Board Demontsrators
The appeal of a trespass con-
victon of 29 University students
and professors who participated in
the Oct. 15 sit-in at the Ann Arbor
draft board will be heard this
morning in the Circuit Court in
the County Building in Ann Arbor.
At the trial in November the
protestors were convicted of tres-
passing and sentenced to ten days
in jail and a $65 fine and court
costs. The lawyer for the demon-
strators asked for a stay of sen-
tence until the school semester
was over.
When the stay was denied, the
appeal was filed with the intention
of delaying executiqn of sentence
until near the end of the semester.
The protestors were released on an
appeal bond.
Trial Postponed
The appeal of the demonstrators
was first scheduled to be heard
Dec. 16 where seven of the de-
fendants planned to. change their
pleas to guilty while 29 were to
continue the appeal. At the re-
quest of the prosecution the trial
was postponed until today.
The defense for the protestors,
as expressed in the "Pre-Trial
Memorandum of Law" while ac-
nowledging that they did indeed
Scommit a minor crime of tres-
pass, attempts to establish "the
nature and extent of the right or
duty of a citizen of a nation to
protest the actions of his own
government which he considers to
be in violation of international
law and morality."
Civil Protest
Written by Ernest Goodman, a
Detroit lawyer, the defense argues
that civil protest is a form of
speech because, "'speech,' in the
First Amendment sense, is a
shorthand expression for the com-
munication of ideas." He cited
several precedents including num-
erous civil rights cases from the
He then went on to say that
"the characterization ofs the de-
fendants' protest as a trespass
does not automatically remove it
from First Amendment protec-
* tion."
First Amendment
Goodman gave several examples
to support his contention that the
protest should be protected by the
First Amendment. First, as the
protest was "directed against our
government's policy of committing
troops to a war in Viet Nam, the
appropriate agency for the protest
was the draft board."
Secondly, he argued that no in-
jury was caused and that the op-
eration of the draft board contin-
ued during the sit-in. Thirdly, he
argued that in cases where "con-
trol of private property . . . com-
peted with the defendants' action
in protesting . . . the right of
peaceful protest should prevail."
He cited the case of New York
Times Co. vs. Sullivan, supra to
show that "open, uninhibited cri-
ticism . . . must take precedence
over minor infringements of prop-
erty rights by a technical tres-
Nuremburg Precedent
To support his contention that
the protest was an obligation un-
der international law, Goodman
cited the Charter of the Interna-
tional Tribunal at Nuremburg
which defined international crime
as ". . . the planning, initiation or
waging of a war of aggression, or
a war in violation of international
treaties ..., or participation in a
common plan or conspiracy for the
accemnlishim ent of any of the
w foregoing. . "
He th-n used Ihe brief of the
Iawyers' Committee on American
Policy toward Viet Nam as proof,
established hy leading professors
of law, that United States involve-
ment in Viet Nam was illegal.
What's New
At 764-1817
University of Michigan staff members have contributed over
$1800 toward the legal defense of 13 students whose draft status
was changed to 1-A as a result of the Ann Arbor draft board sit-
in. According to James McEvoy III, chairman of the Student
Legal Defense Committee, over 300 professors, researchers and
administrators have responded to an appeal for funds.
McEvoy added that some of the contributors made it clear
that they disagreed with the students' protest against the war
and opposed their sit-in tactics "but," said McEvoy, "they all
believe the Selective Service should not be used to suppress the
right to dissent. .
Jerry Badanes reported yesterday that definitely over 100
people had registered for classes of the newly founded free
university. The university has "almost found" a place to hold
classes, Badanes mentioned. Registration was held yesterday at
Canterbury House.
Assembly Association yesterday discussed its up-coming
merger with Inter-Quadrangle Council, which will form Inter-
House Council. David Moomy, '65, who presented the revised
constitution, said that there were "no major changes" and that
most problems had been "symantical."
A new clause made the actions of the Executive Board subject
to the approval of the Presidents' Council. The Presidents' Council
also has the power to impeach board members.
Assembly President Georgia Brown said that she hoped the
merger would provide for more effective representation of resi-
dence hall men and women and provide for the preservation of
individuality of houses in the dorm system.
Couzens said it thought larger dorms should have more rep-
resentatives in Presidents' Council. One representative from each
houses is on Presidents' Council, with the exception of the larger
houses, Stockwell and Couzens, which have two.
* * * *
Gary Schaub, administrative assistant for the University's
Professional Theatre Program, said that ticket sales for the Play
of the Month Series are "doing extremely well." The PTP pres-
entation of "The Absence of a Cello" was nearly sold out, Schaub
said and the rest of the productions in the program "are also
doing very well,"
X *
MUSKET will add one performance on Friday, Feb. 11 at
8:30 to its schedule next month. The show, which runs from
Feb. 9-12, will now have six performances.
Students held 40 per cent of the paid jobs involved in Uni-
versity research projects in 1964-65.
According to a report issued by the Office of Research Ad-
ministration, 3,519 students were employed as technicians, assist-
ants in research, and similar positions during the year.
Of the students who were employed part-time on research
projects, 1,807 were graduate students and 1,712 were under-
Long Distance
A recent National Collegiate Athletic Association ruling that
athletic scholarships may not be awarded to students unless they
carry a 1.6 grade average (on a 4.0 scale) may force eight mem-
bers of the Ivy League to drop out of the NCAA if they refuse to
Robert Rolfe, Dartmouth athletic director, said that the
attempt of the NCAA to provide a minimal standard throughout
the nation "is generally a good one," but that the academic
standards in the Ivy League are so high as to penalize the athlete
more than at other schools if the ruling were followed..
If the eight Ivy League schools drop out of the NCAA, the
only tangible penalties would be ineligibility to compete in any
of the NCAA post-season championships. However, Arthur Daley,
sports columnist of the New York Times, said it is likely that
"100 other colleges would join in the departure" should the Ivy
League be banned from the championships.
Funds Cut by
$572 Million,
Major Federal Loan
Programs Shifted to
Private Loan Subsidy
The new federal budget unveil-
ed yesterday reduces total expen-
ditures for aid to higher educa-
tion by $572 million. Major fed-
eral loan programs will be shift-
ed to private loan agencies in the
fiscal year of 1967.
The cut in federal aid "will
reduce the anticipated growth ofj
loan programs at the Universi-
ty," Walter B. Rea, director of fi-
nancial aid, told The Daily last
The National Defense Education'
Act, one of the chief student loan
programs, now in effect, will be
eliminated in favor of federal
guarantees for private loans. Un-
der the present NDEA program,
college loan money is supplied
directly by the federal govern-
ment. In 1965, the University re-
ceived loan funds totalling more
than $1 million through the NDEA
Possible Problems
It was reported in Washington
that President Johnson may have
difficulty in convincing Congress
to abandon the highly popular and
successful NDEA program, which
was enacted in 1958.
The President is apparently'
hoping to draw increased private
financing to student loan, hous-
ing and academic facility pro-
grams. Under the new plan, the
government will guarantee pri-
vate agency loans and pay an in-
terest subsidy for students com-
ing from families with annual in-
comes less than $15 000.
The budget calls for total NDEA
loan expenditures of $30 million
in 1967, a decline of $149 million
from this year. However, 775,000,
additional students would receivej
private loans subsidized and guar-"
anteed by the government, an in-
crease of 475,000 students over
last year.
Receives No
New Funds
AEC Announcement
Proposes Addition of
'Bubble Chamber'
President Johnson's budget re-
quest did not include funds for
development of a proposed 200
billion electron volt (BEV) na-
tional nuclear accelerator and
physics laboratory.
GRAPH DEPICTS REVENUE and spending for record-shattering $112 billion federal budget releas-
ed yesterday by President Johnson.
New11I U FiueUhwMr
For'efnse Sening,
Banks Reluctant
Rea warned, however, that prob- WASHINGTON (") - President from five to six per cent in the urged improvement in unemploy-
lems can be expected punless we Johnson sent to Congress yester- excise levy on airplane passenger ment compensation; and renewe;d
have greater cooperation fro o day a $112-.8-billion budget, by tickets. his demand for repeal of section
cal banks." Several arearom lo- far the biggest in history, with a Education- 14B of the Taft-Hartley Act, which
have been reported to be reluctant notice that he may come back for Federal outlays for education permits states to outlaw the union
to grant federally guaranteed stu- more money and new taxes if the were estimated at $2.8 billion, a shop. G
dent loans, Rea said. war in Viet Nam gets hotter. 23 per cent increase from this year The Great Society programs
"I hate to see the NDEA pro- He warned also that the military as the new programs passed by actually are being stepped up by
gram goebeueecause it was soo valu- build-up, on top of an expected 7 Congress in 1965 hit full stride, more than $3 billion, Johnson said,
able; students could work closely per cent upsurge in national out- Labor- but in several cases - chiefly in
with their schools 'in obtaining put, will "raise the threat of price Johnson called for an increase housing and education programs-
loan money," he added. "Under instability" as the booming econo- - six unspecified - in the $1.25 private lending is being substitut-
the new system, students will my nears full employment. hourly federal minimum wage; ed for direct federal support.
contract for loans with their This inflationary risk makes
hometown banks, just as prospec- necessary "some moderate re- NOR TH CA MPUS:
tive homeowners can receive gov- straint through tax policy," John-_
ernment-guaranteed loans for son said. He asked quick approval
construction purposes. of the $4.8-billion step-up of in- N
"We will have to take a more come, corporate and excise taxes
careful look at our plans for ex- already sent to Congress.
pansion for our loan programs," These revenues, plus the tax
Rea said. There had been plans collections generated by an un-
to request at least $1.5 million in precedented sixth straight year of A ctivitiesNaeanei
NDEA loan funds for next year. economic growth, Johnson said,
The President is reported hope- will provide $111 billion of receipts
ful that' private financing of stu- in fiscal 1967 and bring the budget By HARRIET DEUTCH is a student facility building, nor
withine$1.8-billiongofoacbalance. will it ever fill the need." He
dent housing loans and academic wThere is growing concern that pointed to the fact that there are
facility loans can be encouraged That would be the smallest def- no direct thought has been given ooms for banquets but "no room
by selling participation in poll icit in seven years-and it can be to the development of a stodent just for meetings" n
loans which can be financed at achieved, Johnson said, even with activities building on North Cam- Cooper agreed with Feldkamp
interest rates below current mar- a net increase of $2.1 billion in pus. With the construction of that as yet no student organiza-
ket levels. spending for his "Great Society" three housing units and also the tions like SGC or the Inter-
-- - -programs of education, health, possible migration of some colleges Quadrangle Council have ex-
housmng and manpower develop- to the North Campus area, the pressed a desire to move to North
ment. student population in this area will Campus. "However," he said, "if
"Inflation need not be the price1
ln tanster atwir
However, the Atomic Energy
ommission announced the ,addi-
on of a "bubble chamber" to its
lans foi the accelerator, which
ould raise the cost of the project
y $27 million to a total of $375
The immediate implications of
e omission on the fate of the
roject were not outlined in the
udget, and there was only short
ention of the fact that no money
ad been allotted to the accelera-
r. The request was made by the
tomic Energy Commission for
n additional $10 million which
'as to be used for the investiga-
ion of accelerator sites befoe
inal selection. The bubble chain-
er announcement, though, in-
licates that the concept may well
e still very much alive.
Ann Arbor has an important
take in the outcome of the ma-
teuvering, as a site in nearby
rorthfield Township has contin-
tally been noted as one of the
host perfectly suited sites for the
>roject. The state has set aside
000 acres which it is offering to
onate totthe project. This is an
ttempt to offset some of the
arge monetary offers, of up to
hree million dollars, which several
tates have established to influ-
nce the selection.
The addition of a bubble cham-
>er has special importance to the
University. Since its invention, the
University has been building some
of the largest ones in' the world.
There is a good chance the con-
tract for this $27 million addition
will go to the University as did
one for the Argonne National
Laboratory's bubble chamber in
The bubble chamber concept
was developed several years ago
n a Phoenix _Project grant by
Donald A. Glaser, formerly of the
physics department, who now
teaches at the University of Cali-
fornia. The principle which he
developed,hconsisting of photo-
graphing the trails of particles as
they pass through a heavy liquid,
won him a Nobel Prize.
Present plans for the develop
ment of the facility call for $10
million for site development dnd
design changes. The joint commit-
tee on atomic energy must author-
ize the final site before the AEC
can request funds, and selection
is stillin progress.
A group from the National
Academy of Sciences has been
working for over a year attempt-
ing to select the most advanta-
geous site from an original group
of about 200 bids. Several visits
have been made by the selection
committee to Ann Arbor and ex-
perts from both the University
and private concerns have report-
ed the site as excellent in every
Investigation of the best six or
seven sites will begin in February
and is expected to take until
August. A request for money may
then be made, but the possibility
now exists that Congress may have
adjourned before the request is
The requirements established for
a potential site were not rigid, but
stated that the land must have a
stable geologic character, have a
good supply of water, be near
transportation routes, and offer
a scientific atmosphere which
would be inviting to the scientists
from all over the world who would
visit the facility.
Several alternative plans have
been proposed in attempts to keep
costs low in face of the expendi-
tures in Viet Nam. These all con-
sist of building an accelerator of
IFCSponsors Tiutorial Aid
By LAURENCE MEDOW ics, French, German, mathematics be paid $4 per hour and the whole
and physics were selected as the 10-week program is expected to
The Interfraternity Council will fields in which tutoring will be cost the fraternity system $900.
launch a tutorial program tonight offered, on the basis of question- This expense may limit future ex-
in an effort to provide an aca- naires sent to the fraternity pres- pansion of the program, through
demic aid for fraternity men. Fif- idents. Interest shown in the pro- a more direct asssesment to each
teen tutors in seven academnic gram in the questionnaires serv- fraternity could be levied to solve
fields will be available three ed as the masis for selecting the this problem.
nights each week for the next 10 five host houses. No Charge
weeks. Experimental There is no direct charge to in-
The program, patternod after a "We are beginning the pro- dividual fraternity members who
plan at Northwestern Univ"rsity, gram this semester on an experi- use the tutors, however. Th- five
is one of a few offered to frater- mental basis," Greiner said .The host fraternities include bo",
nity systems in the country. Des program may eventually be ex- large and small houses of both
velopment of the plan began last panded to provide tutors in every high and low academic standings.
spring and was finalized in the fraternity house but "first, we Greiner exolained that th
-. --r41 .- t;,..,' .. lk-++.o ..,..44 ,-4 ;. ...,,.....,+ ica r ~nlrtairnnf.n
of social progress; nor should it iCres geLxly.
be, a cost of defending freedom," Charles Cooper. executive vice-
president of Student Government
Johnson told Congress. Council. said, "Our initial concern
His bluepront for taxing and is not extending student organiza-
spending in the government year tions out there but to be. sure stu-
starting next July 1 had these dents have a place to meet."
further highlights: Cooper believes that if a large
Defense- ;enc ,t tIn 4te
Outlays for over-all defense-re-
'ated suending will soar to $60.5
billion, up more than $10 billion
from last year and nearly $4 bil-j
lion from this year. Besides build-
in muscle for Viet Nam, the
PentWron will start a second $40-
million nuclear - powered aircraft
carl'ier and begin pr'curement of
the Minuteman ITT, an advanced
intercontinental missile.
The secnd full year of the war
oil, ?-vrv w uill hpril ye rxc f
student unit is planned for te
area, construction of a student
center should be planned imme-
diatcly "as the land is rapidly
being gohbled up so we cannot
afford to wait."
Campus Commons
John Feldkamp, assistant to the
Vice-President for student Affairs,
cited the North Campus Commons,
a current dining area, as a pos-
sib'e solution if students demand
and need meeting space. Feldkamp
aid, however, "requests by student
the students there want to form '
clubs they should have a student
center building about the size of
North Campus Commons with lec-
ture halls and recreational fa-
Too Early
Mr. William Steude, director of
student-community relations, feels
that it is much -too early to start
developing a student building "un-
til the campus blossoms into a
fuller complex of academic in-
I terests." Steude said that this is3
a future problem and he does not
foresee "any particular effort that
will be made until there is a more
complete campus out there.",
He agreed with Feldcamp that
the North Campus Commons could
be extended if a need arises and
also the facilities in Bursley or
A Mral ChePe