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January 21, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-21

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Democracy Poses Problems for Dominican R


years ago this month, Dominicans
launched their first experiment
in democracy after 31 years of
Three governments later, they
are still experimenting. The shad-
ows of doubt are beginning to
lengthen on the latest effort: a
provisional government overburd-
ened with unsolved and half-solv-
ed problems and indecisive lead-
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo's dy-
nasty came crashing down Jan.


17, 1962, when its caretaker, Dr. ican States five months ago, is a'
Joaquin Balaguer, was deposed. direct result of the trials and er-
He was removed by Gen. Rafael rors in government that have!
Rodriguez Echievarria, a politic- plagued the country.
ally ambitious officer, once Bala- Looking back, Dominican his-
guer's champion, who installed a torians seem convinced the tran-
civilian-military junta that last- sition from dictatorship to de-
ed one day. mocracy in 1962 was too abrupt,
A new Council of State, finally that only a breathing spell of
freed of the last vestiges of Tru- more than a year could have tem-
jillo's yoke, took over under the pered the spasms of antagonism.
leadership of Rafael Bonnelly on These historians are no less
Jan. 19. convinced now that the 9-month
Today's provisional regime, cre- life dictated for the provisional{
ated by the Organization of Amer- government was a product of anI

equally hasty undervaluation of such as took place this month right-wing dictatorship backed by of top Dominican army officers
the forces in contention - and when the army defied a presiden- the army. will not solve a fundamental prob-
that the results may be the same. tial order, arousing minor but lem. The military establishment
potentially explosive violence The nearly $100 million inject- is not expected to accept the re-
The feeling is increasing among among a segment of the popula- ed into the local economy since sults of the June elections if
many Dominicans and foreigners tion. It has been learned that April y the Alliance for Prog- that means the restoration of
that the complex nature of the President Hector Garcia-Godoy ress has hardly made a dent In Juan Bosch or his Dominican
basic Dominican problem and the was on the verge of giving it all 'the jobless ranks. This is because Revolutionary party to power.
bleak prospects for even an in- up during this blowup. no less than $77 million went in- The army contends that this
terim settlement have sharply re- to salaries and back wages. Few may open the door to Cuban-
duced the chances of promised To some Dominicans, conditions job-giving public works projects style extremism. On the other
elections in June. now are identical ,if not worse, are under way. Sugar mills soon hand, left-wing extremists and
to those that spawned the April will go into their seasonal period nationalists are not expected to
There also are doubts the gov- revolution: rising unemployment, of inactivity, throwing more peo- take lightly to the defeat of the
ernment can survive an intensifi- increasing political instability and ple out of work. party.
cation of the continuing crisis, deep-rooted fears of an extreme The consensus is that removal Failure of the inter-American

peace force to act more vigorous-
ly against the army's seizure of
a government radio station at one
stage this month aroused much
criticism in the city. This has giv-
en rise to a feeling, particularly
among left-wing moderates, that
the peace force would act cau-
tiously and reluctantly, if at all,
against the Dominican military,
if that became necessary in the
The politically adverse reaction
this would produce among other
Latin - American armed forces
seems to be a heavy factor.

In VotiEn
Anti-Castro .



McNamara Asks More Aid

For Build-up in



Exiles Plan
seeret Raids
U.S. Official Warns
Rebels of Reprisals
For Illegal Attacks
MIAMI, Fla. (P)-Militant exile
bands say a new phase is emerg-
ing in their anti-Castro campaign
-resumption of U.S.-forbidden
raids on Cuba, but on a coordi-
nated basis.
"If we can't unite, we'll coordi-
nate," said Ernesto, the last of
the Cuban Exile Repre'sentation--
RECE-one of three groups par-
ticipating in the last announced
hit and run attack against Fidel
Castro's island. Until the U.S.
government halted them, such
raids occurred frequently.
Representatives of rival anti-
Castro organizations meet week-
ly in secret plotting chambers in
the "New Havana" section of Mi-1
"We sit at the table at the same'
level, there is no leader and every
group keeps its own identity,
Freyre said.
"Our plan is not for an occa-
sional attack, but periodic ac-
tion, onesactionrafter another. If
we harass Castro that way, he
will have less time to organize
aggression against other coun-
Resolution to proceed in the
face of the U.S moratorium on
such sniping was general among
leaders of half a dozen groups sit-
ting in.
"The United States should bless
us rather than be made at us for
fighting our common enemy,
Communists," Freyre said.
A State Department official dis-
"Hit and run raids have no
value, and on the contrary, they
are harmful," he said. "They
cause the Cuban government to
take precautions that Would not
be taken otherwise. Cuba can say,
'look at us, how we are being
abused.' And they can cause
hardships for people inside Cuba
with reprisals."
The official continued: "We can
stop them, and we will stop them.
If laws are violated, we will act
Some exile leaders said they
wanted no entanglement with the
United States, that they would
launch their raids from bases out-
side this country.
The State' Department official
said: "They, must involve some
country, and I believe no country
wants to be embarrassed this way.
And exiles leaving this country
must have a re-entry permit if
they want to return."

.Would GiveN
Request Coupled to
Plan Abolishing
Electoral CollegeS
By The Associated Press N
President Johnson coupled a
renewed proposal to wipe out thed
present Electoral College System1
in presidential elections with af
formal call for lengthened House
terms in Congress yesterday. n
Instead of voting for electorsp
who in some states can theoreti-t
cally disregard the popular vote,r
ballots would be cast directly for
the nominee for president and
But, as the case now, each state0
would have one electoral votet
for each of its representativesT
and senators, and the candidate
getting the most votes would re-
ceive all the state's electoral votes.I
Johnson, who won six House
r selections himself, said represen-
tatives have to start campaign-
ing for their next election almostI
associated Press as soon as they take their seats
resident John- in Congress.
In the administration, Johnson_
nce, Mo. Later said, "we have learned that brief
s. and uncertain periods in office
contribute-not to the best inter-
ests of democracy-but to haras-
sed inefficiency and the loss of
so n invaluable experience."
He wants the lawmakers chosen
for four-year terms, identical to
those of future presidents, begin-
ing, perhaps, in 1972.
For a potentially skeptical Sen-
ate, Johnson's proposal included
resumption of a shield against election-day chal-
pment aid, cut lenges from House members who
ia-Pakistan war do not first relinquish their seats.
ne subject John- But the Johnson plan drew po-
scuss with Mrs. tent opposition, too. Rep. Eman-
uel Celler (D-NY), chairman of
thought in In- the House Judiciary Committee,
holds that Mrs. underscored his stand against it.
isit the United Ther's an off-year election
possible, because coming up in November, with all
al factor in feed- 435 House seats and 35 in the
lion people. Senate at stake. In the past, the
however, said it party in White House power has
Mrs. Gandhi to almost invariably yielded some
ediately on con- congressional seats in the ballot-
)sition as prime ing between presidential elections.
so avoid giving "It is imperative that each
that the first member of the House have the
an prime minis- opportunity of campaigning dur-
y to Washington ing a presidential year," Johnson
said in a special message to Con-
-Alignment gress. He said presidential races
it clear in his draw more voters than off-year
ounting on Mrs. contests.
ain India's non- It will take a two-thirds vote
licy. of both House and Senate to send
r Chester Bowles either or both amendments to the
ibassador to call states. Three-quarters of the
after her selec- states would then have to ratify
d Johnson's mes- the amendments to put them into
te interview. effect.

WASHINGTON (P)--Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
asked Congress for another $12.7
billion in spending authority
Thursday and said some of it
may be used for a "massive ap-
lication of firepower" in Viet
The defense chief said the ex-
ra money backing is needed be-
ween now and June 30 for beef-
ng up U.S. activity in the Viet
Nam war and augmenting military
trength elsewhere.
"We have assumed, for budget-
ng purposes that combat opera-
ions will continue through the
end of June 1967. he said.
States Points
In the public version of a state-
ment he presented at a closed
Senate committee session on the
supplemental money request, Mc-
Namara included these points:
* Creation of another Marine
division as part of the general
112,843-man increase in strength
for all of the four services.
* A boost in buying of ammu-
nition to provide "a massive ap-
plication of firepower to enhance
the effectiveness of our forces and
reduce casualties."
* Preparation for deploying
"even more forces if the Com-
munists choose to expand their
operations in South Viet Nam,"
beyond the 190,000 already in Viet
Peace Hopes Shaken
In other developments, Radio
Hanoi jolted hopes that a more
lasting peace might follow the
military lull marking the advent
Thursday of the Year of the
Horse, successor in Oriental reck-
oning to the Year of the Snake.
The Red station broadcast calls

of both the Viet Cong and a
Communist North Vietnamese
spokesman for harder attacks.
"Let our whole people march
forward to continually strike
deadly blows at the U.S. aggres-
sors, annihiliate and disintegrate
many puppet troops and win
greater victories," said the lunar'
new year's message of the Viet
Ton Duc Thang of North Viet
Nam, president of the Father-
land Front, urged "more and still
greater successes to bring the na-
tional salvation war against U.S.

iet Nam
imperialist aggression to early
Cease-fire orders-after a rag-
ged start-had brought a measure
of peace to Viet Nam for the
lunar new year, which the Viet-
namese called Tet. It arrived at
In the broader field, the possi-
bility of early negotiations to end
the war appeared to be fading
rapidly as President Johnson's
public peace offensive still failed
to draw any favorable response
from Ho Chi Minh's Hanoi gov-

World News Roundup

E ye Aessociated Press
BONN, Germany - A Soviet
spy ring active in the industrial
heart of West Germany was re-
ported yesterday to have been
cracked. There was speculation it
might have been after nuclear se-
* * *
EMnC nth (DIMinn ) lld l ac

yesterday reports published over-
seas that Lagos authorities had
announced the death of the for-
mer federal prime minister, Sir
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa.
Information Director Cyprian
Ekwensi said no announcement
had been made on the fate of
Balewa, who was kidnaped in the
early hours of last Saturday.
* * *


icuar ny - wmnn) caaeu yes-
terday for an investigation of the WASHINGTON - Federal ex-
activities of the Central Intelli- aminers were ordered yesterday
gence Agency. into Birmingham, Ala., and sur-
* * * rounding Jefferson County, to reg-
LAGOS, Nigeria-Nigeria's mill- ister Negro voters under the 1965
tary government officially denied Voting Rights Act.
The Board in Control of Student Publications
wants to meet with all those interested in

SHOWN ABOVE ARE FORMER PRESIDENT Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Truman, and Pr
son during inauguration ceremonies for the Truman Peace Foundation in Independen
in the day, the President urged Congress to approve two new constitutional amendment
Mrs.-Gandhi Accepts John
Invitation To Tour Amerti


January Sale Wed
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NEW DELHI (MP)-India's new
leader, Indira Gandhi, announced
yesterday she has accepted an
invitation from President John-
son to visit the United States.
She could not say when she
would make the trip.
Johnson messaged his good
wishes to Mrs. Gandhi, pleaded
"friendship and cooperation" and
asked her to visit him soon in
Washington for talks "on the
momentous problems we both
Follows Shastri
Mrs. Gandhi's predecessor, the
late Prime Minister Lal Bahadur
Shastri, had been scheduled to
visit the United States Feb. 1.
He died Jan. 11 in Tashkent, So-
viet Central Asia, after talks with
President Ayub Khan of Paki-
President Johnson said he
would be "delighted' 'if Mrs. Gan-
dhi could make the visit Feb. 1,
but acknowledged her pressing
duties might make this difficult.
Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosy-
gin also sent congratulations on
her selection as India's new prime

minister, and said his country is
"deeply sympathetic to her prob-
Increased Economic Aid
The Kosygin and Johnson mes-
sages hinted that after she is
sworn in Monday, Mrs. Gandhi
can expect more than good wishes
--namely increased economic aid
-to help tackle India's immense
problems of poverty, food short-
ages, illiteracy, and exploding pop-
Between them, America and the
Soviet Union have provided the
major share of India's foreign
aid. And although there has been
a struggle for the greater influ-
ence here, both Washington and
Moscow in recent years have had
roughly the same objective: to
ward off the economic chaos that
would admit Communist Chinese
America has given India more
than $6.1 billion in development
aid since 1951 and has shipped
food worth more than $3.1 billion.
Soviet Aid
Moscow's more modest effort
totals somewhat above a billion.

It is probable a
American develor
off during the Ind
in September, is oz
son wants to dis
One school of
dian officialdom
Gandhi should v
States as soon as
U.S. aid is a cruciE
ing India's 480 mi
Other officials,
would be best for
concentrate imm
solidating her pe
minister-and al
the impression
thing a new Indi
ter must do is fl
for help.
Stresses Non
Kosygin made
message he is cc
Gandhi to maint
aligned foreign po
U.S. Ambassado
was the first am
on Mrs. Gandhi
tion, and delivere
sage in a 25-minu



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In the new bi-monthly
A vivid and disturbing first-hand report:
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visited Vietnam representing the university
teach-in movement. His 27-page account de-


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