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August 27, 1965 - Image 23

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-08-27

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FRIDAY, AUGUST '27, 1965


PAGE bit



Schools Plan Integration

An attempt to end de facto seg-
regation in Ann Arbor this fall is
expected to be successful, accord-
ing to David Aberdeen, an Ann
Arbor school official.
The aim of the program is to
close the all-Negro Jones School
and relocate its entire student
body in six other elementary
schools. The relocation has been in
the planning stage for nearly two
years, Aberdeen said.
In the fall of 1963, the Board
of Education declared J o n e s
School-with a student body that
was 78 per cent Negro-a product
of the city's de facto segregation
in housing and appointed a citi-
zens advisory committee t study
racial imbalance in the Ann Arbor
public schools.
Academic Performance
It was determined, Aberdeen
said, that the academic pe'rforrm-
ance of Jones School pupils was
consistently lower than students in
other city schools, a fact attribut-
ed to their constant contact with
an environment not conducive to
academic achievement.
With this in mind, three rec-
ommendations were issued by the
committee in May, 1964:
-Jones School should be closed
at the end of the 1964-65 season;
-A pre-school program should
be established for four-year-olds
*in the Jones School district; de-
signed to prepare the children for
the superior academic programs
in the other schools;
-A special director for this
project should be appointed.
Committee Reccommendations
The board accepted the commit-
tee's recommendations, and, ac-
cording to schedule, Aberdeen was
appointed director, the pre-school
program was initiated last Febru-
ary, and Jones School was finally
closed down in June.
During the summer, two social
workers from the school system
. have been conducting extensive in-
terviews with all of the families
of the children involved in the
relocation, discussing the parents'
reactions and many of the prob-
lems that the move will create,
Aberdeen said.
Aberdeen explained that the
school system wanted to make the
relocated, students a totally inte-
grated part of their new schools,
not a small, isolated segment of
their new environment.
Busing Problems
A problem in the area, he said,
is that most of the former Jones
pupils will have to be bused to the
new schools. This will make it
difficult for them to participate
in extra-curricular activities and
since most of the other students
will be going home for lunch, could
lead to a segregated lunch room

Efforts are being made, how-
ever, to counteract these difficul-
"In each of the schools chosen
to receive the reassigned students
there are individual parents work-
ing very hard to make the project
a success," Aberdeen said. "Some
of these have taken steps to ar-
range for carpools to transport
distant students to and from after-
school activities, and in several
instances people are planning to
host groups of former Jones stu-
dents during the lunch neriod."
Individual Aid
Aberdeen remarked that he is
pleased with the help from these
individuals and private groups.
"It's much better to have the relo-
cation implemented in a decen-
tralized fashion than by a few
administrative orders from the!
top," he said.

Aberdeen conceded that there
has been some opposition to the
relocation, but he said that, since
the board decision over a year ago,
this has been relatively minor and
Parental Apprehension
"There is a natural apprehen-
sion on the part of some parents
about possible academic deteriora-
tion of their own district," he ex-
plained. However, he added that
these fears are groundless.
"The curriculum and the aca-
demic standards of the six schools
involved will not be changed. The
Ann Arbor school system has built-
in procedures for adjusting the
work load to the individual stu-
dent's level of ability without low-
ering the standards of the rest
of the school."
Aberdeen said that more money
will be devoted to the six scncols

The parents are now waiting to this year to expand remedial and
be told which students will need counseling programs. Furrhermore.
to be helped by the carpools and an in-service program tc deal with
lunchtime supervision, Aberdeen problems in the human relations
explained. area will be established.I
OSA Announces 2 Cut
In Driving Permit Fee

Rates for student registration
permits have been lowered from
seven dollars to five dollars a
year, it was announced by W. L:
Steude, director of the Office of
Student Community Relations re-
The original price of seven dol-
lars was designed to cover the
cost of administration, enforce-
ment, and a future parking re-
serve of University lots, Steude
Because there is no more room,
he said, for future expansion of
University parking facilities, the
parking reserve portion of the
budget was deleted and the lower
cost passed on to students. Steude
said the .limited University park-
ing facilities will not be expanded
in the near future.
The original price for the Uni-
versity "E" sticker of seven dol-
lars was instituted 10 years ago
when the old Office of Automobile
Regulations was formed. Original-
ly it was designed to build a re-
serve fund for the eventual con-
struction of student parking facili-
ties but it was discovered rising
construction costs and limited
space prohibited practical use of
the plan, he said.
The rate of four dollars a year
for motorized cycle permits wll
be maintained at its present level.
The cycle parking lots on the
Diag near the UGLI and the Nat-
ural Science Building will be re-

placed this year in favor of larger
lots further from central campus.
The noise of the cycles was cited
as the reason the Diag lots were
Auto Regulations
The By-Laws of the Board
of Regents state "No student
while in attendance at the Uni-
versity shall operate an auto-
mobile except under regulations
set down by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs. Students over 21
years old or those with senior
standing may operate an auto-
mobile if properly registered
with the Office of Student Af-
fairs. . . . Any student violating
these regulations shall be lia-
ble to disciplinary action by the
proper University authorities."
These regulations apply to
the presence as well as the op-
eration of any automobile with-
in the Ann Arbor area.
All motor vehicles must be reg-
istered with the Office of StudentI
Community Relations in the base-
ment of the Student Activities
Building between eight and five
on weekdays. Students are urged
to register vehicles as soon as
Any student wishing to drive a
car on campus must have eitherl
senior standing or be over 21. 1

Stresses m
Cutler Heard'
By Editors
At Congress
'Activism' Defined,4:
Serious Mood Cited
"Student activism is not adoles-!
cent rebellion, not the reckless
hilarity of panty raids, or goldfish
swallowing. Activism is serious,
even to solemnity; it is an effort at
involvement in the major things
going on in our society."
With these words, Richard Cut-
ler, Vice-President for Student
Affairs at the University, ad-
dressed a luncheon meeting of ....
the United States Student Press VICE-PRESIDENT HUBERT H
Association, Friday, August 20 in
Madison, Wisconsin. He summed the United States Student Press
up much of the discussion, both ized aspects of recent studenti
formal and informal, at the US- ed student activism as "an effor
SPA's annual congress held this
year at the University of Wis- kI1
Vice-President Cutler began his O w n 'SS
speech with an analysis of the
Berkeley demonstrations of last EDITOR'S NOTE: Susan Collins
fall and winter. He said that they was one of several delegates from
hadfora lng imebee mi_ !The Daily to the U.S. Student Press
had, for a long time, been mis- Association Congress held in Madi-
interpreted as merely a local situ- son August 17-21. She gives here
ation, that the larger context and her impressions and observations
implications of the protests were from the five-day conference of
student journalists.
Student Activist By SUSAN COLLINS
Cutler viewed the student ac-'Special To The Daily
tivist of today as a product of
.the social and political revolution MADISON, Wis. - Despite the
of the last twenty years. He said frenzy of delegates to the Pourth
that since most of the students Annual Congress of the United
had lived only since 1945, their States Student Press Association,
orientation was toward a society most student journalists, felt the
involved in world responsibilities. opening of the congress was mark-
In addition, nuclear threat, na- ed by disappointing slowness.
tionalism, and the idea of a popu- The pace was set at the open-
lation explosion contributed to ing session which featured a pan-
their concepts of society, he said. el scheduled to discuss the theme
Cutler said that students be- of the congress, "The Years of
lieve and accept what their par- Protest."
ents only hoped or thought of The ill-starred panel seemed less
abstractly; ideas such as morality than a success, mainly because of
and the brotherhood of man are the long windedness of the speak-
realities to them. ers (several spoke for nearly half
With this social orientation it an hour, ignoring a 10-minute lim-
was natural that the students look it), disorganization and a lack of
for a mechanism to implement the preparation by the speakers.
expressed beliefs of society." Slow Start
University's Role Later in the convention, a few
Thus, according to Cutler, the of the delegates felt the congress
student must turn to demonstra- might have gotten off to a faster,
tion in all its forms, "activism" better-defined start if the open-
in a word, both within and with- ing session had begun with an in-
out the university. With this Cut- spirational talk making clear the
ler addressed himself to the role three aspects of the theme -
of the university as a "complex problems of higher education at
institution itself with a manager- universities, their coverage by "the
ial autocracy." commercial press" and the goals
See CUTLER, Page 5 and problems of USSPA itself.



UMPHREY and University, Vice-President Richard Cutler attended
Association meeting in Madison, Wis., this week. Humphrey criti-
demonstrations against U.S. policy in Viet Nam, while Cutler describ-
t at involvement in the major things going on in our society."
iarls Press Session


Sees Need
For Ref orim
Seek Permission
From Government
To Visit Castro
Special To The Daily
MADISON-Redefinition of its
internal structure and drafting of a
resolution promoting the travel of
college journalists to Cuba were
the legislative high points of the
fourth conference of the United
States Press Association held at
the University of Wisconsin last
USSPA is an organization of col-
lege newspaper editors designed
to help increase cooperation and
interchange ideas among members
of the nation's campus press.
The association's Saturday leg-
islative session gave its unani-
mous approval to a mandate di-
recting its national office "to
work with groups of member col-
lege editors in obtaining State
Department permission and public
support for trips to Cuba."
Unrepresentative Groups
Two considerations led the con-
ference to adopt the resolution. On
the one hand many delegates felt
that there was no realistic reason
for excluding the collegiate press
from the travel permission that is
granted blanketly to the commer-
cial press. And on the other hand
the representatives thought that
the few student groups who have
traveled to Cuba were often "un-
representative and one-sided" and
that these groups "have sometimes
given a questionable impression of
Cuba to the American student
Proponents of the resolution,
who originally encountered varied
opposition to their proposal, em-
phasized that a primary force be-
hind their wish to enable college
journalists to travel to Cuba was
to establish a recognized form of
equality between the collegiate
and the commercial press.
No Distinction
The resolution made this more
than clear when it said, "No dis-
tinction can be drawn between the
commercial and the student prbss
in this regard ... As student jour-
See EDITORS, Page 5



Despite a quickening of the pace
due to the improvement of speak-
ers, including the University's
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler, more than
a few members of the congress
were let down by the opening
session, which failed to make ap-
petizing the prospect of hours of
In other activities, Vice-Presi-
dent Hubert H. Humphrey held a
press conference in Madison. He
criticized "irresponsible" elements
in the recent widespread student
protests over U.S. policy in Viet
Perhaps one of the more pop-
ular events, as the convention got
rolling, was a briefing session on
"Education in the Commercial
Press," by David Bednarek, edu-
cation writer for the Wisconsin
State Journal; Hoyt Purvis, for-
mer editor of the Daily Texan,
and Jeffrey Greenfield, former
editor of the University of Wis-
consin Cardinal.
More Coverage
Regarding the press' view of
higher education, Bednarek said
newspapers are no longer "content
with a picture of a coed in a tight
sweater." Attention is being turn-
ed to new degree programs, course
work, budgets and trends in pro-

fessional education. Sometimes,
Bednarek added, such coverage in
depth must be carried on in spite
of an occasional educator who
would prefer that the press leave
his "bailiwick" alone and concen-
trate on football scores.
One of the best pieces of evi-
dence for the increasing interest
of newspapers in education, it
was pointed out, has been the
creation of a new title on many
papers-that of education editor.
The professional newspapermen
agreed that higher education is
not easy to cover. The Texas re-
porterwho broke the Billie Sol
Estes story showed little or no
talent for covering education when
his paper transferred him to that
Among newspaper readers, Behr-
endt said, there is growing inter-
est in education. The average
reader may not read all the way
through an article on higher edu-
cation, he explained, but he is
"more and more uneasy when he
passes" one up.
Higher Education
In regard to the commercial
press coverage of higher educa-
tion, Hoyt maintained that al-
though the commercial press has
improved its in depth coverage
See EXAMINE, Page 5




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