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November 24, 1965 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-24

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U.S. Awareness of Sciences
Shown by Formation of ESSA

Several international events of
the past decade have convinced
the United States government,
"that it is to our national ad-
vantage to have capable scientists,
with all of the necessary equip-
ment, conducting scientific re-
search in all of the sciences, at all
This policy first become evi-
dent during the Eisenhower ad-
ministration, with the appoint-
ment of a science advisor to the
President. It was accelerated after
the USSR and the U.S. first began
working on a nuclear test ban.
Scientists in this country admitted
that seismological methods of de-
tecting vibrations within the earth
were at that time not refined
enough to detect underground
nuclear tests.
New Awareness
According to Prof. Henry N.
Pollack, a geophysicist in the de-
partment of geology and minerol-
ogy specializing in seismological
studies of the earth, this new
awareness of science and of the
natural environment surrounding
our human environment is one of
many reasons for the establish-
ment of a new agency in Wash-
ington, the Environmental Science
Services Administration (ESSA).
The agency is made up of four
institutes, involved with studies of
earth sciences, oceanography, at-
mospheric sciences, and telecom-
munication sciences.
In the future, this agency could
be involved in such tasks as the
prevention of earthquakes, the
desalinization of ocean water, the
control of the weather, and in-
ternational or even interplanetary
satellite communications.
Pollock limited his comments to
the inportance of the ESSA on
the earth sciences at both the
national and university level. "The
trend is definitely for large pro-
grams in earth science," and often,
this makes federal coordination
very useful.
University Research
The University participates in
several regional, national, and in-
ternational projects investigating
both earthquakes and the earth's

crust in general. The U.S. gov-
ernment often helps to organize
and finance these ventures, while
it is the university that conducts
the research.
The Geophysical Laboratory at
Willow Run is entirely financed by
federal funds, but much of the
other research being done by the
staff of the department of geology,
and mineralogy is financed by the
Political, Social Implications
The future political and social
implications of this seismological
and geophysical research could be
tremendous. Pollack maintained,
for example, that while we will
"probably never be able to say
precisely when and where an
earthquake will strike, in the fu-

ture, we should be able to point
out the likelihood of an earth-
quake to strike an area within a
certain year."

Urges Alterations
In Housing Office
(Continued from Page 1) and Ann Arbor citizens. The orig-
ommendations, the commission inal membership of the commis-
listsndinseificromsals"fonsion included: Rev. Ernest T.
lists nine specific proposals "for Campbell of the First Presbyter-
improving the educational atmos- ian Church, Prof. Douglas D.
phere for the housing of all stu- Crary of the geography depart-
dents." These proposals are: ment, Prof. Donald F. Eschman,
-Expanding of the "Pilot Proj- chairman of the geology and min-
ect" in East Quadrangle to the eralogy department; Franklin C.
other residence halls, with such Forsythe, an attorney; Dr. Fred-
modifications as experience with erick B. House; Elizabeth B. Kum-

"Little can be done
earthquake, but quite
be done to prepare for

New Co-Op Opens;
More Are Planned

Attention SENIOR &t
Students-U.S. Citizens
Needing Nominal FINANCIAL
HELP to Complete Their Edu-
cation This Academic Year -
and Then Commence Work -
Cosigners Required. Send Trans-
script and Full Details of Your
Plans and Requirements To
610-612 Endicott Bldg.,
St. Paul 1, Minn.
A Non-Profit Corp.

to stop an
a lot can
one. While

most cities at present have no
earthquake protection, if a com-
munity knew that it was threat-
ened, it could do several things in
The civil defense system could
be maintained at miximum effi-
ciency, reservoirs of water could
be filled to help fight fires, and
its utilities could be made in-
dependent of the neighboring
areas, so that a massive break-
down could be avoided.

the original plan would suggest;
-Assuming a more active role
in advising the private owners
and investors of the basic aca-
demic needs and desires of the
students, and urging their incor-
poration in the private housing
available to students;

mer, president of the University's
chapter of the American Associa-
tion of University Women; Regent
Frederick C. Matthaei; Lawrence
D. Phillips, Grad, then president
of the Graduate Student Coun-
cil; Prof. Patricia W. Rabinovitz
of the social work school; Suzanne
Charrnienin niAcco

Plan Proposes Faculty
Assembly for Next April

-Providing adequate informa- ,,nrwoUd, student, and Assistant
tion on miscellaneous services to Dean Roy E. Proffitt of the Law
students, landlords and city offi- School Proffitt was chairman.
cials to assure that the living Five Questionss
experience of the students in Ann In the president's statement to
Arbor will be satisfactory and the commission he asked it to
pleasant; consider and respond to five gen-
Residence Halls eral questions. These were:
-Undertaking all reasonable
means of improving the physical -Is there an appropriate pro-
conditions of the residence halls portion of the students which
to meet some of the students' should be housed in University fa-
most numerous complaints;acilitiesv
-Remodeling some of the facilities?
apartments in the residence halls -What style of accommodations
to accommodate families so that and for what categories of stu-
more faculty members can be en- dents should be provided by the
ticed to live in the residence halls. community and by the University?

(Continued from Page 1)
proval of the Senate, the new
proposal says only that such an
action may be revoked at a meet-
ing of the Senate by a vote of
two, thirds of the members present.
This should not, Eggertsen em-
phasized, be interpreted as a pro-
vision to give the Assembly more
"What we wished to do," he
said, "was to make it quite clear
that it is a legislative body of the
Senate. We want the Assembly
to have a greater policy-making
function than the SACUA has and
we wouldn't want the Senate to
overrule the Assembly lightly."
Temporary provisions were in-
cluded in the new proposal to pro-
vide for the initial establishment
of the new system. The addition
of these. provisions was a re-
sponse to the complaint that the
new bylaws were not explicit
enough. Though these points could
have been included in added reso-
lutions, Eggertsen explained, "it
seemed that people wanted to see

the whole thing down in the
Other changes were minor. It
was stated in the original proposal
that the Assembly meet once a
month and SACUA once a week,
but it was complained that this
was unnecessarily binding. A vice-
chairman for SACUA was men-
tioned in the new proposal simply
because one already exists, and it
might as well be in the bylaws. It
was stated in the new proposal
that an assemblyman may serve
only one term instead of only two
terms in a row, mainly because
SACUA is so constituted now.
The Committee on University
Freedom and Responsibility was,
formed in 1961 to work toward
helping the faculty formulate and
communicate a consensus. In its
first year the idea of a faculty
assembly was conceived and dis-
cussed. Much interest was aroused
when Eggertsen described the
committee's ideas before the Sen-
ate in April 1964, which at that
time approved a series of faculty
discussion groups to sound out the

With the official opening of
Pickerill House, Sunday, the num-
ber of affiliated housing units in
the Inter-Cooperative Council has
increased to ten. The newest unit,
named for Mr. and Mrs. Reverand
H. Lynn Pickerill, houses 29 stu-
dents with facilities for meals for
another fourteen.
Pickerill Co-op, finished behind
schedule when the contractor went
broke, was planned by the ICC
Development committee, and fi-
nanced by some $85,000 in ICC
funds. The new co-op was pur-
chased in 1964, renovated during
the summer and fall, and is joined
to another co-op by a dinning
facility seating 100 students. A
third co-op joins the two for
ICC membership totals 325 stu-
dents. It is run by a board of
directors. Each house elects one
member to the board for every
twenty students in the house. In-
dividual houses elect officers to
manage internal affairs.
Membership in the co-op system
is on a first come basis, with a
waiting list for membership us-
ually around 45-55 students. A
member must agree to work in the
co-op for some five hours a week
at household or management
tasks. Rates for room and board
are approximately $400 less than
in the University dorm system,
and around $200 less than the
University owned Oxford Co-ops.
Members attend house meetings
every two weeks.
ICC is entirely student con-
trolled. Despite this, they have
managed to raise $174,000 in the
last four years for purchase of
and renovation of co-ops. At pres-
ent, ICC is planning a co-op
village on North Campus with
facilities for approximately 200
students. For this -development
they have requested 1.65 acres of
North Campus land from the Uni-
Estimates of cost have not yet
been made, though the ICC de-
velopment committee is preparing
a plan for presentation to the
University. ICC hopes to obtain
a federal loan to finance the
proposed, facility.
New ZBT House
The land that ICC is requesting
is part of a parcel designated by
the University for affiliated and
associated student housing, and
is located next to the ZBT fra-
ternity house. Recently, another

I(igle) JUST
(tee " hoe)
agro vie vie
3rd Hit W.eek!
-Bosley Crowther N Y Times


fraternity which was trying to
obtain land for a new house in
the area dropped its request.
Dormitories seem to be taking
over some of this area as Cedar
Bend II is being built on such
designated land.


-Provision for similar arrange-
ments in the married student
-Improving the study condi-
tions for the married student
-Organizational linkage be-
tween the Housing Office and the

-What regulation, if any,
should the University seek over
privately-owned facilities to in-
sure a good environment for stu-.
-What provisions should theI
University make for foreign stu-

Center for R sarch on Lea=i nin dents to insure a valuable, mean-
Center for Research on Learning ingful experience for them while,
and Teaching, and in this country,?
Off-Campus ih.t
--Construction or acquisition of -What should be the Univer-
facilities in the off-campus area sity's responsibility to private own-
where counseling services similar ers and developers of student
to those provided in the residence housing? How should this respon-
halls 'could be obtained, student sibility be fulfilled?
activity and recreation facilities During the past year the com-
provided, and where students mission met 27 times to discuss
could have non-classroom contacts these questions and to make rec-
with members of the faculty. ommendations in each area. Also,
The commission first convened they solicited reports and advice
early in 1965 with 11 members from individuals of expertise both
representing students, the Univer- within and outside of the Uni-
sity administration and faculty, versity community.


I S '' .
. - :{.

"a tour-de-
force of sex
and suspense!



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Order Your Daily Now-
Phone 764-0558

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should' be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 359 Administration Bldg. be-
fare 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.,
Day Calendar
Biological Chemistry Colloquium:
Dr. Lars Svennerholm, Dept. of Med-
ical Biochem., Univ. of Gothenburg,
Sweden, will speak on. "Brain Glycol-
pids Their Chemistry and Distribu-
tion in Normal and Pathological Tis-.
sue," Wed., Nov. 24, 12:30 p.m., M6423
Medical Science Bldg.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Dec. 17. Communi-
cations for consideration at this meet-
Ing must be in the President's hands
nat later than Dec. 3.3
NASA Electronics Research Center:
Invites grad students interested in re-
search work in electronics and related
areas such as guidance, computers, op-
tics, space power systems, etc. to sub-
mit resumes of their qualifications to
the Center, 575 Technology Equare,
+Cambridge, Mass., 02139.
Committee on International Exchange
of Persons: Announces NATO Research
Fellowships and Visiting Professorships
In Humanities and Social Sciences In
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
nizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
Lutheran Student Chapel, Thanksgiv-
Ing Day service, Nov. 25, 10 a.m., Luth-
eran Student Chapel, Hill St. at For-
University Lutheran Chapel, Nov. 25,
9:45 a.m., there will be a special
Thanksgiving Day service with the Rev.
Theo, Scheidt preaching on "Steadfast
Love ... Forever," 1511 Washtenaw.

foreign universities for 1966-67. Dead-
line for application is Dec. 20. Also,
1966 Summer' Institutes for college
teachers in Indian Civilization, and
Chinese Culture and Society to be
held in India and Taiwan, respectively.
Deadline for application is Dec. 15.
Descriptive material may be consulted
in the Graduate Fellowship Office, Rm.
110 Rackham Bldg.
Belgian American Educational Foun-
dation: Announces four post-doctoral
fellowships for study at a Belgian uni-
versity in 1966-67. One candidate may be
nominated by the University of Michi-
gan. Prospective applicants should con-
sult Associate Dean Freeman D. Miller,
118 Rackham, not later than Dec. 6.
Applilactaions for National Science
Foundation Summer Fellowships for
Grad Teaching Assistants for the sum-
mer of 1966 are due in the Grad Fel-
lowship Office on Dec. 3. Students are
advised to consult with their advisors
or departmental chairmen before mak-
ing application, to be certain that they
meet the requirements and minimum
academic standards for NSF Fellowship
Student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting on
Feb. 28, 1936: Students shall pay all
accounts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of each
semester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; how-
ever, student loans not yet due are
exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the
close of business on the last day of
classes will be reported to the Cash-
ier of the University and
a) All academic credits will be with-
held, the grades for the semester or
summer session just completed will not
be released ,and no transcript of credits
will be issued.
b) All students owing such accounts

will not be allowed to register in any
subsequent semester or summer ses-
sion until payment has been made.
Doctoral Examination for Dwight
Ward Stevenson, English Language &
Literature; thesis: "Samuel Langhorne
Clemens as a Literary Artist: A Study
of His Use of the Novella Form," Wed.,
Nov. 24, 2601 Haven Hall, at 4 p.m.
Chairman, Marvin Felheim.
Doctoral Examination for Douglas
Remigius Schiebel, Psychology; thesis:
"Tactile Behavior in Psychopathol-
ogy," Wed., Nov. 24, 2235 Angell Hall,
at 3 p.m. Chairman, H. M. Wolowitz.
Doctoral Examination for John Key
Chang, Economics; thesis: "Indexes of
Industrial Production of Mainland
China, 1912-1949," Wed., Nov. 24, 2A
Econ. Bldg., at 4:15 p.m. Chairman,
Alexander Eckstein.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Robert Johnson, Psychology; thesis:
"Hippocampal Lesions and Distraction,"
Wed., Nov. 24, 3419 Mason Hall, at 3
p.m. Chairman, R. L. Isaacson.
Doctoral Examination for William
VanDoorne, Chemistry; thesis: "A Nu-
clear Magnet Resonance Study of Some
Aminohalophosphines,"'Wed., Nov. 24,
3005 Chemistry Bldg., at 4 p.m. Chair-
man, R. W. Parry.
Studenpt Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has become
Approval request forms for student
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
UAC-Winter Weekend '66, Mass meet-
ing, League Ballroom, Nov. 21, 7:30 p.m.
Delta Gamma Sorority, Hot dog din-
ners, 1800 Washtenaw, Nov. 14-21, 5:30-
7 p.m.

Voice, Rally, Diag, Nov. 24, 12 noon. For further information, please call
University of Michigan Gilbert and 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
Sullivan Society, "Pirates of Penzance," pointments, 3200 SAB.
Lydia Mendelssohn, Dec. 1, 8 p.m.
QC~gg12 sAB-
Attention: Dec. grads & students not
POSITION OPENINGS: returning to school in January. Boyne
City of Rome, N.Y.-Municipal Plan- Mountain Lodge & Boyne Highlands
ning Director. Degree in planning, pub- are hiring men & women for the skiing
lic admin., architect., lands, arch., civil season. They need waitresses, busboys,
engrg. or soc. or polit. sci. plus 2 yrs. ski patrol, retailing in ski shop. Good
exper. in city planning or related, wages & tips. For details come to 212
I $AB.
Mgmt. Consultants, N.Y.C.-Sales Mgr.
for shoe products. Degree desirable, ex- TEACHER PLACEMENT:
per, in shoe mfg, industry. Knowl. of The following schools have vacancies
tech, aspects of shoe mfg. Extensive for now and/or next semester:
travel. Berkley, Mich.-H.S. Guid. Counselor.
State of Connecticut, Hartford - (Man preferred.)
Various openings including Welfare Northville, Mich. (Plymouth State
Food Stamp Program Supv., Casework- Home & Training Sch.)-Child Care
er, Ass't. Director of Nursing (Psychi- Worker.
atric). Also Case Supv. for child wel- * * *
fare & public assistance. MSW plus 2 For additional information contact
yrs. exper, or BA in soc. or psych, or the Bureau of Appointments, Education
related plus 4 yrs. exper. Division, 3200 SAB, 764-7462.





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