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Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
eRelease Revised Senate. Restructurin4
A 65 member faculty assembly
composed of representatives nom-
inated and elected. by their re-t
spective colleges and not at large
as originally planned was among
the innovations called for in a re-1
vised proposal to change Univer-
sity Senate bylaws distributed to
the faculty yesterday morning.
The Subcommittee on Univer-
sity Freedom and Responsibility
revised its earlier Senate reorga-
nization proposal, which was "ap-
proved in principle" by the Sen--
ate last April but was not put
into effect, to meet several ob-t
jections and to clarify severalt
points so that it can be brought
up again when the Senate meets two-thirds vote, and not a simple
Monday. majority as planned.
In the new proposal temporary Other changes include the dele-:
provisions were added describing tion of the requirements that the
the manner in which the new or- assembly meet once a month and:
gan, the Assembly, would be set that SACUA meet once a week.
up next April and how the mem- With the revisions, the new by-+
bership of the Senate Advisory laws will probably be approved by
Committee on University Affairs the Senate Monday.
(SACUA) would then be changed. SACUA Support
Voting Change "Since SACUA now supports it,
The University Senate, in which unanimously and before was sig-
all the members of the professoial nificantly divided, it would ap-s
staff, the deans and. major ad- pear that the plan as revised,
ministrators and officers have one meets most of the objections orig-
vote (and which is not changed by inally urged against it," Prof.
the proposal) will be able under Ralph Loomis of the engineering
the new proposal to revoke an school observed last night.
action of the assembly only by a Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the
sociology department explained
why the proposal has mustered so
much support.
"The assembly is," he said last
night, "an adaptation of an old!
form to a much larger and more
complicated University." He add-
ed that the present Senate "seems
cumbersome and slow."
According to the bylaws now in
effect, the Senate, which meets
twice a year ,is the only facultyj
representative body. Though it
has close to 2000 members, it is
often barely able to meet its 10'
per cent quorum at meetings.
As a representative body, it is
not effective. It is pointed out that
it is too big to have organization For these reasons the proposal for nominating and electing the "We thought," he said yester-
and meets too rarely to handle was made, not to revise the Uni- Assembly members which would day, "that the Assembly, since it
problems as they arise. versity Senate itself, but to supple- assure not only proportionate rep- belongs to the University, should
"Too frequently," Prof. Claude ment it with a viable working leg- resentation of each unit but that not have its origins in the orig-
Eggertsen of the education school islative arm, the 65 membered selected members of the Assem- inal colleges."
maintains, "routine reports are Assembly, and to reduce SACUA bly would be truly representative Election by the individual.col-
made and policy is not discussed." to a nine member executive body.1 of their units." leges was introduced to the new
This is the core of both this and prpsa was anodicato ched
The only other faculty body pro- last April's proposal. Perhaps this point reflects con- proposal as a modification called
vided for by the present bylaws cern that only widely known fac- for in debate, but probably not a
is the Senate Advisory Committee It was the seemingly minor ulty members might be elected. serious one.
on University Affairs. This com- points that met with most of the! The colleges themselves should be Most of the other changes rep-
mittee, however ,is only advisory debate and which resulted in the better able to decide on their resented elaborations or reword-
and is not empowered to repre- changes that were announced yes- representation. ings.
sent the faculty. terday. Eggertsen, chairman of the sub- Assembly Power
It is also said that the 19- A major subject of debate over committee on university freedom;Ae seyorn r
membered SACUA, which may be this proposal, according to April's and responsibility, explained that'it Where in the original proposal
rather large for an advisory body, Senate Affairs, was "the relation- he thought the Assembly should Assmbly are subject to the ap-
is too small to be really repre- ship of the Assembly to the Sen- represent the University as a
sentative. ate as a whole, and the procedures whole. See PLANS, Page 2
1 EP
Kelley Supports Bargaining Rights'U'Officials
Riht:Delay Their
Bodkin, Berland Give
Mixed Reaction to
Commission's Study
In an advisory opinion issued
yesterday, Attorney General Frank
Kelley yesterday asserted that
nonacademic employes of the Uni-
versity may be represented by a
collective bargaining agent for the
purpose of meeting and conferring
with the Regents on matters of
wages, hours and working con-
This upholds las nJune's Public
Act' 379, an amendment to the
Hutchinson Act, which allows pub-
lic employes to organize and elect
a collective bargaining agent to;
deal with their employers.}
University administrators were
not available for comment last
night, but earlier statements in-
dicate that the University may
contest the ruling on the grounds
that it violates the University's
right to autonomous control over
expenditures granted by the State
Constitution (Art. VIII, Sec. 5).
The original Hutchinson Act of
1947 prohibited public employes
from striking or walking off their
jobs. Last June's amendment to
Key University administrators
declined to comment yesterday'
on the just-released report of the
the act granted public employes President's Commission on Off-
the collective bargaining right. Campus Housing, but two studentsj
'U' Protests active in efforts to improve -local
University officials have pro- housing conditions gave mixedI
tested the application of this reactions to the document.
amendment to the some 8000 non- Eugene Haun, director of res -
academic employes in such areas idence halls, and William Stuede,'
as the University hospital, laundry director of student-community re-
and plant maintainence. The Uni- lations, joined Vice-President for
versity contends that they must Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler
be considered as University, not in withholding comment until they,
public employes. have time to thoroughly study the
Officials fear that this inter- report.
ference by the state into the Uni- Robert Bodkin, '67E, a mem-
versity's relations with its em- ber of a committee to advise Uni-
ployes may set a precedent for versity administrators on housing
legislative infringement on the problems, called the report "broad-;
University's autonomy in other ly based."*
areas. "I believe its intention was to
Deputy Attorney General Leon set a philosophy and framework
S. Cohan, however, insisted last that could be used to deal withj
night that the application of the specifics. But the report is more
Hutchinson Act amendment does history than economics or poli-k
not infringe on the University's tics," he added.
What's* New at 764-1817
Hot Line
The pilot project may well be in for some large-scale
expansion next fall, Dean William Haber of the literary college
indicated last night. According to Haber, Prof. Theodore Newcomb
of the sociology department handed him a memorandum yester-
day from an ad hoc committee of dorm officials and faculty
members which has been investigating the workings of the pilot
project. He said the committee reported that the basic features
of the project were working quite successfully and recommended
that serious consideration be given to expanding the project to
include the entire freshman class at some time in the future.
As for shorter range plans, Haber indicated that there would
probably be no changes next semester, but that large scale
changes were likely for next fall so that "more subjects, more
areas, and more students" can be included. As for sweeping long-
range expansion of the program, Haber said that "cost is a
somewhat limiting factor, but if the system is proved in its
educational worth, as all the information seems to indicate, then
the project will be expanded as fast as possible."
The two Negro sororities at the University will entertain all
1,028 rushees this spring, as they take part in regular rush for
the first time. Previously, they have conducted "associate rush"
at the same time as Panhellenic rush. Panhellenic will pay for
part of their expenses, and extra girls from sorority houses will
help the 25 girls in Alpha Kappa Alpha and the 12 in Delta
Sigma Theta handle over 50 rushees at a time.
* * * *
During the Thanksgiving recess both the Graduate and
Undergraduate libraries will be open their regularly scheduled
hours with the exception of Thanksgiving Day, when they will
open at 1 o'clock and close at midnight.
The Student Rights Committee plans to distribute copies of
the Schiff papers in the fishbowl today. The papers include Paul
Schiff's plea for readmission to Michigan State University and
the university administration's defense of its refusal to allow him
to re-enroll. Schiff's case has been taken to court because of his
contention that his civil liberties have been violated.
Petitioning is now open for one female position on Joint Ju-
diciary Council, Joel Bernstein, '66, JJC chairman, announced
yesterday. Petitions are available in Rm. 1011 SAB and are due
by 5:00 p.m. Monday, Nov. 29.
* *
-Daily-Robert wllimarth
ASSOCIATE' DEAN ROY PROFFITT of the law school, chairman for the Ann Arbor citizens "blue
ribbon" commission on off-campus housing, presents the commission's report to University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher. The report calls for the establishment of a new division of housing in the
Office of Student Affairs.
IllSU FacultyGroup
Rules Against Schiff
Only Consultation
The amendment merely permits'
collective bargainers to consult
with the Regents; it does not im-
pose any obligations on the Re-
gents and union bargainers to
agree on any consessions, he said.
Cohan added that Kelley con-
sistently has ruled in favor of
University autonomy over its ex-
penditures and will not do any-
thing in the future to invade that
Hue said that the attorney gen-!
eral's office in an eight page
report accompanying yesterday's
decision defined University em-
ployes as public employes and
the Regents as their public em-
ployer. With this definition, Uni-
versity workers necessarily are'
granted the right to collective bar-
gaining given to all public em-
Bodkin criticized the "logic with,
regard to using cost statistics. It
leads to a wrong inference on
the -part of the reader," he said.'
"On one hand the survey says stu-I
dents are willing to pay more if
they can find suitable Iousing.
NXTL.+LS,+ ..fl t. +n A s±. + ^
Lists Ideas
Asks AppointInent of
Director for Housing
To Unify OSA Work
The President's Commission on
Off-Campus Housing yesterday re-
leased a report recommending the
creation of a new division of
"housing" in the Office of Student
Affairs and the prompt appoint-
ment of a director for this divi-
The report also included a state-
ment of "A Philosophy for Student
Housing" asking that the Univer-
sity's "housing- policies in general
be made to reflect (its) educa-
tional purposes."
The Commission on Off-Campus
Housing was first proposed by
University President H a r a n
Hatcher at a student convocation
on Nov. 5, 1964 when he called for
the appointment of a "blue rib-
bon" commission of Ann Arbor
citizens to study the University's
relation with the community in
the field of student housing.
Growth Pressures
President Hatcher said at-'the
time that the pressure of growing
enrollment had brought new
apartments into use and attracted
"new private ventures like the
(18-story) high-rise structure on
South University." This trend, he
said, "raises anew the question of
the relationships between the Uni-
versity and Ann Arbor as a city
and between the University and
private landlords as owners and
renters of accommodations."
In making its recommendation
for the establishment of a divi-
sion of "housing" in the OSA, the
commission charged that there
"was evidence of duplication of
effort" and that "planning is not
always coordinated" between the
offices involved in housing.
The commission added that "the
University personnel charged with
the responsibility . .. of the stu-
dents' housing problems have oth-
er important and time consuming
duties, which compete for their
attention and prevent them from
becoming housing 'experts. A di-
rector of housing, with appropri-
ate responsibility and authority,'
could eliminate these problems."
Earlier Debate
The creation of this post, ac-
cording to the report, was "rec-
ommended and discussed at a
meeting of the Board of Regents
in May 1962, but no action was
taken." The report also quoted for-
mer Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis, who pre-
dicted in a staff paper prepared
in the fall of 1962, that, "even-
tually all forms of student housing
will come under the supervision of
a director of housing."
As the commission envisions the
function of the new office, "The
roerd o f houin ill ne
what it fails to add is that more By STEVE WILDSTROM federal court retained 90 day
desirable housing at lower cost is jurisdiction over the case. This
what they are searching for. Thus A Michigan State University jurisdiction will remain in effect
the statistics gained from cost faculty committee yesterday up- until Jan. 14, 1966. Schiff said
and preference questions lead to held the university's stand in
that some sort of motion will be
an erroneous conclusion." denying readmission to former
"Ti ocuio, esi i tdn auicif filed with the court before that
"This conclusion,' he said "is stdentPauSchdinstrtime appealing the faculty com-
that students are willing to pay The MSU administration re- mittee decision.
more. This assumes that students fused to readmit Schiff last June; In a statement made following
going here are representative ofSchiff then filed suitagainsttn. the committees, decision, h
the students who would like to at- unceiffythendfildst agnttheI said: "It is my belief that the de-
tend the University. This is ob- duiversitand last month a fed- cision of the faculty committee
viously not a valid assumption." realnithiccourtor ered to was wrong. They have upheld the
Bodkin added that the commis- right of MSU to deny me or any
sion was dedicated to the prin- The faculty committee's deci- student the right to an education
ciple of providing low cost educa- sion came after two days of closed because he exercised his constitu-
ffhearings and 20 hours of delibera-; tional rights in a manner distate
ion.w at is report aned to
ployes under the Hutchinson Act in. VV was i hat the mao tion. Testimony from both theI
amendment. p tas stha th m MSU administration and from!
cost for in-state students is hous- Schiff was heard.
Others AgreeScifwshadj
Cohan said that Wayne State Bodkin went on to criticize the Retained Jurisdiction
University and Michigan State report for avoiding specifics. At the time of its decision, the]
University apparently concur with "Terms of delineation of areas
this right of university employes for the housing director to dealC
as defined under the amendment, with should have been included," H ousingm
since they have forwarded no he said. "This would concern spe-
complaints. cifically, the cost of private devel-
He predicted that the decision of opment, and areas of improve- i Eergen
the attorney general's office would ment on the part of the city of
very likely be upheld if brought Ann Arbor above and beyond their'
to court. present certification of housing.
The decision was drafted by By BOB CARNEY
experts in educational law and What the commission membersCityHo Co.C
reviewed by the senior attorneys should realize is the need for Ciy Housing Commission Chair-
ofiee the ffiesweiorastytohn quality high rise developments to man Henry B. Aquinto said yes-
of the office as wel as by Cohan cope with the currently unsatis- terday that the newly-appointed
and Kelley, he said. fied demand of students to live commission will consider the prob-
Cohan said the eight-page re- near the camnus. lem of filling the need for emer-'
port accompanying the decision "egency dwelling units for evicted
'lists Supreme Court decisions on "The report appears to leave
th} ucisnAtt aku the door open." he added. "The families at its first meeting Fri-
the Hutchinson Act to back up hday evening, 7:30 p.m. at city hall.
yesterday's announcement. pronosed director of housing would,
sPedentbe able to deal with specific areas Aquinto said that the commis-,
He menined a decision in 1948 effectively." sion has been charged by the
in the case of Peters vs. the State. Georgia Berland, '67. member city council to consider the area'
Unded this decision, the right of of the same advisory committee, of temporary shelter for evicted
ful to the university administra-
"I am confident that the federal
courts will ultimately uphold my
position and find that the univer-
mission Plans
cy Dwellings
mixed intentions on future plans.
The Federation for an Ann Ar-,
bor Housing Commission has
pledged its full cooperation with
the commission.
However, the NAACP, another
opposition group, has not yet pre-
pared a statement. At Monday's
council meeting, Dr. Albert Wheel-
er, the president of the Ann Arbor
chapter of the NAACP, implied
that he might try to block federal
aid to the commission because "it
was discriminatorily appointed."
sity had failed to give me a fair
hearing and has punished me for
exercising the rights of an
American citizen."
Schiff ran into trouble with the
university last year for distribut-
ing copies of "Logos," the off-
campus publication of the Com-
mittee for Student Rights, in vio-
lation of MSU's distribution rules.
Schiff has claimed that the rule
he is accused of violating did not
come into existence until two
weeks after his alleged violation.
Decision Explained
Prof. Frederick Williams of the
MSU history department and
chairman of the faculty commit-
tee said that his committee "spent
hours of world providing for a full,
fair and impartial hearing." He
added that they heard sugges-
tions from the American Associa-
tion of University Professors and
followed procedure set down by
the federal courts as outlined in
the decision Dixon v. Ala.
During the hearing a contro-
versy arose because the sessions
were closed to the public. Schiff
had asked for an omen hearing but
his request was denied. Williams
defended the committee's action
saying that the decision to hold
closed hearings was "made in
' accord with established university
procedure to protect all parties in-
He added that "certain exten-
I sions were made in the procedures,
- ltGV V l 1VUbig Wil p --
set down by the courts to protect Imtaehnula*
Schiff," adding that- Schiff wasvidual initiative."
present throughout the hearings The report also said that "the
with his attorney and that he was commission would expect that