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November 24, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-24

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Hanoi: No Meeting Before Withdrawal

TOKYO (P)-President Ho Chi'
Minh of North Viet Nam has re-
asserted a demand that all U.S.,
troops withdraw from South Viet
Nam as a condition for settle-
He thus appeared to have de-
destroyed all hopes tat the Com-
munists might move toward a
compromise which could bring the
conflict to a conference table.
Peking's New China News Agen-
cy reported that the North Viet1
Nam leader sent a letter Nov. 17
to Dr. Linus Carl Pauling, a U.S:'
Nobel Prize winner, restating Com-
munist demands. These demands
since March 22 have been laid
down consistently as prior condi-
tions to be met before any inter-]
national Geneva-style conference
would even be considered.
At his ranch home near San
Luis Obispo, Calif., Pauling said

the letter apparently is an answer
to an appeal he and other Nobel
Peace Prize winners sent last Au-
gust to the heads of various gov-
ernments involved in the Viet Nam
He said the appeal urged a ne-
gotiated settlement.
President Johnson last April ex-
pressed U.S. willingness for "un-
conditional discussions." With
both the United States and the
Communists holding firmly to

partment confirmed that U Thant,
secretary-general of the United
Nations, last fall relayed word
that North Viet Nam was willing
to talk with U.S. representatives
at Rangoon, Burma.
A spokesman said Washington
rejected this because "all our in-
dications were that there was no
serious intent on the other side."
He added that on the basis of the
evidence, "We did not believe at
any time that North Viet Nam was

a Californian who has won No- I tional Front for Liberation.
bel Prizes in two categories, chem- These terms included withdraw-
istry and peace. He joined the al of all U.S. troops, materiel and
Center for Study of Democratic bases from South Viet Nam, can-
Institutions at Santa Barbara, cellation of the military alliance
Calif., after retiring last year from with Saigon, an end to all "acts
the California Institute of Tech- of war against North Viet Nam,"

"The South Vietnamese people
will not bow down to the invad-
ers," the dispatch quoted Ho as
saying. "They have been fighting
heroically against the U.S. aggres-

and settlement of the Viet Nam
question "in accordance with the
program of the South Viet Nam
National Front for Liberation
without any foreign interference."
In effect, this means settlement

their terms for talks, diplomatic available for serious peace talks." I sors and their henchmen and are on Communist terms.
efforts toward settling the war The efforts continued. There scoring even greater victories." The United States has been un-
may have reached a dea dend. have been some gestures since The letter accused the U.S. gov- willing to recognize the demand
Diplomatic efforts date to au- then which might have been con- ernment of "deceitful talk" about of the Viet Cong or its political
tumn a year ago, shortly after U.S. sidered probes, but Ho's latest negotiations, of wanting to "ne- front to represent South Vietna-
planes struck North Vietnamese pronouncement appeared to leave gotiate from a position of mese people. Its stand has been
naval installations in retaliation little or no room for compromise. strength." It then spelled out that a conference would serve no
for Red attacks on U.S. warships The Red Chinese news agency, again detailed demands laid down purpose unless North Viet Nam in-
in the Tonkin Gulf. in a Hanoi dispatch, relayed an in a March 22 statement of the tended "to cease aggression
This month, the U.S. State De- account of Ho's letter to Pauling, Viet Cong's political arm, the Na- against their neighbors."


U.S. May Join
That Includes


Arms Talk
Red China.

Johnson To
Meet Wilson
Next -Month
To Discuss Rhodesia,
Spread of Weapons;
Visit Follows Erhard
Johnson has added British Prime
Minister Harold Wilson to his
schedule of official visitors.

-Associated Press
SOLDIERS ARE DRENCHED by rain while waiting to leave battle area in nearby helicopter.
Guerrillas Hit Isolated Outposts;
U.S.To Utilize New Weapons

UN Passes

-Associated Press
ON PATROL IN RHODESIA, police check out streets of Bulawayo, where the first fatality in the un-
rest following independence occurred yesterday.
Wilson Refuses To Stop Trade
To Rhodesia Without Support

R esolution Johnson and Wilson will meet
R s u o Dec. 17 to discuss a wide range.
of world issues, the Texas White
Votes for Meeti House announced yesterday. They
VtesforM elast met in Washington Dec. 7-9,
Not Later than '67; 1964.
Next month's meeting will fol-
lly rance Atain1s Ilow by a little more than two
weeks the Dec. 2-3 visit of West
UNITED NATIONS (P) - The German hChancellor Ludwig Er-
United States declared its will- hard.
ingness yesterday to enter into Th
preliminary talks with Communist e site of neither meeting has
China and other key powers on been announced, but they are ex-
a world disarmament conference. pected to be either in Washing-
However, it withheld a decision ton or at the LBJ Ranch near
on attending such a conference. here.
Ambassador Arthur J. Gold- Johnson has put out the wel-
berg disclosed the U.S. position come mat for Prime Minister Lal
just before the General Assembly Bahadur Shastri of India and
Main Political C m President Hohammed Ayub Khan
Mi P o.iticalConmitee apprnovof Pakistan, but no arrangements
ed 91 to 0, with one abstention,
an Asian-African resolution call- have yet been made for either
ing for a conference not later than of these leaders to come to this
ing7. facountry. Johnson is understood to
1967. .h feel that the next move is up to
The U.S. joined with the So-thm
viet Union and Britain in the yes
vote. France abstained. National- Wilson will speak at the United
ist China declined to participate. Nations in New York the day be-
France has declared that a con- fore he meets with Johnson.
ference would be of no avail un-
less it took up other issues involv- Issues Johnson and Wilson are
i ood poer expected to talk over include Brit-
ing world peace. ish North Atlantic policy, Rhode-
tendin a world conference was sia, Viet Nam, U.S.-British-Soviet
tndinrold dcn onerwhether relations and the proposed treaty
understood to depend onwhte to prevent the spread of nuclear
Peking demonstrates it will notweo n h
use the conference as a forum for weapons.
anti-U.S. propaganda, but display Er'hard has let it be known that
a desire for serious negotiations. he will press for added West Ger-
To overcome objections from Pe- man nuclear responsibilities.
king, the resolution contains no --
specific reference to a UN role in y
setting up the conference. Peking l N e
has already ruled out attendanceW or N e
under UN auspices as long as the
UN door remains closed to it.
Goldberg said that it was clear By The Associated Press
that all members of the UN spe-
cialized agencies must be invited BRUSSELS - Queen Mother
to a world conference, but that Elisabeth of Belgium died last
it remains to be decided what oth- night, the royal palace announced
er countries will get invitations. early this morning. She was 89.
Goldberg endorsed a suggestion Death was attributed to a heart
from Saudi Arabia that a small attack.
group should be asked to explore
whether there was a constructive
basis for holding a world confer- NEW YORK--Columbia Broad-
ence. castig System said last nght
"I wish to inform this commit- the Johnson administration has
tee," Goldberg said, "that the been informed that "at least six
United States would be willing to major Chinese cities" are being
participate in a small, initial partially evacuated.
group to explore areas of agree- Marvin Kalb, CBS-TV corres-
ment on disarmament questions as pondent in Washington, said the
a preliminary step in the prepara- reason given by the Communist
tions for convening a world dis- Chinese to those being evacuated
armament conference."
He said that there were well-
known difficulties in establishing
the group, not the least of which
was that one of the proposed par-
ticipants has declared it was not
prepared to meet with it. He was
referring to Communist China.

By The Associated Press
SAIGON--The town of Tuy An
held out, but five government out-
posts were believed last night to
have been overrun by the Viet
Cong in a battle that shifted at-
tention from the central highlands
to the central coast.
Aided by a United States Navy
bombardment and U.S. Air Force
raids, Tuy An staved off attacks
from a guerrilla regiment, esti-
mated up to 2000 men.
Communications were lost, how-
ever, with two government posts
and three militia positions hit
:Monday. A wall of Communist fire
turned back a relief column of sev-
eral government battalions that
set out for Tuy An from Tuy
Hoa, a provincial capital 15 miles!
down the coast.
Quick DiversionI
The quick diversion from the,
savage encounter in the Ia Drang
Valley, 100 miles to the west, dem-
onstrated how the Viet Cong and
their North Vietnamese allies




could strike and then fade into
the countryside over huge areas.
To aid in the defense of such
isolated centers at Tuy An, U.S.
forces disclosed they have created
a squadron of 20 mates for Puff,
the "magic dragon," a bizarre
warplane first tested in combat
11 months ago. Puff is a World
War II C-47 specially outfitted to
deliver 18,000 bullets a minute
over an area the size of a foot-
ball field.
Another new weapon, a special
Winchester Model 70 rifle with
telescope sight 'adopted for U.S.
Marine snipers, went into action.
A Marine spokesman at Da Nang
I announced a team of expert ri-
flemen equipped with the Win-

on Monday through heacy anti-
aircraft fire, that destroyed a sur-
face to air missile site 34 miles
northwest of Hanoi and smashed
the radar equipment of another,
seven miles farther northwest
Letters of Support
American servicemen in Viet
Nam are being assured in thou-
sands of letters that they have
the support of the folks back
home. A military spokesman said
the letters, sometimes addressed
personally to Gen. William C.
Westmoreland for distribution to
his forces, decry demonstrations

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Tickets are available
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chesters killed two Viet Cong in the U.S. protesting American
from a distance of more than involvement in the war.
1000 yards, about twice the effec- Some U.S. taticians feel Hai-
tive range of the standard M-16. phong, the port through which
Detachments of the U.S. 1st munitions flow for the Commu-
Cavalry, Airborne, Division and nist war effort in Viet Nam, could
South Vietnamese paratroopers be blocked to shipping without
continued their sweep in the Ia killing crews or sinking ships.
Drang Valley, near the Cambodian However, any military action to
border 210 miles north of Sai- seal off Haiphong, about 50 miles
gon, seeking further contact with from the Red capital of Hanoi,
the North Vietnamese regulars apparently will need some change
who engaged Americans last week in U.S. national policy which pres-
in the bloodiest battle of the war. ently prescribes that neither Ha-
But the allied forces met little noi nor Haiphong be attacked.
resistance. Geography can provide a way
Across a frontier farther north, to block off Haiphong without
the Laotian army announced the either bombing the harborside fa-
capture of 16 North Vietnamese cilities of Haiphong or laying
troops in its campaign to clear mines in sea approaches to the
Communist rebels from central port.
Laos. It is through territory of The course for ships into Hal-
the Red Pathet Lao that North phong goes through a narrow and
Viet Nam funnels reinforcements vulnerable bottleneck, navigation
and supplies to the Viet Cong. charts show. Moderate bombing
U.S. Air Force pilots told a could block this up.
Saigon news conference of raids- -- -

s Roundup



LONDON (JP)-Britain will not+
impose an oil and trade embargoi
on Rhodesia unless other countries
join to make it effective, Prime
Minister Harold Wilson declared
last night.I
"We are not going to do it on
our own," he told a session of thej
House of Commons.
Wilson spoke at a time of in-
creasing violence in the rebellious1
colony which brought its first fa-1
tality-the death yesterday of anl
African demonstrator from policeE
gunfire in Bulawayo. Africans re-
sponded with a mass walkout from
their jobs in industry and com-
In many industries only 40 per
cent of African workers turned up
for work and a combined meeting;
of industrial, engineering andI
commercial employers decided,
that all African workers who fail
to report for work today will be
Another African was badly
wounded in Que Que, 100 miles
south of Salisbury.
Second Demonstration
Police broke up a second dem-
onstration against the seizure of
independence by Prime Minister;
Ian Smith's white regime.
The British treasury, mean-
while, announced further sanc-
tions against the breakaway gov-
ernment, imposing strict currency,

controls on British residents go-
ing to Rhodesia or wishing to send
cash gifts there.
Wilson's statement sparked an-
gry scenes in the House of Com-
mons. At one point the prime
minister had to sit down while
the speaker tried to restore order.
Conservative Opposition
Opposition Conservative legisla-
tors are strongly opposed to what
they call punitive sanctions
against Rhodesia, such as an oil
embargo, and they accuse Wilson's
administration of giving in to for-!
eign pressure by voting in favor of
the embargo resolution in the
United Nations Security Council
Wilson heatedly denied this and
said the British government does
not regard the resolution as man-
"The test to be applied," Wilson
said, "is the effectiveness of the
measures to be implied."
British Problem
He said his government still con-
siders the Rhodesian crisis to be
primarily a British problem, but
he warned that Britain must take
action to avoid having "that re-
sponsibility taken out of our
hands, by others, and possibly by
methods which would involve last-
ing damage for Rhodesia, and in-
deed far beyond Rhodesia."
"What is at stake here is the

future of our multiracial common-
wealth. What is at stake - has
been at stake-is the possibility of
our virtual isolation at the United
Nations," he said.
"What is at stake, too, is'
whether the Afro-Asian bloc will
continue in a substantially neu-
tralist posture, or will be attracted
by the pressures from other na-
tions-not the least Red China
-who are in a position to turn
the Rhodesian situation to their
No Troops
Wilson again ruled out sending
British troops to overthrow the
Smith regime as demanded by
Judith Todd, 22, daughter of a
former Rhodesian prime minister,
Garfield Todd, on her arrival in
Salisbury from London.
He also answered a curt "no" to
a fellow Laborite's demand that
a token force be sent to protest
,Sir Humphrey Gibbs, who as gov-
ernor gene'al is the only repre-
sentative in Salisbury of Queen
Elizabeth II.



was that "the United States is
planning to attack them in the
near future, possibly within six
federal court ruled null and void
yesterday Alabama court injunc-
tions prohibiting six county pro-
bate judges from registering as
voters persons certified by federal
nedy, Fla., federal mediators press-
ed yesterday for a final settle-
ment that would put McDonnell
Aircraft Corp. back into produc-
tion of Phantom jet fighter planes
for Viet Nam.



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