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October 26, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-26

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Seventy-Sixth Year

The Decline of the Major Nations


Wher Opios ee, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEwS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The NS First wenty Years:
Prblems, Successes and Hope

THE FOG has lifted just enough
to make it reasonably certain
that Red China has suffered a
sharp setback in Indonesia.
Whether or not Sukarno connived
at the rebellion it is fairly clear
that, had the rebellion succeeded,
Indonesia would have been even
more aligned with Red China than
it has been up to now.
This confirms the general im-
pression that Red China is find-
ing much more opposition than
it expected to its militant foreign
policy. Thus, it has had to fall
back from intervention in the
Pakistan-India conflict.
There are some indications that
its influence has declined some-
what in Hanoi because it is send-
ing less military assistance to
North Viet Nam than are Moscow
and some of the other nations of
the Soviet bloc.
In the struggle at the United
Nations over the admission of Red
China, the favorable votes are at
present insufficient to overcome
U.S. opposition, and among the
missing votes are, significantly
enough, some of the African states
which once belonged to the French
colonial empire.
NEVERTHELESS, it would be a

mistake to inflate this agreeable
news into a daydream about the
impending defeat or collapse of
Red China. That daydream is an
old chestnut. The daydreamers
have been as wrong about it as
were there forerunners i the
1920s who talked to a few emigres
and refugees and then knew for
sure that the Soviet Union was
going to collapse.
The setbacks that Red China is
experiencing abroad are not
unique. One general experience in
this age is that all the great
powers are finding it increasingly
difficult to influence and control
events, especially when they are in
distant places.
Thus, Great Britain is con-
fronted in Southern Rhodesia with
a dilemma from which she can
extricate herself, it would seem,
only 'with miraculous political
skill. The Soviet Union has re-
cently gained some influence in
Southeast Asia. But it is a long
Way from being able to direct and
control or influence decisively the
policy of Hanoi.
The United States is deeply en-
tangled in Viet Nam. But only the
reporters who swallow the official
briefings raw are telling us that
we are winning the war.

T omorrow
THE DECLINE of the external
power and influence of Lhe big
nations is a significant phenoine-
non in human affairs. We are as
yet in no position to appreciate it
fully, much less to understand its
consequences. But it is an obvious
fact that as the great powers are
losing their influence the turbu-
lence in the world is increasing.
All this needs to be looked at
and pondered. As we do this, we
shall do well also to keep in mind
what is happening among our
principal allies in Westsern Eur-
Britain, for example, which has
given us moral support in Viet
Nam, is nonetheless <;ompelled to
take the path of military with-
drawal-at least in Asia from Aden
to Singapore and possibly also in
Europe from the Rhine to Cyprus.
The pressure for this with-
drawal is no doubt lack of money.

But if the British people believed
that the remnants of the old em-
pire were vital to their own sur-
vival and to the peace of the
world, they would do what they
have done before, they would put
defense above affluence.
THE GERMANS can be said to
have no extra-European foreign
policy. That may well be because
the Germans long since lost tl'eir
colonial empire and because they
are still partitioned as a result of
their, defeat.
But they are rich, and in their
international actions they avoid
any serious participation in world
affairs or any adequate contribu-
tion to economic development.
Besides preferring to keep their
money at, home, it has probably
occurred to them that the game
of power politics, especially in
other continents and distant
places, shows signs of becoming
out of date though it is very ex-
pensive, rather dangerous and in-
creasingly ineffectual.
The experience of France throws
an interesting light on this phe-
nomenon. When Gen. Charles de
Gaulle decided to liquidate the
Algerian war, an act requiring
supreme moral courage, he did not

try to hang on to the bits and
pieces, the shreds and tatters of
the French empire.
The effect of the purge of
French imperialism and colonial-
ism is that French prestige in the
world is higher than it has ever
been since the wars of this con-
tury began, and the international
influence of France is now felt in
the mainstream of the world's.
I WISH I could feel that our
globalism is not isolating us from
the living realities of world af-
fairs. But our globalism, so recent-
ly adopted, is becoming quickly out
of date.
We are being isolated in the
sense that, while we are enor-
mously extended, we are compelled
to rely more and more on military
power and upon money rather
than upon the influence of our
example, which was once our
greatest asset in human affairs.
In this development of our at-
titudes we are in danger of being
bedazzled with the illusion that
the ultimate solution cf the in-
tractable issues of the world is
enough bombing to pulverize the
(c) 1965, The washington Post Co.

SUNDAY was United Nations Day.
On that day, like today, and during
the weekend of protest, American peace
efforts seemed vague, insincere, and in-.
effective to some citizens. In many places,
thinking Americans, out of despair or
disillusionment, 'protested against gov-
ernment policy in thught, speech, or ac-
Other thinking Americans remembered
the United Nations-and the Americans
at the United Nations-and were neither
despaired nor disillusioned. .
The United States Mission to the United
Nations has always been managed by
thinkers, sober 'and imaginative men who
have avoided dealing in romanticism or
petty vindictiveness, and have maintain-
ed an awareness of the consequences of
Itheir actions.
twentieth birthday Sunday was mark-
ed by a memorial service to the late U.S.
ambassador, Adlai Stevenson. Stevenson's
successor, Arthur J. Goldberg, spoke at
that Chicago tribute. Earlier, he had said,
"Adlai Stevenson's belief in the United
Nations was motivated not by any vague
notions of idealism, but by the realistic
knowledge that the United Nations was
the alternative to world destruction, that
the peace could not be kept in a world of
hunger and despair, and that the United
Nations was the one organization capable
of enabling us to save ourselves
No void in leadership has formed in
the American mission to the United Na-
tions since Stevenson's death. Goldberg,
one-time federal labor mediator, secre-
tary of labor, and Supreme Court justice,
has assumed authority of the U.S. Mis-
sion with hopes of strengthening and
maintaining. international law. Hiowever,
Goldberg has entered the United Nations
at a time of undeniable transition, a per-
iod when several attempts at action are
frustrated by inner weaknesses.
Due to increasing membership, it 'has
become necessary to enlarge the UN Se-
curity Council by four members and in-
clude provisions for representation based
on geographic distribution. Furthermore,
the United Nations faces a lack of funds
due to the expense of peace-keeping mis-
sions and technical assistance. Several
member nations have hesitated or refused
to pay assessments, and the problem re-
peatedly occurs
Critically aware of the necessity of ex-
panding and strengthening the UN, Gold-
berg said, after presenting his credentials
as ambassador, "The first order of busi-
ness is to resolve the United Nations' fi-
nancial and constitutional crisis, for if
we do not put our own house in order, I
doubt if we will succeed in putting other,.
houses in order."
NOTHER WEAKNESS in representa-
tion has rendered the United Nations
Next: Asbestos
IOWA CITY-A University of Iowa fresh-
man is wearing his draft card in a
plastic holder which says: "I'm a draft
card carrying American and proud of it."
He is Charles Craig, 19, Cedar Rapids.
He said he is concerned about draft card
burners, including a student at Iowa who
has been charged with destroying his
draft card.
"This is my way of showing that all
American college students aren't afraid to
serve their country in Viet Nam or in any

other place where freedom needs to be
defended," Craig said.
"I'm going to wear my draft card every
day and I hope that students on other
college campuses will do the same thing,
to show their support of their govern-
ment," he added.
Craig said he is acting on his own and
is not connected with any campus orga-

ineffective in attempting to resolve the
Viet Nam crisis. Goldberg said, "In Viet
Nam we have a problem that Hanoi is
not in the United Nations, and Hanoi is,
after all, the motivating factor, as far as
we are concerned, in what is happening
in the South, in South Viet Nam. It is our
view, and I think supported by the evi-
dence, that Hanoi has promoted that con-
"This being the case, it seems unlikely
from past actions of Hanoi that a for-
mal hearing before the United Nations,
such as was conducted, would be the ap-
propriate way of bringing the Viet Nam
controversy to a conclusion.
"You remember, of'course, that Hanoi
was invited to be present when we had
the episode in the Gulf of Tonkin when
our ships were attacked in open waters
by Hanoi ships, and that was turned
down. And you remember also, that Red
China, which of course has alliances of
some type with the North Vietnamese,
contemptuously brushed aside any over-
ture by the secretary-general.
"This being' the case, it would seem to
me, after consultation with many mem-
ber nations, that an open hearing before
the United Nations on this question would
not lead us to what we all hope for ferv-
ently, and this is - a negotiated settle-
Thus not even Goldberg could deny that
the potency of the United Nations is lim-
ited, perhaps most severely, internally.
However, its very nature demands it face
every problem within its abilities.
THE UN HAS BEEN able to act success-
fully on several occasions. In Suez,
it sent an emergency force to police with-
drawal of several contending national ar-
mies. In Africa, 20,000 troops maintained
order as several new nations gained se-
curity upon independence without an
East-West confrontation. In Cyprus, the
United Nations has stationed 6000 troops
to ease internal tension and maintain
'national security.
Even discounting its security actions,
the United Nations has great influence.
It stimulates arts, crafts, and sports. It
feeds Palestinian refugees, educates Eski-
mos,. and through its associated courts,
upholds international law. Through its
several specialized agencies, the UN pro-
motes health, education and economic
Thus, it follows that the business of
the United Nations is promoting civiliza-
tion-the best in man, and not merely
offering arbitration to quarreling nations
and policing borders. The UN works to
uphold peace, because there can be no
civilization in war-torn nations. The UN
feeds and immunizes, because , only
healthy people can receive the best ideas
and skills of men. And the UN encourages
education because education spreads civ-
ilization best of all.
Whether cynics doubt it or not, the
United States is totally involved in this
same business. Its mission is the same as
the United Nations'. Out of such concern,
the United States gives its doctors, edu-
cators, artists 'to the United Nations, as
well as great sums of money.
And out of this same concern, it sends
its finest men to the UN. Stevenson, in-
volved in the concept of the United Na-
tions even before the reality, was more
than representative as a product of that
involvement. If nothing else, Stevenson
was the most "civilized" man America had
to offer five years ago.
AT TWENTY YEARS, the United Na-
tions appears potent, even when faced
with the death of so influential and re-

spected a representative as Stevenson.
Stevenson was involved with planning the
United Nations many years before it was
a reality and he a UN ambassador. UN
ambassadors from many nations praised
Stevenson for intelligence, skill in prob-
lem-solving and diplomacy and unfailing
objectivity. Yet, even while it paid Steven-
son tribute, the UN mediated the crisis
in Kashmir and worked for peace in the
Dominican Republic.
Though its members nations increase,
its representatives change, and the threat
of bankruptcy overshadows all undertak-
ings, the United Nations remains tough

T he P ower A rticle
Prompts Letters

To the Editor:
SEE NOTHING wrong with
'r Regent Power's actions. Taken
from the point of view of normal
business ethics, exploitation is OK
as long as it causes no great harm
to the reputation of the business-
man. It is a natural thing in our;
society since it follows from a most
important concept in our system
of capitalism, the right of each
individual to gain profit. I pity
the poor editor of The Daily who
is still engulfed by the unrealistic
idealism that is prevalent among
many. of today's college students.
I only hope that he will soon
realize his error.
-Fred Andriaschko, '68
To the Editor:
HAVE just read Roger Rapo-
port's UMI article and editorial
in Saturday's Daily. In twenty-
five years of reading The Daily,
I can't recall ever having read a
more thoroughly and resource-
fully researched story.
The subject is extremely touchy,
but Rapoport has dealt with it
with what seems to me to be fair-
ness, restraint, and good taste. I
don't know of another newspaper
in Michigan that would have un-
dertaken such an investigation in
the first place and that would
have pursued it at such great
length and reported on the results
of its investigation as well as
Rapoport did.

9. rbiw}zia
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The Draft Card Section

A History of Fickle Fashions
From Eve Till The Present

I ASSUME that The Daily will
not merely make space a Y ailabe
to the UMI and University offi-
cials involved in this matter, but
wiil encourage them to r'ply. Now
that the matter is out in the open
-where, in my opinion, it belongs
-pernaps they will want t give
tiae Universiy communiy the iuii
explanation it deserves.

the steps of the General Library
that since Johnson and Rusk and
Ann Arborites will not agree with
them, they have only one alter-
native: "noncooperation."
The same argument could as
logically be used by those who
want the U.S. to get out of the
UN, to say nothing about those
southerners who do not like the
federal civil rights laws.
RIGHT OR WRONG, the peace
demonstrators are a minority
group, a minority group that ought
to continue to seek to influence
the country through such impor-
tant, legitimate and responsible
methods as argumentation with'
U.S. senators, with as much if not
more dedication as they show for
methods with nuisance and publi-
city value.
-John Willertz, Grad
Alienated Government?
To the Editor:
SEVERAL ITEMS in Saturday's
Daily have given us pause. Vice-
President Humphrey is quoted as
saying that the recent Viet Nam
protests were organized by an in-
ternational apparatus. "... the in-
ternational Communist movement
organized it (the protest) and
masterminded it." The Dodd sub-
committeetreport suggests that
Communists and Communist sym-
pathizers have played "a promi-
nent role in the movement" and
then proceeds to cite "evidence,"
the use of which might well have
embarrassed Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy. The disquiting question
which we have is this: Can a gov-
ernment so out of touch with what
is' happening in its own country
be trusted to perceive accurately
and to understand the true nature
of what is happening in Viet Nam?
-Prof. William A. Gamson
Dept. of Sociology
-Richard D. Mann
Dept. of Psychology
A Word to Teachers
To the Editor:
S A STUDENT whose attitude.,
have recently begun to solidify
themselves, and as a prospective
teacher, it has become a matter
of increasing discomfort to me
that many. instructors seem to
have lost ,sight of one of the
primary obligations they owe their
students-not to assume that the
best a student has" to offer his
professor is a partial digestion
and subsequent regurgitation word
for word of what he has heard in
the classroom.
Although this attitude realizes
striking example that has come
itself in many ways, the most
to my attention 'is the myriad
papers and tests that are handed
back with a grade and perhaps'
one sentence of commentary
stamped on the front, and various
hurried scribblings in the margins
of the first and last pages. The
majority of these incidental com-
ments consists of such phrases as
"What does this word mean?
What are you trying to say? I
don't understand this."
Certainly such remarks are jus-
tified in badly expressed, porly
written papers; my despair, how-
ever, stems from the foreboding
question mark lurking near a five-
syllable word that has been care-
fully chosen to convey exact mean-
ing in the painstaking tradition
of "le mot juste."


EVER SINCE Eve got the notion
that she was God's gift to
man, she began adorning herself
with fig leaves; since that time,,
all embodiments of vanity have
not' stopped decorating and orna-
menting themselves.
With Eve began the "Nature
Era." Gowns of animal skins,
playsuits of leaves, wreathes of
thorns, face paint of berry juice
and toilet water from dandelion
nectar, all made up this genera-
tion, which bathed in the re-
sources of nature and which prob-
ably came to an abrupt conclusion
with the first poison ivy epidemic.
From this itchy generation
erupted the "Dangling Decades";
which can be more properly asso-
ciated with our gypsy and Indian
ancestors. In an effort to ward
off mosquitoes, measles' and other
evil spirits, these people began to
hang things on themselves, grad-
ually taking on the appearance of
studded totem poles.
Maybe it was the first outbreak
of blood poisoning that couldn't
be chanted-away which made the
people of this generation clean
themselves up a bit.
her cronies were the pioneers of
the "Compact Craze." They lived
in the compression days, when
women were in competition with
one another to see who could take
up the least amount of space.
This they did by entwining them-

flappers hooting and tooting into
the depression years. Accompany-
ing the later years of scarcity
came styles of severity. Ladies and
men were tailored with unorna-
mented heavy shoulder paddings
and "yes sir"' was the common
response of the day. These sever-
ity garments made sure to cover
everything from knees and ankles
to feminity. Naturally, these were
the depression. years,
SERVING as a stimulant to the
depression era were the fifties
with their yelling colors and
shrieking patterns. Miami Beach
and its kinfolk were showing their
true colors while opticians were
having a heyday.
But now . . . gone are the days
of absurdities in fashion, gone
are the folk in their glittering
costumes and tattooed faces, in
fact-gone are the folks. This is
the "hidden generation." Our fe-
male members are usually masked
behind thick shields of pastels,

perfumes and paint. These delicate
,facades are reinforced further by
tinted-glass-eye coverings, reno-
vated noses and variations of
multi-colored hairdos.
Unfortunately our male species.
cannot hide behind the fluids of
Max Factor; but alas, he has his
own natural resources: hair. It
sprouts from every available head
and facial region until he has be-
come an anonymous shredded
wheat. Carefully molded into a
pair of blue jeans and welded to
a picket pole, he has become the
symbol of today's "hidden gen-
WE HAVE done everything to
ourselves: piercing, p a s t in1g
squeezing, squaring, spraying. Now
there are only two things that
can happen: we will all either dis-
solve ourselves completely or some
wise young female will take on
the notion that she is God's gift
to man and will take off some of
her fragrant disguises.

-Prof. Robert Weeks
College of Engineering
To the Editor:
the informative article in your
Oct. 23rd issue 'concerning Uni-
versity Microfilms, Inc. I am cur-
ious to know why the people of
the state of Michigan are support-
ing such companies "throughout
the country" by allowing them to
film University mr.terials free and
by providing them with such serv-
ices as camera space in University
facilities and booklists developed
by University staff at great ex-
pense to the University. It is in-
teresting to note also that because
a state statute prohibits contrac-
tual agreements between Regents
and the University, University Mi-
crofilms cannot pay the University
a royalty but can profit all the
more by getting the same product
WE ALL KNOW that Regent
Power owns stock in Xerox Cor-
poration. Who else in policy-
making positions own substantial
shares in this company? After all,
any "exceedingly progressive"
company, as Dr. Wagman puts it,
ought to be interesting to many.
-George N. Vance, Jr., Grad
Alienated Protestors?
To the Editor:
ior United States Senator
from Michigan, Sen. Philip A.
Hart, came to speak on campus.
Peace demonstrators were notice-
ably absent. Why? I suspect be-



The Master Plan

FOR MANY YEARS it was my
earnest ambition to become a
sorceror. I looked. forward to a
day when it would be within my,
power to turn text books into gold
ingots and enemies into toads.
Now I have a better idea.

AFTER I MAKE my first thirty-
four billion, I'll donate some of
the interest on one of my bank
accounts to my university for the
construction of an exact replica
of Buckingham Palace to be built
pn top of a centrally located park-
ing structure where everyone will

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