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October 09, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-09

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Kerr on Education-Issues Ignored


Where Opinions Ae Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth WII Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
the WRANDPovertyProject
Providing O ortunities

AS OUR NATION becomes increasingly
aware of the disease of poverty, we of
necessity are struggling with a definition
of what we are waging war upon.
This is natural. If the country is spend-
ing billions of dollars each year fight-
ing poverty, it is good that conscientious
citizens examine their expenditures in
the light of both their direction and ef-
If a child is hungry, we can buy him
food. If a boy is unemployed, we can of-
fer him a job (sometimes). But, we can-
not necessarily lead the child to a per-
petual source of food; we cannot guaran-
tee the boy will either perform properly
at his job or stay with his employment.
This freedom and responsibility of the
individual to shape his own destiny is one
of the most beautiful aspects of the
American free enterprise system - the
opportunity for a man to draw the blue-
print for his life, economically, socially
and intellectually.
The opportunity is there but some per-
sons cannot or will not take it. If the
hungry child is the offspring of "do-
nothing" parents, his road to achievement
and self-esteem is doubled or tripled in
difficulty. If the unemployed youth is
Negro, he may have tobear not only the
burdens of the hungry child but also the
hardships of discrimination.
AND THE CRITICS will ask, "Can this,
by the wildest stretch, ever be term-
ed poverty?,.
The answer is yes.
The answer is yes if we intend to elim-
inate poverty ,of every kind; if we want
our solutions to be effective and per-'
manent; if our field of vision goes be-
yond the pangs of hunger or the imme-
diate depressions of unemployment.
If we are conscientious citizens, there-
fore, we will look into the direction and
effects of our expenditures. We will sound
out the wisdom of spending billions of
dollars which will have to be spent again
and again as often as there is unemploy-
ment or hunger.

If recipients of funds in the War on
Poverty cannot eventually provide their
own food or insure their own employ-
ment, then I submit that our efforts and
money are ill spent.
HOW DOES THIS strike-home?
The Willow Run Association for
Neighborhood Development (WRAND) is
a demonstration project in the War on
Poverty in Superior and Ypsilanti Town-
shops, about eight miles from here.
The people in the organization began
their wqrk of social rehabilitation before
a federal grant of $188,252 was made
early this year. They bought a communi-
ty center for $15,000 (a retired school)
and began community functions.
Their central theme is the individual--
his day to day activities, his hopes, his
abilities and his self worth. To this end,
WRAND is striving to restructure indi-
vidual attitudes and behavior, as diffi-
cult as the task may be.
WRAND has suffered serious setbacks
-some have been from the onlookers,
some from within-but none have steer-
ed the organization from its goal-re-
habilitation of the individual.
THERE IS NO QUESTION that the peo-
ple in the sphere of WRAND's opera-
tions can benefit from the project, given
enough time and adequate direction.
By the same token, there isono question
that areas in the nation need the fed-
eral funds more. The worth of the proj-
ect is therefore dependent upon the de-
gree that it serves as an example for
other areas where there is a need for so-
cial rehabilitation.
There will be a lesson in the adminis-
tration of this community self-help proj-
ect; there will be a document of trials
and errors, of disappointments and prog-
ress; but most important of all, there will
be results: How well did this community
group -do in regaining a position for the
individual in his society? In time, WRAND
will offer up its answers. Until then, we
can only be patient.

WASHINGTON - With sixteen
hundred educators attending
this American Council on Educa-
tion annual meeting it's not too
hard to see why one observer was
able to characterize a few sparks
of originality and insight in evi-
dence a "paper ship afloat on a
sea of platitude."
Occasionally a few bigger guns,
or even a small cruiser, show up
unexpectedly and unannounced in
the halls, shooting a random
broadside into the air. But many
don't even hear them let alone
know what they are about.
Clark Kerr, president of the
University of California, was one
of those cruisers, and he symbol-
ized both the successes and the
glaring inadequacies found in
American higher education, with
the failures especially well reflect-
ed at this meeting. .
Kerr holds to what he has call-
ed a mediator theory of leader-
ship for University administrators,
and some of the unfortunate im-
plications of this approach be-
come clear in talking with the
He is a problem-solver and an
aggrandizer in the best Lyndon
Johnson will - get - you - what-
ever - you - need - just - get - it - done
style. Kerr deals in even hundreds
of millions of dollars at a time;
he deals in whole campuses and
thousands of students and faculty
at a time. He thinks big and he
thinks in terms of how to solve a
particular problem so it won't
"bother" us any more.

How does he view the problems
of Berkeley? Not in terms of the
emergence of a socially alienated
generation of students. These
students are asking basic moral
and philosophical questions he has
been unable to address himself to.
Rather than seek out and at-
tack these issues on the students'
own grounds Kerr responds with
the usual repetoire of the Great
Society problem solver-"We made
some mistakes."
Does it ever occur to him that
the Berkeley campus itself may be
a mistake, at least as it is now?
Apparently not. His level of con-
cern is a "very unwise edict on
political participation issued by
the chancellor last fall.".
Solution? "Roger Heyns won't
make a mistake like that."
He claims faculty attitudes are
changed towards the "neglected
undergraduate." But he wrote sev-
eral years ago that undergraduates
were thoroughly neglected. What
did he do about it?
Nothing - until the. Berkeley
demonstration. How does he view
these demonstrations philosophic-
ally? He doesn't. "There were ex-
pensive aspects but there have
been constructive results." Under-
line that word result. Is this the
way to get results? Riot? Even
though the problem has been long
since recognized?
What do you do to work on edu-
cation problems in the state of
California generally? You build
and build. You try one thing, you
try another. If this machine does
not work, that one will. "We
couldn't duplicate UCLA and
Berkeley so to achieve an initial
level of distinction we decided to

Michigan MAD
make each of the three new cam-
puses different."
What about getting the higher
education system out of the upper
middle class deadlock? Try urban
renewal tie-in (figuratively, any-
way). "Our doors are open wide
to minorities, but we aren't draw-
ing them in.,
"Geographical proximity might
have an influence, and we want to
participate in renovation of the
urban center. I've recommended
our next two campuses for city
centers, Los Angeles and San
WHAT ABOUT the community
of scholars? Gone? Both "com-
munity" and "scholar" imply phi-
losophical commitment, h u m a n
commitment, beliefs in something
beyond buildings and numbers of
students and faculty and political
campaigning tables.
"This is a big university, a sin-
gle community is unrealistic and
possibly, I think, unwise. There
are advantages in variety." May-
be. But what do you believe 'in?
"Publish or perish?"
Kerr tried to put A little frost-
ing on this one-"of course it is
important to have small units
within the larger one. We want
to make it exciting." Here, per-
haps, is the core of the issue.
Who is making it exciting for

No university president can un-
ilaterally make a place exciting.
It's exciting, by definition, only
when students (and faculty) have
a stake and a say in what's going
on. Why try to provide canned
excitement? Kerr has not ac-
knowledged that such inner in-
stitutional control, right down to
the last freshman student, control
of one's own destiny, so to speak,
is what is needed for excitement.
"This isn't a village but a me-
tropolis." But people can still
make their own lives in the anony-
mous metropolis. They are re-
sponsible unto themselves. It
should be more important to the
human being to be a person, even
if alone, than an IBM card among
thousands, one of the 3,439 high
school graduates whose high school
grades and College Board scores
tabulate nicel to fit the prescrib-
ed pattern-if you will show up in
the fall of 1973 and be placed X
number of classrooms at spot A
or B with Y number of faculty to
take care of them, in C amount
of canned decentralization if riots
seem imminent, but not otherwise
as certain other undesireable re-
sults would occur.
It may be a metropolis but it's
thousands of individual destinies
which have to fit Clark Kerr's
patterns of California education.
Most metropoli have the virtue of
anarchy, so that one can make
one's own way unhindered by
plans from on high.
THIS MAY all be unfair, for
the University of California is
really, in all seeming relevant
terms of analysis, a magnificent

achievement. But one cannot help
but ask "What for?"
Does Kerr have anything to tell
those thousands of freshmen every
year about why they should have
come to the university? Why all
the magnificent new campuses?
What is all this education good
for? To feed the larger social sys-
tem, to run it, to lead it or to
ignore it?
Why must Kerr speak in polit-
ical mediator terms rather than
leadership, vanguard? Why can't
he explain to people what they're
doing in a university? If the whole
thing is really an education fac-
tory, can't we at least have a
justification for so much educa-
tion in the hallowed halls of one-
irrelevant learning?
Earlier this week students were
soliciting bookstore petition sig-
natures in front of the Union. One
girl turned away with a very anti-
involvement look on her face, "I
never sign anything." Well, what
are you good for? I would ask.
It's your University, is that the
way you make it yours, by never
signing anything? The place isn't
going to seduce you. There are too
many of you.
A LOT OF signatures have been
writ large at Berkeley.
Kerr has read them, counted
them, figured out how to get half
of them out of the actively dissi-
dent group, and planned his ma-
chinery to take a little gear-grind-
ing from the rest.
Issues of good and bad, right
and wrong, and human as opposed
to social or educational worth and
value remain as they were-thor-
oughly neglected. How long?



to this

THERE are no philoso-
or ethical underpinnings

The Argument for Legalizing Marijuana


Editorial Director
STATE AND federal marijuana
laws can be shown to be un-
necessarily oppressive and may
constitute a major violation of
an important but often overlooked
area of civilliberties.
The term "civil liberties" can
rationally be extended to involve
and protect the right of the in-
dividual to use drugs that pleas-
urably modify or distort conscious-
ness perception without placing
life, limb or property in jeopardy
on a personal or public level.
Although this definition can be
applied to the use of drugs other
than marijuana, there is little
legislation regarding their use.
These are drugs of a different
family and chemical nature, which
fall into the same category be-
cause of their similar psychic ef-
fects. Examples of this type of
drlg are LSD-25 and mescaline.
(This general category of drugs
is known as the psychedelics-
drugs which can produce hallu-
William H. McGlothlin of the
RAND Corporation writes in his
pamphlet, 'Hallucinogenic Drugs:
A Perspective With Special Ref-
erence to Peyote and Cannabis:"
On examining description of
cannabis (marijuana) .intoxi-
cation, . . . it is clear that vir-
tually al of the phenomena as-
sociated with LSD are or can be
also produced with cannabis.
SINCE, by its major definition,
a narcotic drug is one which
causes physical addiction after an
extended period of use, marijuana
cannot be classified as a narcotic.
Contrary to popular thinking, the
use of marijuana does not pro-
duce symptoms of tolerance or
physical dependence to any extent
whatsoever within the system.
This is in marked contrast to the
use of coffee, cigarettes and al-
William R. Martin, director of

the Addiction Research Center,
Lexington, Kentucky, has' written:
First of all, I do not think
it would be proper to speak of
patients coming to the hospital
to be cured of addiction to mari-
juana, since 'we do not feel that
the use of this drug produces a
true form of addiction. Patients
using marijuana do not exper-
ience a withdrawal syndrome
when they abstain.
THE USE of marijuana does
not necessarily lead to the use of
the opiates (morphine, heroin and
their derivatives). The nature of
the drug is such that the heavy
user is not exclusively subjected
to euphoria and depression of the
nervous system. The drug, along
with other psychedelics, is a con-
sciousness expander rather than
an analgesic (pain-killing) limi-
tor of consciousness such as al-
cohol, barbiturates or opiates.
The psychological motivation
for the heavy use of marijuana
differs from that for taking any
other drug. It is not a substance
with which one can escape from
reality or from personal psychic
The reason for this lies in the
perceptual mechanism of the drug
itself. Marijuana intoxication is
based upon a drastic expansion
of the subjective time sense, re-
sulting in a heightened awareness
of one's surroundings and a pro-
portional magnification of emo-
tional response to external stimuli.
This is coupled with a mild tran-
quillizing action resulting in a
slightly uplifted state of mind.
In heavier doses, the drug can
produce hallucinations of a be-
nign or a malignant nature. Those
who turn to marijuana in hopes
of something to blot out memories
or sensations usually experience
nearly the opposite effect. These
people eventually become heroin
addicts, while the frequent mari-
juana smoker has no need for
anything stronger.

THE ROUTE most often taken
by the heroin addict to his afflic-
tion is marked by the use of the
following drugs, respectively: 1)
alcohol, 2) barbiturates and am-
phetamines, 3) marijuana and 4)
the opiates. In most cases, how-
ever, marijuana performs a very
minor role in the ultimate pattern
of behavior leading to drug ad-
diction, and in some cases, its
use is altogether excluded. The
fact that it is present at all in
the escalation is primarily due to
its being so easy to procure.
An excerpt from The Pharma-
cological Basis of Therapeutics by
L. S. Goodman and L. Gilman,
says, simply, that
There are no lasting ill effects
from the acute use of mari-,
Juanasand fatalities have not
been shown to occur . .. Mari-
juana was not associated with
juvenile delinquency. Marijuana
habituation does not lead to the
use of morphine, heroin, cocaine
or alcohol, and the associated
use of marijuana and narcotic
drugs is rare.
This is in marked contrast to
alcohol, creator of cirrhosis of the
liver, and to tobacco, a definite
carcinogenic substance.
of this question is whether or not
the use of marijuana is linked to
excessive anti-social behavior.
Here it is important to note that
the anti-social behavior connect-
ed with physiologically addictive
drugs is the result of failure to
procure the needed drug.Since
marijuana is nonaddictive, it does
not compel the user to commit
this type of criminal activity.'
At a 1962 White House confer-
ence, the Ad Hoc Panel on Drug
Abuse stated that, "Although mar-
ijuana has long held the reputa-
tion of inciting individuals to
commit sexual offenses and other
anti-social acts, evidence is in-
adequate to substantiate this."
In Narcotics and Narcotics Ad-

diction, D. W. Maurer and V. H.
Vogel write:
While there may be occasional
violent psychopaths who have
used marijuana, have committed
crimes of violence and who
have, in court, explained their
actions as uncontrollable vio-
lence resulting from the use of
the drug, these are exceptions
to the general run of marijuaha
users who, while they are al-
most universally petty thieves
(unless they have an income or
work for a living) become "crim-
inals" chiefly in that they vio-
late the narcotics laws . . . It
would seem that, from the point
of view of public health and
safety, the effects of maijuana
present a very' minor problem
compared with the abusive use
of alcohol and that the drug
has received a disproportionate
share of publicity as an incitor
of violent crime.
On the basis of all available
evidence, one must answer "no"
to the question of whether mari-
juana usage produces anti-social
behavior. The drug is a tran-
quilizer, and excessive indulgence
leads to nothing more than deep
THE ECONOMIC aspects of
marijuana smoking also deserve
consideration. Marijuana is more
pleasureably than alcohol, health-
ier and tremendously cheaper
to manufacture. At current Black
Market prices, (which inflate its
cost as much as 200 per cent
above and beyond the cost of pro-
duction), "Pot" is, "high for
high," at least half as cheap as
If placed upon an open market
in this country, it would almost
completely replace alcohol in the
space of a decade. National con-
cerns with large amounts of capi-
tal tied up in distilleries, breweries,
wineries and stockpiles of corn
mash do not want this to happen.
For them it would spell bank-

Makers of alcoholic beverages
in this country are therefore the
only large economic interest
groups with any definite opinions
at all about the use of marijuana
or other psychedelics. They are,
of course, on the side of whiskey,
alcoholism, "law and order" and,
above all, profits.
As a result of this situation, it
is possible for a man to face a
prison sentence " of from two to
five years in the state of Michi-
gan for the mere possession of
marijuana. (The sentence for sell-
ing marijuana is a minimum of 20
years in prison and a maximum
of life imprisonment-the same as
for murder.) At the same time, a
man convicted of drunken driving,
a considerably more dangerous of-
fense than possessing marijuana,
faces a fine, and possibly from
60-90 days in jail.
LEGALIZATION of marijuana
usage and the establishment of a
government-supervised monopoly
for its production and distribu-
tion would bestow the following
benefits upon our society:
1) It would give the American
people a measure of freedom by
reducing the number of crimes
that a member of our society can
2) Legalization would eventually
cause a decline in the very high
incidence of alcoholism in this
3) It would cripple, and even-
tually destroy, the liquor trusts;
4) It would remove the clande-
stine appeal of drugs in general
to impressionable youth. This
would cause a proportionate de-
crease in narcotic abuse among
LASTLY, the repeal of the Mar-
ijuana Tax Act of 1937 would
provide an uplift for the nation's
psyche that no other single act
of legislation could effect in a
century or more.

Some Bookstore Economies

that a University-operated or Univer-
sity-supported bookstore would "put peo-
ple (i.e., local merchants) out of busi-
ness" represents a common and under-
standable attitude. Indeed, it represents
the best objection one can make to such
a bookstore. Why have it if people-yes,
Ann Arbor merchants are people-are go-
ing to suffer?
This writer has pondered long and hard
over the various aspects of such a ques-
tion, and has finally discovered the an-
swer: people aren't going to suffer, and
they aren't going to go out of business.
The economic evidence for such a con-
clusion is unassailable. When this Uni-
versity was half its present size, the cam-
pus still handsomely supported the same
afour bookstores that exist today. Even
if one makes the extravagant assumption
that a University-supported bookstore
would eat up half the present market
for books, it does not seem likely that
the four commercial bookstores would go
SMOKERS BEWARE! The Graduate Li-
brary is now enforcing-with the aid
of the Sanford Security Police-the "No
Smoking" signs in the stairwell.
The patrolman secretly sneaks up be-
hind you as you sit on the stairs quietly
smoking your cigarette, bothering no one,
and demands your identification card-
perhaps checking to see if you are legal-
ly of age to smoke. Then he records your
name in his little black book.
He assures you this is only a warning
and you will only receive two points as
this is a first offense. Next time there

out of business.
IF ONE PROJECTS the size of the de-
mand for books into the future-and
if one considers that the University will
swell to 50,000 students by 1970-it be-
comes apparent that not only would the
four bookstores of today not be, hurt by
the appearance of a fifth, but also that
this campus will soon need a fifth book-
store. Instead of fatuously worrying about
stores going out of business, the Univer-
sity should instead begin wondering about
how to provide for the need for a new
Of course, I never could have thought
up this argument myself; it comes from a
professor in the economics department.
Perhaps I could have workedout such an
approach by reading some relevant ma-
terial - but Ann Arbor's four present
bookstores don't supply that kind of serv-
ice and they don't charge my kind of
"WHAT THIS CAMPUS needs is a good
$2.25 sweatshirt," my friend was tell-
ing me as he signed the petition. I agreed
with him, and added that lower book
prices might be nice, too.
Around 10,000 students have signed
their support to back the SGC push for a
University bookstore. This show of sup-
port is no less than phenomenal; well
over three times as many signatures have
been collected for this cause as have ever
been amassedthere before, a reliable
source said yesterday.

Dear Sir: It's a Damned Nuisance Living in This City

To the Editor:
A LETTER to the administrators
and townspeople:
Do you realize how difficult it
is to go to the University these
days? No. I don't mean how dif-
ficult it is to raise the money for
tuition, nor how much competi-
tion there is in the classes of the
University. What I am refering to
are the situations of housing and
transportation in this town.
One of the student's main prob-
lems is simply finding a place to
live with a rent within reason,
because the university student
housing is overflowing. Since the
landlords in the campus area have
seen fit repeatedly to raise the
rents of on and near campus
apartments, many students must
rent off campus to remain sol-
vent. And, to rent off campus, one
must have some form of trans-
The transportation situation is
quite interesting. Few students are
allowed to operate cars in the Ann
Arbor area (any place within a
15-mile rdius thereof). Some of
--LYVNt I.tesJ.,..A rtap ~r

ticket "E" stickered cars left in
faculty lotsabecause there istno
place else and, of course, that
pretty decal.)
OBVIOUSLY, many people are
unable to use cars for transporta-
tion from their off campus hous-
ing. Many of these students turn
to motorcycles for transportation
because these are cheaper than
cars and not as restricted.
In the near future, however, the
City fathers may want to change
that with part of a motorcycle
ordinance. They may wish to
charge a proportional tax on en-
gine size, and then even mod-
erately sized motorcycles would
start to be expensive.
Motorcycles do make noise, but
part of the noise if for making
persons in automobiles notice

them, and at least avoiding being
run down.
Of course there is the old Uni-
versity standby: the bicycle. But
bicycles can't keep up with the
traffic so the persons in auto-
mobiles either get mad at them, or
ignore them, eiher of which can
be dangerous or fatal. And, in
some cases, bicycles are inade-
quate, as with too many books,
hills or miles.
KEEPING these points in mind,
there seems to be some massive
conspiracy to eliminate the stu-
dent element at the University
through lack of reasonable hous-
ing, hinderance of automobile and
motorcycle operation and the phy-
sical destruction of bike and cycle
Is there no communication be-

tween the City fathers and the
University administrators, or is
there too much?' I have always
been under the impression that
Ann Arbor liked having the stu-
dents around. Could I have been
wrong for all these years?
-Brian Isaacson, '69
SGC Campaign
To the Editor:
I AM WRITING to comment on
the current agitation by SGC
for a University bookstore. The
campaign seems to another at-
tempt by a well-organized and
well-financed group of students to
get something for nothing from
the taxpayers of the State of
Their main contention seems to
be that the state owes them an
education. Why? Maybe they
shouldhconsider themselves lucky
that the taxpayers of this state
support them to the extent that
they do.
"The other universities do it,
f. Msa m vhPifwuld be

(Cf. Michigan Union cigarette
From a long range point of view,
these students seem to want
everything they, can get, compli-
ments of the taxpayers, without
any of the attendant responsibil-
THEIR ACCUSING finger at the
Regent's ruling in 1929 is amusing.
They insist on taking the logic
one way, so let's. The logical en-
forcement of this ruling would re-
sult in tuition that covers the
cost of education, selling the Un-
ion and League and doing away
with such side effects as volun-
tary contributions to SGO. (I re-
sent the fact that my dues money
is being used to support the cur-
rent campaign, especially since I
had no choice in giving it or not
giving it.) I am one of those "few
(who) would advocate such ac-
But let's take the logic the
other way: "To 'protect the stu-
dent . . . a university must com-
mit itself to the economic welfare
of the students . . ." I presume
that SGC already has plans afoot


Schutze 's Corner:
Ultimate Protest

. I

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