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October 09, 1965 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-09

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Tati Displays Diverse Skills;
'Mion Onele' Creative Comedy

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At The Cinema Guild

humanity in a machine-dominat- lies in the naturalness of its pre-

f ..
- - j

. ..w.._.,.,.,T.

Jacques Tati is a one-man tine-
matic miracle. Besides writing,
directing and starring in "Mon
Oncle," he brings to the screen a
depth of comedy aid a philosophy
of life that is sadly missing in.
Hollywood products.
In this second of his films
about that Gallic Everyman, M.
Hulot, Tati has perfected the gen-
ius for comedy first evidenced in
his internationally acclaimed "M.
Hulot's Holiday" (1954).
"Mon Oncle" is an organic whole
surpassing the loosely vignetted
earlier film. Tati worked metic-
ulously, taking four years to cre-
ate his jewel-like scenes, setting
them in precise sequence. The long'
interval between films was worth-
while for rarely have entertain-
ment and art been so naturally
combined in one film.
Tati's six-foot four frame gives,
Hulot a jaunty, uninhibited stride
reminiscent of Chaplin's duck-
shuffle. Like Chaplin in "Modern
Times," he ,has taken for his
theme the alienation of man's


ed worldd. sentation. Tati never employes
Hulot's brother-in-law, Charles close-ups. He sets his camera upon
Arpel (Jean-Pierre Zola), is a a tableau and seemingly lets the
plastics manufacturer, one of the action develop independent of all
nouveau riche. His family lives in control. This is a difficult effect
an atrocious aluminum and con- to lirect but the street scenesj
crete house fully controlled by come off with such realism as to,
electronic paraphernalia. The lit belie even casual arrangement.
tle boy is driven to tears o4 frus- Hulot seldom speaks. As the!
tration by the antiseptic ' auster Jcommon man-in-the-street, hel
ity of the house and the bour- pantomimes his way into the view-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no ,editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organisation notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar

fluence of alcohol. Oral warning.
f) 1 student-Minor in possession of
alcohol. Oral warning and $25 fine,
$25 suspended.
g) 1 student-1. General conduct un-
becoming a student. 2. Minor under in-,
fluence of alcohol. 3. A public disturb-
ance. 1. For general conduct unbe-
coming a studeht $10 fine, $10 sus-
pended. 2. Minor under influence of
alcohol, $15 fine, $5 suspended. 3.
Creating a disturbance, $15 fine, $5
suspended. 4. If student appears be-
fore the Council and is found guilty
of a generally severe conduct i~nbe-
coming a student, the Council sug-
gests that a future council consider
suspension from the University.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting

sity counseling services.
2, To meet regularly with the di-
' rector of counseling under the vice-
president for student affairs in ful-"
filling function No. 1.
Approved: That SGC:
1) Request the vice-president for
student affairs to initiate as soon as
possible a comprehensive examination
of the effectiveness of current Univer-
sity programming for the foreign stu-
dent with primary emphasis on the
International Center.
This study should also include:,
a) A review and critique of the as-
sumptions involved in establishing a
new International Center (as a second
and separate student activities build-!
b) A review of the University's phil-
osophy of the role of the foreign stu-

geoise status-seeking of his par-
Hulot - bumbling, bewildered,
unable to hold a job-lives in a
weather-streaked walk-up. Out of
place in. the modern world, he
cannot compete successfully with
the intricacies of the ultra-mod-

,' 1

ern kitchen and formal garden.
Hulot wins the boy's heart in
their outings by giving him the
cakes and gimracks denied him
at home.
The pontrast between ways of
life is constantly underscored
throughout the film. The Arpels'
life is based on decisions of which
callers merit having the garden
fountain turned on. Hulot's world
is carefree, wonderful old Parisian
with its bird songs, open air mar-
kets, street cleaners and cafes.
The success of "Mon Oncle"

Precision Marks Jlee'

On Wednesday the University
of Michigan School of Music and
the Glee Club hosted in concert
the Kwansei Gakuin Glee Club
from Nishinomiya, Japan. One
hesitates to use superlatives when
reviewing but in this case an
exception may be made: the coii-
cert was excellent.
-The Kwansei Gakuin Glee Club
has a motto of "Mental Harmony,"
a concentrated singing which re-'
veals itself superficially in the
sometimes clenched fists and fa-
cial expressions of the vocalists,
and more significantly in the In-
tense, enthusiastic presentation.-
The rich tones and full harmonies
of the club are not, however,
what is most significant.
'The most striking aspect is their
control and presision. Dynamics
of the various songs ranged from
the soft pianissimos of the ro-

mantic pieces to the double fortes
of the folk songs, yet on each
dynamic transition the club was a
whole x9th the director, seemingly
singing, breathing, and thinking
as one organism. The precision
was evidenced in perfect attacks
in each song, closings so gradual
that they were impreceptible, and
crystal clear articulations. In
short, it was a technical achieve-
ment giving considerable merit to
the club's 'fMpntal Harmony.".
The club sang Japanese music,
both religious and secular, includ-
ing a section of Japanese folk,
music, whose bold sounds and mel-
odic harmonies were particularly
interesting. Sometimes the un-
familiarity of the audience with
the music detracted from its en-
joyment, but the club did sing,
as enicores the romantic "Sukiaki,"
a song which appeared on both
American and Japanese "Top 10"

er's affections. J Manufacturing and Numerical Con- October 7, 1965 dent. in the University community'
Pace Varies trol Seminar - Registration, Cooley Approved: That the Student Gov- and recommendations for a more for-
TBlddg. Lobby, 8:0am.' ernment Council elections for the Fall ward looking and coherent statement
b ho Pace o come y varies t term be held ob Wed., Nov. 17, 1965. of University philosophy in these areas.
buioyed Up by Alan Romans' Vi- 11 Football-U-M vs, Michigan State.Appointed: The following were ap- 2) Mandate its International Coordi-
vacious musical score. Whether Michigan Stadium, 1:30 p.m. pointed to the Credentials and Rules nators to work with other willing stu-
slapstick, as when Hulot falls Professional Theatre Program Per- Committee for a term expiring on te ent organizations to sponsor hear-
asleep while a plastic machine formance-APA Company in "You Can't appointment of a new C & Commit-sfacultydesigned administrative opinions on
tee' immediately following the Fall-1965 fclyadamnsrtv pnoso
goes berserk, or a running stand- Take It with You": Mendelssohn Thea election. Paul Cameron, Mickey Eisen- the effectiveness of current foreign
by joke, people being distracted tre, 2:30 and 8 p.m. berg, Sue Ness, Steve Schwartz, Jack student programming and the Univer-
and bumping into lamp posts, Ta- Cinema uuild-"Mon Oncle": Arch- Winder, Harlan Bloomer, Paui Pavik sity philosophy toward the role of the
ti makes action convey his de- tecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m. Approved Th followig oi spe 3) Restate our willingness to com-
allocation:- Cinema Guild, Rm4 2538; 'uiaeadwr coeaieywt
light In livling municate and work cooperatively with
g. Musical Society Concert - Chicago Art Exhibit, Temporary Cage; Wolver- any and all administrative offices con-
Tati gives us comedy in its Symphony Orchestra, John Browning, ine Club-Desk file, Rm. 2521; Michi- cerned with the soltttion of these "mu-
highest form, the comedy of man's pianist, Jean Martonon, conductor: ga. . Christian Fellowship, Rm. 2518; tual" problems.
existence. The pathos of a little Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.;O.F.F.S.E.T-Desk file, Rm. 2521; Grad- Approved: That SGC approve Hugh
is , uate Student Council, Folklore Rm. R. Whiting for a one and one-half year
drunk being led, around by, hi r 2543; Challenge, Rm. 2521; ISESTE-. term onth InefaenyCoci
leashed dog, or'the irony of the (,elel ral !NoICC'S File and desk, Rm. 2521. Membership ntrfraternityr wuncil
ArpeS' bingtraped i thir avriApproved: That WCBN Radio Sta- expire at the end of the fall term
Arpels being traphed in their own Joint Judiciary Council on Sept. 29, tion be granted temporary recognition 1966.
garage by their electronic devices 1965, passed the following resolution: for one year.Ap e .M i S 'a
is humorous to us because we can That Joint Judiciary Council pub- Approved: That the Michigan Men's tion against Paul Schiff.
recognize in them something of lish all resolutions and cases consid- Glee Club be granted the following I Move: Student Government Council
our own condition. Tati leads us eared during its meeting two (2) days exceptions from SGC's tolket sales po1- affirms the position taken by Gradu-
ou w oniin ailad,'Safter "the, meeting in order to in- icy: atei Student pto Council in kn urging all
to realize that life is enjoyable if form students of action taken. In 1) To dispense with the 3100 ticket members of the Michigan State fac-
we don't take it too seriously. cases where council deems it neces- limit on block orders. A) Because of ulty and student body to protest the
sary the publication of a case or mo- the fact that the Glee Club has en- actions of their administration; and
tion passed may be withheld from couraged residence halls, fraternities, hopes that all Michigan State stu-
immediate publication. d and sororities to plan parents weekends dents will recognize the dangerous im-
for the weekend of Oct. 30,.1965. On the plications of remaining passive in the
Final Payment of Fall Winter Term basis of past years when the Glee Club face of abridgement of civil liberties
Fees is due and payable on or before has performed in their Fall Joint on the campus of their own University.
Oct. 29, 1965. Concert there has been no' problem Further, that Student Government
If fees are not paid by this date: dirth everyone dettsng a ticket who Council sendtan open letter to the
1. A $10 delinquent penalty will be desires one, and because the Glee Club ,Michigan State newspaper expressing
charged. is not giving two concerts, no prob- these views.
2. A "Hold Credit" will be placed lem is anticipated with there not
against you. This means that until being enough good ,seats.
payment is received and "Hold Credit" 2) To sell block orders at the HillPlacemen
is cancelled: Auditorium Box Office Thursday and
1),Grades will not be mailed. Friday, October 21 and 22. ANNOUNCEMENT:
2) Transcripts will not be furnished. A) On the basis of past years when National Security Agency-NSA an-
3) You. may not register for future the Glee Club has, given two per- nounces the 1965 Professional Qualifi-
charts, and also a beautiful folk terms. formances as they will do this year, cation Test, for Lib. Arts majors (de-
song, "Poor Wayfarin' Stranger." 4) A Senior may not graduate with no problem with people forming lines grees by Sept. 1966). Test req. before
Mention should be made of the his class at the close of the current in the early, hours of the morning is NSA interview for employment. Dead-
term. anticipated, line for test registration is Oct. 13
fact that the club is now on a 3,e.The Dean of your school or col- 3) To allow each Glee Club member -- - ore reg-srao -s .
concert tour of the United States lege will be given a list of delinquent to purchase a maximum of eight tick-
,for the first time. On September accounts. ets per man in a Glee Club block.
24-28 they participated in the Payments may be made in person, A) Each Glee Clubber uses most of
or mailed toth Cashier's Office, 1615 his tickets to gain admittance for WA L U' b U
International University Chorl Administration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., family and relatives from out of town
Festival in New York with 19 Oct.29, 1965. who want to see him perform.
ther clubs from all over the Mail payments postmarked after due B) In past years, this block ha DIAL 8-6416
world (The .U. of M. Glee Club due,Oct. 29, 1965, are late and sub- only. amounted to approximately 450
was there also). The club began Identify mail payments as tuition and ti4)To place a limit at the time of U CANT AFFORD TO
its tour in New, York and at the show student number and name. general sales of 12 tickets per person IS 1 -New Yorker
completion of the tour on Octo- appearing at the box office.q t iMugorine
ber 15 will have presented 14 Events change because they anticipate ticket
concerts. The following sponsored student orders from the people of Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor was certainly for- events are approved for the coming Once again because of the large num-
tunate in having the Japanese weekend. Social chairmen are reminded ber of tickets available, the Glee Club
Glee Club include it on its con- that requests for approval for socia ors n problem.the SGCCommittee
events are due in the Office of Student AprvdTht'heSC omiee__
cert tour. One ,final note: the Organizations not later than 12 o'clock on the University Bookstore be man-
club received a standing ovation noon on Tuesday prior to the event. dated to preparee tthe finalbookstore
and four encores. Even for Ann SAT., OCT. 9- t their Octobr21,1965mee
Arbor audiences that is pretty Michigan, WQ, Cane Trip; Phi Del- Approved: That the President of SGC
good Th ony reretfor thet Theta, Hayseed: Part:; Phi Epsilon,. prvedTht the President of SGCUivr
good. The only regret for the Pi, Band Party; Phi Kappa Psi, Dance; request the President of the Univer-
evening was that they stopped Phi Sigma Kappa, Autumn Party; Pi sity to place the bookstore proposal
singing. Lambda Phi, State Farm Party; Psi Up- ote n'agenda of the next Regents'
silon, Mystery Party; Reeves, Markley'm Approved: That an additionaei$10ne'
Open-Open; Phi Gamma Delta, Band
Victory Party; Scott, Mvarkley, Open- appropriated to the SGC Committee
pen'SigmaAphaM,"T;Sigmaonthe University Bookstore to meet
Opnh imaPalphMunforseen button requests.
CSigm Nun PrHouse Party; Sigma Phi, Approved: That SGC establish a Stu-
BiaNu,'ous Party; sSgPhimanPThimdent Counseling Advisory Committee.
Band Party; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theme Committee Functions:
Dance; Stockwell Hall, Football Open 1 To relay to the proper adininis- N S
'Poo eHouse; Tau Delta Phi, Pledge Dance; trative and professional departments T IJILIULDKE
Prom ote = = apaEsioHosPat;TeTH "TT'.-
Tau Kappa Epsilon, House Party;The-concerned with counseling activities
ta Chi, Party; Theta Delta Chi, South student opinion, criticism of and sug-
Seas Party; Wenley, WQ, gOpen-Open; ston __r_ _rovements__nUner-
C :[sZeta Beta Tau, Party; Delti Phi Epsi- eto for improvements in lfniver -__________________
~~Iiam piis ~~~on, Football Open House; Sigma Kap- _________ hw
pa, Open House.
SUN., OCT. 10- Shows at
Cheever, Oxford, Open-Open..

for test given Oct. 23. Apply now. Test & Idaho Falls, Idaho-Any Degree: EE.
bulletin & application form available ME. MS-PhD: Info, & Controls & Naval
at Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB. & Marine. PhD: ChE, EM & Met. R. &
Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Ciba Corp., Summit, N.J.-Literature -BS-MS: ChE, EE, IE, ME. Any De-
Pharmacist Pharmacy degree - any gree: Met, MS: Math. BS: Physics. For
level. No indust, exper.-some exper. R. & D. can consider non-citizen. 'R.
as Lit, or Res. Pharmacist helpful, & D., Prod. & Sales.
knowledge of German desirable. Dow Corning Corp., Mich., N.C, Ky.,
J. M. Foster Co., Inc., Gary, Ind. - --Any Degree: ChE, BS-MS: EE, EM, IE
Civil Engrs. for construction of in- ME. BS: E Physics, Set. Engrg. R. &
dust. plant facilities. On-the-job trng. D., Des., Prod., Sales, Appl. Engr.
leads to project engrs, or mgrs. FMC Corp., Nationwide-Any Degree:
Imperial Eastman Corp., Chicago - ChE. BS: BE, IE, ME. R. & D., Prod,
Chief Engr. 19 yrs. exper. in prod.I Sales,
des. & dev. & supv. Supv. engrg., lab, Hallmark Cards, Inc., Kansas City,
&udraftingestaff. Also positions in Mo.-BS-M$: IE, ME, Math PhD: IE-
fluidics. New & recent BS & MS Oper. Res, Prod, Mgmt., Printing or
grads for dev, of fluid amplifiers, etc. Graphic Arts, Paper Chem. & related
for indust. application. Bkgd. in fluid fields. Make appointment at Bureau
mechanics required. of Appointments, 3200 SAB.
B. F. Goodrich, Akron, Ohio -Ur- Jefferson Chemical Co., Inc., Hous-
gent need for regist, nurse & lab tech, ton, Austin, Conroe & Port Neches,
for permanent position in Liberia. Sin- Tex. (a.m.)-BS-MS: ChE, IE, ME. R.
gle, under 50 yrs. Furnished house, & D., Des., Prod., Sales.
utilities & auto provided' 2 yr. tour
of duty. 3 mos. paid vacation.Nurse TEACHER PLACEMENT:
must be female. Lab. Tech, male or The following schools have vacan-
female.-cies for the present semester:
* * * Belleville, Mich. (Van Buren P.S.)-
For further information, please call Speech Correction.
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- Eaton Rapids, Mich.-Sr. High Power
pointmerits, 3200 SAB. Mech.
Fairfield Calif.-Teacher (Departmen-
ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- talized) Major or Minor in English.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please Jonesville, Mich.-Jr. & Sr. High Art,
sign schedule posted at 128-H West * * *
Engrg ,For additional information contact
TUES.-WED., OCT.12-13- the Bureau of Appointments, Educ.
Argonne National Lab., Argonne Ill. Div.,38200 SAB, 764-7463.
4,. { y1 .~.S V tt.LA

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The Michigan
Men's Glee Club Records
"White Tie and Tails

t,0 T"
"On our"
On sale Saturday,
8--12 a.m.
Also on sale at
Information Desk, Administration Building




New Foundatton'To
Arts Humanities on
Collegiate Press Service bill into law, include the creation
WASHINGTON-Artist-in-resi- of a national repertory theatre
Bence programs throughout the and an American film institute;
country. will receive booster shots support of a national opera, a
from the new National Founda- national ballet, and s:mphony or-
tion for the Arts and Humani- chestras; and commissioning new
works of music.
President Johnson has listed T wo Endowments
grants to schools and universi- The Foundation consists of two
ties to support great artists on
the campus as one of the major one for the humanities and one
tasks of the' foundation. The oth- for the arts-and a Federal Coun-
ers, announced at the Sept. 29 cil on the Arts and Humanities
ceremony sighing the foundation to coordinate their activities. In'
addition, the new laiv provides
funds to match private contribu-
tions to the endowments, to give
ORGANIZATION special arts grants to the states,
and to remodel and purchase ele-
NOT mentary and secondary school arts
*-- and humanities equipment.
It also authorizes $500,000'for
training institutes to strengthen,
use of This "Column for Announce-the teaching of the arts and hu-
ments is available to officially recug- inanities in elementary and sec-
nized and. registered 'student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room ondary schools. Many colleges and
1011 sA. 'universities can be expected to
*e * host these arts and humanities in-
Lha'dtheWsp stitutes, just as they have spon-r

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sored language, science, mathe-
matics, and history institutes in I office of student Organizations
the past. Notice on Discipline': At the meet-
ings of the Joint Judiciary Council
According to the new law, the on the nights of September 8, 15, 29
essential difference between theIand October 6, 1965, the following cases
' arts and the humanities is that were heard :
tharts n olvre atinerfsotha violation of University Regulations:
the arts involve creation, perform- a) Referral from Lower Judiciary: 1
ance, and exhibition; whereas the student-Conduct unbecoming a stu-
humanities center around study. dent\ 1. FaIled to sign out of resi-
The creation of the arts and denc. 2. Improperly stayed out of
residence all night. Letter of apology
humanities foundation culminates to house director and judiciary chair-
a concerted 2% year campaign, led man of housing unit.
areyby members of the aca- b) 3 students-Ilegal possession and
largelyb muse of alcoholic beverages. $25 fine per
demic community, to get federal inan suspended until May 1, 1966.
support for non-science fields. The c) 2 students-Illegal possession and
main thrust of the campaign came use of fireworks. Oral warning,
in te srin of1963 whn tree d) 1 student-Petty larceny. If stu-
in the spring of 1963, when three dent comes before Joint Judiciary
national scholarly and education Council the future for a similar of-
organizations united to sponsor a sense, the Council should seriously
National Committee on the Hu- consider a recommendation to the Uni-
versity for suspension.
inanities. e) 1 student-Minor under the in-
AtN d.4.. S __

mrm- Ii 7' N ln

1 :00-3:35-6:15-9 p.m.
Dial 5-6290

a The Commission's report
presented in June 1964, and
cluded that the arts, human
and relevant academic discip
needed additional massive
port, coming largely from the
eral government.

e fed-

at 7 p.m., Sun., Oct.- 10. David Peter-
ing, Grad student, at program at 7-
"God the Creator-or Is DNA the Se-
cret of Life?", Lutheran Student Chap-
el, Hill St. at Forest Ave.
University Lutheran Chapel, Open
house, cider and doughnuts after State
game from 45:15 pm. -All welcome., Oct.
9, 4 pnm.. 15U Washt~ennw. ,

m n mnmusrm mmia= m m =m=mmmm mmmmmm amm=u==. .ma m
* I
TONIGHT at 7 and 9 P.M.

'PHONE 483-468(

jI h hilarious French Comedy
I0 0
E _



Vivien Leich, Jose Ferer, Simone Simone, Lee Marvin
Dial 662-6264
3 00-5:00-7:00,& 9:05
i t O
1 R .
a 8 9L





= x -, 11117 AMINM&A

jm vi


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