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October 09, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-09

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See Editorial Page

Yl r e

S ir i an


Cloudy, windy
and cool

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
olitics, Education lash in Kelley-Senate D
By JOHN MEREDITH Of these, the state board is the defensive anger of a wounded ning mechanism for higher edu- vention clearly intended to insure assumes that Bentley wanted a true indication as to the accuracy f
T key institution. It is nebulously animal. cation in Michigan will be de- that the board's advice be respect- state board with the kind of legal of a ruling. Nevertheless, the re- a
The vision of coordinatedpln- defined creature of Michigan's Kelley's ruling 1i only an in- veloped. ed; and this, in turn, implies legal authority it outlines. action of the Senate is at least a
ni hig hergenuca tngindnew constitution, 'and, as such, formal opinion-that is, a policy Kelley's ruling would prevent backing for the board's decisions. of equal interest.
with political maneuveringlthree its status is still uncertain. If it statement without the force of the Legislature from passing leg- Although firmly supported by Bentley, however, said Wednes- On the floor of the Senate r
with politicalnmaneuverng tee -develops into a strong, independ- law. Nevertheless, Kelley said islation to set up-a new college or members of the board, Kelley's day that he conceived the source Wednesday was a proposal to es- o
days ago, when an attorney gen- ent body, its strength will have Wednesday he will be glad to university without benefit of a legal rationale has come under of the board's power to be prestige tablish an osteopathic college. The
eral's ruling on the relationship been gained at the expense of the give a formal opinion if one is prior recommendation from the attack from the Legislature and, and prestige alone; giving what state board had not yet ruled on o
btweenBthe Legislatrend the Legislature and the autonomous requested, and, even if a formal state board. It would take the in- significantly, from key con-con he called a first, tentative reaction the college; indeed, it had re- f
State Board of Education touched schools; hence, the latter two are opinion is not forthcoming, the itiative away from the Legislature delegates. to Kelley's opinion, he said he was quested that the Legislature delay a
oa dispute over who the plan- watching it carefully, ever alert to attorney general's office has com- by forcing it to wait for the board Most interesting of the criti- "amazed" that the attorney gen- action to give it time to consider f
iers should be. block anything which appears to mited itself to the direction it will to act, and thus it clearly leans cisms in the latter category is a eral had interpreted the conven- the issue. g
There are no less than three threaten their own traditional follow in defining the relation- in the direction of a strong board. comment by Alvin Bentley, who tion's intent otherwise. Senate leaders, however, de- o
groups-the Legislature, the state authority, ships between the board, the Leg- The ruling is based on an inter- was chairman of con-con's com- Such statements by Bentley and cided the delay was unnecesary t
board and the 10 existing tax- islature and the autonomous col- pretation of the intent of the con- mittee on education. In documen- oth t d t m and tried to bring the bill up for n
supported colleges and universities This week's ruling by Attorney iges and universities. The ruling is stitutional convention. In desig- ting his opinion, Kelley cites r onven ion egaessm an immediate vote. Senator Ed- d
-vying for the major share of General Frank Kelley would trans- the first such commitment, and nating the board as the planning statements made by Bentley at ward Robinson (D-Dearbon), an
planning authority, and each is fer some of the Legislature's power thus it and reaction to it offer and coordinating body for Mich- the convention indicating that a formal opinion which subse- opponent of the osteopathic col- p
exeremely sensitive about its pow- to the board, and the state Sen- an indication of the process igan's system of education, Kelley Bentley envisioned a strong plan- quently could be brought to a lege and a firm supporter of a f
er position. ate reacted to it with the quick, through which a revised plan- reasoned, the constitutional con- ning body-and from this opinion court test, and they are the only strong board, requested an opinion b

rom Kelley on the constitution-
lity of legislative action without
prior board ruling.
The Senate responded - or,
ather, retaliated-by forcing the
steopathic cqllege bill through..
The osteopathic college bill is
n its way to the House, where its
ate is uncertain. If it passes, the
ttorney general's opinion could
orce a governor's veto, or, if the
overnor signs the measure, state
fficials involved in carrying out
he osteopathic college proposal
night feel obliged to hold off in
eference to Kelley's ruling.
In any case a court test will
robably be the final result of the
irst step in defining the state
oard's power position.

s, What's,Ne w.
At 7644817
As a reaction against the International Days of Protest
against government policy in Viet Nam, a conference of adminis-
tration supporters will be held on Oct. 16 in Washington, D.C.
The conference, "A Symposium for Freedom in Viet Nam," will
include a "top Republican -leader, a top Democratic leader, an
official of the State Department, five distinguished professors,
and myself" according to Arthur J. Collingsworth, '67, chairman
of the local Conference on Viet Nam Steering Committee. He also
said that "about 1500" students are expected to attend. No campus
opposition M% the International Days of Protest, which are ex-
pected to include some form of civil disobedience, is being plan-
ned by administration supporters.
Phil E. Spear, newly-elected chairman of the Ann Arbor
Board of Realtors, announced at a board meeting yesterday that
local realtors handled $24.9 million in home and commercial sales
for the first nine monthsof this year, 26 per cent more than for
the same period last year. Spear predicted that "with expansion
planned by the University," and by local merchants and firms,
"this sales trend can only continue upwards."
* *, *I *
Stewart Gordon, '66, a member of the Student Advisory Com-
mittee on Housing, said yesterday that the group's first meeting
Wednesday night with Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard
L. Cutler and William L. Steude, director of student community
relations, had been generally satisfactory in establishing the
philosophy and procedures under which the group would function.
Gordon said that the committee's role would be to advise di-
rectly Cutler and Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur
K: Pierpont. In addition the group would have the power to
initiate action such as taking surveys and formulating long-range
Gordon had indicated earlier that the only area of some
dispute was the release by the committee of information that the
administration considered confidential but that this was not a
serious disagreement.,He added that the committee would publish
the proceedings of each week's meeting in The Daily.
* * * *
The Student Book Service expects to sign a lease within the
next few days and establish a permanent location, Prof. Fred
Shure of the nuclear engineering department and manager of the
SBS, said yesterday.
Long Distance
An editor of the Berkeley Daily Californian said yesterday
that student opinion is running heavily ink favor of former tem-
porary assistant professor of German Eli Katz in his dispute with
the administration. ,Katz's'contract was not renewed after he
refused to comply with the administration by answering questions
about his political activities. He had prevously refused to- answer
questions before the House Un-American Activities Committee.,
Chancellor Roger W. Heyns of the University of California
recently refused to comment as to when he will reach a decision
on the rehiring of "activist" Katz. The American Civil Liberties
Union has threatened to take the case to court unless Heyns'
decision comes soon.
Dr., Jerome W. Conn of the University's Medical School will
receive the $5,000 International Gairdner Prize in Toronto for his
research on high blood pressure. After receiving the award, Dr.
Conn will deliver a lecture before the Toronto Academy of Medi-

SGC Gets
Support for
11,000 Students
Sign Petitions
For Regents
A strong wave of "support has
greeted the drive of Student Gov-
ernment Council to establish a
University bookstore Donald Res-
nick, '67, SGC member, said yes-
Resnick said that locally eleven
thousand students have already
signed the SGC petition request-
ing that the Regents establish the
bookstore and that signs of sup-
port for the store are coming
from the Office of Student Af-
In addition, Resnick pointed out,
labor union representatives and
clergymen who attended "Know
Your University Day". Thursday,
have promised to send letters to
the Regents indicating their sup-
port for the bookstore.
Getting the Best
Resnick said " we can get the.
best in books and still not have to
pay the most. Wayne State Uni-
versity students get the same kind
of service but pay 10 per cent
less. Why not the University?"
"As savings of 10 per cent may
not seem that big to the student
when compared to the total costs
of an education but when the pre-
cedent is set-changing the 1929
Regents Bylaw which prohibits
the University from establishing
a mercantile organization-the
University can then. move into
more important areas such as
housing. The beneficial effects for
the student would be beyond
Resnick met yesterday with Art
Martin, a store design consultant
with the Bulman Corporation, to
discuss the possible size and costs
for the proposed bookstore. Mar-
tin indicated a University book-
store would need 14,000 square
feet of selling area and 7,000
square feet for storage.
His estimates were $45,000 for
fixtures or $3 per square foot.
Martin said that if a University
Bookstore offered a 10 per cent
discount "the Ann Arbor book-
stores would match it." An ad-
ministrative official agreed with
this prediction.
Committee member Mickey
Eisenberg, '67, said that the re-
maining signatures would come
mostly from petitions distributed
to fraternities, sororities and
GraduaterStudent Council. These
are expected back around Oct. 15,
he said.







-Daily-Richard Steiner
COUNCILMAN JOHN HATHAWAY (at the head of the table) is the focus of attention at yesterday's luncheon meeting to discuss
proposed motorcycle regulations. On his left are (left to right): Theodore Cohn of the driving regulations board; Peter Ostafin, assis-
tant to the vice-president for student affairs; and Charles Cooper, administrative vice-president of Student Government Council. The
two shadowy figures across the table are Kenneth Zuckerman (left) of the driving regulations board and William Perigo, assistant to
the director of student activities and organizations.
'edestria n 'oralsAta cked

Changes to
Ask Alteration of
Safety Measures,
Noise Regulations
Members of the Student Driver
Regulations Board conferred for
the first time with Councilman
John Hathaway about the contro-
versial motorcycle regulations Is-
sue in a luncheon meeting yester-
The Driver Regulations Board.
consists of two members of Stu-
dent GovernmentCouncil,, one
person from Joint Judiciary Cou-
cil, one from Graduate Student
Council, an administrator from
the Office of Student Affairs, and
Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler.
The Board made four major
recommendations concerning the
control of noise, safety measures,
cycle registration, anddriver edu-
cation. They compared with Hath-
away's ideas on cycle regulations
as follows:
" Although the Board supported
the regulation of excessive noise,
they pointed out that the loudest
cycles are those with modified
exhaust pipes.
According to Hathaway, the
problem of regulating cycles, es-
pecially at night, is complicated
by the difficulty in distinguishing
between a motorcycle and a motor
driven cycle. State law decrees
that motor driven cycles, which
have five horsepower or less, may
not be operated at night without
a special permit. Since actual
brake horsepower as measured by
the city, may be only 25 per cent
of that listed by the manufac-
turer, a realistic system of meas-
urement might discover many
more cycles under five horsepow-
er, according to Hathaway.
Hathaway also proposed to low-
er the decibel requirement in the
city's noise control ordinance.
This ordinance presently prohi-
bits the operation of a vehicle
creating more than 95 decibels of
sound. If Hathaway's proposal is
passed the requirement will drop
to 89.
* Safety should be handled
voluntarily by the students them-
selves according to the Board.
" Since the University registers
student cyclists, the Board claim-
ed that it should be unnecessary
for the these same students to
register again with the city.
On this subject, Hathaway not-
ed that although the University
and the city do operate similarly
with respect to cycle registration,
they differ in regard to their
methods of enforcing the rules
" The Board proposed the es-
tablishment, of a series of clinics
at which cycle driving and safety
would be taught. Instructors for
these clinics could include stu-

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - The moral
revolution was the topic of dis-
cussion during the closing ses-
sions yesterday of the American
Council on Education's annual
meeting here-and Sister Jacque-
line Grennan, president of Web-
ster College, emphatically .denied
several other college presidents'
"pedestrian"' moral outlooks.
Students must be consulted in
a constant dialogue so that the

standards of the older generation
are not forced on to the younger
generation, she said. Standards to
fit a changing society must be dis-
covered together with students, on
a "two-way street."
Kingman Brewster, president of
Yale University, talked of what
observers term "more sophisticat-
ed approaches to the moral and
ethical problems of students in
today's society." He called on edu-
cation leaders to lead "the struggle
for a system of values which will
renew purpose" in the nation.

Educators, he said, "have


Path Clear for l ti State Supported College

responsibility, not to let the sword
of our own conviction fall to the
ground, not to become faceless
men, incapable of expressing pei'-"
sonal conscientious conviction."
Brewster scorned what Daily
reporters call administrativese
language, Land called on the dele-
gates to 'stem the tendencies to
moral disengagement." He de-
manded moral goals in the college
and university environment.
"To cultivate a weasel-worded
tolerance in the name of objec-
tivity is to fail the duty as pre-
ceptor to set an example of moral
and intellectual courage. It could
only confirm the allegation that
ours is an apparatus of means
without ends."
Liberal Education
Such "boldness and innovation"
he termed the true power of a
liberal education.
Clark Kerr, president of the
University of California, empha-
sized in an interview for the Daily
yesterday the rapid expansion of
the university through the addi-
tion of new, varied campuses and
predicted that there wouldn't be
"another Berkeley" this fall.
He cited several factors in his
assessment of the Berkeley situa-
tion. Referring to a "very unwise
edict issued last fall to restrict
political activity" he said "The
new Chancellor, Rober Heyns,
won't make a mistake like that."
New Attitude

against the Viet Nam war, Kerr
said the organized groups were
not getting the support they had
Participants in the ACE session
on "Higher Education and the
Moral Revolution" seemed to split
over viewing students as "those
kids" or, as Sister Grennan put it,
"our junior colleagues.
Many observers felt that Brew-
ster didn't "get through" to the
delegates in his luncheon speech.
"You can't theorize about 'moral
disengagement' with this group,"
one person said.
Other criticisms centered on the
"low level of representation" at
the conference and on the state
of higher education leadership in
the country. Few of the delegates
were from schools generally con-
sidered among the top 40, though
these were fairly well represented
among the speakers and panelists.:
"I could count the real leaders
in higher education on the fin-
gers of one hand," one delegate
While the conference was de-
voted to the student, there was no
evidence of student planning aid,
and only scattered panel partici-
While Brewster tried to arouse
interest in moral leadership from
presidents and administrators,
Sister Grennan sought to join
with the students in such leader-

After several years of indeci-
sion, delay and political haggling,
the path finally seems clear for
development of a four-year state-
supported college in the Sgginaw
Valley area.
Gov. George Romney signed a
bill in July creating Saginaw Bay
State College and, with the pos-
sibility of a dispute over site
selection eliminated according to
informed sources, the school will

The University branch plan,
however, later became involved in
a political hassle during which
several alternative p r o p o s a l s
The State Board of Education
then decided to provide the Sagi-
naw area with a four-year college
sequence for students by support-
ing the establishment of a two-
year" private senior college to
which graduates from Delta Jun-
ior College would have ready ac-

The report, released in March,
1965, reported the tremendous
need for expanded educational fa-
cilities in the state.
It predicted that undergraduate
enrollment in Michigan will in-
crease 49 per cent by 1975.-
The committee noted that four
of Michigan's metropolitan areas
lacked a state-supported four-year
college. Bay City and Saginaw
were ~ a ing h mnta D i nnn~d

sentatives to establish Saginaw
Bay State College. Rep. .J. Rob-
ert Traxler (D-Saginaw) added
an amendment to the bill, stip-
ulating that the Legislature must
approve the site for the school.
"The intention of my amend-
ment is merely to insure that pri-
vate interests in the Saginaw Val-
ley area don't locate the school on
a site not easily accessible to
either Bay City, Saginaw or Mid-

grounds of Delta College.
William Groening, head of a pri-
vate fund raising group for Sagi-
naw Bay State College, stated that
the Delta College area would be
unacceptable to his group. He said
that he would feel obliged to con-
sult with donors who had con-
tributed money with another site
in mind before making the group's
funds available for the college.
Differ on Sites
This differing over sites has




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