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September 23, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-23

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Communists Split Over





Senate Passes Bill To Reject

Associated Press Staff Writer
MOSCOW-The recent crisis for
India and Pakistan was also a
crisis for the Soviet Union; it in-
terfered with the country's role
as the historic instigator of Com-
munist revolution.
In practice and in theory, Com-
munist operators do best in areas
threatened with disintegration be-
cause of economic crisis or war,
and the Indo-Pakistan clash
promised to provide both. A unit-
ed Communist world could have
asked nothing niter. J
Soviets Unable To Profit
But when' the disintegration
threatened, the Soviet Union was
in a poor position to profit from
it. Red China had the best chance.

Soviet leaders had to go into re-
verse gear and vote with Western
powers to quell the disorder.
Even the most optimistic In-
diansscould hardly look with hap-
piness on a wasting war, despite
their haunting desire to whip Pak-
istan. War would inevitably have
strained the central government
mechanisms holding the country
together. Twice the government
has had to step into the Kerala
area of southwest India to take
control away from local Commu-
A united Communist world, of
say 20 years ago, could have
sought nothing better than to sup-
port Kerala, and other separatist
movements in Southeast- Asia or
in similar areas where the coun-

try is held together by the thin-
nest kind of glue.'
Pakistan is in little better po-
sition. It is divided geographical-
ly in two sections a thousand miles
apart, with the true Pakistan in
the northwest-the ancient cen-
ter of Moslem influence. In the
east section, a separatist move-
ment has long been evident. The
people are Bengalis, basically of
the same stock as the great Hin-
du masses on all sides of them.
A united Communism might
have taken advantage of these
But the Communist world is no
longer united. Red China has led
the aggressive faction away, leav-
ing the Soviet Union siding with
the West in a peacemaking effort

that, if finally successful, could
keep the Indian subcontinent out
of Communist hands indefinitely.
The Red Chinese are already
crying that Soviet leaders have
betrayed revolutionary Commu-
The prosperity of the individual
Soviet citizen lags behind that of
East Europeans, and a revolution-
ary zeal is therefore a measure
higher. But the Soviet Union it-
self is committed to a course of
creating greater comforts for its
population. Money for farms now
is approaching the level of money
for defense and space exploration.
Correspondents who return after
being out of the country a year
or so find the atmosphere here
changed. The Soviet Union is

looking inward more than before,
to its food shelves, to its cloth-
ing stores, to its household ap-
pliance factories 'making washing
machines, refrigerators, radios
and television sets.
The Soviet Union will try to
continue to hold up the banner
of support for wars of "national
liberation" in Africa, in Latin
America, and Asia, but the big
show-down has already arrived.
The Red Chinese shout revolution,
while the Russians press for peace.
What the long-range effect of
this may be can only be sur-
mised. But at an important hour,
the Soviet Union sided with the
West, and helped to quiet an area
where Communism alone could
have profited from a war.

National Origin Quota System


UEx etToIndia-Paki stan



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"Look, Ayub, I've only got two hands!!"

Both Nations
Concede To
tUN Request
World Shows Relief
As Troops Withdraw
To Meet Deadline
By The Associated Press
The United Nations sped about
30 military men to Pakistan to-
day to supervise a scheduled cease-
fire and a' requested withdrawal
along the line where the two
countries have been fighting since
early August.
The cease-fire took effect at
3:30 a.m., Indian time, today -
5 p.m. (EST), yesterday - in the
India-Pakistan war that had
threatened to engulf Asia.
Stop Shooting
Hours before the scheduled time
for the end of hostilities military
radios crackled out orders to
troops of India and Pakistan to
stop the shooting in accordance
with the agreement reached by
the United Nations Security Coun-
cil in New York early Wednesday.
There were no immediate re-
ports of violations of the cease-
fire. But a few hours before the
deadline, India accused Pakistan
of bombing the Sikh holy city of
Amritsar early yesterday and kill-
ing 42 civilians there.
Serious Violation
In a letter to UN Secretary-
General U Thant, Ambassador G
Parthasarathy termed the report-
ed attack a "serious and dastard-
ly violation" of the truce agree-
Amritsar, the Golden Temple
city of the bearded Sikhs' religious
sect, is in Punjab State near the
western front.
As the truce hour approached
the United Nations rushed abou
30 military men to India and Pak
istan to supervise the agreemen
and the requested withdrawa'
along the line where the fightin
has raged since early August ove
control of the divided state o
A wave of relief swept man
world capitals at the belligerents
abolsh-acceptance of the Security Coun
abolish- cil order. But Red China, trucul
t to an- ent as ever, continued to attac
country the United Nations, the Unite
melting States and the Soviet Union.
rett M. With the cease-fire agreemen
one of finally achieved, both India an
fled the Pakistan are expected to press th
United States to restore suspend
Ellender ed aid programs.
be will- The loss of military aid b
ion en- both countries, coupled witha
freeze on projected new aid com
e mitments, was evidently a majo
re lim-source of pressure on both na
not to tions to find a way to end th
and the fighting.
be phas- Devastating Conflict
eriod. U.S. officials felt the cease-fir
edy (D- came because both countries ha
bill on come to recognize they faced a po
illronetentially long and devastating con
ants by flict which might lead to genera
a total war in Asia-depending on wha
Communist China did.
(D-NC), Chinese. harassment of Indi
amend- with a war of nerves, which wa
nisphere, intensified within the last wee.
South was designed probably for the im
cent in mediate purpose of assisting Pak
istanby creating a diversion o
atens to India's China border.
If the Chinese had encountered
weakness in India's resistance o

- ' - in the readiness of the Western
powers-perhaps even the Sovie
Union-to support India, the:
might have pressed on into an
active border campaign agains
Will, nnn117

Fall in RLaid1
Killing on Both Sides:
U.S. Loses Aircraft,
Navy Destroys Boats
-SAIGON (P)-Viet Cong guerril-
las hit two towns in the Mekong
delta yesterday with mortar at-
tacks and killed or wounded. 26
civilians, a U.S. military spokes-
man reported.
The ground action came as U.S.i
B-52's plastered suspected Com-
munist installations 25 miles north
of Saigon in their eighth raid in
nine days. Other U.S. planes struck
bridges and boats in North Viet
The Viet Cong lobbed mortar
shells into the towns in Dinh
Tuong Province 50 miles southeast
of Saigon and overran an outpost
in the same province, the spokes-
man said. Government defenders
of the outpost suffered heavy
losses, he added. The Communist
guerrillas also struck another
nearby Vietnamese outpost, caus-
ing light casualties. Government
troops later retook both posts and
' killed two Viet Cong, he said.
Exchanged Fire
In the central highlands, troops
of the 1st Cavalry Division, Air-
borne, exchanged fire for 10 min-
utes with a Viet Cong unit probing
p the defense perimeter of the new-
ly established base of the "Fly-
ing Horsemen" at An Khe, 260
miles north of Saigon.
The Army's 101st Airborne Bri-
gade, in the same area, reported
sporadic fire with the enemy.
The B-52's, which earlier this
week concentrated on targets in
the Communist-infested Mekong
delta, struck yesterday in Binh
Duong Province north of the cap-
Heavy Ground Fire
Under, security regulations, no
assessment of the B-52 strike was
given. But pilots of 16 Navy planes
from the U.S. 7th Fleet, carrier
Midway reported destroying two
boats and heavily damaging sev-
eral bridges in raids over North
Viet Nam. The pilots said they
met with heavy ground fire but
all planes were reported to have
t returned safely. On Monday, six
" U.S. aircraft were downed by Red
gunners and two others fell when
1 they collided.
In other developments:
r -Elements of the U.S. Army
f 173rd Airborne Brigade, probing
dense jungle 'near Benjeat, 40
miles northwest of Saigon, found
' an abandoned Viet Cong field hos-
pital and seized medical supplies
- before destroying the facility and
k a network of tuinels around 'it.
d The U.S. troops, who have been
trying to clear the area since Sept.
t 14, reported nine Viet Cong killed
d in the latest sweep.
7X35 CF
Complete with Genuine Leather Case

tary buildup for the Viet Nam
conflict brought a Pentagon call
yesterday for the draft of 1,979
doctors, dentists and veterinarians
in January.
It is the first request to the
Selective Service for dentists and
vetererinarians since the Berlin
crisis in 1961. The 350 dentists
and 100 vetererinarians requested
will all serve in the Army.
The Defense Department ask-
ed for the drafting of 1,529 doc-
tors-949 for the Army, 260 for
the Navy and 320 for the Air
This is the second medical draft
call this year. On Jan. 7 the De-
fense Department asked for 851
doctors, but this was raised to 950
on Jan. 28 and then to 1,085 in
The previous doctor draft call
before that was in January of
1964, for 1,050 doctors, and this
was raised to 1,175 by July.
All the medical drafts were re-
quired, the Pentagon said, because
not enough medical school grad-
uates are volunteering. Men who
are deferred from the draft to
complete their education are sub-
ject to being called into service
after completing their internships.
Calls for doctors have been is-
sued periodically since the start
of the Korean War some 15 years
Explaining this newest draft'
quota, the Defense Department
annoucement said:
"The call is necessary, to pro-
vide the health services required
for the increase in the active arm-

ed forces strength announced in
July by President Johnson."
President Johnson approved
then a 340,000-man boost in the
armed forces, to a new total of
nearly three million. This brought
a jump in general draft calls to
36,450 for November, double what
it was a couple of months ago-
with the Navy and Marine Corps
having to rely on it for the first
time in many years.
Marriage was eliminated as
grounds for deferment, if the mar-

SEN. ALLEN . ELLENDER, left, and Sen. Everett Dirksen,
right, dispute the newly-passed immigration bill.

t C,.
t a

riage ceremony was after midnight
Aug. 28.
The veterernarians who are be-
ing drafted will be used chiefly for
meat inspection. Few animals are
left in the services, with the horse
cavalry gone, but the services do
use dogs for sentry and other pur-
A Selective Service spokesman
said the doctors, dentists and vet-
erernarians who will be drafted
probably will be mostly between
the ages of 26 and 35.

Pentagon Issues New Call-
Doctors, Dentists, Vets

'WASHINGTON (T) - The na-
tional origins quota system was
rejected yesterday as the Sen-
ate passed an .immigration bill,
but a rousing squabble still looms
on the emotion-laden issue.
By a 76-18 vote, the Senate cli-
maxed days of debate on the ad-
ministration-pushed changes for
foreign-born seeking permanent
U.S. residence.
The national origins quota sys-
tem has been the foundation of
immigration policies for 41 years.
Under it, nations are assigned
quotas on the basis of the ori-
gins of the U.S. population in
1920. .
Critics claim this gives one-
sided favoritism to northern and
western Europeans over other
peoples-of the world.
Of the 158,561 present annual
immigration quota, 'Figland, Ire-
land and Germany bAve an over-
whelming share.
The Senate bill provides an an-
nual quota of 170,000, an increase
of 11,439, for non-Western Hem-
isphere immigrants, with no more
than 20,000' from any single na-

It sets a ceiling of 120,000 a
year for Western Hemisphere na-
tions, an over-all total with no
country-by-country limitation.
Spouses, children and parents
of U.S. citizens are exempt from
the numerical quotas.
The fight is expected to come
in a conference over the Senate's
restriction of unlimited entry from
Western Hemisphere nations, a
move rejected in the House.
Fought Origins System
President Johnson, as did his
three predecessors, urged scrap-
ping of the origins system. His
administration fought the Western
Hemisphere ceiling in the House
bill, but not in the Senate for
fear the whole bill might be en-
This limitation is the major dif-
ference between the two congres-
sional bills and is expected to pro-
duce the sticking point in the con-
ference to settle on a final version.
Throughout, emotion underscor-
ed debate.
Johnson said the origins sys-
tem doesn't jibe with the basic
American tradition of asking "not
where a person comes from but
what are his personal qualities?"

Many who argued forE
ing this method could poin
cestors who came to the
which many dubbed "the
pot of the world."'
Republican Leader Eve
Dirksen of Illinois was
those yesterday who cal
origins system outmoded.
Opposing, Sen. Allen J.I
(D-Ala), said he would.
ing - to suspend immigrat
tirely for five years.
Three-Year Chang
The Western Hemisphe
tation on immigration is
take effect until 1968,a
origins quota system will b
ed out over a three-year p
Sen. Edward M. Kenne
Mass), who managed the
the floor, figured it wille
the number of immigra
about 60,000 annually to
of about 355,000.
Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr.t
author of the limitation
ment for the Western Hem
said immigration from
America increased 40 per
the last 10 years. He cl
it is not limited, it threa
become an avalanche.

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