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September 04, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-04

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Seventy-Sixth Year
Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Truth Will Prevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Further Study Is Needed
Before A Ruling on High-Rises


The Future: Revolution as a Life Style

WTH JUST A FEW MORE concessions
to developers, Ann Arbor can inaug-
urate a new breed of slum planning.
There would be no traditional tene-
ment-ghetto style slum: cramped, poorly
built, noisy, and unhealthy. Instead, there
would be a more idealized student-quar-
tei slum: cramped, poorly built, noisy,
and unhealthy.
A new class of buildings would arise,
each one infringing on the other's air
rights. They would be modernized fire
hazards, equipped with the latest appli-
This is not unlikely. Basically, well-de-
signed, roomy housing is more expensive
than inadequate housing, and real estate
developers know this. By meeting only
the minimum standards and aiming for
maximum density, they can contribute to
dark, crowded and noisy conditions.
But builders cannot be blamed for this
situation. They cannot be expected to
champion any interest except their own.
And in attempting to gain income from
their developments, they contend with
high material, labor and land costs.
IN SERVING their interests, developers
will build to meet demand. There are
three basic groups capable of setting
specifications for that demand: the Uni-
versity, Ann Arbor citizens and the City
The University, as one of these three
groups, has avoided voicing approval or
granting aid to developers as a matter of
As a formal policy, avoiding such in-
volvement is sound. Best interests are
served when, through free enterprise, de-
velopers are compelled to meet demands
through their own efforts, without the
benefit of University aid.
Furthermore, it would be dangerous
if the University had power to regulate
developments. The University, by the
force of its name, would be a valuable
asset to any project, and through its
power to regulate student affairs, its dis-
approval would end participation in any
While the University is not directly
involved in promoting off-campus hous-
ing projects, it does have indirect but
undeniable influence when it acts on mat-
ters of student welfare.
It has control of off-campus housing
through its formal approval power. It de-
cided last year, for instance, where many
students would be allowed to live when
it granted junior women permission to
live outside dormitories but only in Uni-
versity-approved structures.
The University also can and does
channel its authorities and resources into
planning study.
The University further projects through
its unofficial influence.
THIS WEEK another documentation of
the schizoid handling of American
foreign policy was brought before the
public. Singapore's Prime Minister Lee
Kuan Yew finally got Washington to ad-
mit, after repeated denials, that a Cen-
tral Intelligence agent offered him a $3
million bribe to keep quiet about an abor-
tive CIA attempt to penetrate Singa-
pore's intelligence organization.
The main point of this incident is that
the CIA's cloak and dagger operations
are continually carried out independent
of the control of foreign policy making
arm of the government, the State De-

partment. Such independence leads to
conflicts in programs between these two
organizations, and the result is a vacil-
lating and sometimes contradictory for-
eign policy.
In this case, the CIA managed to alien-
ate a foreign government through its in-
trigues at the same time that the State
Department was hoping to use Singapore
as a bulwark against the rising power of
Red China and Indonesia. Thus in some
cases uncoordinated efforts of the CIA
may thwart the intention of State De-

the forces affecting high-rise condi-
tions, is in transition. Citizens have in
the past expressed disapproval of stu-
dent behavior, and have considered the
student body a student market, valuing it
only for its buying potential.
The community however, has finally
begun to realize that what is bad for
students in housing, is bad for Ann Arbor.
Citizens have begun to be indignant at
proposals of crowded housing and poor
,parking facilities. They are becoming
concerned enough with their city to
abandon their animosity toward students.
Through their votes, voice and power as
spenders, they can force demands on de-
In fact, Ann Arbor citizens are almost
ready to realize that much of what they
consider student-created nuisance is a
function of poor living conditions.
CITY COUNCIL is the third force in-
volved, yet it does not always act wise-
ly, as was the case when it met last Mon-
day to consider a particular case of the
general high-rise issue. At that time, it
waived its 18-story height limitation or-
dinance and granted developer Peter
Kleinpell a building permit for a 26-
story structure.
Council understands the technical real
estate theory involved in high-rise plan-
ning. Indeed, Council deliberately sought
this knowledge when it founded a study
committee in October, 1964. No council-
man expressed disfavor with the com-
mittee's report.
Members, rather, have shown approval
with both the work of the committee and
its findings.
Yet Council still permitted the 26-story
building to go up, a most disheartening
action in view of its probable understand-
ing of what good housing should be.
IT KNEW that developer Kleinpell's 1000
per cent ratio of usable floor area to
lot space was an extraordinarily high fig-
ure for his structure, and repeatedly said
no. It also knew that the streets border-
ing the site were too narrow to permit
effective traffic dispersal.
It did act to demand parking, but this
might have been a decoy to turn empha-
sis from major issues. The ordinance it
waived dealt with height, not parking,
and matters of height and crowding alone
should have been considered.
Council can ask a builder to revise
his plans. Council did ask Kleinpell to
consider changing the design of his de-
velopment, either by changing his plan or
eliminating some stories. However, again,
it neglected or forgot to pursue this mat-
ter. By forgetting to stress some impor-
tant questions, it succeeded in avoiding
some vital, if difficult issues.
melodramatic. As the discussion near-
ed the vote, one could ask, "how long can
Council suppress the facts of crowding in
an over-intensified structure? Can it stay
tied up with parking until the vote, or
will the cavalry rush in with the floor-
area ratio in time to stop approval?"
But Council held out, and Kleinpell has
his building permit.
Certainly, issues necessary for consid-
eration before enactment of a new high-
rise, code are complex enough for much
more study. One would hope that the
challenge isn't too big for the City Coun-
Until that code is passed, Council has
exclusive power to grant relief from its
18-story ordinance. Thus it can act to-
tally against the nature of the report
and sentiment it is working from. It did

ANN ARBOR has one high-rise, Univer-
sity Towers. Councilmen are not proud
of the congestion in and out of the build-
ing. Now they have allowed another such
building to be built with flaws of the
same nature. There is rumor that two
more high-rise planners will seek Coun-
cil's approval.
Thus, Ann Arbor could soon have from
two to four high-intensity apartment
buildings contradictory to the general
standardm n the hig-h-ris einstdv

IN THE CURRENT issue of Hori-
zon magazine, Alvin Toffler
talks about "The Future as a Way
of Life," and the concept of "rev-
olution" is incorporated into that
future as a normal characteristic
of what Kenneth Boulding would
call "post-civilization."
While many cringe at the real-
ization that the United States is
now less revolutionary than im-
perialist, it can still be said with
some truth that the Americans
started it all in 1776. The Ameri-
can Revolution is historically a
clear-cut break in terms of the
establishment of democratic ideals
and the adoption of the doctrine
of progress.
Some of the root implications of
those philosophies are just now
coming to be explored and under-
stood, for progress implies change,
and one would think that the
more progress and hence change
there is, the better. But, while
society has changed, the develop-
ment has until now remained evo-
lutionary and the tempo of change
has left individual lives largely
untouched. The future will be dif-
AS TOFFLER SAYS, "the mood,
the pace, the very 'feel' of exist-
ence, as well as one's underlying
notions of time, beauty, space, and
social relations, will all be shak-
en," and constantly shaken.
Now, "Change is avalanching
down upon our heads and most
people are utterly unprepared to
cope with it." Similarly a commit-
ment to democracy is just now be-
ginning to bear full fruit-in Ala-
bama and Mississippi, in the fed-
eral poverty program and in SDS
community organization projects.
Action programs such as these
have as their goals fundamental

reconstructions in the social struc-
ture, changes that would be label-
ed revolution in any other time
or place. They are resisted, cer-
tainly, sometimes violently, and
from just about every corner of
the Establishment, but their
growth in size, numbers and in-
tensity testifies to the inevitability
of their eventual impact.
CHANGE, continuous and liter-
ally earth-shaking (plans for mov-
ing half a mountain with atomic
devices in order to relocate a sec-
tion of the Santa Fe Railroad are
well advanced), is upon us and
traces back to the doctrine of
progress so boldly advanced in
Most people would say, "But
I'm used to it. Look at every-
thing I've lived through." But how
many times has their way of life
really changed? They have prob-
ably lived with the same type of
living arrangements-a house or
apartment, bedrooms, a living
room, a kitchen-almost since
they were born. And few remem-
ber the horse and carriage days
very vividly; people organize their
lives around their work much as
they always have and students
still look forward to living their
lives down much the same ruts
their parents did.
THERE ARE going to be some
Consider the lower class bread-
winner who loses his job to auto-
mation. He is totally unequipped
to deal with a whole new set of
circumstances in his life. Thrown
out of a social role into which he
has laboriously managed to fit
himself, he becomes totally alien-
ated and lost. The rug has been
pulled out from under him, all

Michigan MAD
the stable relationships he has
built up between himself and so-
ciety have been drastically chang-
ed or even severed.
These sudden shifts in the bases
of one's life, Toffler says, will
soon become commonplace for
everyone. A malaise he calls "fu-
ture shock," comparable to cul-
ture shock, will become wide-
With values in constant flux,
"with a different set of cues to
react to and different concep-
tions of time, space, work, love,
religion, sex," we will face "the
prospect of dislocation far more
subtle, complex and continuous
than any we have known."
THERE ARE many examples of
how the bases on which we now
build our lives are going to start
shifting underneath us with in-
creasingly disturbing speed.
* The work ethic, one of the
absolutely basic conceptions in the
Western social structure, is rapidly
becoming outmoded. In the United
States the agricultural revolution
has advanced to such a point that
10 per cent of the population
produces all the needed food and
then some, and the figure may be
five per cent before too long.
Likewise, the percentage of the
population needed to run the na-
tion's industry and the white col-
lar group serving it is rapidly de-
clining and could conceivably end
up around 10 per cent as in agri-
culture. While the only other cate-

gory of work, the service field, is
taking up the slack now, the
trend will inevitably be to dras-
tically shorter hours per week,
and new orientations for peoples'
lives will be needed.
* It's fun to muse, among aca-
demically reactionary professors.
over what might happen to edu-
cation. You can look at a crowd of
them packing into the Haven Hall
elevator, the door closing, and
imagine them being whisked, en-
capsuled, to an upper floor-a
notion that would have been un-
thinkable to their predecessors. Is
it so far out to imagine a time
when students will be put into
similar capsules for an hour or
two at a time, and their minds
filled from various machines and
with ingenious devices with knowl-
edge and understanding, render-
ing some of our professors un-
! And there is urbanization, the
growth and development of which
are becoming staggering. As plan-
ning techniques and procedures
improve, planners, aided by com-
puters, will be telling us much
better ways of organizing and
running them. People may do
what work they have to do at
home, using sophisticated com-
munications techniques to "keep
in touch with the office."
0 Toffler points out how the
"line between man and machine is
growing increasingly blurred." He
asks, "What happens to the def-
inition of man when one's next-
door neighbor or oneself may be
equipped with an electronic or
mechanical lung, heart, kidney, or
liver, or when a computer system
can be plugged into a living brain?
"How will it 'feel' to be part
protoplasm, part transistor?" For-
tune magazine says that such

man-machine "cyborgs" are not
far off.
* Boulding has spoken of the
immense implications of the bio-
logical revolution. Immortality
may be possible.
0 We have had for some time
instant communication due to
electronics. We now have vir-
tually instant searching of large
masses of data for pertinent in-
formation with computers. Team-
ed with communication, we are
able, for instance, to take down a
car's license number on one end
of a bridge, feed it to a computer,
and arrest the driver for an ob-
scure driving violation committed
a year or two before on the other
end of the bridge.
* A recent science magazine
carried an article on the incidence
of citations in scholarly articles.
The author shows that a very few
articles constitute by far the bulk
of the cited material, material
that can be linked together into
a web of science that effectively
constitutes the cutting edge of
scientific development. Some more
studies on that order and a lot of
researchers may go out of busi-
ness, with the remaining ones
used much more efficiently.
we're not prepared and that revo-
lutionary change will ruin us if
we can't adapt. Making revolution
a way of life is going to be 'an
exhilerating process, but it is im-
portant to keep in mind what is
happening. It is important that
we enlarge our thinking a little
bit so we don't get giddy from
restricted vision.
Said the White Queen in
Through the Looking-Glass, "It's
a poor sort of memory that only
works backwards."




Viet Nam Al-mOut Diplomacy Needed

EDITOR'S NOTE: The folhw-
Ing is the lead editorial in the
current issue of the New Re-
MORE AND MORE of the bru-
tal and brutalizing Asian-style
fighting is devolving on young
American soldiers, and there are
about half-a-million homeless and
hungry refugees in South Viet
Nam, whose population is only 14
The reeling and exhausted
South Vietnamese army twitches
to commands of a military junta,
but most of the people have no
notion who is in charge in Sai-
gon, nor do they much care. About
half of them live in areas the Viet
Cong controls.
Not long before he was assassi-
nated, President Kennedy stated
his opinion that the government
in Saigon could not win the war
unless it managed to get popular
support. There have been many
governments there since, none has
had that support, and at this late
date mass enthusiasm is not like-
ly to be generated by the arrival
in Viet Nam of a CIA expert in
popular revolutions-Edward G.
Lansdale of Philippines fame.
Saigon's military leaders de-
pend on the army, an army now
sagging in defeat, and are su-
premely uninterested in the civil-
THOUGH THE U.S. initially en-
tered South Viet Nam only to
"advise," advice is about the least-
valued American conmodity in
Saigon. The South Vietnamese
prime minister, Marshal Nguyen
Cao Ky, has just taken time out
to visit Formosa, though the Stat'
Department strongly urged him
not to.
There, wearing a gleaming white
uniform, Ky proposed to Chiang
Kai-shek "an alliance of anti-
Communist nations in Asia to
fight North Viet Nam and China."
He boasted that he was ready to
"win the war" now that the poli-
tical situation in Saigon was "sta-
bilized." H. isn't. and it isn't.
The blunt trultn is that con-
tinuation and, it possble, fur-
ther escalation of the fighting is
the only hope for the Saigon offi-
cer class. They have muddled too
much, intrigued and conspired too
much, estranged too many people
for there to be any future for them
In a South Viet Nam that is re-
stored to peace. MLany of them
know it, and when things get too
hot they'll flit to sanctuaries they
have waiting for them in France
and Switzerland where their bank
accounts will ensure that they do
not starve like South Viet Nam's
Meanwhile, what have they to
lose in trying to extend the war?
The U.S. weld have to do most
of the fighting; the Saigon offi-
cers could go on wearing white
uniforms. It's a gambler's throw
of dice with someone else's chips
asthe stakes.
week a different sort of gamble
was in the making, having noth-
ing to do with Marshal Ky's alli-
ance to fight North Viet Nam
Anr9Minn rnmizfla, e +a

toward peace." It would be a step
Why should there not be a halt,
now, to the bombing of North Viet.
Nam and of the villages in South
Viet Nam suspected of harboring
Viet Cong units?
Very little would be lost in do-
ing so; the bombing of North Viet,
Nam has failed to force- Hanoi to
the conference table, and the
bombing of wretched jungle vil-
lages seems only to make more
civilians homeless; the elusive Viet
Cong slips away.
American troops who fight on
the ground have occasionally man-
aged to make the guerrillas stand
and fight-and die-but mostly
our men have wound up their for-
ays as the abashed captors of old
men, women and children, inhab-
iting villages to which the Viet
Cong returns soon after the Amer-
icans leave.
COULD NOT the President like-
wise privately inform the secre-
tary-general of the United Nations
and other relay channels of his
readiness to accept a cease-fire,
"here .ond now," while pledging
U.S. support for a new provisional
government in the South that.
would include the National Liber-
ation Front?
It would clarify matters too
were the President to make even
more expliciteU.S. endorsement of
a phased withdrawal of all out-
side military forces in South Viet
Nam, and to repeat his construe-
tive promise of some months back,
that the U.S. is prepared to con-
tribute economic and technical as-
sistance for the enormous tasks of
reconstruction a settlement will
Neither side can be expected
in advance of formal talks to dot
every "i" and cross every "t." But
vague generalities no longer suf-
IF A SUSTAINED diplomatic
initiative of the kind suggested
here is made, and is then rebuffed
by the other side, the line of
march can be predicted. This mis-
erable war will drag on and on,
to the satisfaction of no one-
except possibly some officials in
Saigon and Peking.

-Associated Press
U.S. SOLDIERS at Da Nang Air Base In Viet Nam hold services for their dead from recent fighting.
The toll-18 killed. U.S. diplomats are now pursuing diplomatic methods to end the war there.

to the United Nations, Arthur
Goldberg, was equally emphatic:
"We are talking about a peace
that should be negotiated here
and now. Here and now." The U.S.
is willing, Mr. Johnson had earlier
said, to confer with Hanoi or "any
government" concerned; the pres-
ence of the Viet Cong at such
talks would not pose an "insur-
mountable" problem.
That would appear to satisfy in
part the complaint voiced last
spring by the secretary-general of
the National Liberation Front, who
told George Chaffard of L'Express
that, "what we reject is a con-
ference which doesn't includeus
...The foreign powers should
content themselves with express-
ing suggestions, with ratifying the
agreements reached among Viet-
namese, and with guaranteeing its
Chaffard's own conclusion, after
an extensive journey in "enemy
territory" was that, "it is to the
men of the NLF, who are fighting,
that one should offer an alterna-
tive, not to Hanoi which is con-
tent merely to aid them." s -
AID from the North has, of
course, increased since Chaffard's
visit-as has American aid to Sai-
gon; and more than aid. The war
is quickly and dangerously be-
comiqi an American war against
Asians, not a war between Asians.
Heretofore, U.S. policy had been
to insist on pegging peace talks
to Hanoi, on the theory that the
Viet Cong are puppets whose
strings are pulled by North Viet
Nam. Hanoi similarly scoffs at
Saigon as the puppet of Wash-
American experience with its
"puppet" suggests that the Viet
Cong may well have wills of their
own, a possibility that has been
acknowledged by Secretary Rusk:

by listening to what comes out of
Hanoi-for a provisional coalition
in South Viet Nam made up of
representatives of South Viet
Nam's Buddhists, Catholics, Mon-
tagnards, resident Chinese and
Cambodians and other minorities
as well as the leaders of the NLF.
And looking further ahead, Secre-
tary Rusk declares that, "we are
prepared for elections in South
Viet Nam to determine what the
people of that country want in
terms of their own institutions."
The U.S. is not going to pull out
its forces as a precondition for
talks; this must be understood by
the National Liberation Front. Nor
could there be an immediate, to-
tal U.S. withdrawal. From time
to time, however, spokesmen for
the Front have hinted that a
phased disengagement would do,

and Washington has more than
once stated repeatedly that even-
tual withdrawal is desirable.
"We have no interest," Secre-
tary Rusk says, "in military bases
or permanent military presence in
Southeast Asia." "If aggression
ceases from the North," Ambas-
sador Goldberg says, "our activi-
ties in South Viet Nam will like-
wise cease."
The gap between what is tol-
erable to the United States and to
its foes in Viet Nam narrows,
though a fruitful diplomatic dia-
logue has yet to begin.
WHAT MORE could the U.S. do
to persuade the other side to begin
talking "here ond now?" Accord-
ing to McGeorge Bundy, "we would
be willing to consider cessation of
the bombings if it were a step



To Succeed, You Have To Try

F I HAD A NICKEL for every
time I heard the question
"What is college?"-I would un-
doubtedly be a millionaire. I can
remember the problems I had as
a freshman adjusting to the Uni-
versity environment-trying my
darndest to be cool and also de-
voting sufficient time to the books
so that I could remain the follow-
ing year.
Union Madness comes but once
a year and it is identical each
time: 120 degree temperature and
500 too many people in the Union
Ballroom, allowing one square foot
per person in which you can do a
variety of interesting things such
as dance, converse with another
unfortunate who occupies a square
font nerhv lnnk at the beautiful-

ly at the Union Madness.
SETTING: The Union Lounge. I
am reading on one of the couches
as a freshman (all dressed in his
newly bought finery) enters and
sprawls next to me with a de-
jected and forlorn look clouding
his face.
"I hate college! I hate college!
I hate college! I hate colloge! (sob,
sob)," he cries.
"Why?" (I asked him because I
couldn't read with him there,
"I went up there to the ball-
room," he says, "and (sob) there
wasn't one girl free that I could
ask to dance (sob)."
I found this very hard to be-
lieve knowing approximately the
numbers that show for such a

if he gave up college, who knows
what might happen. Wanting to
do my country a service, I at-
tempted to save him. I said,
He said, "What?"
"They aren't really with those
guys because they want to be with
them," I said.
Really?" he answered.
"Yea, they have to be with them
for a while.because they walked
them from their dorms but ac-
tually they want to be asked to
dance by other guys," I said.
"You're kidding," he said.
"No, really! They want you to
ask thei"
"You're serious?"
"I'm serious."
"They really want me to ask
them to dance!"



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