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December 10, 1969 - Image 1

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Ann Arbor, Michigari-Wednesday, December 10, 1969


Cloudy and warmer,
chance of rain

Vol. LXXX, No. 80

Ten Cents

Eighteen Pages



Wife of student killed
in 'U' Towers apartment


plans Rose Bowl war protest

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. -Da iv-TIhom , i~RC'opi
Police.( l i(vstigaI('11murdler scene (

Reg ents, faculty spli
over bylaw chnges
ildy News An:dys .
While progress toward adoption of controversil Regents
Bylaws on the student role in decision-making has been slow
this term, there are indications of a subtle shift in political
currents with potentially broad implications for the Univer-
sity community.
Last summer, Student Government Council and Senate
Assembly, the faculty representative body, reached agreement
on the bylaw proposals and sent them to the Ret-ents for

Gloria Murphy, the 19 year-
old wife of a literary college
student, was stabbed to death
yesterday by an unknown as-
sailant in her apartment in
University Towers at 536 S.
Chief of Police Walter Krasny
said James Murphy, '69, returned
to his apartment on the third floor
of the building yesterday after-
noon about 1:20 p.m. and found
his wife's knife-slashed body. The
Murphy's three-week old daugh-
ter, Jennifer, was found unharm-
ed, sleeping in a bassinet at the
foot of her mother's bed.
Murphy left the apartment to
attend class about noon, he told
police. When h returned 80 min-
utes later, he found his wife
bleeding on the floor. He called for
an ambulance, but when the crew
arrived they found she was dead
and decided not to disturb t h e
They notified police who im-
mediately placed guards at the
building entrances, and began a
room-to-room search of every
apartment and room in the build-
It is the rii n t h murder of a
young woman in the area since
1967. Krasny said, . however, "At
this time, we haven't found any-
thing which relates this to any of
the other crimes in the area."
He said that preliminary exam-
nation shows that Mrs. Murphy
had not been sexually molested.
A University Towers employe
who saw the apartment after the
murder said the room with the
body was splattered with blood.
Despite the large amount of
blood, which Krasny said w a s
caused by a severed artery, police
have been unable to find a "trail"
of blood leading from the apart-
ment to either the elevators or the
stairways which go from thei
apartment to other parts of the
.You would assume there would
be," said Krasny, "but so far we've
found nothing." He said that a
murder weapon has not yet been
Police continue to search the
building for it, Krasny said. They
have removed all of the contents
of the trash container behind the
building in order to search for
possible bloody or fingerprinted
Krasny said that robbery was
being considered as a possible mo-
tive. but only because it is a sta-
dard procedure. He said the apart-
ment "was not torn up in a n y
The body was taken to Univer-
sity Hospital for autopsy to de-
termine the official cause of
death. Krasny said he believed the
autopsy would show death due to
knife wounds.
Murphy is currently not a sus-
pect, Krasny said, but refused to
rule him out completely. Krasny
said the police currently have no
susoect in the killing.
Murphy, a 21-year-old speech
major due to graduate this Sat-
urday, was married earlier t h i s
He is from Dearborn, as was his
wife, who was not enrolled at the
University. according to Krasny.
l(j0)D YE
Today's Daily is the last
issue of the decade. If you can
struggle through exams and
stagger back from Pasadena
you will find us resuming pub-
lication on Jan. 7, 1970.

The local New Mobilization's plans for the Christ-
mas holidays focus on anti-war activities at the Rose
Bowl game in Pasadena on New Year's Day.
New Mobe coordinator Barry Cohen last night out-
lined Mobe's plans to encourage non-disruptive pro-
tests at the game between Michigan and Southern
Mobe will formulate plans for the demonstration
tonight at a mass meeting at 8 p.m. at Aud. C, Angell
Richard Austin, defeated Detroit mayoral candi-
date, will speak at the meeting on the anti-war move-
ment and its relationship to Michigan politics. Austin
has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the
U.S. Senate.
New Mobe coordinator Cohen calls the projected
Rose Bowl demonstration "a tremendous opportunity
for football fans to express their opinions to the world
in a non-violent manner."
"This is an extremely important opportunity to
reach people outside of the campus," continues Cohen.
"The silent majority will be watching."


Regents slate
open hearing
J o RTCissue
The Regents will hold an open hearing Thursday, Dec. 18,
on ithe University's Reserve Officer Training Corps program,
before considering Senate Assembly's recommendations for
major changes in the University's relationship to the program.
Although it is unclear whether any final action will be
taken at their December meeting, the Regents are expected
to discuss and consider action on Senate Assembly's report.
Several Regents indicate they favor having the military
officer training program on campus, but that they will ser-
iously consider the views of the faculty, students, and other
persons who attend the hearing.
Secretary of the University Herbert Hildebrandt said rep-
resentatives of several groups were invited by the University
to speak at the hearing.
Besides the Assembly's academic
affairs commuittee, which devel-
oed the recommendations, There h
will be eremsentatives from Stu-
dent Government Council, Grad-
uate Assembly, Veterans of For-
eign Wars, and the American U t for
D J""JaLegion.
Hildebrandt said he has not

United Press International reported yesterday that
President Nixon may see the Rose Bowl game in per-
son unless congressional business requires his pres-
ence in Washington.
"We want total participation in the demonstration
-students, Regents, players, band members, faculty,"
Cohen emphasized. "Anyone who wants to stage at
the Rose Bowl a manifestation of their belief in an
immediate withdrawal from Vietnam is encouraged
to participate."
New Mobe and the Michigan Petition Drive for
Peace also will formulate plans at tonight's meeting
for students to "take the Moratorium home for Christ-
Petition Drive spokesman Bruce Reynolds said that
following Austin's speech, those at the meeting will
break down into groups by their home congressional
The national office of the New Mobilization is
coordinating Christmas activities including an econ-
omic boycott, a presentation of peace postcards to
President Nixon, radio advertisements, canvassing of
congressional districts and organizing veterans against
the war.

The economic boycott will involve an approach
encouraging local consumers to buy only at establish-
ments whose owners are for immediate withdrawal.
Also calling for immediate withdrawal from Viet-
nam are the Mobe-sponsored postcards and letters
which will be presented to President Nixon on either
Dec. 13 or 14.
Pro-peace radio advertisements sponsored by the
Business Executive's Move for Peace in Vietnam
(BEM) will feature one-minute messages f'om people
such as Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. George
Wald and Rear Admiral Arnold E. True.
Canvassing of congressional candidates will entail
campaigns in local communities publicizing the vot-
ing record of congressmen regarding the war.
Mobe workers will make clear that unless their
congressman supports immediate withdrawal from
Vietnam, they will work against him in future elec-
Organizing of veterans will be coordinated by a
nationwide group called Vietnam Veterans Against
the War,

"'Free the six

debates dorm
fee iuiree
T1he I~'.t~' h a il Rate ]om_ -
mnitte Ial l onle agai yesterday
treach a 1 inal (lecisiot on rate
increasi b lr room and bour 1
University housing.

Sse ion \
wrestling with i pi
tinding ways to reduce
of a rate in crease.

it!t, o
1 ie li

Since then, however, the Re-
"w"ts have only begun to consider
the conplicated proposal. And
their lirst teactions were present-
edl in a documient released late last
mon tli which indicated regental
desire for major revisions in some
portions of rtheostudent-faculty
approved dti
Already, the regental memo has
provoked some reaction from lead-
ing faculty members. Last week,
for example, law Prof. Robert
Kiass, who was instrumental in
dealtnag the bylaws and getting
t7 ten approved by Senate Assem-
i:v, islaorking pape' asking
:estoraIt<ion of several provisions
which were elimina ted by the Re-
rem t
Klauss, who is vice-chairman of
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs SACUA , the
faculty executive committee, ad-
mits he is "dissatisfied" with the
regental draft of the bylaw pro-
posal Faculty members and stu-
dents will discuss the bylaw draft
tomorrow at a meeting of the ad
hoc committee which emerged
during the bookstore controversy
this fall.
Interest in the bylaws by fac-
ulty members--at least those who
have been active in University
politics----is especially striking be-
ee BYlAW, Page 7

Committee to


V P for student affairs

Black Beret supporters hear speakers at the Union ballroom last night in a benefit for the Black
Beret Legal Defense Fund, to "Free the Ann Arbor Six." The Ann Arbor Six are Black Berets arrested
during a scuffle that took place in a police raid on Beret headquarters last August. A band concert
and films were also included in the program.

been notified whether ROTC rep-
resentatives will be at the meeting,
but Col. Antonio Criscuolo, Air
Force ROTC commandant, said he
was unaware the Regents would
hear speakers.
"If called upon to answer ques-
tions, we will speak," Criscuolo
The Assembly's recommenda-
tions--approved by a 52-2 vote-
which will be before the Regents
are that:
-ROTC instructors not have
faculty status unless they hold an
academic appointment with an-
other department of the Univer-
sit y;
-ROTC programs not be desig-
nated as academic departments;1

new post
Students for Educational Inno-
vation President Jack Eisner re-
signed yesterday to accept a posi-
tion on the education school's
newly-created ad-hocstudent-f a-
culty assembly.
"The decision was mutually
made by SEI's executive commit-
tee and myself following my se-
lection by a student review board
to the Assembly" Eisner explained
"The dicision indicates the im-
portance which the executive
committee places on the role of
the assembly," he added.
SEI's activity has subsided un-
til it's January elections, Eisner
The 12 student representatives
were chosen by a student review
board earlier this week.
The ad-hoc student faculty as-
sembly was approved by the
school's faculty last month. It is
charged with evaluating reorgani-
zational ideas prepared at t h e
school's retreat at Waldenwoods
last month, with making recom-
mendations on the school's reor-
ganization to faculty and stu-
dents, and with exploring the
See SE, Page 7

"We should be able to comipht e
a final report at our Friday meet-
ing" said Ed Salowitz. committee
chairman and associate director
of housing.
When the report does t-.e -,t,
it will go to Unvrsity Htou i
Director John Feldkamp, since lie
committee acts i an advisory
capacity to him.
Housing groups suc as Inter-
House Assembly, the Student Ad-
visory Committee Oil Housing, and
the dorm governments wvill have a
chance to coleiinlt on the report.

Aften ten months of work, the
committee searching for a new
vice president for student services
hopes to be able to provide Presi-
dent Fleming with several candi-
dates by Dec. 31.
The original list of over 60 can-
didates is now narrowed down to
less than six.
The student - faculty committee
was appointed by Fleming to find
a successor to Richard Cutler, who
left the post in January, 1968.
Barbara Newell has served as act-
ing vice president since July, 1968.
The search committee has com-
pleted its interviews, says co-:
chairman Prof. Frank Kennedy of

the law school, and has a "close
enough consensus to hammer out
a report."
That report will probably in-
lude specific recommendations
about the position as well as the
names of the committee's choices
for the vice presidency, explains
co-chairman Steve Nissen, Daily
city editor.-
"Some of the recommendations
we have talked about include a
provision that the appointment be
limited to a term of about three
to five years, and whether the
office might be best administered
by a student-faculty policy board,"
Nissen says.
However, Nissen adds that com-


inittee mtiembers have yet to agree -te Defense Department pay!
on the contents of the report. rent and assume-all costs for the
Kennedy says the committee has program, which now receives rent-
not decided whether to recommend free space and secretarial and
office policies and he is not sure other departmental services from
whether s u c h recommendations the University;
should be put in the report, be- -a student - faculty - adminis-
cause they might ie trict the final tration committee be established
choice of a vice president, to evaluate and approve all ROTC'
However, the committee will personnel and curriculum.
probably recommend a limited A fifth recommendation which
tenure. "Everyone whom we con- will not go before the Regents is
sidered seriously agreed to the that academic credit not be given
idea," says Kennedy. for courses taught by non-aca-
Thiere is also a question of demic military personnel. The
whether the report will be made schools and colleges have the Re-
public when it is given to Presi- Mentally-delegated authority to
dent Fleming. Kennedy says in decide whether to grant credit forI
the past a report of this type has a particular course,
not been made public out of re- See REGENTS, Page 7
spect for the people who are not -
Committee mn e in b e r Prof.
Thomas Moore of the zoology de- HA fails I
partment agrees, saying confiden-
tiality was implied when the can-'*
didates submlitted their records to n si l
m=== residencey
the committee. 3
In addition, Moore believes there
is no reason to distrust the com-
mittee because it has used "a By HANNAH MORRISON
straightforward honest procedure." Inter-House Assembly failed to
"Everyone is operating in good resolve the disputed presidency of
faith," say' Moore. Jack Myers last night as a special
But Nissen believes the names meeting did not draw a quorum for
should be made public so "every- a vote on the controversy.
one in the University community The legitimacy of Myers' presi-
can respond to the nominations." dency has been questioned by for-
"All of the remaining Candidates mer IHA Administrative Vice
who have been contacted so far President Kristine Johnson and
have said they would not mind if Treasurer William Thee, who
their names are made nublic," charge that a quorum was not1


Dispute slows drive


Bursley store

Bursly Hall wants a discouint
store. "They want it badly and
right away,." says Student Gov-
ernment Council Vice President
Bruce Wilson.
The Regents, however, are
saying no, and a slight hassle
has resulted.
The issue originated earlier in
the fall when North Ca( pu
Bursley -all requested that a
branch of the SGC-ru Unaxer-

La r the y cont act e'd Acting
Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Barbara Newell and Presi-
dent Robben Fleming, Wilson
SGC had offered to present
the ,roposal ill pesot to the
Regents, but the admninist'ation
haIidled it alone.
The Regents raised two ob-
jein the to t imlmediate estab-
lish1men10 it of a Burle branch
stome. Presidentt Flemin wrote

"Tihe R e g e1n t s say they
haven't had it for all this time.
so what's the big rush," Wilson
says. "They have to bear in mind
that freshmen--who make up
most of Bursley Hall --are not
used to waiting.
"And iwh should they wait?"
Wilson asked.
Stahl adds, "The Regents did
not understand how much Burs-
ley Hall wanted the store, and

At present, the
Store grosses from
$10.000 a week.

$7,000 to

President Fleming could not
be reached late last night to
reply to any of Wilson's com-
plaints. In his earlier letter,
though, Fleming wrote, " . . this
would be a very bad time to take
the matter to the Regents.
particularly since there was not
yet even a full term's experience

generate and what type of stock
it would carry.
"Although it seemed reason-
able at that time, we now real-
ize that it was an unrealistic
coiling to operate under," Wilson
SGC Treasurer Dennis Webster
said that he believes the store
is now below the ceiling. An
official report will be out in a

o resolve
Before the presidency contro-
versy came to a vote, representa-
tives argued other questions such
as the legitimacy of last night's
meeting, Myers' right to chair it
and the acceptability of various'
kinds of proxies.
Myers tried unsuccessfully to
call the meeting to order. When
objections were raised to his
presiding over the meeting, he
chose Gary Jones. Markley presi-

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