ROSE BOWL S UPPLEMEN rr See Second Section Ann Arbor, Michigari-Wednesday, December 10, 1969 I:at4* LOUSY Sigh--38 Low--32 Cloudy and warmer, chance of rain Vol. LXXX, No. 80 Ten Cents Eighteen Pages NINTH MURDER IN AREA: i Wife of student killed in 'U' Towers apartment mobe plans Rose Bowl war protest ,_ .. ;; ., N _ ; (s . -Da iv-TIhom , i~RC'opi Police.( l i(vstigaI('11murdler scene ( NEWrT'RFINIS: Reg ents, faculty spli over bylaw chnges By U ARTIN HIIRSCIM AN ildy News An:dys . While progress toward adoption of controversil Regents Bylaws on the student role in decision-making has been slow this term, there are indications of a subtle shift in political currents with potentially broad implications for the Univer- sity community. Last summer, Student Government Council and Senate Assembly, the faculty representative body, reached agreement on the bylaw proposals and sent them to the Ret-ents for approval. By JIM NEUBACHER and DAVID SPURR Gloria Murphy, the 19 year- old wife of a literary college student, was stabbed to death yesterday by an unknown as- sailant in her apartment in University Towers at 536 S. Forest. Chief of Police Walter Krasny said James Murphy, '69, returned to his apartment on the third floor of the building yesterday after- noon about 1:20 p.m. and found his wife's knife-slashed body. The Murphy's three-week old daugh- ter, Jennifer, was found unharm- ed, sleeping in a bassinet at the foot of her mother's bed. Murphy left the apartment to attend class about noon, he told police. When h returned 80 min- utes later, he found his wife bleeding on the floor. He called for an ambulance, but when the crew arrived they found she was dead and decided not to disturb t h e body. They notified police who im- mediately placed guards at the building entrances, and began a room-to-room search of every apartment and room in the build- ing. It is the rii n t h murder of a young woman in the area since 1967. Krasny said, . however, "At this time, we haven't found any- thing which relates this to any of the other crimes in the area." He said that preliminary exam- nation shows that Mrs. Murphy had not been sexually molested. A University Towers employe who saw the apartment after the murder said the room with the body was splattered with blood. Despite the large amount of blood, which Krasny said w a s caused by a severed artery, police have been unable to find a "trail" of blood leading from the apart- ment to either the elevators or the stairways which go from thei apartment to other parts of the building. .You would assume there would be," said Krasny, "but so far we've found nothing." He said that a murder weapon has not yet been found. Police continue to search the building for it, Krasny said. They have removed all of the contents of the trash container behind the building in order to search for possible bloody or fingerprinted articles. Krasny said that robbery was being considered as a possible mo- tive. but only because it is a sta- dard procedure. He said the apart- ment "was not torn up in a n y way. The body was taken to Univer- sity Hospital for autopsy to de- termine the official cause of death. Krasny said he believed the autopsy would show death due to knife wounds. Murphy is currently not a sus- pect, Krasny said, but refused to rule him out completely. Krasny said the police currently have no susoect in the killing. Murphy, a 21-year-old speech major due to graduate this Sat- urday, was married earlier t h i s germ. He is from Dearborn, as was his wife, who was not enrolled at the University. according to Krasny. l(j0)D YE Today's Daily is the last issue of the decade. If you can struggle through exams and stagger back from Pasadena you will find us resuming pub- lication on Jan. 7, 1970. By ALAN SHACKELFORD The local New Mobilization's plans for the Christ- mas holidays focus on anti-war activities at the Rose Bowl game in Pasadena on New Year's Day. New Mobe coordinator Barry Cohen last night out- lined Mobe's plans to encourage non-disruptive pro- tests at the game between Michigan and Southern California. Mobe will formulate plans for the demonstration tonight at a mass meeting at 8 p.m. at Aud. C, Angell Hall. Richard Austin, defeated Detroit mayoral candi- date, will speak at the meeting on the anti-war move- ment and its relationship to Michigan politics. Austin has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Senate. New Mobe coordinator Cohen calls the projected Rose Bowl demonstration "a tremendous opportunity for football fans to express their opinions to the world in a non-violent manner." "This is an extremely important opportunity to reach people outside of the campus," continues Cohen. "The silent majority will be watching." I 6i Regents slate open hearing J o RTCissue By JUDY SARASOHN The Regents will hold an open hearing Thursday, Dec. 18, on ithe University's Reserve Officer Training Corps program, before considering Senate Assembly's recommendations for major changes in the University's relationship to the program. Although it is unclear whether any final action will be taken at their December meeting, the Regents are expected to discuss and consider action on Senate Assembly's report. Several Regents indicate they favor having the military officer training program on campus, but that they will ser- iously consider the views of the faculty, students, and other persons who attend the hearing. Secretary of the University Herbert Hildebrandt said rep- resentatives of several groups were invited by the University to speak at the hearing. Besides the Assembly's academic affairs commuittee, which devel- oed the recommendations, There h will be eremsentatives from Stu- dent Government Council, Grad- uate Assembly, Veterans of For- eign Wars, and the American U t for D J""JaLegion. Hildebrandt said he has not United Press International reported yesterday that President Nixon may see the Rose Bowl game in per- son unless congressional business requires his pres- ence in Washington. "We want total participation in the demonstration -students, Regents, players, band members, faculty," Cohen emphasized. "Anyone who wants to stage at the Rose Bowl a manifestation of their belief in an immediate withdrawal from Vietnam is encouraged to participate." New Mobe and the Michigan Petition Drive for Peace also will formulate plans at tonight's meeting for students to "take the Moratorium home for Christ- mas." Petition Drive spokesman Bruce Reynolds said that following Austin's speech, those at the meeting will break down into groups by their home congressional districts. The national office of the New Mobilization is coordinating Christmas activities including an econ- omic boycott, a presentation of peace postcards to President Nixon, radio advertisements, canvassing of congressional districts and organizing veterans against the war. The economic boycott will involve an approach encouraging local consumers to buy only at establish- ments whose owners are for immediate withdrawal. Also calling for immediate withdrawal from Viet- nam are the Mobe-sponsored postcards and letters which will be presented to President Nixon on either Dec. 13 or 14. Pro-peace radio advertisements sponsored by the Business Executive's Move for Peace in Vietnam (BEM) will feature one-minute messages f'om people such as Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. George Wald and Rear Admiral Arnold E. True. Canvassing of congressional candidates will entail campaigns in local communities publicizing the vot- ing record of congressmen regarding the war. Mobe workers will make clear that unless their congressman supports immediate withdrawal from Vietnam, they will work against him in future elec- tions. Organizing of veterans will be coordinated by a nationwide group called Vietnam Veterans Against the War, "'Free the six CommitR debates dorm fee iuiree T1he I~'.t~' h a il Rate ]om_ - mnitte Ial l onle agai yesterday treach a 1 inal (lecisiot on rate increasi b lr room and bour 1 University housing. Sse ion \ wrestling with i pi tinding ways to reduce of a rate in crease. it!t, o 1 ie li Since then, however, the Re- "w"ts have only begun to consider the conplicated proposal. And their lirst teactions were present- edl in a documient released late last mon tli which indicated regental desire for major revisions in some portions of rtheostudent-faculty approved dti Already, the regental memo has provoked some reaction from lead- ing faculty members. Last week, for example, law Prof. Robert Kiass, who was instrumental in dealtnag the bylaws and getting t7 ten approved by Senate Assem- i:v, islaorking pape' asking :estoraIt