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Ci r
Partly cloudy
and warmer
Vol. LXXX, No. 71 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 25, 1969 Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Harris seeks
Asks examiners' group
to fight discrimination
Mayor Robert Harris last night called for sweeping re-
visions in the city anti-discrimination ordinance to give cease
and desist and fining powers to a proposed group of Human
Rights Examiners.
Under Harris' recommendations - which still must be
passed by City Council - the present Human Relations Com-
mission would be replaced by a strengthened Department of
Human Rights empowered to subpoena witnesses and file
charges of discrimination with the examiners.
The examiners - who would be named by the mayor -
would hold an administrative hearing on a case and, if they
~---found discrimination to exist,
Lieutenant charged in,
Vietnam massacre
WASHINGTON (P) - The A rmy
yesterday ordered' a young lieutenant
court-martialed on charges of pre-
meditated murder of 109 South Viet-
namese, including a two-year-old
child, in the alleged U.S. massacre at
My Lai village.
The case of 1st Lt. William L. Cal-
ley Jr., will be tried as a capital of-
fense, meaning that, if convicted, the
26-year-old Waynesville, N.C., man
faces a penalty of death or life im-
Calley is the first American soldier
formally accused in the alleged m a s s
killings, which have stirred up an in-
ternational furor.
One other Army man - S. Sgt.
David Mitchell - has been charged
with assault with intent to murder
My Lai villagers, and the Army is in-
vestigating 24 other soldiers and ex-
soldiers in connection with the case.
The Calley case may be unprece-
dented so far as the magnitude of the
alleged crimes is concerned. A r m y
officers said they could not recall
another case in previous wars where an
Army man was accused of killing so
many civilians.
The decision to hold a general court-
martial for Calley was made by Maj.
Gen. Orwin C. Talbott, commanding
officer at Ft. Benning, Ga., where Cal-
ley now is stationed.
The announcement brought t h e
first official release of six charges and
specifications setting forth the al-
leged atrocities. Until yesterday the
Army had maintained virtual silence
on the details.
In one major accusation, Calley is
accused of killing "an unknown num-
ber of oriental human beings, not less
than 70, males and females of var-
ious ages. . . by means of shooting
them with a rifle."
Other specifications charged Cal-
ley with killing at least 39 persons.
One was approximately two years old,
name and sex unknown.
Army legal experts have said t h a t
Calley could be charged with premedi-
tated murder if he issued an o r d e r
leading to the killing and did not do
the actual firing himself.
H o w e v e r, Defense Department
spokesman Richard Capen said t h e
specifications mean "that he did
these things," that is, that C a 11 e y
allegedly pulled the trigger in all 109
Calley's court-martial will be held at
Ft. Benning and will be public except
for times when the judge may order
closed sessions to protect classified
information, Capen said.
A trial date has not been set. The
Army said it will take at least a
month for Calley's attorney, George W.
Latimer, and the prosecution to pre-
pare their cases. Latimer, of Salt Lake
City, is a former judge on the military
court of appeals.
Two more demands for official in-
quiries into the alleged massacre were
heard yesterday in the Senate.
Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill) urged
investigations by both the Pentagon
and the Senate. Sen. Stephen Young
(D-Ohio) called for a Senate inquiry.
As the Calley case came to a head,
the Army announced the assignment
of Lt. Gen. William R. Peers to deter-
mine whether army field officers who
originally investigated the case should
be held accountable for covering it up.
After an initial one-the-scene in-
vestigation by the 11th Infantry bri-
gade in 1968, the alleged massacre of
March 16, 1968 went virtually un-
noticed for a year.
Last March Army headquarters in
Washington decided to reopen the case
on the basis of a letter written to 30
congressmen by an ex-GI saying he
heard a number of atrocity stories
about My Lai.
Meanwhile, the Viet Cong r a d i o
charged yesterday that U.S. and South
Korean troops murdered more than
1,200 Vietnamese.civilians in massa-
cres in seven villages in Quang Ngai
and Quang Nam Provinces in Feb-
ruary and March 1968. This came in
contrast to a statement by the South
Vietnamese defense ministry Saturday
that reports of Americans killing 567
civilians were "completely inaccurate."
Nixon to
CBW ban
WASHINGTON (A')- - President
Nixon is expected to announce
today that the U.S. will support a
ban on production and stockpil-
ing of biological warfare w e a -
pons, the office of Rep. Richard
D. McCarthy, D-NY) said last
Nixon will make the announce-
mnt before a bipartison C o n-I
gressional meeting at the White
House, McCarthy's office said.
McCarthy has long campaigned
against the production and stock-I
piling of biological warfare wea-
pons. But an aide to McCarthyj
said Nixon would not rule out us-E
ing tear gas or defoliants in Viet-
Great Britain proposed the ban
this summer at the Geneva Dis-
armament Convention. It is ex-,
pected to come before the United
Nations soon.
Administration officials refus-
ed to confirm the McCarthy re-
port last night. Earlier, however,
the White House said Nixon would
make an announcement at 10 a.m.
Tuesday, and that it would not
deal with a troop withdrawal from
Press secretary Ronald L. Zieg-
ler gave no clue whatever as to
the subject matter beyond telling
a questioner it would not d e a 1
with a withdrawal.
But the importance of the pro-
nouncement seemed evident from
the fact that Ziegler advised news-
men to be on hand at 10.
On today's
Page Three
O Apollo 12 splashes down
safely in the Pacific and the
three astronauts go into
* A pollution conference at
the University discusses
various aspects of pollution
and the new Supersonic
* The Supreme Court dis-
misses a case on state vot-
ing residency laws without
ruling on their constitu-
would hand down a decision.
Their decision would be bind-
ing unless appealed in Cir-
cuit Court.
At present, HRC can only re-
commend that the city attorney
file criminal charges against al-
leged discriminators in housing.
Although HRC can hold a hear-
ing, it does not have the authority
to subpoena witnesses.
HRC, explains commissioner
Theodore St. Antoine, a law
professor, has little power n o w
except that of persuasion.
St. Antoine and other HRC
members who attended last night's
joint session with City C o u n c i I
expressed pleasure with Harris'
draft, which was discussed during
the meeting.
The commission - which sug-
gested a number of the changes to
the mayor - will consider t h e
proposals at a working session Dec.
Harris says he is optimisticI
about council's passing the p r o-
A key portion of Harris' draft
recommends that the city should
not exempt the University from
its regulations on discrimination.
Presently these laws applying to
the University are "vague", St.
Antoine explains, and render the
j commission little authority o v e r
the University.
Harris also recommended the:
creation of a "watchdog" Human
Rights Commission that would
make "periodic public reports" to
City Council and the city adminis-
trator concerning all phases of
discrimination in Ann Arbor.
It would evaluate the efforts of
the human rights department andf
the city government to end dis-
crimination and ease administra-
tive tensions.
The proposed department would
consider charges of discrimina-
tion in employment and public ac-
commodatioins, as well as housing.
Harris' draft contains definitions
of discrimination in employment
and public accommodations, which
are not included in the present
ordinance, St. Antoine says.
If the examiners determine that
a discriminatory practice is com-
mitted, the department then pe-
titions a Circuit Court for an order
to have the guilty party pay a
fine to the city of not more than
$1000 per discriminatory practice.
The penalties to be given by the
civil courts for discriminatory'
practices would probably be less
stringent than those handed down
by the criminal courts now, St.
Antoine says.
But, he adds, convictions would
be easier to obtain through the
examiners than they would be in
a criminal court,
The Residence Hall Rates Committee will hold an open
hearing this afternoon to discuss a possible increase of up to
$160 per year in dormitory rates.
The increase is slated for two major areas, inflationary
costs of food and maintenance and major improvements to
'buildings, explains Edward Salowitz, associate University
housing director.
Inflationary costs of food and upkeep will amount to
about an $80 increase in dorm rates, says Director of Univer-
sity Housing John Feldkamp. The other $80 would cover
c a p i t a 1 improvements: new-'------- - -_--
carpeting; f u r n i t u r e for
lounges, soft serve ice cream
and-carbonated drink ma- w Me
hp , chines.
However, more than 500 stu-
dents surveyed in a recent pre-
liminary housing office study
voted against paying extra fees
for almost all such improvements.i
Most students living in the resi-
dence halls will be included in the
eventual complete survey.
- Feldkamp said last night that y
-Daily--Stuart Gannes the survey has just been compiled The first mass meeting of the
ngs begins. Wreckers smashed and will be considered by the Ann Arbor New Mobilization Com-
r cnstucton f anew muti- housing office in recommending mittee since the Nov. 15 march
r construction of a new, multi- any rate increase to the Board of In Washington last night devel-
increases in the school. Governors of the Residence Halls oped into a heated debate over the
'and the Regents. legitimacy of the steering commit-
Salowitz explains that the ma. tee now heading it.
jor repair cost is exceptionally After a lengthy debate which
high this year because students sometimes took on the character
were not assessed enough during of a shouting match, those still
the past four years. Dorm rates present at the meeting voted 30-1
ze uio n ave gone up only $90 from 1965 to hold another mass meeting
Zo 19 """9" within two weeks to define Mobe's
"The cycle had to be broken future policies and politics. The
Szpiech said issues like the tip- somewhere," he said. "If this motion was presented by Eric
Sping controversy show the need money is to be found, the only Chester, rad.
for a Student Employes Union. He alternative to assessing the stu- There was some question raised
fa thestudentsmpleinhepdents is to take it from those about the validity of the vote,
said the students would be happy dorms which do now make a prof- however. Barry Cohen, a promi-
to sit down and discuss policy with it. This money is used to finance nent member of the Mobe steer-
WestAafter they were recognized. new housing, and the administra- ing committee, said those present
Students look on as the demolition of the old dental school buildin
anvay all day yesterday in one phase of the University's project foi
million dollar dental complex which will allow for major enrollment
Student employes organi
Part-time student employes of
the Michigan Union Food Service
have begun organizing a union
which they hope will be recog-
nized as their legal bargaining
agent in wage and working condi-
tion disputes.
More than 20 of 25 part-time,
student employes, mostly waiters
and waiteresses in the Union din-
a statement yesterday demanding to collectively resolve all wage,
recognition from the Regents. rights, and employment disputes'
The statement. presented yes- between management and the stu-
terday afternoon to 1Robert West,
director of Union food services,
demands that the Regents:
-Recognize the Student Em-
ployes Union (SEU) and all rights:
accorded it under the State Public
Employment Act,
-Enter into negotiations, in
ing rooms and cafeterias, signed good faith, with the SEU in orderj
Fleming: Limits on student role
Pric-dent Robben Fleming yesterday said
there is a place for input from students in
University decision-making, but not among
the final decision-makers.
"I think it would be possible to devise
methods of input into decision-making."
the president said, "but I don't think that
you can carry that to the point of decision-
making. You will eventually end up with
a few people making the decision."
Fleming's statement came as part of an
address before University Senate, which in-
cludes all faculty members. The group
meets twice annually.
"I don't say that I would rule out stu-
dents s'rvin g on a decision-making board.
but I have serious doubts that it would
resolve problems to everyone's satisfac-
tion." Fleming said in an interviw follow-
In his speech, Fleming noted the demand
for participation in decision-making, but
said responding to these demands "would
not solve the problems of comnunication."
"For example," the president said, "pa'-
ticipation in a group by some students does
not solve the problem of communications
with the rest of the student body." The
statement was apparently directed at
Student Government Council, which ad-
ministration officials have long criticized
as unrepresentative.
"Participation in a process necessitates
interest groups which depend on a con-
stituency and favor one against the other,
such as faculty, students, non-academics
and University-related groups," he said.
In addition to his comments on Uni-
problem," said Fleming. "State universities
need over $40 million increase in their
general budget next year for such things
as salary increases, enrollment increases,
opening new buildings, and some just to
counter inflation."
"If the governor passes his K-12 pro-
gram, there may be some funds available
next year," continued Fleming. "The po-
litical decision has been not to increase
taxes, so we'll have to count on other
sources to provide the funds."
Increasing minority enrollment is an-
other major problem now facing the Uni-
versity, Fleming said.
"The question of race is a real cancer
in our society," Fleming said. "We all wish
to resolve it but there are no overnight
dent employes.
The problem of basic student
employe rights and University
policy toward recognition of un-
ions was discussed yesterday at a
meeting between James Thiry,
manager of Employe and Union
Relations for the University and
Ed Szpiech, spokesman for the
student employes.
Thiry said that current legisla-
tion and University contracts do
not cover student employes, and
declined to comment on the pos-
sibility of regental recognition of
the SEU.
A copy of the SEU statement
was transmitted to President Rob-
ben Fleming yesterday afternoon,
and Szpiech said he plans to see
Fleming today to discuss the issue.
Specifically, the student em-
ployes are protesting what they
say is an action taken by West
to withhold tips from the waiters
and waitresses.
Under current policy, student
waiters are allowed to keep cash
tips, while those tips included in
bills paid on credit are allowed to
accumulate, and are included in
periodic paychecks.
Szpiech charged yesterday that
West had failed to pay students
these accumulated tips. But West,
after meeting with Szpiech and
receiving the statement demand-
ing recognition of the SEU, ex-
plained that bookkeeping problems
had prevented the tips from be-
Currently, student employes are tions feels that to cut these funds were not representative of all who
specifically excluded from the la- would be a serious mistake. There- have so far been working on Mobe
bor union representing most non- fore, if the money is to be found, actions.
clerical University workers, the it will have to come from the Some of those present argued
American Federation of State, student." that war research should be Mobe's
County, and Municipal Employes. See OPEN, Page 9 See NEW, Page 9
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