Page Two
Saturday, November 15, 1969
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, November 1 5, 1 969
the lotu
If you are a moody, intro-
spective person who likes to
feed on the lotus leaves, the
music of John Dowland will
provide you with many hours
of dolorous pleasure. His "de-
lectably monotonous" Lach-
rymae, to use the words of that
O.T.W. D.J. Dekoven, are play-
ed on original or reconstructed
instruments by the Elizabethan
Consort of Viols on a new Music
Guild recording. MS-872. Un-
broken in mood, the seven
movements (or Seven Teares)i
of the Lachrymae set an at-
mosphere of quiet sights and
lugubrious emotions, not unlike
the Trio Sonatas of Purcell. On
side two of this recording, the
Elizabethan Consort of Viols
play diverse Pavans, Galliards,
and Allamands, but they make
the mistake of transferring the
solemnity of the Lachryrnae to
basically more joyous music.
Julain Bream has shown how
the "King of Denmark's Gil-
liard" should lightly skip. Yet,
Music Guild offers a rare and
moving disc.
Monteverdi's famous Sixth
Book of Madrigals shares some
of the pathetic posturing and
sublimated passions of Dowland.
Well performed, Monteverdi's
madrigals can cut to the heart
and can surprise, surprise both
because of the wondrous har-
monies used and because of the
instant flare-up of seemingly
contained emotions. The Deller
Consort, on Vanguard Every-
man SRV 297, perform the
Lagrime D'Amante 01 Sepolcro
Dell'Amata and the Lamento
D'Arianna from the Sixth Book
of Madrigals. Soprano Mary
Thomas and or Honor Shep-
pard press on the upper reg-
isters, baritone Maurice Bevan
possesses a nasal tone, and in
loud passage the recording dis-
torts the blended voices.
The same ensemble, however,
does much better (and so does
the recording) with "bird-songs"
of Jannequin and other 16th
century chansons. In the Janne- .-
quin works. where bird calls are
imitated, the singers' technical
prowess is quite awesome.
Continuing in a quiet mood,
Nonesuch has released a fine
gamelan recital, taped on lo-
cation in Java by Suryabrata
Washington march makes 'U'
a place where the action isn't
and David Lewiston. Those fam-
iliar with the more extrovert
and clangorous gamelan en-
sembles from Bali (represented,
for instance, on Odyssey 32-16-
0366) may be surprised at the
soft ,almost understated percus-
sion music of the Javanese
gamelan. I admit to a fairly
thorough ignorance of the genre,
but still found the music quite
chimeric and soothing.
If your penchant for the
sombre reached truly masoch-
istic depths, you should find
Julian Carrillo's Mass for 2 ope
John XXIII to your taste. The
Mexican Carrillo (1875-1965)
was a successful composer, con-
ductor, and musical theoretician
who experimented especially
with quarter tone music. His
Mass, written in 1962, attempts
to rediscover the emotional sin-
cerity and validity of the iio'y
text, and as sung by a 'mall
ensemble of male voices, the
sliding, groaning, seldom eja-
culating voices do indeed con-
jure up souls of the doomed
praying for salvation. The per-
formance on the ever-intriguing
C.R.I. label (CRI SD 246) by
the Chorale des Professeurs de
Musique de la Ville de Paris em-
phasizes the depressing :act rf
the Pope's death and of Western
man's belief in his eternal Fall
from Grace.
To escape from such musical
Gethsemanes, one need but turnf
to the endlessly melodic and un-
shadowed Grieg, not to another
recording of his piano concerto
but, on Vanguard VCS 10067, to
his Holberg Suite, Op. 40. Dis-
missing simple structual inaly-
sis, there is little to say about
the music other than it is un-
obtrusively pleasant - lyrical
without being mushy, and broad
without omitting felicitous de-
tails. On this recording, Jonan-
nes Somary and the English
Chamber Orchestra also pei -
form Grieg's Last Spring, o).
34. No. 2 and a Serenade for
Strings by the contemporary
Swedish composer Dag Wiren.
dismiss class for the October
moratorium either. We don't dis-
miss class for Jewish holidays or
anything else."
However, one student who was
'planning to go to Washington
thinks the medical school is un-
fair. "For the professor to say
there is no makeup is like saying,
'do you want to conform I i k e
everyone else or do you want to
stand up for something you be-
lieve in and flunk out of school'."
she says bitterly.
If overall classroom attendance
dropped slightly, attendance at
local anti-war demonstrations'
was minimal. Only about 30 peo-
ple, mainly high school students
turned out for a morning work-
shop and a noon rally. With sev-
eral of the promised speakers fail-
ing to appear, the 30 students
stood in front of the Ann Arbor
News Bldg. yesterday afternoon
and chanted "no news is better
than the news we get."
With no opportunities to ex-
press his consternation over the
war, John Mier '73 is planning an
all night vigil in the Arboretum.
Hier considers his act a personal
gesture in behalf of peace, "Every-
one has to conduct a vigil once in
his life," he notes.
As the last of Mobilization's
buses departed from Ann Arbor,
other students have expressed re-
gret that they did not join the
Washington march. Some s t u -
dents said they felt guilty and
hypocritical for not going.
One engineering student said
he "would have liked to have gone
and carried a big sign that said
'Engin School', because we al-
ways get cut down for being apa-
thetic." But he added, "I'm not
apathetic, I'm going duck-hunting
this weekend."
For some, the decision to re-
main in Ann Arbor was a ques-
tion of finances, a fear of vio-
lence, or circumstances.
"Fraternity men are not inter-
ested in a Chicago confrontation,"
says Tom Cuzma of Phi Gamma son for marching. "The people
Delta. "I don't know if this march going to Washiimton are a lot
is a parameter of antiwar opin- more noticed and a lot more com-
ion," she adds, "but if it is, then mitted than they were on Oct.
I guess we're pretty wishy-washy." 15th," she says. "Oct. 15th was
Many fraternity and sorority more just a confrontation w it h
people were sympathetic to t h ° the University; this is a direct
march but did not send a large confrontation with the Admin-
contingent. An unofficial report istration and the whole country."
from Panhellenic Association list- She did not give her name be-
ed only 31 women from 12 houses cause she is going to Washington
as going to the march, although against her parents wishes. "Re-
a few sorority houses made sand- pression begins at home," s h e
wiches for the marchers. says.
Sigma Alpha Mu is typical of But some students are glad to
the fraternity support for t h e no part of the march. One
march. About 30 per cent of their girl wearing a National U n it y
members went. As for the rest sticker says she doesn't'oppose the
they would have gone but they moratorium. But, she adds. "I
have too much work. As one mem- believe we should support the vot-
havestoo.muchework.y's onedyng. ed leaders of the country. I do
ber said. "Everybody's studying; n
there are no parties at all."
But the girl working at the
check out desk at the Ugli noted
otherwise. "Friday's are usually
swamped, but there's no one here
In a few fraternity houses it
was the usual weekend mood -
TG's, football, and drinking. Dave
Boike, a member of Chi Sigma,
says the three members from his,
house of 50 who went don't care
much about the war. "They just
went to have a good time," he
says. His house is "more on thet
pro-Agnew side," he adds.
But one sorority girl quickly
discounts the fun and games rea-
not nave as much knowledge as
they do."
And a girl from Martha Cook
whose fiance was killed in Viet-
nam says. "The president knows
what he's doing and probably un-
derstands the situation better than
most of the marchers."
Karl Peve, who works at Mr.
Flood's party says business t h i s
weekend "should still be sub-
stantial but all the regulars have
gone to Washington." And the
owner of Dominicks restaurant
yesterday hung a sign on his door
announcing his business will be
closed for the weekend while he
takes his family to the Washing-
ton march.
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The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day thrcugh Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $300 by carrier, $3.00 by
with I
tHe LI
"'Putney Swope' is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, maybe the funniest. Surely the craz-
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-Joseph Gelmis, Newsday
"Its humor is in the tradition of the new American frontier. It is funny, sophomoric, brilliant, ob-
scene, disjointed, marvelous, unintelligible and relevant. If anybody tries to improve it, he should
be sentenced. Downey is, as he likes to call himself, a prince." -Vincent Canby, N.Y. Times
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