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Sirl i an
Cloudy and colder,
snow flurries
Vol. LXXX, No. 63 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 15, 1969 Ten Cents
Congressional aides cite FBI for bus med
By RON LANDSMAN FBI agents contacted their bus someone in the Canadian goern- thoroughly for conformation with total capacity. He said he was not tions of FBI or ICC regulations, bus c
special To The DaUy companies and asked detailed ment had been contacted by some- ICC regulations. contacted by the ICC. the aides will continue to investi- Neie
WASHINGTON - The staffs of questions about plans and funds one in the Nixon administration on The report is incomplete and Tony Mizadoni of Shortline gave gate because civil suits by the = case o
at least four U.S. representatives to the point of so intimidating the this." contains a number of unaccura- a similar report. "There were a damaged parties may be available volvin;
and two senators are looking into companies that they refused to -An official of the Chenango cies, but the congressional staff is few inquiries from the State Police. as an alternative. And
charges that FBI and Interstate follow through on verbal agree- Valley Transit Co. told Frank continuing to investigate, although All they wanted was information The aide said a number of the ficatio
Commerce Commission officials ments. Aasm, transportation coordinator the congressman himself has not about who was going, what the agreements may not have been YorkI
actively harrassed transportation They also charged that ICC of- for Harpur College, that he had been in Washington most of the costs were and similar informa- affected by the government direct- ficials
companies that had chartered ficials threatened to revoke or trouble getting buses because the week and does not know of the tion." ly, but that if contracts were vio- gruntl
buses to carry anti-war demon- suspend carriers' licenses if they "FBI has been around." report. Because of this, the staff In his statement yesterday Rep. lated they would seek civil dam- have1
strators to Washington this week- supplied buses to anti-war pro- -Three companies that had has requested that it not be 'den- Robison of New York concluded ages. other
end. testers for the Washington mass promised to contract buses to tified. that there was no cause for criti- The American Civil Liberties ton.
Although a congressional in- march or the March Against Harpur for Harpur students were . cism of the government. Union is also reportedly inrerested "We
vestigation is very far off in the Death, Nov. 13-15. all contacted by the FBI, although Two of the companies cited in "I have concluded ;hat there in the case but the officials work- volved
future, and may have been killed A preliminary private report only the smallest of the three the report as being contacted by was no interference or pressure ing on it could not be reached for Sidney
by a report released yesterday by prepared by the staff of anotner cancelled. The three companies the FBI said they did not find by the agents of either of these comment yesterday. Mobe
Rep. Howard Robison (R-NY), New York member of Congress were Shortline of Binghamton, the contacts "intimidating." agencies (FBI or ICC) in tie cited However, the ACLU is interested plaine
other officials are looking into specified the following charges: N.Y., National Trailways, and the "There was no pressure from the cases," he said. in a related case in New York City. ing th
the complains, and those affected, -A Canadian company contact- Hudson Transit Co. of Harriman, FBI whatsoever," said S. T. Par- "Such cancellations as there At a press conference there 'Ihus- at chu
especially in up-state New York, ed for subcontracting buses to an Pa. rish of the National Trailways Co. were were brought about either day the executive director of the in Wa
are continuing to level charges. American cab company was told -Suffolk county police contact- when contacted by The Daily yes- by the Canadian government" of New York ACLU, Aryeh Neier, HeF
The people who say their bus ar- by a high Canadian .overnment ed the Student Mobilization Com- terday. "They have not exerted other valid causes not involving said he had a documented rase in in wh
,rangments were fouled up by fed- official not to rent the buses for miteee at Stonybrook College and any force on anything." Parrish federal agencies. which FBI agents demanded that ton t
eral officials - students at the the march. said if they tried to move any said the FBI simply wanted in- A congressional aid said that two senior executives of a large before
State University of New York- "There seem to nave been ir- buses with "SDS types" on them formation on the number of buses although they may not be able bus charter agency in New York leave.
Harpur College - maintain that dications," the report said, "that they would be stopped and checked going to Washington and their to make a case for specific viola- let them see and copy records of See
Eight Pages
harters for Washington.
r said this was clearly a
of "illegal FBI activity in-
g chartering buses."
despite the apparent clari-
ns in the other cases in New
State, New Mobilization of-
are still extremely dis-
ed at the difficulties they
had in arranging bus and
transportation to Washing-
know the FBI has been in-
In a number of cases," said
Y Lens, a member of the New
steering committee. He ?om-
d that FBI agents were mak-
ieir presence noticeably felt
rches and movement centers
shington and elsewhere.
also cited a case in Chicago
ich buses for the Washing-
rip were cancelled shortly
they were scheduled to
Lens said someone from the
SPACE CENTER, Houston ( -- Three Americans blasted
off yesterday on man's second trip to the moon's surface. A
quick check of the lunar lander Intrepid revealed no damage
from the scary brush with earth's lightning-spiked clouds at
The orders to check out the Intrepid came to Apollo 12
astronauts Charles "Pete" Conrad Jr., Richard F. Gordon Jr.
and Alan L. Bean less than six hours after their Cape Kennedy
The inspection of the spidery lunar lander originally had
been scheduled for Monday, but there were fears that the
early electrical surge the Apollo endured on the way up might
have cut off electrical power to critical instruments in the
D --lunar module.
Most of the first eight hours of
D O W stop s the flight were spent checking for
electrical damage from the fright-
Dowetopsng ride through boilingFlr
ida clouds on the first leg of their
trip to a Wednesday landing on
the moon's weatherless Ocean of
1 Storms.
Command pilot Conrad and
napalmn lunar module pilot Bean entered
Intrepid about 6:45 p.m. EST.
MIDLAND,Mich,(M Do President Nixon, his wife and
Chemical Co.,the target ofadaughter Tricia sat in the rain at
ChmicamCo. themtart ons- Cape Kennedy to watch the
tionwide campus launch, making Nixon the first
against its manufacture of napalm U.S. President to personally view
for use by U.S. forces in Vietnam a blast-off.
is no longer making the incend-
iary weapon for the government, Apollo 12 had a jolting start as
a company spokesman said 1 a s t it thundered away from C a p e
night. I Kennedy right on schedule at
From Wire Service Reports
solemnly, the March Against
Death flowed through Wash-
ington in an endless proces-
sion throughout yesterday on
the eve of today's climactic
mass protest against the Viet-
nam war.
Meanwhile about 3.000 anti-war
demonstrators led by Dr. Benja-
min Spock participated yesterday
in a noon rally at the Justice De-
partment Bldg. to protest the 'Chi-
cago 8' conspiracy trial.
There were no disorders in the
March Against Death, not even
many words between spectators
and the placarded file of youthful
walkers. It passed the White
House at the rate of 1,000 an hour,
hour upon hour.
Thursday nearly 45,000 march-
ers proceeded from Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery passed the White
House. And yesterdayran estima-
ted 30,000-35,000 marched along
the same route,
Rally leaders at the Justice De-
partment originally had planned
to encircle the building with a sin-
gle-file line of picketers, however,
the large crowd spilled off the
sidewalk and into the street block-
ing traffic several times.
A request by Dr. Spock to enter,
the building and talk with depart-
ment officials about the Chicago
trial was denied. An informal rallyI
outside the building was held and1
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - Metropolitan police, backed up by
about 200 National Guardsmen, skirmished with some 3000
demonstrators here last night about one mile northwest of the
White House. The clash followed an abortive attempt to stage
a march and a rally at the South Vietnamese Embassy.
Re'peated billows of tear gas, window breaking and wild
skirmishing broke the tranquility of the massive three day
protest. At least nine persons, including seven policemen
have been injured and 31 people were reported arrested.
As of 2 a.m. this morning, only
The spokesman for the Midland-
based company said Dow has not
produced any napalm "in several
He said a new contract to pro-
.LSA conviction
Roy Mash, '70, was found
guilty yesterday by a six man
jury of both contention and
causing a disturbance during
the LSA Bldg. sit-in Sept. 25.
Mash will be sentenced Nov.
21 by District Judge Sanford
J. Elden. Mash's conviction is
4 - . 4 4. - _ 1- * ; I
11:22 a.m. through a heavy rain-
storm, the worst conditions ever
for an American manned launch-
Forty-five seconds into the
flight there was a sudden dropout
of much of the spacecraft's elec-
trical power. Three power-p r o-
during fuel cells and a key ele-
ment of the guidance system sud-
denly were inoperative.
The astronauts reported there
were so many abort lights t h e y
couldn't count them. Using their
experiences as jet pilots, the y
promptly pushed circuit breakers
that restored the electrical power.
-Associated Press
WASHINGTON POLICE advance spreading a giant cloud of tear gas as police and demonstrators
skirmished last night in front of the South Vietnamese embassy.
Meanwhile at the U
An overcast, empt day
700 persons remained in Du Pont
The outbreak of violence did not
affect the March Against Death,
which continued in front of the
White House.
Fleeing tear gas, demonstrators
ran through a middle class neigh-
borhgod, smashing storefront win-
dows as they went.
Police carried night sticks but
rarely used them relying mainly
on tear gas, papper gas and CS gas
to disperse the demonstrators.
Meanwhile, the New Mobiliza-
tion Committee disavowed anyxre-
sponsibility for the protest and
ensuing violence. "The demon-
stration tonight was not sponsored
by New Mobe nor was it endorsed
by the committee," their official
statement read. "We reaffirm our
commitment to legal and n o n -
violent demonstration these three
days in Washington," the Mobili-
zation said.
Fliers for the demonstration
said it was sponsored by the Mad-
dogs, the Crazies and the Weath-
The demonstration had been or-
ganized by the Revolutionary Con-
tingent in Solidaritywith the
Vietnamese People, a coalition of!
about 30 militant anti-war groups.
Earlier this week the police had
denied their request for a permit
to march.
The demonstrators rallied nev-
ertheless at DuPont Circle in
downtown D.C. about 8:30 p.m.
and marched up Massachusetts
Ave. toward the embassy where
they were met by a line of police
blocking the entire street and
Strung in a single line with a
back-up force, the police were
equipped with tear gas, pepper fog
machines, gas masks, and special
It is unclear how the melee
started. Several reports indicate
that police moved first to spread
tear gas and pepper fog to prevent
the advance of the marchers. Stu-
dents reportedly responded with
epithets and rocks.
See POLICE, Page 8
join .trek
Special To The Daily
freezing temperatures a n d
intermittent rain, more than
3000 Michigan residents, in-
cluding many from Ann Ar-
bor, joined in a "March
Against Death" Thursday, yes-
terday and early today.
Prominent citizens of Ann Ar-
bor, including Mayor Robert Har-
ris and Human Relations Direc-
tor David Cowley and HRC of-
ficial Robert Hunter, marched the
4 mile route from Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery to the foot of the
Although only 47,000 people, in-
cluding 3000 from this state, were
expected to march, an estimated
100,000 have made the trek, bear-
ing the names of servicemen
killed in action or of villages de-
stroyed during combat.
The response has been 3 u s t
great," said Otto Deutsch, direct-
or of the reception center for par-
ticipants from Michigan and 15
other states. "We have more
marchers than we need."
A large majority of the state
contingent was from the Univer-
sity community. Thirty four buses
and more than 200 cars headed
from Ann Arbor to Washington for
the march. Other large groups
came from Detroit, Flint, Western
Michigan University and Michi-
gan State University.
"It was very solemn as a whole,"
cidl bphp Ya l nn f th
Life can be lonely for the silent
majority who chose to spend the
weekend in Ann Arbor.
With 34 of' Mobilization's char-
tered buses gone, the silen'. halls
thLsixteenth sIince'thetrials "I think we were hit by light-
began ih October. Eight stu- ning," Conrad reported, saying
dents were acquitted earlier he saw a bright flash outside the
this month, cabin window at the moment of
power dropout.
duce the jellied gasoline for t h e Launch officials doubted t h e I
government was awarded several spacecraft or the Saturn 5 rocket
weeks ago to American Electric beneath it had been struck by
Co. of Los Angeles. Dow was an lightning. However, some flashes
unsuccessful bidder for the new were sighted in the area of the
contract, he said. rocket as it rose.
Dow began producing napalm
at its plant in Torrance, Calif.,
in 1966. The spokesman said the
contract was worth about $10 r ii
million a year
The manufacture of napalm byByRC ELF
Dow has been the subject of heat- By RICK PERLOFF
ed national controversy, much of and ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ
it focused against Dow recruit- special To The Daily
ers on the nation's campuses, WASHINGTON - "Will you
Last year, while antiwar de- take three couples and three
monstrators picketed outside the boys?" shouted a Mobe worker
firm's annual meeting, Dow board at Asbury Methodist Church to
chairman Carl E. Gerstacker a middleaged lady who had just
pledged that the company would volunteered her home as shel-
continue to make napalm as long ter for the demonstrators.
as the government said it had a This request characterized the
nedn o.the hswquhoatz
broke up when an SDS leader left, and empty classrooms stand as
taking about 200 persons with a mute reminder that Ann Arbor
him. isn't where the action is.
Signs that this weekend would
The Associated Press estimated be a quiet one appeared early to-
last night that 250,000 will par- day as attendance in the literary
ticipate in today's mass march college noticeably dropped with
which will proceed down Pennsyl- some professors cancelling their
vania Ave. two blocks from the classes to participate in the Wash-
Although University officials did
not estimate the drop in at-
tendance, an informal survey in-
dicates that most literary collegej
classes suffered an average drop
in attendance of 30 per cent. At-
tendance in the Engineering Col-
lege reportedly was normal.
Some professors, including Prof.
John Bailey of the Near Eastern
studies department, and P r o f.
Walter Spink of the Art History,
dept. cancelled classes to attend
the Washington march.
But the number of class can-
White House.
ington march.
cellations came no where near the
number cancelled for the Oct. 15
moratorium. "I think we were all
up for the last one in October,"
says Prof. Russell Fraser, chair-
man of the English Department,
"but there hasn't been the same
sort of response this time."
However, mne diligent student
who attended classes often found
there was very little to miss. One
teaching fellow told his class what
to do if they got in trouble in
Washington instead of teaching a
regular class. Students attending
an educational psychology section
found the class had been can-
celled and would be held Monday
evening for a discussion of the
Vietnamese war.
After attending an economics
section where only three people at-
tended, one freshman summed up
the attitude of many students -
"I shouldn't have bothered to go."
However, one speech 410 stu-
dent said attendance was norm-
al," even a couple of our radidals
were there."
Students in the medical school
were in class as usual yesterday
and are expected to be there today.
Anatomy Prof. Dr. Theodore C.
as the New Mobe organizers run
out of housing spaces.
At 12:05 a.m. Julian Dugas,
special assistant to the mayor,
called the New Mobe's head-
quarters and informed them of
the mayor's decision.
The announcement came
shortly after New Mobe leaders
had announced that although a
few spaces were available, they
were gscare.
inn? As Moe
and the "friendly atmosphere of stay. So, the Connecticut lad
the city." has played musical beds since
University student Tom San- arriving in Washington.
dercock, '72, said he was stepped The first night he met several
over continually while sleeping people who invited him to their
in the moratorium offices as commune; the second he met a
moratorium leaders carried box- waitress who invited him home
es, and answered calls. B ut for the night. And last night,
Sandercock said he didn't mind he struck up a conversation with
and spent much of that day do- several girls about their home-
ing work for the moratorium, towns and moments later he
mg wn i r 1t pi mor orium. w as prom ised shelter.
Norm Finkesein.m 71. n- _.,..
saza Reu en Y armus, one OI the
University marchers. "At the end
O tof the march., people were almost
On tod ys intears."
On y e I Along the patch of the march,
Page Thabout 200 marshalls guided the
procession. There were no city
0 U anti-war protesters en- nolice nt most stretintersection