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October 07, 1969 - Image 2

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Tuesday, October 7, 1969



r aue listenters only

ire la_ i'ii e t Largso e
Sata N. 7, ~. I U 3No.t,
\Xi5 dii (':i i' lix 'uat Le-
(L [ ' n "Pli II li:f0 a rid
how 12CE ( ii5 1 i 10' IOU -'
Volio li. 1: rO e
in1(1 a ii)cd b i t n i.
ed da i 'io of 11>T .IN~'
stei, hi sI~An n, iiin t is
muchol saceas ofi the niotes
that''U itil isirii~Vi~ C , as
itw r wit;hii d'' i iie )aces
t ' 1'-ii h ir's 1 r u i iithe
x;.,111t illS l t' '('it I N u 0
tou.,_ _itse alindrviL Cr
lairiy the ' 1in of' in onfi be
e t t s li e l it n e dIto b e1
filirrain Id~ at tewr
ofat1t1nfntedp-. n

10' r .is110 vii'of mieeriitn,
si~. V I\ 0k' ri itpetertially
'oldxx tlirr Lnus iti at-
i. . , xhriileti inid unl-
e~ 'jriOritSiti~ctso that it
do i c hutit 1ef illor', 'urn
awe vI reun bam Va a 10111of
darr' n' t vts ,ell-eing, The
din' 0Kvis not how to under'-
.i rid ant y,'"!t hoiw tobe
aP 'is<aidit'',,ntrtis.tses
rhox' r's lar'lo e Ineto
Irio c'nennt ks Tenysn'sline
''Ts Pteetohav loved arid
los th~i ievl'to have loved at
all''O~t v iiera llni ofcliche.
Art"ev isW'those whro will
iace it;the eIdIies of life
ari th e~ut tt'ncebeyond
di tli \V ernldlisteci to Bee-
tI OXti io b)cus he is a cul-
tra' l upoiitnt be'cause we
n~~~~ irr 1 iet "Unerrstanid~
Irti'ebi< because the exper'-
it he'i {.i S USlioi'C so, makes
0t, 115 'Xmor'eitC 011e so,
a..iti'vs s a ricxv acuity with
whrirto',Meetftture exper'-
2lislia DiZhw( h xlo per'fo1rm-
ed: atr l11ll And. last night in the
secon presntaion of the Uni-
versity Musical Society Choral
Union ere. as the rare art-
iX70 se for a deep level
ofl pati'ia o Unlike many
,;t i titliists-an7d Dichter'is
onl inhistxvrrtcs-iroseek
to impress the atudience with
xir,usi tyarid rhetoi'ic, wxho
seen i)he trying to conivinice
the;Ai( rice that. a musician
can, riv iti7omeiCas well as
a i sic sxtesirovie or any
decbe-Ci Ii insr o c Ik band,
M' ~ ~ l Ir iai riplaed to the
fi' Iutn ex's IIcdid riot try
10 11 '_e1 , to put the pianio
ltii C'erylapo to seabut
he 1 medei . hat tilelisener
mik ti 'frt.By oin sohe
1' i:' iter U t lie n'tii >.''rt t'iC 5 f
til' wilig o joi himand
obi iot~y na rrypeople refuised
1( CCI tlecarshai iinds,
or," -o hrr ;ited tire, attditoi'-
it111 rro s' n ot litard since
the oetf 'Kur'/ 1':32.
'li('_. er Xr.n o aa No. 7,
Op. i), No :~ i; a slm per'-
lw '"ii ( ok its tyric .ismiris less
blt.mi' aidits st tic I reeless
as r. ~, ii alithe IiloVC xveil-
.: ri i 'ae' ~ hoveri
sorerris Dim cs layngby rio
ri ..rs ' ae lit ' wo1''slattiit

1Day Calendar'
Statistics Semrinar: Dr. V'aclav Fab-
ian, Dept. Statistics anti Probability.
Michigan State University. "On Weak
jConvergence in Stochastic Processes";,
429 Mason Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Department of English Poetry Read-
ing: Gallway Kinnell: Mult ipurpose
Room, Undergraduate Library, 4:10
University IWoodwind Quintet: Nel-
son Hauenstein, flute; Florian Mueller.
oboe; John Mohler, clar'inet; Louis
Stout, French horn; and Lewis Cooper.
bassoon: Rackham Lecture Hail, 8:00
p m.
General Notices'
Open Hearing: Tuesday, October 7,
1969, 8:00 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell
Hall. Open Hearing to discuss tihe Final
Report of the Academic Affairs Comn-
mittee on ROTC..
U31 Dearborn campus repi'esentativ'e
will talk with interested students,
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1220 SAB, 9:30-3:30
The following Law Schools will have
representatives on campus to discuss
admission policies and generailinforii.a-
tion for interested students .Appoinut-
I ments must be made by calling Mrs.
Towl~e at 40312 or coming to 1223 An-
gell Hall, Appointments should be made
in advance.
Monday, October 13: Vanderbilt and
Friday, October 17, Duke Uiniversity
and Cornell.
jWednesday, October 22: Indiana.
Thursday, October 23, UniX'ersiiy of
Thursday, October 30, University of
Friday, October 31, Newv York Uni-
1968 University of Nlichiga:n Biblio-
graphy: Forms for bibliogra phic in-
formation for the 19638 Unixersity or
Michigan Bibliography wvere mauiled in
April, 1969, to facuity and staff memn-
bers at their home addresses; Any
University employee who has publica-
tions to report for the calendar y'ear
1968 and who did not receive the tormn
should call the ORA Editorial Office,
Foreign Visitors
Thne following rinctividuals canl be
reached through lie Foreigni Visitor
Division of the Visitor and idGues Re-
375 No. MAPLE PD. 769.1300
SAT.-SUN.-1 :00-3:05

lations Office. Rooms 22-24, Michigan
Union. Telephone: 764-2148.
Miss Treita R. Basco: Assistant Con-
trolileran Budget Officer, De La
Salle Colltcge, manila, Philippines Oct.
Mr. M. H. McKay; Professor of Mathe-
miatics, University of Papua, New
Guinea. October 10-12.
Pla ceni ent Service
3?00 S.A.I3
Peace Corps, Test will be given in
Ann Arbor on Oct. 18. Downtowin
branch of Post Office, Main at Caitler-
ine streets at I pin. P. C. Team will
be on campurs for information week of
Nov 17 Applicatio-,s are available at
Placemient. Services Complete one and
take to 'Test Cen:ter.
October 9 is the deadline for na-
tional secturity agency test, first test
given on Oct. 18, another applic. due
for Dec. 6 test on NoX'. 21 Only these
2 tests this year.
Current Position openings received
by General Division by mail arnd phone,
niot interviews on campuis, call 764-
74601 for further informnation:
anE3-gE f9ninj
County of Way Nne: Library Aids for
seX'erai communities, resident of Waynie
or Southfield, degr:ee in any area.
Veterans Administration, dept. of
meed. and surgery: nationwide loca-
tions - positions in audiol, speech,
biol chemn, education, libr, all med
areas, phiarmn, therapy, psychologists,
and social workers.
D~ept. of the Navy, civilian personnal
office, Greiit LaesIl. - Laboratory
technuicians in microbiology, BS, 48
hours in related sciences. Also re-
',earcii for Virology and bacteriol spec-
iatc ith ES'MS PhD.
Wa:yne County Circuit Law Library:
Libra:rian., general reference in legal
m aterial, MALS, new.
Juvenile Court of Jackson County,
Michi.: Probation Officer, degree ini
social scences
"Finds People for
CALL 662-4401

Do Your Own Thing
SIGN UP IN THE DIAG (Fishbowl-if Roin )



Evenings at 8.:30-Matinee Sat. at 2 P.M.

ICI isIwDie hter

Ijowvel, however', and iin some
wvays the pianist's understate -
mnlt verged on pussy-footing,
esp~ecially in the opening Presto
Ini fact, Dichter seemed al-
mlost consciously to deny the
mlotival import of the first foul'
descending nlotes of the move-
merit, as wvell as the inotival
imipor't of the opening triplet of
the finale Allegro. By doing so,
lie under'cut some of the special
genius of Beethoven, wich is
thte dynamic working-out. of
In the Lai'go e inesto, he was,
as indicated, gloriously poetic,
with an iintenlse control of the
tension betwxeen senrtiment and
v'acuiumi. His touch was, inlnmy
minid, perifectly' suited to his ap-
pr'oachn: clean but rnot icy,
smocoth bttnot glib. True, lie
lacked the ultimate control of
r'tbato that mnakes, for' instance,
thr 'im of sixteenth nlotes ini the
second bar' of the seconld sub-
ject miore than just a runrr of
sixteenth nlotes' in tihe hands of
Schnabel, but even Schnabel
did not effect that type of con-
frontation with beauty that
Sachs and IHtixley speak of.
The ensuing br'ief Minuet,
mindlessly easy to absorb after
the coricentr'ationi demanded by
the Largo, suffer'ed from under'-
statr ,znent it r'eally needed to
be leieutsd froml Dichrter's r'e-
fined seisibility.
Follovirig t hr e Beethov'en,
Dicht er performed Six Br'ahmns
pieces,: a Ballade, threec Capric-
cios, rand two Intermezz'os. The
Interme-zzos, espeically the No.
3 of' Op. 117, were p~layed beau-
tif'ully, againt with the p~ianlist's
penchant for' understatement.
CHe did nrot seek to make the
Xor'ks, even tire mor'e ebullient
Capriccio No.1, Op. 116, overly
dramatic statements, as mrost
pianists do. By eschewing the
dranma - which in Brahms can
be as exciting as a butcher'
hacking mneat-Dichter distilled
all evanescent poetry, and it is
not exagger'ation to say thlat he
pr'oduced a diaphanous veil of

sound that pulled the audience
in and then released them to
their own memor'ies. (For once,
the coughing stopped.) Dichter
accomplished such an effect not
by magic, of course, but by a
touch that never struck a dis-
cordant elemenrt. In the begin-
ining of the Op. 117, No. 1 Inter-
mezzo, he had just the right
weight in his left hand-the ef-
t'ect was almost subliminal.
After an intermission, Dichter
performed Moussorgsky's great
ar't museum ti'avelog, Pictures
at an Exhibition. The music de-
scnibes a memorial exhibition of
the paintings of Victor' Har't-
mnn, a fr'iend of the composer,
occasionally interr'upted by a
"pr'omenade" which car'ies the
listener' fr'om one scene to the
ntext. Sev'er'al of the scenes ar'e
comical. sever'al are nostalgic,
sev'er'al ar'e demonic. The work
climaxes withl the "Great Gate
of Kiev." and Moussorgsky mi-
r'aculously captur'ed in sounid
the hubbub of people passing
under'tile gate and the clangor'
of chur'ch bells in the city. It is
a wxoi'k which challenges not on-
ly tile pianist's technique but
also his imaginative powers of
Ir'onically, because tile poetry
of this music is more niarr'ative,
more explicit, Dichter's color'-
istic abilities wer'e less in de-
nnlanld. Those scenes which ar'e
miore impr'essionstic, such as5
"Tile Old Castle," fared best;
more dramatically o b v i o u s
scernes, such as "Ballet of the
Unhatchedi Chicks,", came off in
a more detached manner.
Success of accomplishirng tile
final scenes inevitably must be
complar'ed with the gr'eat per-
formances of the wor'k, that by
Richter' and by Hor'owitz. Rich-
ter' especially seemed to possess
eighlt hands and he cr'eated an
overwxhelming tumult of bells.
Dichter's rendition was far snore
controlled, unfrenzied, a nI d
structurally clear', but it was rnot
without a febrile excitement of
its owvn.

[xclusive Stainn ds artistireleased iby Warer Brios. Sevn Arts Rerdni fc.

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Th'isirrI It_.t!e plastic 10(r ;was;one X1' feeral ct rtatred by Reynold
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