See Editorial Page
Chance of showers,
Vol. LXXX, No. 29
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 7, 1969
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
postpone disciplinary action Senate
Plan talks with students
arrested in LSA sit-in
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith yes-
terday indicated there would be no immediate University
disciplinary action taken against the 96 students who were
among those arrested in the LSA Bldg. sit-in on Sept. 26.
In a statement drafted in consultation with deans of the
six schools whose students were involved, Smith left open the
possibility that firm punitive measures would be taken in the
Instead of immediate action, Smith said, the deans will
first hold informal conferences with the students involved.
Smith also said the administration was presently study-
ing provisions in a number of
folds rally
Some 50 students paused briefly
on the Diag yesterday to hear
leaders of the Bookstore Coor-
dinating Committee declare that
there had been satisfactory pro-
gress in the negotiations for a
student-faculty run bookstore.
Following the rally about 30 of
the students discussed the issue
with President Robben Fleming'
in the Administration Bldg. for
about five minutes.
Fleming declined to issue a de-
finitive position statement, as the
students requested, but reitera ted
his support for a student-faculty
operated bookstore "which satis-
fied the Regents for the protec-
tions which they are interested
The students agreed to at tend
the Oct. 16 Regents meeting to
press for acceptance of the stu-
dent bookstore.
The rally had originally been
called last Monday to assess the
actions of the Regents and the ad-
ministration duiringL the week.
Some sttudent leaders had in-
dicated if there was not satis-
factory progress in the negotia-
tions some disruptive action should
be considered.
However, no vote was taken at
yesterday's rally, which was most-
ly informational.
Instead the question was settled
by SOC Executive Vice President
Marc Van Der Hout who said "At
this stage I suggest we do nothing
disruptive. It has been going pret t
well and I think the Regents will
come to their knees pretty soon."
Other Diag rally leaders seemed
generally pleased with the trend
of the negotiations between the
committee and SACUA, citing the
fact that both students and fac-
ulty considered student control of
the bookstore "a given."
"It all seems very encouraging."
said Alan Neff. spokesman for
the coordinating committee. "The
only remaining obstacle in my
mind is the Regents," he added.
Contacted later, Prof. ,Joseph
Payne, chairman of SACUA,
warned that the faculty was sym-
pathetic to a student-faculty run
bookstore, but in less hurry than
the students to complete action on
a proposal.
Payne also felt that negotiations,
had gone well. "The faculty has
only been involved in the issue
for about ten days," he said. "but
after Friday's meeting. we were(
confident we could move proposals
along to the Regents."
state and federal laws which
call for the termination of
financial aid grants to stu-
dents convicted of activities
which disrupt the University.
In an interview, Smith agreedj
that President Robben Fleming
had expressed opposition to such
legislation, but added that the
University must comply with the
law. "Its one thing to say legis-
lation should not be passed and
quite another to ignore it," he said.
Smith said the financial aid
grants involved included Michigan
H i g h e r Education Assistance
grants, National Defense Educa-
tion scholarships, educational op-
portunity grants, student loan in-
surance and some other federal
aid programs.
Smith said these grants were
generally administered by the Uni-
versity and could, therefore, be
cut off without reporting the
names of students involved to the
awarding authority.
In any case, hie added, a de-
termination of guilt would have
to be made by the courts or
through University disciplinary
proceedings before aid was cut off.
Defending possible internal dis-
cipline, Smith said in the state-
ment that "simultaneous charges
before a court and a college dis-
ciplinary committee do not con-
stitute double jeopardy as the ~ oc-
t rine is understood in the law." t
But he cited a proposal or-
iulated by a committee of the
Am erican Bar Association that cdis- cp n tr h r e el riv =; tl
not be pursued by the Uive rsity
while statutory charges are pend-
ing. unless the student poses a
continuing threat to the function-
ing of the institution.
"It formal charges are to be
filed. the college will give due
consideration to the status of1
other trials.'' Smith wrote.
Smith said later that before
formal disciplinary proceedings
were instituted, there would be
more discussions with the deans
The 96 students who participated
in the sit-in will meet at 8 p.m.
tomorrow night on the secoi
floor of the Student Activities
Bldg, to consider possible re-
sponses to Smith's statement.
' Smith's statement left open thet
possibility that internal disciplin-I
ary action, if any were taken,t
could proceed either through the
collges or Central Student Judi-
In the past, however, Smith has
indicated he would prefer to se,
preceedings take place in the
schools and colleges.l
The statement on internal dis-
cipline had been expected some-E
t imne last week. but the deans Wp-
parently could not agree on a
draft at a meeting last Thursday,c
and a second meeting was hId
('ary yesterday. .
In inte'rviews yesterday. the<
deans involved denied that th 'ret
See DEAN'S, Page 10
iMts gnuNit
-Associated Press
Mets pitcher Nolan Ryan and catcher Jerry Grote rush toward
each other after the Mets won the pennant with their victory
over the Atlanta Braves at New York's Shea Stadium yesterday.
(See story, Page 9)
The Senate Assembly voted
yesterday to endorse a resolu-
tion supporting the Vietnam
War moratorium on Oct. 15,
but urging that faculty mem-
bers make arrangements to
reschedule any work they ne-
glect by participating in the
After a two hour discussion. of
possible actions, the faculty group
voted 36-10 in favor of a com-
promise combination of several
other motions. The compromise,
which was suggested by geology
Prof. Henry Pollack and amended
several times, reads:
"The members of the Senate
Assembly encourage faculty and
students to feel free to participate
in the activities of Oct. 15, 1969,
which have as their purpose to fo-
cus the attention of the nation.
and especially its political and
military leaders, on the need for
an end to the Vietnam War.
"The Assembly further urges all
members of the University com-
munity to devote their intellectual
energies. through the special op-
portunities provided on that day.
to consider ways in which to focus
the resources of the University on
the problems of war cessation.
"If such participation by a fac-
ulty member leads to an absence
from his usual responsibilities, the
Assembly urges that each faculty
member so affected take the ap-
propriate steps to reschedule his
resnonsibilities to the University
for teaching, research, or service."
Rumors were widespread that
the administration would cancel
classes on) Oct. 15 as a result of
the Senate resolution. However,
President. Robben Fleming last
night denied having plans for any
such action. et
Also endorsed at the secial
meeting of the Senate Assembly
was a letter sent out by University
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan F. Smith. The letter
states that while the University
will not formally cancel classes on
Oct. 15. faculty members who do
so will not be penalized or re-
The lengthy debate concentrat-
ed as much on the Senate Assem-
bly's riht to endorse a resolution
as to what the resolution could
The question of whether the
Assembly could speak for the en-
tire faculty was brought up by
law Prof. Robert Knauss. who
suggested insertin the words "in
their individual canacities" after
"members of the Senate Assem-
blv." Other professors objected,
saying that any resolution so
worded would have no more
strength than a signed letter: and
Prof. Knauss's suggestion was de-
feated by a large margin.
History Prof. Jacob Price pre-
ferred a milder resolution simply
promising not to censure striking
3,000,000 UNEMPLOYED:
Unemploy ment rate increases,
ait-infatio ples asse
WASHINGTON 0 '- The na-
tion's unemployment rate experi-
enced last month its biggest in-
crease since the Eisenhower ad-
ministration, promising to ignite
fresh dispute over President Nix-
on's course in combating inflation.
The ranks of the unemployed
swelled to 4.0 per cent of the
civilian work force, a .5 per cent
increase over the August rate. The
Labor Department said Monday
it was the greatest monthly in-
crease since September-October
Employment levels, however, re-
mained virtually unchanged at,
their peak, reflecting a decline in
the rate of employment growth.
Of the nation's labor force of
81.4 million, the Bureau of Labor
Statistics said, 3 million were tun-
employed in September--365,000
more than in August. The over-all
unemployment rate was the high-
est since the 4.2 per cent of Oc-
tober 1967.
The figures prompted former
Vice President Hubert H. Hum-
ecall Harris drive
delays f iling9 petitions
Petitions to recall Mayor Robert
Harris and six of the seven Demo-
cratic City Council members will
probably not be filed until after
the Nov. 3 referendhm on a city
income tax proposal, in order that
all the petitions can be filed to-
Jack J. Garris. chairman of
Concerned Citizens of Ann Ar-
bor, said yesterday that filing of
the petitions, which call for an
election on the recall proposal, is
being delayed so the petitions will
not be split up. "We have 90
days from the time we started
gathering signatures. That would
be not quite to December. The
Oct. 3 date would have cut our
time by almost one-third." he
The group had previously ex-
pressed hope of filing petitions by
Oct. 3 so the recall proposal would
appear on the same ballot with
the income tax question.
Garris said a more detailed
statement of Concerned Citizens'
plans will be issued later this
week. He declined to state t h e
number of signatures gathered so
far on recall petitions.
"That might cause some of
our workers to feel we're doing so
well they can slack off. We're still
gathering signatures every day,"
he said.
Garris, at the organizational
meeting of the group two weeks
ago, had asserted that M a y o r
Harris and the six of the seven
Democratic councilmen should be
recalled by the people because of
their failure to assure "safety and
morality in this city."
He cited the riots on the
campus and the growth of t h e
"hippie" culture throughout the
city as dangers which Harris had
failed to deal with adequately.
The Mayor and Councilmen
could not be reached for com-
ment last night due to a city
council meeting.
On today's
Page Three
" Two factions within the
Students for a Democratic
Society head for a confron-
tation which could leave
the nation's major radical
phrey, speaking at an AFL-CIO
convention, to assert that Nixon's
economic policies are putting
Americans out of work without
slowing inflation. Humphrey said
Nixon's policy of tight money and
high interest is benefiting the
wealthy at the expense of the rest
of the nation.
But a high Treasury Department
offical saw the new jobless fig-
ures in a rosier light. Asst. Sec-
retary Murray L. Weidenbaum
said they "indicate that we may
be returning from an overheated.
overemployed condition to more
sustainable employment levels."
Weidenbaum noted that the 4
per cent rate is approximately
that which prevailed just prior to
expansion of U.S. involvement in
"Unemployment normally de-
clines sharply between August and:
September," the Labor Depart-
ment said in announcing the in-
crease, "but this September it
failed to drop."
A Labor Department spokesman,
cited as one possible reason for
the statistical increase: the sur-
vey was taken fairly early in Sep-
tember, at a time when a large:
number of young persons had notj
yet left the labor force to return!
to school.
Through the first nine months
of 1969, the report said, unemploy-
ment has risen by about 350,000.
Eighty per cent of the increase
was among new entrants into the
labor force, or persons re-entering
the force, as opposed to those who
quit or lost their jobs.
The unemployment rate aver-
aged 3.3 per cent for the first
quarter of 1969, rose to 3.5 perl
cen tin the second and 3.7 pei
cent in the third quarter.
The unemployment rate among
Negroes and other nonwhites con-
tinued to be nearly double that
among the white labor force -
6.8 to 3.6 per cent.
-Associated Press
Dollars for iea.e
These girls are working to raise money to promote the proposed
peace moratorium of Oct. 15. Anne Schoomaker, a senior at MSU,
and Beverly Hollar, a junior at Grosse Point High School, are
charging 50 cents a kiss for students and a dollar for faculty.
Charles Ipear, a grad student from Maine, is a co-worker.
City councilc adots
police study report,
The city council last night approved by a seven to three
margin a resolution to implement the initial recommenda-
tions of a report by the Ad Hoc Committee on Police Coii-
munity Relations.
The report recommends:
--That 12 police officers be hired "immediately or within
two years" as part of an active attempt for minority recruit-
-That a "brief but explicit" report of any contact
between patrolmen and citizens be furnished to the citizens
-That the police department
expand its program of training
officers to deal with factors that
generate hostility between police
and certain segments of the com-
munity. The report also recom-
mends that funds be appropriated
in order to initiate an "in serv-
ice training program" with sim-
ilar goals.
faculty members. "I hope we can
go through Oct. 15 leaving the -That the. police department
faculty as undivided as possible." be relieved of the primary respon-
he asserted. adding that a resolu- sibility for enforcing parking reg-
tion supporting the strike would ulations.
virtually "label for the rest of the -That the city authorize a pro-
year" faculty members who choose fessional survey and evaluation of
to hold classes. current police procedures in the
Another important question dis- field with a view toward necessary
cussed yesterday was the rela- I alterations of present policy.
tionship between the faculty and
politics. Many faculty members. --That the city distribute an in-
obiected to the Senate ruling on formational brochure on police
a political issue: and a distinction procedure and citizens' rights,
was made between "examining"' All items in the report requiring
the Vietnam War and coming out appropriations must be returned
strongly in favor of an immediate to council for approval once the
end to the war. necessary allocations have been
See 'I" FACULTY, Page 10 determined.
pen hearin
to discuss
ROTC plans
An Abridged version of the
final ROTC report of the Sen-
ate Assembly's Academic Af-
fairs Committee appears on
pages 6 and 7 today.
The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs will hold
an open meeting tonight at 8 p.m.
to discuss and answer questions on
the final report of the Senate As-
sembly's Academic Affairs Com-
mittee on the role of ROTC in the
Rent strik
Rent stike organiizng has gotten off to
a slow start this fall.
With the term already five weeks old, the
Tenants Union has received just a few
hundred pledges. And while there are
several factors explaining this, the slow
beginning has somewhat dampened the op-
e organizing slumps
its most active leaders during the crucial Other reasons cited for the strike's slow
organizing period. start include the inexperience of many new
In addition, they say landlords have organizers, lack of publicity as the strike
been unusually careful this fall not to has been eclipsed in the public eye by other
incur the wrath of their new tenants by campus conflicts and polarization on the
doing a great deal of maintenance work campus.
and cleaning. "We're dealing with some really straight
And, as strike organizers point out, ten- people," says one organizer. "I walk in
ants are unlikely to have many complaints there with a beard and right away they