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September 16, 1969 - Image 2

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Page Two


Tuesday, September 16, 1969

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 16, 1969

Like a dinner in Ann Arbor.. .



Whleni vou find in your fay-
orite record store a set of the
complete ymlphonies of Beeth-
oven selling for less than $10,
you have every right to be sus-
picious, especially whien its cover
sp~orts a childish drawing of the
composer: Nevertheless, Mercury
has crammed all nine synmpho-
nies onto six records of their
cheapie Wing series and the re-
sults definitely warrant a sus-
pension of your suspicion. 'Wing
SAW 6-19502)
The recording orchestra is
one of Europe's finest and most
prestigious, the Leipzig Gewand-
haus: the' conductor, better
known abroad than in America,
is Franz Konwitselhny. The
stereo sound, which I will dis-
cuss- in more detail in a moment,
is absolutely first rate.
Konwitschny leads performi-
alc(,s that are both solid and
elegant: very few lapses in taste
or in intensity occur. The Leip-
zig Gewandhau~s produces a
massive, solid sound, but one
that can be light where need be.
The strings, for the most part
excellently precise, arc definitely
stressed. at times to the detri-
ment of the voices and colora-
tions of the other sections. This

emphasis on the strings (cellos
and basses are very evident) in-
deed leads to one of the set's
flaws: while the woodwinds and
brass playing appears quite comn-
petent, it seldom achieves its
due prominence, as in the Pas-
torale. where the winds are so
important. It is not that the
winds arc drowned out by the
strings. simply that the balance
is not in their. favor.
The dependability of the or-
chestra and the predictably sen-
sible tempi chosen by Konwits-
ehny provide both the assets and
the liabilities of the perform-
ances. Oni the one hand, the per-
formances resemble a meal in a
good Ann Arbor restaurant: ex-
pensive sounding, proper, every-
thing in its place, excellent pre-
paration and delivery, and the
aura of aristocracy. On the other
hand, there seldom is found any
real imagination, any real ex-
hilarating zest. any true sign of
unusual taste. Everything is
quite excellent, but nothing
overwhelmingly memorable oc -
In this set of Beethoven sym-
phonies. then, the "easier" sym-
phonies-numbers two, four.
and eight-are the most suc-
cessful. In moments w~here a

conductor can exhibit imagina-
tion and passion-~Such as in
the 'Presto of the Ninth Sym-
phony-Konwitsclhny p r o v e s
mundane. In the "Ninth," his
adagio molto e cantabile has
neither interior tension nor com-
plete post-orgasmic lassitude; it
just moves solidly along. Kon-
wvitschny has excellent soloists
for the "Ninth," but cannot
whip up the exaltation that
Toscanini or Horenstein could
effect. Also, Konwitschny uses
the same stylistic approach-
the same solid hand-for Opus
21 as for Op. 125.
In general, then, the forces
employed surpass their direc-
tion,' yet I do not wish to give
the impression that this set
fails. There is so much excellent
in it (listen to the final allegro
of the "Fourth,," for instance)
and certainly enough refinement
to rescue solidity fi'oni stolidity:
at its price it is an exceptional
bargain-and there are far more
prever'se performances to be
found at five times the charge.
Sonically, there is much to
i'ecommend also. The stereo
separation is admirably wide and
life-like:;';air" exists between
mike and orchestra and inner
voices are never boosted for-

ward in the manner of flse Col-
umbia and Victoi' engineering.
You can really visualize an or-
chests' sitting "back there" be-
hind the speakei's. Because the
symphonies occcpy six, records,
the sides ai'e necessarily long,
but the dynamic level remains
quite high. Some end groove dis-
tortion occurs and the surfaces
vary from the silent to the
crackly, A decent booklet of
notes is enclosed.
Incidentally, speaking of bud -
get labels, some of the more
exciting releases continue to
come out on the low -priced discs.
MercurylPhilips will be re-
issueing this fall, on their World
Series label, one of the most
cher'ished sets of chamber music
performances: the complete vio-
lin and piano sonatas of Beeth-
oven as played by Arthur Grum-
iaux and Clara Haskil. These
recordings, . originally available
on Epic pressings, have never
been touched foi' their irefine-
ment and communication of
style and feeling.
Some short notices: Von Web-'
er's Oberon appears iii the
Schwann catalog at last with a
hivhlights recordi why not the
whole thing? by Vanguard.
VCS-10063) The lyrical and
dramatic music, a link between
Mozart's Seragio and Beeth-
oven's Fidelio, is quite effulsive
and inv igorating, especially in
the enthusiastic and vocally
secure singing of Jess Thomas,
Ingrid Bioner. and Erika Koth.
Rezia's Aria "Ozean !" fi'om the
second act (sung here by Bjon-
t er is a drama in itself and
>rprojects -much the same grand-
eui' as Leonoi'e's "Abscheulich-



A West G;ermuan demoqnstrator against an election meeting of the
National Democratic (Party got all tangled up in Bremnen last
night. The demonstrator was one of a crowd of young people
protesting the existence of the ultra-right wing NPD.
Order Your Daily Now
'The Michiganm Daily, edited and man-
aged by' students at the University of
Michianin. N(,w, phone: 764-0552, Second
Class, postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-i
M ichigan 48104. Published daily Tnes- ih 4014 anr n ro. O X
dai thiiroh Sunday rtes!ring University H 1
yer. Sub iriptfion rate-' $9 by carrier..
$10 by mail:.
Summier Ss onai si i t'd I'usdaoeusda x
tion rates: $'2.5 bya rrier, $.i.00 by ., .r

Thiursday, Sept. 18

This Co-ed Sport Is Open To All Students


Official pu blic.at ionl0f the Un iver-
'ity of Michigan ,Notices should be
scant in TlYPEWRITT1EN f o r mi to
Room 35''.8 L... Bldg., before
'? p.m. of thle day preceding publi -
cat ion anid bx. 2 p.m. Friday for
Surday~ and Souday. General
Not ices mtay be published a max\i-
mum of 01twt~ i me's on retlut's t : Day
('alenida r item'is appear once only.
"student organizationls notices a r e
ntot accepted for publication. For
mor01e infor01mati on, phlone 7 61-9270.
1) av (C" l)j(((,,
Thma AL C, . ooley Lecture: PolitIics,
Thle Const itut ion, aiid the W ia r r e ia
Coo:: t, Philip B, Kurladl Professor of
The a U 1lelniversity' of Chicago, '''Tle
t'oigc th le President. antd the
Court'': 100 H-utchins Hall. 4:15 p in.
'lhe tBaroq ue 'T'rio : Nel~onii au"t -
tein, flute: Floriaii Mueller, ('ohio: La-
rence Hurst, double ba' s: Cha;rles
F'isher ic.harpsichord: Racki iaaiIc-
Tlore Hall, 8:00 pIo
General ANi es
Unider'graduate1'Econ. Majors: 1 I 'r
wxill be a meeting of ll u nde'rgrad-

in te economiisi'>imajors oilNvednes-
dlay, Setemt(iber 17 ait 7 :30 p.m. III room
101 Econ. Discussion of the recent
report onlie role of st udents in die-
oairtminata 1 decision-inaking, and iioii-
iniations fior officers of the new steer-
ilug commit tee will ta ke place.
'the compi tng Ceniter annouinces a
oue-hoiur short course on ''The Us<e of
Sequential Files and the Data Cell in
MIS" Prerequtiite is a basic know-
ledgwo the use of MTS. Participants
will b1e expected to have read Comput-
iiig Ceiiter Memo No. 89 _ Introduc-
tion1 to Sequential Files landc the Data
Cell in MT1S. 4 :00 p.mi., Wednesday, Sep-
temnber 24. 1969, Room 1024 of the
East Engiiieering Building. Questions
>hould be directed to Giary Pirkola at
the Comiput ing Center, 114 North Uni-
t ersity Building. 764-2410,
'the Computing Center announces a
oine-hiour short coturse oin Project Ac-
coun t t be hieldi Thursday, September
25, 1969O, at 4:00 pin. in room 1024 of
the East Engineering Building. The
liibriary program Project Accouiit enab-
les project directors and instructors to
iionitor and vary the mnaxiimi money,
disk aind daita cell space, terminal and
pOtt <ing tone, and the expiration timeE
for MT1- signon ID's assigned to their
project or course. An elementary know-
ldeof MNTS will be asstnmed. Ques-
tioli- should be directed to Charles F.
Engle a t the Computing Center, 116

Notrth University Building, r64-2410.
Application for Graduate Student
Dissertation Giranits may be made
through the closing date of October
1. 1969. Late applicationis cannot be
accepted, Two other opportunities foi
ap~plication wilt be pi'ovided during the
year; one in January, anotigr in March.
Exact deadlines will be announced.
The students are expected to havea
clear statemeiit of the research prob-
lern together with the estimated cost of
each major expenditure connected will
it. The pr'oject shotild have been re-
viewed by niemnbers of the doctoral
chairman or the chairman of the de-
Guidelines and a format for tis sub.
mission can be obtained in the Fel-
lowships 0Oflice, Eaekhain 'tiding,
Room 1014; infoirmation by calling ex-
tension 4-2218.
Attention Students: Septemiber 22,
1969 14:00 i.u is the last date tor
the Fall Teirm when the Registrar's
Office will:
a. Accept the Student 100 per cent
Withdrawal Notice for refund purposes.
b. Allow reftuid for the student whio
redutces hotis of couse credit.
'Continued on Page 6)



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