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September 16, 1969 - Image 1

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EDITOIC'S NOTE:: student Gov-
erniment Council has called on stu-
dents to march on the Regents
meeting this Friday to p r o t e s t
heir refusal in July to create a
University discount bookstore. The
following article is an analysis of
action taken by the Regents this
When the Regents voted last
July to kill proposals for a Uni-
versity discount bookstore, they
cited among other reasons the
threat of a state appropriations
cut if a special tuition increase
was levied for the initial funding
of the store.
But at least one state legisla-
tor says such a fear was probably
unfounded, that perhaps the Re-
gents were simply trying to shift
the blame away from themselves.
"It could be they're holding the
Legislature up for the ogre." said
State Sen. Hai-old Hungerford R-





Lansing>. "They do it all the
time, you know..
Nonetheless, interviews with
three regents make it abundantly
clear that the same challenges cit-
ed to defeat the proposal this sum-
mer will be resurected when the
board - faced perhaps by a large
group of angry students - again
considers the issue at their Sep-
tember meeting later this week.
The rugental decision oppos-
ing creation of a University book-
store came in two votes at the
July meeting, with the difference
in voting patterns of the various
regents underlining the ideological
split among them.
First, the Regents voted unani-
mously to defeat a proposal spon-
sored by Student Government
Council and supported by Acting
Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Barbara Newll.

Under the SGC plan, funds from
a one-time $1.75 tuition assess-
ment would be combined with a
variety of voluntary funding
sources to provide the initial capi-
tal neede to open the bookstore.
The fee assessment had b e e n
endorsed by a three-to-one margin
in a March referendum in which
8.000 students voted.
Opposition to the proposal was
led by President Robben Fleming
and centered around what he de-
scribed as the risks of the spec-
ial fee assessment.
In a brief distributed at the
meeting, Fleming argued that the
Legislature, seeing the increase
in total' tuition revenue created by
the one-time assessment, would
revise next year's state appropria-
tion downvard by a corresponding
The net effect, the president

said, would be a simple transfer
of University funds from o t h e r
pressing areas of need to the fund-
ing of the bookstore.
But although virtually e v e r y
regent relied on this argument,
Fleming's theory has since come
under attack from the legislators
Last month, Rep. William Cope-
land (D-Wyandottef, chairman of
the highly influential House Ap-
propriations Committee said, in
an interview that a spacial fee as-
sessment like the one proposed by
SGC would definitely not be con-
sidered part of tuition revenues
and would not affect the Univer-
sity's state appropriation.
Copeland also expressed surprise
that no one from the University
had ever discussed the problem
with him. His committee's recom-
mendation on the size of appro-

priations to the University is al-
most always accepted by the State
House of Representatives without
State Sen. Hungerford, a mem-
ber of the upper chamber's appro-
priations committee, yesterday de-
clined to take a firm stand on the
question, but suggested that the
University could easily collect
the special assessment separately
from tuition and thus avoid the
problem .
It was Hungerford who noted
the Regents' apparent tendency to
try to place the responsibility for
their actions on the Legislature.
The two ranking members of
the Senate Appropriations Con-
mittee have been out of the coun-
try on vacation and could not be
reached for comment.
Since the July Regents meeting,
Fleming has somewhat modified

his view of the effect of a special
assessment on legislative appro-
priations. He now says the rela-
tionship between the two is dif-
ficult to assess, but adds he would
be negligent if he disregarded this
Fleming still expresses support
for the "administration proposal"
which would have allowed for
creation of a University bookstore
from voluntary sources of in-
come - the plan which the Re-
gents defeathd in July in a 4-4
The four Regents who support-
ed the voluntary funding plan-
Gerald Dunn (D-Flushing), Rob-
ert Nederlander (D-Franklin). Oti,'
Smith (D-Detroit) and Gertrude
Huebner (R-Bloomfield Hills--
said, in essence, that they sup-
ported the SGC proposal, but were

afraid of the fiscal implications
of the special fee assessment.
The opponents of the adininis-
tration proposal -Regents Rob-
ert Brown (R-Kalamazoo), Paul
Goebel (R-Grand Rapids), Wil-
liam Cudlip (R-Detroit) and
Lawrence Lindemer (R - Stock-
bridge) - have expressed more
varying reasons for the way they
Goebel, generally considered the
most conservative regent, has
been the only board member to
issue a blanket condemnation of
the concept of a University book-
"I don't think it's the respon-
sibility of the University to carry
on a business operation," Goebel
said in an interview yesterday.
"I've been in retail business for
quite a while and I know what
See REGENTS, Page '7


Gen. Hershey
edenies report
o retirement
Daily Washington Correspondent
WASHINGTON - Official sources here denied last night
a report by CBS News that President Nixon plans to fire
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of the Selective Service
A White House spokesman told The Daily last night that
'There are absolutely no plans to replace General Her-
CBS Newsman Dan Rather said on the "Evening News-
last night that Nixon "hopes to announce Hershey's retire-
ment and selection of a successor within the next month."
Rather said the move by Nix-
on was part of a draft reform
plan "designed to defuse
domestic political opposition
to the war."


5k iAau

Ten Pages

Vol. LXXX, No. 1 1

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 16, 1969



unified strategy

iii suit

Three Republican party mem-
bers yesterday filed a sweeping
two-pronged lawsuit arising from
the Ann Arbor Argus obscenity
The suit names as defendants
the University Board of Regents,
Mayor Robert J. Harris, City At-
torney Jerrold Lax, County Prose-
cutor William Delhey, and Argus
Editor Kenneth Kelley.
Filed in Washtenaw County Cir-
cuit Court by Republican Council-
man Joseph Edwards. former
Councilman John Hathaway, and
Attorney John McCormick, the
suit charges city officials with
having "failed, neglected, and re-
fused" to furnish a written opin-
ion on an obscenity statute alleg-
edly pertaining to the Argus' Aug.
13 issue.
Kelley and the Regents are
charged in the suit as being re-
sponsible for the sale and distri-
bution of the August Argus issue
which showed a photograph of
Republican Councilman James
Stephenson upon which was sup-
erimposed a hand-drawn penis.
The University sells tie news-
paper in the Michigan Union.
Hathaway described the suit last
night as "a legal test case."
"I don't want to see the Argus
taken off the streets, what we
want is legal determination of
whether or not the publication
should be restrained. The court
has a broad scope of authority on
The second part of the suit in-
vokes a state statute requiring city
officials to respond in writing to
See LAWSUIT, Page 7

Hershey, however, denied a n y
knowledge of his reported removal
in an interview with The Daily
last night. He said a reporter
from the Baltimore Sun had in-
formed him of tha CBS broad-
cast shortly before the program
hit the air.
Hershey discounted the story,
saying he had not spoken to Nixon
since Nixon had taken office.
Hershey's removal was hinted at
last night by other sources. Sen.
Mark O. Hatfield, (R-Ore.), a
proponent of a volunteer army.
said he had heard from W h it e
House sources inmrecent weeks that
Nixon would seek "generally" the
same draft changes outlined by
CBS, including Hershey's retire-
*'These moves have been in the
mill by the White House for some
time. he said.
CBS, in addition to predicting
Hershey's removal, said the Pre-
sident also planned to suspend the
draft by executive order for "one
month or more this fall" so Con-
gress can discuss proposed changes
in the draft. He said the Presi-
dent would then order draft
boards to "conscript 19-year olds
first instead of older men,"
Rather said some of the plans
were subject to change, but added:
"All sources agree that Mr. Nixon

By ERIKA 11OFF and
Following a day of tumul-
totus intra - group fighting,
over 300 radical students
overwhelmingly approved last
night a 15 point plan for ac-
t ion against the Reserve Of-
ficer Training Corps program.
The plan, proposed at a mass
meeting by anti-ROTC organizer
Barry Bluestone, Grad, calls for
the continuation of "non-disrup-
tive creative disruption" of ROTC
classes in North Hall as practiced
last Thursday and yesterday.
Other prominent points in-
--large scale dormitory organ-
izing and campus leafletting.
-picketing and possibly enter-
ing the Institute of Science and
Technology on North Campus:
--active participation in this
weekend's anti-war teach-in:
..nondisruptive creative dis- Iar
ruption" of recruiting for war
--efforts to contact top Uni-
versity administrators and attend
the next Regents meeting to raise
the issue;
--attempts to engage in a de-
bate with Col. H. K. Reynolds to-
day at North Hall.
_ The plan emphasizes that no
action taken this week should ex-
ceed the boundaries of "non-dis-
ruptive creative disruption." Blue-
Sstone explained the term as mean- The p
ing any action that does not put mittee on
the demonstrators in danger of recommen
being arrested, with ROTC
However, another meeting was The co
scheduled for Thursday night to
determine if and when disruptive which will
See ANTI-ROTC, Page 10 report stat


Daii - Eric F'er: ky<,t:X

P~rotestrs a t fNorth Hllllshield faes, from camewras



is adamant about replacing Gen. 1W RI'K PERLOFI with the Regents at
Hershey immediately." The Regents will discuss t h e meeting, but Fleming
When asked about any pos- bookstore issue with members of would be contingent on
sible reasons for his removal, Her- . Student Government Council in pens at Thmrsday's se
shey told The Daily "I wouldn't an open meeting from 1:30 to 3 SGC President MartN
want to guess at anything." p.m. Thursday in the Michigan lini said if the Regent
The director' said that he serx'- Union Assembly Room. (trtate a University
ed "at the pleasure of the Presi- President Robben Fleming an- bookstore, Council mi
dent." and that "when I am un- iiounced plans for the meeting calling off the march
detailed I am undetailed. yesterday, following SGC's accept- gents meeting Friday.
"The rumor has been started be- ance last week of his offer to ar- H° and other Counc
fore; at least hundreds of times range a mneting between the two have indicated that
in the newspapers.." Hershey add- groups. proposal to fund th
ed. The meeting will be a part of through voluntary st
Hershey said lie has no present the Regents' Thursday agenda. tributions and outside
plans of voluntarily retiring. SGC also requested a discussion ' considered an acceptab


heir Friday The R&gents deadlocked, 4-4. on
g said this this proposal at their July meet-
n what hap- ing and voted down, 8-0, SGC's
ssion. plan for a University bookstore.
y McLauh- That plan called for a 81.75 per
s agreed to student fee assessment, with the
- financed store primarily controlled by stu-
ght consider dents.
on the Re- In a ref; rendumn last spring stu-
dents voted heavily in favor of
cil members the $175 assessment.
Fleming's The Regents opposed the stu-
e bookstore dent fee assessment plan primar-
udent con- ily'be'aute they fea'ed the Legis-
gifts is not latumm'e would consider the assess-
ble solution. ment a tuition increase, which,
they argued, would result in a
cutback in University funds.
Some Regentsmeportedly f e It
students could not run the book-
store successfully.
SOC membem's have countemred
n that this is just a rationalization
on the part of the Regents. They
contend the store would make a
Wells said profit and students would s a v e
1 couldn't substantially from a 10 per cent
100. We'll discount on textbooks and the 4
eds avail- per cent sales tax exemption.
'ihe University is one of the
, been . ai ew schools in the Big Ten with-
out a University bookstoe.
the dis- Council members have objected
hat Wells to the Regents rationale for 'e-
e told the toeing their proposal and have
id he used expressed hope their rally will
ause "that convince the Regents of the con-
cern on campus about the book-
heir prob- store.
represent- "If the Regents are sensitive to
to Presi- student issues, the number of stu-
on South dents there will influence theni,"
mattress, xplained Council member Bob

,eliminary report of
ROTC presented t
ded the University
or drastically revise
Diumittee has not y
be submitted by Oc
es the committee "

Fresh men

blast dorm crowdi

John Feldkamp, director of
University Housing, 'as the
specific traget yesterday of a
large group of freshmen anger-
ed over being relegated for two
weeks now--and possibly for the
rest of the semester_ - to tem-
porary University housing.
A group callcd HELP. Help
Eliminate Living Problems, at -
tacked the University housin(
director for the mismanagement
that has left them living in
dormitory cafeterias Janitor's
closets, recreation rooms a n d
dormitory study rooms.
Feldkamp met with the sto-
dents and President Flemiine at

rv Bluestone Il'arty McLau ghlin
Bsembly hears
iort on ROTC

during the day. But
last night that "wt
possibly accommodate
probably have 40 be
able. And that's whq
'Tiere mreally hasn t
thing don," he added.
When asked about
crepancy between wl
told him and what h
students, Feldkamp sa
the 100-bed figure bee
is the number we need
To help dramatize t
lems, eight studentsi
in' HELP marched
dent Fleming's home
University Ave. with a


The Student Relations Commit-
tee (SRC) last night approved a
resolution recommending that stu-
dent opinion be given substantial
weight in the current debate over
the status of ROTC programs at
the University.
The resolution stated: "Student,
opinion is essential in making the
decision concerning the status of
ROTC at the University of Mich-
igan. Student groups should mob-
ilize to determine views on this
issue and communicate them to
the Senate Assembly and to the
Board of Regents. It is further
sug ested that the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs offer every assistance
possible to SGC in obtaining these
"Students must feel that they're
in the mainstream of decision

SEC kiacks student
role in ROTC debate

Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, also reviewed
last night policy on student mec-
ords as proposed by the Civil Iib-
erties Board last spring,
The committee generally sup-
ported the report, which set
guidelines to be followed concern-
ing theeaccumulation, retention
and melease of student records,
both within and outside the Uni-
versity. The report also set poli-
cies regarding maintainence of
student records for local evalua-
The committee suggested a
couple of specific changes within
the report, asking that unsolicited
material not be maintained with-
in studentmrecords, and stressing
the importance of the student's
knowledge of his rights and priv-
ileges concerning his record.

f the Academic Affairs Com-
o Senate Assembly yesterday
either end its relationship
the ROTC program.
et formulated the final report
t. 1. However, the preliminary
is agreed that, irrespective of
the current political climate,
the relationship b e t w e e n
ROTC and the University
needs to be revised -- dras-
tically in the opinion of
'The report says it ROTCis
found by the Assembly to be rele-
'ant to the Univemsity, their ie-
visions should depr'ive the pro-
gram of university financial sup-
port, academic credit and depart-
mental standing.
The money currently comumitted
to the ROTC "amounts in effect
to an annual contribution to the
budget of the Department of DQ-
fense, which we feel to be inap-
propriate," the report states.
Because the committee is nearly
evenly divided, there may be two
final reports submit U d to the As-
sembly. In a straw vote conducted
last week. the vote was - for
modification rather than sever-
Most of the tquestiolis posed ur-
ing the meetug concerned factual
details of the report. However.
the question of whether a mo'al

I- £ -M"W 4 -

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