Page Six
Saturday, September 13, 1969
Playing the name game, Big-Eight style Notre Dane rebilds
front line
It is known only to the most
dedicated ornithologists. The fact
is - the Jayhawk is a mythical
bird. But at least it can be con-
ceptualized. After all, what is a;
Sooner, or even a Cornhusker?
On the other hand, most every-
one at least has seen pictures of
Buffalo and Wildcats, but, who
perienced team I've had in the
four years I've been here."
Halfback John Ruggins returns,
but even besides such names as
flashy backs, Bobby Douglas and
Donnie Shankland, and defensive
standouts, end John Zook a n d
tackle Keith Christenson, the
squad's ranks have been decimat-
ed by graduation. Furthermore,
Rodgers' young talent is hurting
Yeas ever ,heard of anyone e v e. rdfor da th.
possessinbg lhissveryowcriC etld? Silhe ails t ht if"this
Finally, there is the human ele- team had played together t w o
ment - psuedo-western Cowboys years, it would be a great team."
(sans the Indians) and a Tiger Other league mentors are indecis-
who often carries on intelligent ive concerning just how in u c h
humanized discussions. quality they possess.
In any case, to Kansas gridiron Oklahoma's Chuck Fairbanks is
opponents of late, the Jayhawks one such person.
are no myth. In 1968 they literally I In spring practice he was com-
flew away with nine games, roll- menting, "We've got a rebuilding
ig up scores like 47-7 and 68-7, job to do." Lately, after reviewing
while falling to t h e Oklahoma his charges in fall practice, he has
Sooners at home 27-23. been claiming that "This squad
Coach Pepper Rodgers will be possesses more quality talent than
overjoyed this season just to be ever before."
considered for the 1970 New As to how this talent will per-
Year's Day spectacle. form under game pressures re-
"Nobody in his right mind would mains questionable.
pick us any higher than third (in The Sooners must find a quar-
the Big Eight Conference)," he terback. The man may be a highly
said, "and nobody in his right promising sophomore named Jack
mind would pick us a n y lower Mildren, but wingback Eddie Hin-
than sixth. This is the most inex- ton is irreplaceable. Still, the No.
1 returnee is Steve Owen, the run-
ner who won the Associated
THE BIG EIGHT Press's Back of the Week Award
in the same week following Ron:
1968 Conference Standings Johnson's spectacular 347-yard
W L T performance, a feat "unintention-
Kansas 6 1 0 ally overlooked" by the wire ser-
Oklahoma 6 1 ( vice.
death from his quarterback posi-
Anderson racked up 2128 total
offense yards last year. but he also
had a good deal of playing time
to perform because the Buffs' de-
fense gave up points faster than
Anderson could score them.
Unheralded Kansas State, whose
4-6 record last season was the best
in years. returns 10 defensive
starters .to the 1969 spqad, po,-
se.qses ain experienced quarterback,
and even sports the Wildcat.
Kansas will claw at opposing
defenses with devastating results
this year if a couple 9.4 sprinter-.
receivers and certain running
;)acks adequately complement
quarterback Lynn Dickey's prom-
ised aerial antics.
If one grants that Kansas State
has good reason to expect a top
four conference finish, then the
Big Eight offers six teams with
valid hopes of winning campaigns.
Of course this leaves out two
other conference members.
First, there is the Iowa State
Cyclones. As yet school officials
have not been able to contain a
live mascot for an entire game
but Iowa is not expected to blow
over very many teams, anyway.
Nevertheless, the Cyclones did
finish with a surprising 3-7 mark
in 1968, and the team is rich in
experience. The big catch is just
how talented these veterans grid-
de's are besides their seasoning.
Finally, on: of the few things to1
brag about at Oklahoma State is
the rough non-conference s I a t e.
It includes Arkansas, Houston, and
Texas Tech. State supporters could
boast about the Cowboy but they
don't have one Indian, and may
not even bother with a talking
Cowboy to entertain the fans.
In any case, no one in Stillwat-
er wants to talk much about foot-
ball. With little hope for victory,
the sport quickly becomes a tired
subject -- no matter what is in-
vented for a team name.
aS suir er oriur
None Dame will be sotne-, hat
unfamiliar to most armchair
Gone are nine of the eleven reg-
ulars from the 1968 campaign and
the great Irish offense that aver-
aged over 35 points a game over
two ofthe bast thre' seasons.
The Irish will need a stiong of1,
fensive line to produce the ball-
control offense they will require to
win. This is one of the more press-
ing problems bothering head coach
Ara Parseghian as they prepare
for their opener against North-
western Sept. 20.
Parseghian ioted that "with-
out even a few experienced line-
men to form a nucleus, our of-
fensive unit will be somewhat of
an enigma in the early part of the
In molding an offense, Par-
seghian is counting on junior quar-
terback Joe Theismann, who di-
rected Notre Dame to two vic-
tories and a 21-21 tie against
Southern Cal in the last three
games of 1968 when Terry Han-
ratty suffered a knee injury.
The way the sharp and speedy
quarterback gambles, scrambles,
and scampers around the backfield
makes him live up to the "South
River (N.J.) Road RunrTer" nick-
name that was pinned on him this
"His darting quickness is a real
asset to us," says Parseghian, "and
I feel he will develop his full po-
tential as a passer. In any event.
he's the type of quarterback I hate
to play against."
Along with Theismann in the
backfield are seniors Ed Ziegler
and Jeff Zimmerman, and sol. h-
omore Andy Huff.
The fullback spot could oe in
uood hands if Zimmerman can
overcome an injury-plagued junior
year and duplicate a productive
Ari Parseghia (
Ron Mc~drid1e
Kansas State
Oklahoma State
Iowa State
5 2 0
3 4 0
3 4 0
2 5 0
2 5 0
1 6 0
That's where the talking tiger may
be talked to.
Missouri people are still discuss-
ing the 35-10 Gator Bowl drub-
bing of Alabama. Backs like 202-
pound Ron McBride and 238-
pound James Harrison pounded
the Crimson Tide defense play
after play.
Both players, along with shifty
kick returner, Jon Staggers, will
be unleashed this season to in-
timidate a lineup of opponents
that includes Michigan in Ann
And as if this does not satisfy:
Otherwise, Oklahoma seems to
be in a very optimistic situation
despite a potentially weak line.
Though there's hope in Norman,
Oklahoma, the world's sports pro-
gnosticators are pointing to Co-
lumbia, Missouri as the location
of the Big Eight team this season.
Coach Dan Devine, he may call on
Terry MacMillan, one of three ex-
perienced signal callers in theI
league. MacMillan is rated as a
superb runner but must improve
his aerial consistency to be re-
garded as a great player.
Missouri's defense, while it has
been the key to Devine's 11 con-
secutive winning seasons, may
falter in 1969 if its somewhat
green members cannot adjust to
the complicated Mizzou system.
At Nebraska, where not even
cartoonist can pictorialize the
Cornhusker, the defense returns
eight regulars. This prompted
Coach Bob Devaney to say, "We've
always been first or second de-
fensively in the league. I see no
reason why we won't be right up
there this year."
Of course Devaney's coaching
job is hot without certain chal-
lenges. "We need a qtuarterback,",
he said, "and we don't have the
power running attack we've had
in the past.'
At this point he began spelling
olfense J-o-e O-r-d-u-n-a. The
196-pound runaway locomotive fits
well into the Nebraska tradition.
"Our best back is Orduna," he
says time and again. "If Orduna
gets over a couple minor injuries,
and conies throtugh foi' us this
season, we could have a real good
The Colorado people did not
bother with cartoons. They have
their own live Buffalo. The ani-
mal attends ever game but it hasl
not, as yet uttered a single intel-
ligible word.
Bob Anderson could try to tutor
the mascot in language- if An-
derson was not so busy running
and passing the opposition to
sophomore season when he "s' Ce
team's leadipg ground gainer.
Split end will go to last y
punter Jim deArrieta who has
looked very impressive at fall pi ac-
tice. At tight end senior De'\
Poskon will step into a starting
role. Also in competition for the
end spots are sophomores Bill
Trapp and Tom Gatewood and
junior Tom Eaton.
A very important key to thou
success of the offense will b" ne
interior line. Usually strong, this
year's line will be awfully green.
The only returning linemen are
junior guard Larry DiNardo and
senior tackle Jim Reilly. There are
some bright spots that keep the
situation from b"coming stark.
"Jim Reilly, at this point in his
career, has to rank as good a
tackle as George Kunz," observes
Rounding out the line will be
junior tackle Mike Martin. junior
guard Gary Kos, and senior center
Mike Oriard. ,
The Notre Dame oftense will b1'
rather inexperienced and it wi'
e e a litt" tim for it to ma-
itu ac. jell. It will not be an ex-
o Mve tnit as Parseghian ob-
e ves. ' We may have to employ
i constmini .ground game, a
ind-it-out' offense that isn't
ess'd with gr at backield speed.
d ep rce.yin1 g threat or long-
bunr Y1s1mg
Y Yi h i1,e aP;r.nt ak.'of scor-
ti cotential, added pressure will
b, 'xcrted on the Irish defense.
Ei 1t of eleven starters return
hiii -e son from a defensive unit
that vas ;ebuilt a year ago and
had its problem in the early weeks
of the sason as it fought inex-
llerience and injuries.
The front four will consist of
\ll-American hopeful Mike Mc-
Coy, sophomores Fred Swendsen
and Walt Patulski and either
sophomore Greg Marx or senior
Bob Jockisch.
The linebacking quartet is ex-
perienced, ;alented, and rugged
and should be able to act as a
saf tv yvalve in the event the three
sophomore linni-n win out, in
ti-eir bids for starting roles. "We
are toing to have to depend on
our linebackers to cover up for
any inexperi nee we have in the
ling "'Parse'rhian notes.
Le- by hard-hitting Bob Olson,
N.hose thunderous tackles have
been his trademark since his
so' ouiniore year, t h e linebacker
eon's pssesses speed, agility and
eo)t i) The other Irish linebackers
inc'uct'e junior Bob Neidert, and
seteor Larry Schumacher.
The defensive secondary com-
pletes the Fighting Irish defense.
Candidates for the three back-
field positions include junior
Chuc Zloch. sophomores Ed Gul-
ay and Clarence Ellis, and sen-
iors John Gasser and Don Reid.
Parseghian is plugging for three
touchdovwns a game which "would
le(Ive i up to the defense."
Rugbv's mayhem retiircs heads
(with talk back)
(with edibles)
502 E. Huron
Harman Kardon Model SC2020-T-Ihe Critic', Choice
"It takes leather balls to play
r'ugby," is a well known phrase in
these parts. But. it also takes a
stout heart, a powerful back, and
a r'ock head.
For the average sports fan, ru-
by comes across as organized may-
hem. Example. During a scrum-
mage, the baill, the offspring of a
union between a football and a
basketball, is rolled through the
tunnel of llayers. The prop slows
the ball with his foot and spreads
his legs so that the hooker e a n
heel it through to a back. Simple,
In reality, rugby is relatively
simple to follow. It only requires
an elementary explanation.
The game itself began by
chance. During a soccer game in
1823, at Rugby School in England,
William Webb Ellis carried the
ball. Nothing resulted from this
action until 1839. Then, during
an intramural soccer game at
Cambridge the players gave the
variation a trial. They called it
Rugby's Game.
A rugby field has maximum di-
mensions of 75 yards by 110 yards
vith 25 yard end zonas. There is
no mninimum.
Rugby parallels football in that
the object is tp progr'ess the ball
over the goal line. Here, for all
practical purposes, the similarity
Each team consists of fifteen
players, eight forwards and seven
i). --Pt~r rr f us
Ruiggers scramible for fo otball-sluted basketball
backs. They answer to such titles
as prop, wing forward, half back,
full back, wing back, and hooker.
The quarterback is called a scrum
A man may carry or kick the
ball forward, but not pass it. He is
allowed no interference. T h u s
while lugging the ball the rugger
must face the opposition alone.
For this reason kicking is util-
ized more than in football, but the
lateral and run is the best maneu-
Whn tackled the player must
release the ball. At this point a
spontaneous scrummage occurs.
The scrummna( e. usually short-
ened to scrum, is formed by th e
opposing set of eir'ht forwar'ds
binding to( etht r'with arms
around each other's waists in
three rows each. They band for-
ward so that the shoulders of the
front row players touch. The ball
is rolled through and play is re-
A game consists of two forty
minute halfs, broken by a Iiv
minute half timĀ°. There are no
time outs and no substitutions.
Strong levs should be added here
as a prerequisite.
Points are scored in four ways,
A touchdown, called a try. is worth
three points. The ball must be
touched down within the endzone
The ball is moved f r o m the
point of touchdown perperdicu-
larly to the goal line out at least
twenty yards for a convemsion. It
is similar to the extra point. but
counts two. It is common to see a
rugger in the end zone mtiove to-
wards the center before touching
down to gain better position for
the conversion.
Three points are scored for drop
kicki t he ball between the up
rights 'uring play.
A c or penalty kick is also
good for'three points. This occurs
a hr in freqently. Most penal-
ties --stiltin a tia'ht or organized
.hn 'iY otsare scored, the vic-
t:nizd team must kick off
Therei ore. in rugby, the best of-
Fnse is a strong defense.
RLgby at Michigan is becoming
big time. It is currently the larg-
"st sports club on campus. Thei
have several teams, manned ac-
cording to ability. Each plays a
till schedule
Last year the ruggers finished
second to Ohio State in Big Ten
play after the Buckeyes scored a
final second victory in the sea-
son' finale.
The Gold and Blue teams get to
displaV their talents today as they
open, their seasons against Pitts-
T ie home season commences
Saiurday. September 20. After the
football game, the Blues m e e t
Sarnia arid the Golds face Wind-
Any game that uses a ball that
is a cross between a football and a
basketball is well worth following
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